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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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It was good that Emi and Rin were backstage right now because her face had by this point grown quite pink! Such a subject was embarrassing enough to discuss in private. Here they were not far from a huge crowd of people. Anyone with the sort of hearing capabilities that she had might have even heard them, despite how quietly she was speaking. But then she hadn't seen anyone else with bunny ears so perhaps it was fine.

"I don't know."

Getting together with strangers. It felt weird, but then hadn't Ryan been a stranger? Rin? Even Alexandrine? The first day she had met them and they had pretty much gone all the way. Would choosing people here that she didn't know really be any different? And, truth be told, she was interested in doing it with other people. With more people. Possibly trying to handle multiple boys at once. Maybe that was just her Demon blood speaking to her but the thought of it did cause her legs to press a little closer together.

"Maybe. I haven't really decided yet."

Rin had made that promise, but now Emi felt as though it were constricting the girl's experience. This was possibly the safest place to try something like that out. Her multicolored orbs turned towards her friend, a single hand lifting to gently tap the girl on the arm.

"I don't know if I want to, but if you feel the desire to try it out then you should. I'll be okay. You don't have to worry about me."

Edited by Chiyako
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Elie saw the spread as she nodded. "Oh yes the elegant star spread. I will draw your seven cards and we'll see what fate has in store for you little one." She said her eyes glowing a bit as she spread the cards out and used her magic. A veil or shadow of starry night aura hummed around her as she closed her eyes picking the seven cards.

The cards that were chosen floated next to her. "May the fates be kind as I begin your reading." She mumbled before the cards went into the Star formed spread.

Elie felt the magic and power flowing through her. She took a deep breathe as she opened her eyes flipping the 1st card. "Your first card is your present and it's the 7 of pentacles reversed." She smiled as a small illusion of what was on the card appeared above it. "The seven of pentacles tells me that your feeling frustrated and discouraged because of something you don't understand. Words of celestial advice: The best rewards often take hard work and long term dedication. So don't give up. Keep going." Elie looked at Mitsuko softly. Her tone of voice was soft and sweet. Kind and caring like a mother to her child.

"Your next card is telling me about your emotions and that card is seven of wands reversed. This card tells me your emotions are painful and difficult to understand but you like open honesty. Words of celestial advice: Gather your courage and do what needs to be done." Elie looked a quick breathe hoping she wasn't overwhelming Mitsuko or upsetting her.

"Your next card will tell me about your intellect. What you mind is thinking and the card that is drawn is the six of pentacles." She said each card showing it's illusion. "The six of wands tells me your mind or intellect is very generosity. You wish to help us and your mind knows it. Your mind tells you to be charitable and share your wealth with others. Words of celestial advice: You cand share your wealth in different ways by helping people, saving them or even giving them a bit of knowledge."

"You're 4th card will be your known desire. The think that people see that you want and the card is the nine of cups." A nine golden cups appear above the card. "Your know desire is the you want your dreams to come true and thanks to this card they are. Appreciate the hard work, time, engery and over joy of all the magic in your life. Your dreams are coming true."

Elie looked the last three cards and took a moment. "Once the reading is done please tell me how you feel." She said touching Mitsuko's hand. "Your 5th card is Your heart of the question. What question do you hold deep in your heart that you want answered. The card the fates gave you is Judgement...A major arcana card." A illusion of judge made in water stands next to Elie with a hand on her shoulder. "Your heart's desire is that it wants you to take your time and think things through in order to gain your dreams. Words of celestial advice: Consider your actions carefully because they can bring either a great reward or repercussions."

Elie looked up at the Judgement card and smiled feeling the cards giving her strenght. "Your 6th card will tell me what is yet to unfold. This can either be a event that you must face alone or a event were people help you along the way and card that is fated to this is eight of swords. What is yet to unfold is a event that your entering into is a very fast paced period of movement or change. You'll soon find yourself very very busy but this change will be refreshing and you'll meet many new people."

Elie took a deep breathe looking at the final.card. "And lastly your outcome if you follow what the fates have instore. Your final card is Strength." Elie smiled brightly as she knew the outcome was great. "Your outcome is that you'll find your inner self and strenght. You'll have ultimate power and you'll feel larger then life. Your compassion, kindness and heart will lead you to your dreams." Elie looked into Mitsuko's eyes as the veil of starry night disappeared and the cards lay there in fornt of her. No more illusions just normal cards.


((I actually pulled out my tarot card deck to do this reading.))

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Mitsuko listened quietly, nodding her head to the first words she was told. It had not even begun yet that she was somewhat impressed already. The presence of the Princess made her feel pretty relaxed, feeling comforting. With attentiveness, the valkyrie prepared herself to watch and listen carefully. With an open mind, she would try to understand what each cards meant to her. The first card effectively confused her slightly as she didn't really understand but so was the card's meaning, after all. And yet, the advice felt reassuring and wise. For what it meant right now, she knew she couldn't step back. Moving forward was the only path she had ahead of herself.

As they moved on to her emotions, Mitsuko grew curious but listened without speaking a word. She could not really understand the depth of the words but open honesty indeed sounded like a good thing to her. Gathering her courage, she was told. Yes... This is something that she indeed had to do. Doing what needed to be done was why she was there and, if she was honest with herself, she was glad that she did so. But this probably was not the only time she would have to find the courage to do what needs to be done. With this in mind, the valkyrie took the words seriously for what yet may come in the future. And it was only the start of the reading from the cards...

When Mitsuko was told about her intellect, she could not help but agree with the feeling shared. The wish to help, which was not wrong even if she did not realize the full extent of what being a magical girl meant. Maybe it was not even about being a magical girl but really about... helping others, simply. She enjoyed the idea of helping others succeed but now, she even had the power to save others. Perhaps she could do both, now. There was so much that opened to her but it was probably not the right time to think or rather, overthink about it now. Still... Mitsuko blushed slightly as the cards seemed to have a certain meaning to her so far. It only made her more curious.

The next card was about her... desire? The card spoke of her dreams becoming true. In a way... She always wanted to be more? Perhaps the power she had discovered was the mean to achieve her dreams. She found herself smiling despite the unclear meaning but perhaps there was not much to really think about. She was becoming what she always dreamed to be. Maybe the sword was a way to symbolize it. It was hard to hide that she always wanted a sword of her own. What mattered now was what she was going to achieve with it. There was much more to dreams than holding a weapon... As a magical girl, she had to be responsible of what magic power she now held.

As Elie requested from her to tell her how she felt once the reading was done, Mitsuko simply nodded. Feeling her hand being touched however made her blush a little again, this time for other reasons. But, she tried to remained focused. The next card was about her heart's desire... Taking her time to think things through... Yes... Achieving her dreams was not something she should rush. Considering her actions carefully, was a sound advice. Despite her excitement, she had to remain careful, in order to avoid a disaster from happening. She also had to consider her mother... Mitsuko did not want to put her in danger through her actions. She would need to be very careful...

Next, was an event she would have to face alone or with allies...? A challenge in her life? Or something else...? A very fast paced period of movement or change. Could it be... What she was going through now? No... The Princess did say it had yet to unfold... Still... She was surrounded by magical girls and possibly knights, now. She couldn't help but feel slightly concerned and yet, if the change was to be refreshing for her, perhaps it was a good thing after all. The valkyrie smiled at the idea that maybe there was nothing to worry about yet it did not mean that it would not be challenging nonetheless. In time, she hoped to be ready for when this event would come, soon or later.

Finally... The outcome. Did that mean what she would gain at the end? Her card was Strength. And it was about finding her inner self and strength. Ultimate power, she told her? Could she really become this powerful? Or perhaps there was another meaning to it. As Mitsuko was told of her compassion, kindness and heart, she could not help but smile again, blushing a bit again even. For what it was worth, this reading had been quite revealing to her, even if she did not understand the full extent of it. Still, it really felt like it spoke to her. It did not feel like any casual card reading. There was something special to this one, perhaps it was due to the magical nature of the Princess...

After it was over, Mitsuko took a soft breath, putting all of what she was told together then finally spoke, "That was... amazing. Thank you so much. I don't know why but I feel like it meant something very important. I can't explain it but I think I know what to do, yet... I have no idea. But if I follow your advice, I think I will be alright. I have a lot to think about, from what you've told me." She did seem a little confused but otherwise, she looked resolved to continue on the path she had chosen. Perhaps this was why the sword had chosen her, whatever meaning or connection it had for her. "Do you mind if I stay with you a little longer?", she asked, finally drinking her lemonade.

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Elie watched Mitsuko's reactions as it brought happiness and calmness to her heart. "I understand and trust me the fates don't lie. So young one may I ask will you follow the path fate set for you?" Elie asked as she yawned a bit. 

Little did she noticed a small group of fans came around them. "Wow that was amazing. Did you see what she did mommy....mommy mommy she's so pretty and cool." Elie blushed softly hearing that as she looked at Mitsuko. "You may stay as long as you wish. But you do need to eat. Let me get you something please."

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The truth was Rin was unlikely to take that step without Emi joining her.  She did not consider that promise a burden.  She wanted to do things with Emi and was unlikely to cross that line by herself.  At this point the other girl had finally begun singing.  Some light rock song.  She was quite into it.  No professional herself, but good enough to be enjoyable in a place like this.  The crowd attention was on her.

She shook her head.  “I don’t think I’m ready to even think about doing that by myself.”  Emi had not ruled it out.  She would just have to wait and see what happened.  She felt….safer?  Doing it with a friend.  There was something appealing about them doing it together as a pair of girls.  Though she tried to remind herself she was only a part time girl.  Her thoughts were much more confused, feelings and desires she did not understand.  There was a genuine curiosity but unease about indulging it. 

”I don’t know what you went through before we met.  Don’t feel forced to do it.  But if it happens, I want us to experience it together.”  If she found someone else who turned her on.  If Emi wanted to do it.  Then it would happen.  Otherwise, Rin would not act on whatever it was going inside her.  Not cross a line where she had no idea what would happen.  She also just thought even with a lack of experience, as a girl, Emi might be a better judge of the right boy(s) to do it with.

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Addressing Alexandrine, 'Fujiko' peered directly into her eyes, as she maintained a look of vulnerability, "I've been alone for years now. Only recently have I come to think, it could be different."

She let the words hang for a moment, relaxing her look, "Your new team, do you know who all you are putting together? There's so much potential out there, it seems you have a lot of talent to choose from. It's rather exciting to think a new team is coming together in the city." She feigned excitement, hoping to build some positive momentum in the conversation.

Edited by Balthier
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To not be alone.  That look in the woman’s eyes was hard to resist.  Kind of like Emi, but not quite the same.  But unlike Emi, there was less she could do for this woman.  At best make sure she did not get hurt again.  She could keep the woman company here, if that was what she wanted.  But she had to look elsewhere for something long term.  “An interesting place to look for companionship.  Hope you succeed.”

She was cautious about saying too much about Emi or Rin.  “I have not known them very long.  Maybe I will find one or two others here too.”  Ellie was still a possibility.  Could there be others?  It was best not let a team get too big, though she did not have a strict number in mind.  There could be others not known, discovered here one way or another.

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Rin would only try it if Emi was there. That placed her into something of a predicament. It would be good for Rin to try it once, right? Just to at least see if she enjoyed it? But maybe she wasn't ready yet either. She had just come into this sort of thing, after all. Heck Emi was still navigating this stuff! The idea that she would have to make the decision for both of them brought her some unease.

I suppose I could put up with it for her sake.

Have sex so Rin could have sex. Or maybe it was just a good excuse for her to do it? Was that all it was? Emi using Rin as an excuse to try it? She couldn't quite tell. Yes, on one hand she did want to try it. She really wanted to try it. But on the other hand it still did scare her a bit. However if Rin would only enjoy herself if Emi was there then, well, maybe she would just have to steel herself and get it done.

I wonder if that man will be here.

Emi's thoughts briefly lingered upon the man she'd met the other day. The one who helped in the fight against the Demon. Her cheeks, already somewhat pink, briefly flashed a slightly brighter shade as she remembered his face between her thighs. He was pretty big though. Would Rin be able to handle that? Heck, would she?

Well maybe I'll ask if I see him here. I don't know.

"I'll think about it" Emi finally replied, turning her attention towards the girl who was singing. She had a pleasant voice! But thankfully enough she clearly wasn't a professional. As long as they didn't go after anyone professional then maybe she would be fine out there too.

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'Fujiko's' soft smile changed to show genuine warmth, "Thank you, though I did not mean just here. I meant in life as a whole." She feigned a slight embarrassemebt but studied her reaction to her next line intently, "I don't mean to bother you, if you have... someone else. But if you ever wanted a friend, who understands..." She let her words trail off trying to get a read on her.

Fujiko tried to express understanding in her tone, "If you ever find yourself in need of someone to talk to, I would listen. Perhaps I could provide you with with some measure of support, or comfort. I think there is still much of life for us to experience. I just don't want you to miss out, like I did, for so many years, feeling truly alive." She wasn't going to push the matter, if Alexandrine dodged her attempt to get closer again, she would probably back off for today, not wanting to keep her from other matters or get annoying. It would all depend on what feeling she got now.

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Rin nodded.  She was not sure if there was anything else to talk about.  Well maybe.  She supposed it was as good of a time to have some ‘girl talk’.  Get advice of a sort and just learn how Emi thought about such things.  “If you do decide to do it.  What kind of boy do you think you would look for?  Anything that makes you want one more than another?”  Emi might not have had experience.  But that did not mean she did not have preferences, her eyes were drawn to some more than others.  Her heart…other parts.  “What does it feel like, when one gets your attention.”  Sure she had been attracted to girls before as a boy, Emi included.  But she wanted to hear another perspective.  See if Emi felt anything like the confusing things she currently felt.


“Someone like me can’t have someone else.”  Emi and Rin were teammates, friends.  She trusted them deeply.  But something deeper.  She believed that was still impossible, remembering her past attempts.  To not be alone.  Nothing long term could happen here.  But would it really hurt to spend some time with this woman?  She seemed to be hurt as well.  “If it is not too painful to talk about, how exactly did the demons hurt you?”  A sensitive subject, but maybe she wanted to talk about it.  Especially with someone who shared similar pain.  She did not know where this was going to go.  But maybe this was someone easier to talk to than most.

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It was a fair question. One which kept her face flustered, yes, but one which Rin couldn't really find the answer to on her own. Well, maybe. Perhaps her heart would change as she spent more time settling into her role as a girl. Or maybe not. Emi couldn't really know. But then Emi was still new to this stuff herself.

"What happened at the gym, um, well, I don't know. I guess I just hadn't really been able to relax before. When I was there I was relaxed, and I guess maybe I could think about that stuff more, and you were handsome. I was curious."

Curiosity had been the biggest thing then, but that could apply to just about anyone. By that logic she'd probably prefer to try being with someone more grown up. Someone bigger. Multiple people. Try new things that she hadn't. Sate her curiosity. But that wasn't really a good answer to Rin's question.

"I like nice people. Being handsome helps. You weren't too much bigger than me so that made me feel safer about it too. But also you were pretty brave, even if maybe you didn't feel that way."

Indeed, Ryan was still a boy who had ventured into the girl's locker room to shower. That took a lot of confidence! It was something which attracted her. She had enough of a lack of that sort of thing herself.

"When I really feel like doing that I feel warm. Sort of tingly. A strange fuzzy feeling, I think. I just feel like I want to be close to someone, to maybe be joined with them. I think."

She shrugged, a little unsure of her own answer. "This is all still very new to me. You would do better asking someone with more experience, I think."

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'Fujiko' allowed a flood of real emotions to cross her face, fear, hurt, anger. Her eyes had a distant look, she was aware, and played it up. Normally she could control these emotions, but she tried her best to amplify them now, and show them.

"It was many years ago, a region far off that I'm sure no one has heard of." Telling truths in a way, that were at least part true if mostly true, made it easy. "I was a free spirit, a traveler." 

She allowed herself a brief smile at this point, "It felt like the whole world was mine to see at that point.  The universe was out there waiting, and I felt alive! You know?"

She reached out and grabbed Alexandrine's hand once more squeezing. Her look back to channeling sorrow, "But I was taken... that way. Trapped, claimed and bound to service and made to serve as slave, to a demon lord. He's gone now."

Exzel's eyes came back to the present, back to Alexandrine. "But I learned much. The most important thing, it's good to have friends, you can count on. If you don't, if you're truely alone, that puts you at greater danger."

Her eyes now back making direct eye contact, "So you see, I wonder if some day, there is space for us to have a friendship. Survivors supporting each other, in our own way. Even if it's only an occasional comfort. "


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Rin listened quietly.  The feelings she mentioned at the end.  Kind of like what she felt when hearing Hikaru’s speech.  It was not anything like that though, was it?  Then there was that boy they met with Elie.  He was also a Knight.   Was he here? “Well, I don’t know if I would have gone in there without someone’s permission.”  She glanced at the Alexandrine plushie in Emi’s arms.  If neither of them had been there, she was not sure which shower she would have entered.  “Once I was in there.  I was a little captivated by you.  Both of you kind of, but there was something about you.”  Things had moved much faster than she could have hoped for.  “Others here probably feel something like that for you.  Both of us really.  This is the safest place.  For both of us.”  The safest place to take a chance like this.  “Though I don’t know how blatant they will be.  How many of them will try to do things with us, to make us want them.”  It was what a lot of boys here probably hoped for.  Not to outright ask for sex, but to try to impress them.  Make them want to do it.  Would another boy excite Emi like that?  She would not be jealous if one or more did.  Would one excite her?  Could one?  She did not know.  Part of her wanted to encourage Emi, give her a chance to experience something like that where it was easiest.

”Don’t know how many other people I can talk to.  There’s….the Diamond Sorceress.”  She was careful, had to be sure not to mention real names.  “Not sure how much she wants to talk about that.  Not very close to any other women currently.  Not any that know about this side of me at least.”  She might end up doing it, before having a chance to talk to someone who knew more.


Alexandrine’s hand gripped Fujiko’s back, without realizing it.  She found it hard to believe it was a place she never heard of, but she was not going to push for details.  This had been difficult for the woman.  It was not the same as her experience. But she could imagine much of it.  The demon lord probably was not Zorn.  He focused on this area.  It was good that one was gone as well.

She did not ask how far Fujiko was used.  It would not surprise her if they had both been used that way.  “I keep both my lives separate.  If you understand I will say very little about my civilian life or identity…I would not mind spending more time with you.”  She did want to spend some time with Emi and Rin.  But perhaps this was something she had needed.  She was vulnerable at the moment. The demon knew how to speak to her, and had an appealing form.  “I will spend time with you today, if that is what you want.”  Just sit here, do some of the other things around maybe.  Though Fujiko needed more work and time to tempt Alexandrine to invite her to a private room.

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10 hours ago, ElieCapulet30 said:

Elie watched Mitsuko's reactions as it brought happiness and calmness to her heart. "I understand and trust me the fates don't lie. So young one may I ask will you follow the path fate set for you?" Elie asked as she yawned a bit. 

Little did she noticed a small group of fans came around them. "Wow that was amazing. Did you see what she did mommy....mommy mommy she's so pretty and cool." Elie blushed softly hearing that as she looked at Mitsuko. "You may stay as long as you wish. But you do need to eat. Let me get you something please."

Mitsuko felt ready, more or less. The session with Elie had helped restore her confidence even though she had no idea what really was waiting for her. But still... "Yes. I will...", she replied simply before she noticed her yawn. This made her wonder if the reading had tired her or maybe, it was just a long day for her. She had no real ways to know but magical girls had their own adventures, after all. She had been so focused on the reading that she did not notice the fans around them, who she knew they had come to see the Princess. It still gave Mitsuko a smile, as maybe one day she may be looked at the same way. Elie was allowing her to stay but really advised her to eat, which made her realize that she should also follow that advice. "R-right. Of course. Thank you for everything... I will be waiting here, then.", she replied, trusting the woman to make a good choice of food for her, while she relaxed herself for now.

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So Alexandrine had given Ryan permission! That is what their discussion had been about. Well it worked out in the end. Heck, if she hadn't done what she'd done that night then maybe she would be even less inclined to come here today! Once again it was someone else taking the initiative for her, and for that she was grateful.

I hope she is enjoying herself. She really deserves to be happy too!

Emi's gaze turned to the floor as Rin admitted that they had been captivated by her. More compliments she had difficulty dealing with. Having that effect upon others was still very strange to her. Rin wouldn't be the only one either. She had already felt people's eyes upon her, and at least one adventurous hand against her rump. Thankfully it had mostly missed her tail. That might have actually been worse.

It is the safest spot. True.

If they weren't blatant then Emi had a good chance of going through the entire convention without having sex. Perhaps that was for the best. Maybe she was moving too quickly? She wondered if someone like the man they met the other day would skirt around such things. And sure, maybe being with multiple boys at once might be really fun, but she did also know first hand that a knight felt somehow even better than a normal Human. Well, probably. She hadn't been with a normal Human like that. Not all the way anyhow.

"Maybe we can find someone for you to talk to."

Thankfully there was something to take her mind off of sex. Thinking about it so much, and being surrounded by so many possible candidates, and being dressed as she was had all been getting to her somewhat.

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Elie got up as she smiled looking at fans and gave a few hugs and then giggled. "Well thank you little one. If you ever need help look up to stars and moon and I'll be here." She said before a few people asked for autographs. 

This wasn't anything new as she was use to signing autographs in her civilian life. She signed them and then looked at Mitsuko. "After you eat I think it would be beat to introduce you to the Diamond Sorcereress. She is very wise and will be great help." She said seeing her lemonade was gone. "Please watch over my bag while I get you food." She asked softly before walking off to get Mitsuko a meal she would enjoy and another lemonade. Elie felt a warmth in her chest. Could it be that she was happy having found someone to help as a magical girl. It made her feel special for some reason. Was this a normal feeling? She'd have to ask the Diamond Sorcereress.

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Mitsuko nodded, as she was told that she could be introduced to the Diamond Sorceress, next. The name alone made her a little nervous again but she told herself that it was nothing to worry about. If she was as kind and comforting as Elie had been, all would go well. With the request to watch her bag, Mitsuko reached to pick it up and keep it close. In such convention, she doubted that anyone would really try and steal it but it was best not take any chances. All she would do is protect it for now. Finding herself alone, in some way, she was finally realizing all that was happening slowly. The sword... Her mother obviously catching her trying to sneak away but giving her the idea to take a closer look at this convention. The meeting with the Princess, as coincidental as it was. Or perhaps it was fate. She held the sword once or twice now, many more times before if she included fencing practices...

Taking a good look around herself, Mitsuko felt herself enjoying the moment as it was. Granted, Elie was right. She was getting hungry. A meal soon really would not hurt. Then she could meet with other magical girls. This is all she could currently hope for but she sure would be tired when she return home later. As much as possible, she would have to keep this transformation a secret. At least she did not feel like anyone was able to recognize her right now.

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After a few minutes Elie came back with another lemonade and a burger and fires. "Here you go. You need your strenght in order to protect others. Also thank you for protecting that bag the contents mean alot to me. It's a collectors edition of my favorite manga The Vampire of Verona. It involves a magical girl falling in love with the Vampire big bad and their love changes the world after some hardships. I was hoping to find maybe some stuff about Voltron and Prince Lotor but they really aren't magical girls so I guess it's alright? Also what kind of music are you into. Anyone famous?"

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There was the other new Magical Girl they had rescued.  But how experienced was she?  Did she even want to talk about it, after what the demon did to her?  There was Alexandrine’s…friend?  Jumi.  The Rose Fairy.  But again, uncertain how much experience she had.  Neither of them knew the truth about her yet.  But at least Jumi would not be surprised.  She was not the first this had happened to apparently, though that was kept secret from the public.  Or did she mean talking to boys?  Rin was not sure.  She had not yet noticed Emi getting into it.  Maybe she would encourage it a little more if she did.

”Maybe.  Though we should probably wait here until our turn.”  The first girl had finished.  With a bow and wave to the crowd, she stepped down.  Another girl came up.  Singing a more tragic song.  Not of the death of a friend.  But betrayal.  A girl who was a close friend and ally, now an enemy, twisted around a demon’s finger.  Everything between lost, but not forgotten.  A bitterness but realization she had to fight.  The singing was intense genuine.  Rin had to wonder if it was based on something the girl had gone through.  “At least none of the old team had that fate.”  As tragic as it was, if Alexandrine had gone through that, it would have been even worse.  At least Emi’s mom had not been broken by her father too, though she did not say that.

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Mitsuko had been waiting but a smile drew on her face when she saw the meal being brought to her. And then, Elie told her about this manga collection she had seen her buy earlier. However... Mitsuko did not really know anything about that one collection in particular. Romance manga were pretty popular however so the story of it explained to her did not really come off as a surprise. The valkyrie found herself surprised when she was asked about the kind of music she liked. Like everyone else, she had her own tastes in music but it was not really the focus of her life. The part of her that had an interest in manga and similar things however couldn't hide that she sometimes listened to idols or, in some instances, electronic music without any real singers. "Um... Not in particular. I mean... The kind of music I listen to does not always have lyrics, you see.", she said, a little embarrassed.

Still, the stage did make her curious. Mitsuko was aware that some magical girl themselves were idols, making them even more popular. She was this close to celebrities.

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"Ah I see. Well you can tell me what kind of music. I don't judge. I'm actually really close friends with the Lotus Princess. The ones who's symbol is on the banner near the stage. " She said looking at her food and Mitsuko. "Go on ahead and eat. After that we can go to Daimond Sorcereress and speak with her." She smiled starting to eat her chicken salad with veggies. "If you have any other questions I can try to answer them."

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Emi nodded once in agreement. She could get something to drink afterwards! Truth be told she didn't know when it was supposed to be their turn to sing. One girl had just finished and another had entered the stage. This song was a lot more sad. The betrayal of friendship. It was something she had to worry about too. She knew full well the dangers of her blood and the potential it had for changing her, for hurting others were she to lose control. With any luck such things would never happen to her.

I doubt if Alexandrine or Rin would ever do something like that.

Rin had a good point as well. Alexandrine, as terrible a loss she'd suffered, had not had someone turn on her. That would have just been even more heartbreaking! It did make her worry about whether or not she should actually be friends with them, or really anyone. But then the chances of Emi ever falling like that were incredibly slim, especially with so many good people surrounding her.

I think if Alexandrine hadn't found me it definitely might have been possible. Maybe I was even close.

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Mitsuko smiled lightly and replied, "Oh... Yes, I figured you would would know each others. It would make sense that you do. But you're right, I should really eat...", she replied before she started picking her food to eat and replenish her energy. They seemed to have a plan for afterwards. Surely, it could only go well from there. "I'm sorry, I did not really bring my music with me, though... This, um, costume did not leave much space for personal objects. Not to mention the wings...", she told the Princess. At this time, her wings were barely one foot long each but still made difficult for her to wear a backpack or the likes. A hand bag would not have been practical, either. "I don't think I really have anymore questions right now but thank you... I'm just glad to be here.", she finally said, smiling and enjoying the moment. AND the food, certainly. Her belly seemed pretty happy with being able to get something.

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Rin was not worried about Emi.  If she had been left alone, maybe it would have eventually happened.  But between herself, Alexandrine and others, she should be safe.  That said, it was a non-impossibility someone might try to break her or Alexandrine.  It was one of things every Magical Girl had to be prepared to fight.  She silently gripped Emi’s hand tightly.  Reassuring her, and reassuring herself.  That the two of them would never find each other in a circumstance like that.  Neither would fight the other.  The song moved her in a way it might not have before, now that she was part of this world.

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