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Private Roleplayers BBS Stream

Showing bulletin posts in Private Roleplayers Bulletin Board posted in for the last 365 days.

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  1. Past hour
  2. I also have a small server set up for the game.
  3. Today
  4. New here, Looking for new rp partners. Dm me pwease :3
  5. Yesterday
  6. So many prompts so many good ideas! I'd be happy to do any of the plots you don't get to rp or are just in the mood for! Or if need be I can try to pick just one haha.
  7. Changed Contact Preference to EcchiText Me!
  8. Roleplay Ideas- Many of these are made with the intention of either having multiple characters involved at certain points or my partner playing as a sort of DM during them! Right now this is a working list with what i’m currently interested in doing! It can obviously change with time. Fantasy Settings- Kali’s kingdom had long been torn asunder by a war that had engulfed nearly an entire continent for damn near a decade. With peace becoming ever closer to being established, Kali, now at a marriageable age is tasked with fulfilling one of the conditions of a long lasting peace by picking a marriage partner from a host of options. A
  9. For a little bit I've had this idea about a roleplay where I play victim of a female serial killer. She lures me back to her place and we have wonderful sex, only for me to be brutally murdered. I want it to where the murder plays out(so maybe think about it more as torture) and sex doesn't need to be BDSM or anything like that. My only real requirement is that you're alright with character descriptions.
  10. Last week
  11. Take your time my friend no need to rush I would recommend some soft rps till you get the hang of things because even us adults have to corner off a few things just to make it work so please take your time explore the site and see what you think alright?
  12. I've replaced past plots with brand new ones. Feel free to message me if either sounds interesting.
  13. David watched the crowd all around the swimming pool. His neice just turned (age determined in private chat!), and her parents threw her a pool party with all of her friends. He couldn't help but look at all of them running around the pool, swimming in their swimsuits that outlined their body so well...his neice included. Perhaps he could convice his brother to take his neice home with her so they could have a nice night with his wife and clean up the mess in peice. Davids wife was out of town this weekend, but they didn't have to know that. Maybe she could bring one or two of her friends asking with. He could think of a few onnocent enough
  14. Changed Contact Preference to EcchiText Me!
  15. I'd be willing to try this.
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