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The Black Unicorn

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The Black Unicorn Bar has a large round counter, surrounded by stools, in the middle of the bar where the customers can order up anything on the menu. The rest of the bar has many wooden tables with metal chairs for customers to eat or chat with each other while a  waitress shows up to take their order. There are stairs in the far right and left of the main entrance which leads to the 2nd floor where people may rent a room for the night. The top 3rd floor is for the workers and owner to stay which only a few are allowed to enter with a special key card each worker holds. Vergil's room is locked with his master key card allowing him to easily pass through all security with this card.

(Bar Owner: Vergil)

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Mary sits at one of the many stools lining the bar of The Black Unicorn, holding a dirty mug of what could probably be best described as horse piss. All she could afford with the caps she'd made. The ship was getting ready to make its latest trip which meant less traders needed protection to make the dirt route and none of the rabble who lived around here seemed to need any help with anything. Maybe she should go out on her own, see if there were any scavenging opportunities. Well, she had enough caps for tonight, so for now she was just going to finish her drink. 

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I sat down at my private table in the far back and away from the many customers appearing in the Bar during the night while I began enjoying a book. The waitress brought my food quietly and bowing before she left since she noticed my deep focus on the book and I glance at the steak well cook on the table. I nod with satisfaction since it smells great and I could feel my stomach growling at the scent of it which came at the right time. I sigh as I gently put the book down while I began eating the steak by my lonesome and really craving meat for a while now.


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Mary turned to look at where that smell of well-cooked meat was coming from. It was a rare thing to smell out in the wasteland, even in what passes for civilization these days. More common was molerat, mirelurk, fish and whatever can grow in the irradiated soil. She then saw that it was coming from the private table in the far back, so Mary guessed the guy that was sitting there at the table was the Owner. She'd seen him around, but never really talked with him.

"Seems like you've got quite the luxury there, huh?"

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I began enjoying my juice steak as I hear footsteps approaching me and I glance to see a woman walking to my table which made me drop my tool as I clean my mouth with a tissue. She began asking about the food on my table since she was pretty keen to notice the meat and truly appreciate it since she looks quite a knowledge person with the scarcity of supplies around town.

"Indeed I do, and you seem to know a fair share of knowledge. What's your name strange?" I ask, confidence.

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"Name's Mary. And when you've been around the wasteland like I have, you start to pick up on stuff. But you don't need to know much to pay attention to what you have there. There are definitely people around here that would put a bullet through your head for that if we didn't happen to live under the gaze of the Seafarers and the Brotherhood. Hell, I can't say I wouldn't." Mary laughed. "Don't worry, buddy. You're safe from me. For now."

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I chuckle at Mary's warning since this girl had humor and having experience in the wasteland like I did before taking over this Bar to relax. I knew people wanted me dead and I still do feel a strong hatred toward me since I do come here to enjoy the best food possible. Still, I could handle anything thrown at me so I was prepared for such worst scenario and workers fully train for such thing if it did happen like she predicted. 

"I see, then I will take the advice to hear then." I smile thinly. "Why don't you take a seat Mary and tell me more about you, if you like of course," I spoke.

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Kuri silently silently strolled into the Black Unicorn, an almost impressed look on his face. Many of the other places that he'd been in were nowhere near a kempt as this small pub. By the attire he was wearing, he was obviously pretty wealthy, especially considering the wasteland that East Texas had been turned into.

He walks to the bar, his eyes cold and stern. He was very tired as he walked, his steps silent and his katanas swaying slightly on his hips. He looks towards the girl and the male in the corner. The didn't interest him that much until he smelled actual good food, something that most pubs lacked. He looked at the waitress at the bar before speaking in his soft, silky voice.

"Excuse me, miss... But how much would what that gentleman's dinner cost if I asked you to produce it for me?"

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"Taken an interest in me, huh?" Mary smiles and then sits down at the table. She then puts her hands up on the table and looks intently at Vergil. "Well, the thing is, I only take interest in those that can help me survive out in these wastes. You obviously have the caps, or at least the resources, so the question is, Mr, what work would you have for me and what are you willing to give me for it?" She then backs off, leaning against the back of her seat. "Of course, I can tell you how I'd be useful. I've explored and scavenged the Texas Commonwealth ever since I was a baby, I can take some hits and keep kicking, and I can handle a rifle like any Texas girl should. I think that's all you'd need to know to make a decision."

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I see the lady taking her seat as she took my offer and explaining the deal of her "usage" which was rather impressed for her to explore Texas Commonwealth on her own, especially the baby part which was a lie or hope so since she was incredible if she did. I lean back on my chairs as we discuss business matters while gently tapping my index finger on the table since I do lack some help around the bar and also someone to scout the area for more resources of any desire. I notice one of the waitresses helping a strange man carrying an intimidating katana around his waits and I narrow my eyes to be cautious if he tries anything funny. I lower my right arm below my table as I pull my hidden blade from my sleeve and quickly return it back to continue with my gentle tap.

"Caps isn't a major problem in here, and you could work as a waitress if you have the free time or feeling a bit lazy but mostly, you will be working on scouting the wasteland for any useful resources. Even information can be valuable as gold so try to gather anything that interested us and you will be pay greatly while having your own room on the 3rd floor with your own keycard to access it." I explain, stern. 

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Kuri can feel eyes wondering his body, most likely to see if he were a threat or not. His katanas remained sheathed, though he knew he could yank them out extremely quickly if he were put into a precarious situation. His suspicions were confirmed when he heard the gentle clicking of a blade being retracted. He smiles gently. He was up for a good duel. These ghouls hadn't posed very much of a threat, and Kuri was in dire need to entertainment. He looks back at the owner with the exact same type of narrowed, menacing eyes before the owner turned back to the girl in front of him

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55 minutes ago, lVergill said:

I see the lady taking her seat as she took my offer and explaining the deal of her "usage" which was rather impressed for her to explore Texas Commonwealth on her own, especially the baby part which was a lie or hope so since she was incredible if she did. I lean back on my chairs as we discuss business matters while gently tapping my index finger on the table since I do lack some help around the bar and also someone to scout the area for more resources of any desire. I notice one of the waitresses helping a strange man carrying an intimidating katana around his waits and I narrow my eyes to be cautious if he tries anything funny. I lower my right arm below my table as I pull my hidden blade from my sleeve and quickly return it back to continue with my gentle tap.

"Caps isn't a major problem in here, and you could work as a waitress if you have the free time or feeling a bit lazy but mostly, you will be working on scouting the wasteland for any useful resources. Even information can be valuable as gold so try to gather anything that interested us and you will be pay greatly while having your own room on the 3rd floor with your own keycard to access it." I explain, stern. 

"Ah?" Mary put her hand up to her chin and her eyes looked upwards in thought, before making a sly grin "I'm definitely no waitress, but scouting and scavenging is definitely something I can do. And great pay and a place to lay my head at night? Sounds like a great deal." Mary took a quick, sneaky glance behind her, towards whatever patron seemed to have riled up Vergil, having noticed him taking out that hidden blade. She saw the well-dressed man with the katana. Quite the suspicious character she thought. But the focus was on Vergil for now. "Of course, I'm going to have to grow some trust in you before I throw all my cards on the table, but for now, we've got a business relationship."

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Kuri's sensitive ears picked up the words "business relationship", which sort of peaked his interest. Could she possibly be talking with the owner of the pub? Or simply one of the employees. It didn't matter that much to him, unless if that was truly the owner of the pub. He smiles and catches the eyes of the girl before she returned her attention to the man. He didn't seem like much, but Kuri wasn't one that was to quick to judge. He did seem sort of inexperienced with the way that he hastily revealed his weapon that quickly at what may have been a threat. Kuri knew better than to engage a stranger with aggression, so he put his hands on his hips, leaving himself open wide for any kind of attack that may be thrown his way.

As he was still awaiting for the waitress' reply to his question, he flipped a pure gold ring between his fingers. He let out a small sigh before sitting instead of standing at the bar

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Jericho had been sitting in a booth attached to one of the bar's corners, enjoying a glass of what he was certain to be gasoline, taking note of the interactions. What caught his eye, however, was the stranger with the swords. First and foremost, this guy has friggin' Katana's, in the wastes of East Texas. That right there is peculiar enough, but the man's body language was tense, and his hands constantly found the hilts of his blades. Blanca followed the whites of the pail skinned stranger's eyes, spotting his gaze on Vergil's. Not wanting to take any chances, Jericho groaned loud enough for the people in the bar to notice him as he stood, and sauntered over to the stranger, gasoline still in hand. 'Kill 'em with kindness,' Jericho thought to himself as he slapped a friendly hand the man's shoulder and he sat down next to him. 

"Howdy stranger!" Jericho greeted with a smile, wide eyes attempting to meet the others. 

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At the touch of his shoulder, Kuri's left hand gently gripped the handle of the katana on his left hip. He soon lossened his grip as he heard the cheery disposition of the strange man. Their eyes connected. His eyes were still cold, but lightened when he realized that the man meant no harm. He spoke, his silky voice containing only a light Japanese accent. It made it obvious that he hasn't been in his homeland in several, several years. He gives the man a small smile as he talked.

"Hello there, sir."

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The man's accent caused Jericho's ears to practically perk up. An internal sigh of relief pressed against the inside of Jericho's chest, relieved that his friendly attitude had at least some effect on the stranger. Blanca brought his gloved hand from the mans shoulder, taking note their firmness, and set his hand next to the other at the table. "I don't think I've seen you in these parts before," Jericho said, nearing the truth. It wasn't exactly a matter of personally seeing this man when it came to Jericho, rather, he'd have heard about him before from one of his informants. But then again, there's always the possibility that Blanca had forgotten hearing about this guy from one of his Pathfinders. Or perhaps, this stranger had done a particularly good job of covering his tracks. Either option peaked Jericho's curiosity. 

"What brings ya around here?"

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"Business. And I was told that this place served somewhat decent items for consumption... Are you drinking gasoline?"

Kuri looked down at the man's cup, seeing a dark liquid sloshing around slightly in it. He sighs softly and removes his glasses from his face. He looked more menacing without his glasses, oddly enough, but it may have had something to do with the way he had to slightly squint to see. It almost looked as if he bore a constant glare. But if one were to be fooled by his looks, then they were going to be shocked by the calm, kind demeanor he had when he wasn't in battle.

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  • Auxiliary Staff

Catherine entered the bar, eager for a drink to have after doing a very intense order for one of her customers. The dress that she had wanted was more complicated than it first seemed and Catherine had been toiling away at it. Her fingers felt stiff from the use of a fine needle through tough material, and her throat was begging for something more flavourful than water. Even the purified stuff. It just wasn’t what she was in the mood for. She was dressed in one of her casual dresses which was a deep red in colour. While it was made using materials she had bought, it was in the style of one of those old pre-war dresses and brought numerous compliments. Of course, she wore clothes she had made herself for two reasons. The first, was that she could always guarantee that her clothes were well made and not about to fall apart. And secondly, whenever she told someone that fact, it brought interest to her shop. So she used herself as a walking advertisement. 

Her green eyes glanced around the bar, noting several figures that stood out from the general crowd, including the owner of this establishment. She had seen him before, however she had never spoken to him. He seemed to be talking to another woman, who looked like the kind that could take care of herself in a way Catherine knew she couldn’t. She looked like she could walk through the wasteland and kick arse while doing so. There were two gentlemen sat at the bar itself, both looking as if they were travellers. Or even mercenaries, she thought when she caught the sight of two swords on the back of one of them. She wondered where they had been, and what things they had seen during their travels. She sometimes liked talking to travellers, hungry for stories of danger and adventure. She went up to the bar, sitting herself on one of the well worn stools, a little away from the two men as she didn’t want to barge in on their conversation. She looked at the waitress and asked in her soft voice, “I would like a glass of vodka please.” 

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Kuri looked closely at the new customer, a female that had walked into the pub. He chuckled softly, his silky voice ringing through the ears of anyone who may be listening

"My, my... Isn't this a popular place~ I've never seen so many people in a pub like this since I've left Japan and was stranded here."

He smiles and shifts in his seat, the katanas moving slightly. She looked almost too clean and innocent to be lurking around wastelands like these. He wondered exactly what she could do for work, and he caught her eyes roaming him and the strange man next to him, who he still hadn't learned the name of. He looks at her, reading the body language that implied that she was respectful of the "conversation" that he was having. He hadn't really gotten anything out of the male, but still at least tried to act interested in the conversation. He couldn't help but let his eyes wonder over the female, seeing her perfectly fine body as she seated herself

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  • Auxiliary Staff

Catherine could sense eyes on her, a feeling she was rather used to. But like every time, she turned her head towards the source of the stare and found herself looking at the man with the twin blades. Her full lips curved as she gave him an openly friendly smile. She noticed that he was remarkably handsome, but the thing she noticed the most were his red eyes that seemed to bore down into her. It was unusual, and it was something that just leapt out at her. Her attention was snapped away as the waitress put down a glass of vodka in front of her with a loud clink. She handed over the caps that the drink would cost before picking it up from the bar. She then turned her eyes to the handsome stranger, lighting her glass at him in a silent salute before she brought it to her lips and took a sip. She shifted slightly on her stool as she leaned her elbow on the surface of the bar, curving her back slightly as she continued looking at the man staring at her, letting him know that she noticed his gaze. Her demeanor indicated though, that she was far from offended. If anything, she was rather enjoying the attention. 

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He smiles, slipping his glasses back on. He still looked slightly menacing, but his presence was alluring. His smile only widened when she curved her back, as if seemingly trying to attract more of his attention. His eyes continue to roam her, capturing every small detail that he could see of her body, from her full. pink lips to her curvaceous body. He almost wanted to see more, but she was someone that he hadn't even really met. He cocks his head in his direction, inviting her to come closer to him and the gentleman next to him. He wasn't seeming to get much out of him anyway, and he needed some form of entertainment. She would do just fine. After all, it was clear that the lady in corner with the owner was only interested in who she was talking to. It was a shame, as she was a pretty little thing as well. He sighs and continues letting his eyes wander the beautiful specimen of a girl in front of him

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"Huh? This slop?" Jericho swished the concoction around in its glass before taking another nasty snip from it.  "Oh it might as well be gasoline honestly," he answered with a chuckle.

The DJ tossed his head back onto his shoulder to look at the new patron who had entered and then bring his head back to look at the mercenary. Jericho didn't say anything, he merely watched the white of the mans lingering eyes. His silver-white eyes blatantly darted between the owner of Gateports clothing store and the mercenary, listening with his eyes as the other two had a conversation with their own. Jericho questioned whether to interrupt their little side-bar until he saw the merc motion with his head for her to join them. Jumping in on this invitation Jericho spoke up, "Oh, that's Ms. Catherine. She runs the clothin' shop here." Blanca turned his body to face the two of them, ignoring the possibility that she may not recognize him, and began his joke. "Hey Catherine, this nice fellow is here for business! Maybe he could cut you up something nice, eh? Eh?" Blanca stared at the two with a wide-eyed grin, waiting for what he hoped would be a laugh. 

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"Hehe~ Cut up something would be a complete understatement... Hell I'd even dice something~"

He said "something" like it wasn't an object, but a person that he was talking about. He was a mercenary after all, and a very, very skilled one at that. He grinned slightly and ordered a vodka as well, placing the exact same amount of caps on the bar before receiving his drink. He took a small sip and rolled the liquid around in his mouth before swallowing it. He let the smoky taste linger on his tongue as he shuddered softly. It was better than anything he'd tasted since he'd been here, He takes another sips, feeling the last one settle in his stomach.

"Now that.. That's some good vodka... If we had any rice, I could probably produce some sake..."

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Fuck you grammatical errors...
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Three dirty-looking men sat around one of the tables of The Black Unicorn, half-empty glasses in hand. Among them was Greasy Joe, the town drunk, so-named for his extremely greasy hair although he had little left. Must've been all the booze, he reckoned. At times, he figured he better lay off, but then... was there anything else worth living for in this dump? 

He wondered if the world had been a better place before it'd turned to shit. Probably not. Probably wasn't worth racking his brain over, anyway. He was a drunk, not some kind of philosopher or something. Was that even a word, philosopher...? Who knew?

''Hey. Hey Joe!'' the man sitting in front of him yelled. ''I'm tryin' ta' tell a story here, man! Pay attention, for Pete's sake!'' 

''Oh, uh... right,'' Joe mumbled in response. ''I'm all ears.''

Joe had known Simon for years. He was a friendly sort, though not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Made his living scavenging, and Joe sometimes wondered how he'd lived this long. Awfully lucky, he figured. Who knew?

''So, uh... where was I...?'' Simon went on. ''Ah, yes, of course!'' he blurted out, and his eyes lit up like a child's do when he gets a new toy. 

''So there he was... by himself, against like, a thousand raiders, or somethin'. Maybe more!''

''Do you even know how much that is, a thousand?'' Simon asked him. He already knew the answer.

''Of course I do! Well, I mean... not... exactly, but... what I'm tryin' ta' say is: 'twas a lotta' raiders, all armed to tha' teeth. Guns, knives, more guns... heck, one of 'em even had a flamethrower! A friggin' flamethrower, can you believe that...? I was sure he was a goner, I was sure!''

''T-then what happened...?'' the third man stuttered, a serious look on his face.

''He pulls out a crowbar... and the raiders? They just started laughin'. They wouldn't have laughed if they knew what was gonna happen next...'' 

''Simon, please,'' Joe interrupted him. ''Everybody knows he's not real. Motorcycle Helmet's just a myth... Just some story to entertain lil' kids. You don't honestly expect us...'' and he glanced over to the engrossed man beside him whose name he'd already forgotten, '''...uh, me, to believe this, do you? I'm a drunk, not some kind of idiot.'' 

''I'm tellin' ya', he's real! I saw it with me own eyes, I did! Motorcycle Helmet's real!'' Simon protested. 

''Ugh...'' Joe sighed, and he gulped down his drink.







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  • Auxiliary Staff

When the mercenary cocked his head at her, Catherine knew that it was a silent invitation to move closer and to join them. An invitation she was not going to pass up. Keeping her grip on her vodka, she slipped off of her stool, stepping closer towards the man. Catherine’s eyes were then drawn to the man who had been sitting with the stranger with the two swords, her mind finally registering that it was the local DJ, Jericho. Her mind, so focused on the mercenary had completely glossed over him. She gave him a friendly smile, letting out a soft, musical laugh at his joke. She slipped onto the stool beside the mercenary, her body turned towards him, “I suppose if you managed to get yourself into a spot of trouble, I could stitch you up.” She said, in a rather bad joke of her own.

Her eyes then moved back towards the mercenary, “But he’s right… I’m Catherine… what’s your name?” She asked. She then wondered briefly if he was the one that saved her life all those years ago. If he was, would he even recognise her? For that matter, would he have even remembered the incident, or was she just one in a long line of innocents that they had saved? Nothing but one in a long blur of them? That thought was a little depressing, but she wouldn’t really know until she met him again. Providing she ever did. It would explain her fascination with outsiders, mercenaries in particular. She was hoping to one day meet her saviour. Her attention was brought back by his comment, which for a moment confused her before she asked, “Sake? What is that?”

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