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Black Crusade Reboot Discussion Thread!

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But an Adepta Sororita, no matter what, would attack us. They're straighter edge than the Grey Knights. Problem with 40K is there is no middle ground. The Imperium are absolutists. What's not them is their enemy. Although recent editions are softening that a bit, the Sisters just ain't going to cohabitate with Chaos

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I suspect we all will. Are we good with paring back the rules? I'm kind of leaning towards adapting something like 1d10+stat with results like:

<7 failure, succeed at cost

7-8 succeed

9-10 succeed with style/bonus effect

11+ crush it

Stats will probably end up kind of ripped off Apocalypse World and rank 0-3

Fight (Wich will double as dodge)



Personality (leadership/charisma)

With 6 points to spend.

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Posted (edited)

I do not. I've played the Inquisition modules of warhammer roleplay but that's my only experience with 40k ttrpgs. And I would want to know more about the setting to give you specifics but I was thinking about being a Chaos Sorcerer.

Edited by Ceberskie
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The original game focuses on Chaos Warbands in the 40K universe, Cultists, criminals, heretics, Chaos Space Marines, unsanctioned psykers and sorcerers are all welcome.

In the original reboot I played a Night Lord Captain who became a sorcerer. Tzeentch (or maybe the sorcerer who he was studying under) turned him into a woman. All we have is heresy!


One of the things I want to say to everyone is that by stripping away the heavy mechanics of the Fantasy Flight games, I want to empower everyone to fail interestingly. Lose a fight but get taken captive. Don't die unless you want to but we're here to create a cool story and some rough, shitty failures are rich fertilizer for cool things to grow out of.

I would like whoever plays to find reasons to stay with the warband - lust, affection, greed, they give you cool people to kill. That way if someone loses a fight and The Dark Angels drag them off to transport them to The Rock, we can bushwhack them in the Warp and board their corvette while they try to seduce the Inquisitor.

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Posted (edited)

It can be a mishmash - Chaos doesn't care about who you were, only what you can do for them.

One of my favorite Black Crusade characters was from an in-person game. He was a Dark Angels Devastator who was not aligned to Chaos. He was really just a mercenary who'd lost faith in the Imperium.

Edited by WritesNaughtyStories
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