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"i don not see why not you have always been the athletic type ill stand by and watch and if anyone says that you been lieing tell them come to me " Nero was teal his normal mood has he stood back to let he streach for he laps that she was needing to do 

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"Ah, thanks teach. Knew I can count on you." Scarlet smiled. She began to stretch her arms around her body before doing the same thing with her body. "Alright, I'm going to get started." She waved as she left his cold aura. She went to the starting line and she set her four hands on the starting line. Her head lowered and her ass rose as she waited for the invisible shot to signal her heat. Then as if responding to that invisible shot, her body shot out. Her foot steps pounding out a path in the concrete as she started her laps. Her breasts bouncing a bit more than usually as she was still mostly dressed in her clothes that she was wearing when she went to orientation which did not include her bra. 

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Nero just stood by keeping watch like he said he would he really didn't need to move is head to see anything so he trusted scarlet to do what must been needed . Standing there still teal was on his face showing he was still in his normal mood 

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Scarlet panted as she kept running. She was only told to run without saying for how long she had to do it. So, she figured a couple of miles would do the trick to appease. "Haaaaah~ Haaaah~" She panted as she could feel the burn of her muscles as she worked them thoroughly. Scarlet's pace was rather quick for a long distance run but she had confident in her stamina to be able to maintain her pace. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Edward was still pretty unfamiliar with the school's layout and fellow students, but he figured a good workout could never go wrong. He plants himself near the edge of the field to avoid hindering the other people out on track. He was impressed by the red lady doing a long run but he decided to focus on himself as he was expected to be at peak performance. He started with some push-ups, going pretty fast and not really tiring. He felt very light, almost as if he was excited to work out in a new location.

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Not far from Edward @KinkyAF , another student is also doing her own regimen and workout, basically working up quite a sweat and making heavy noises of light exhaustion as she is near some instruments of bench pressing. Edward can see how Malikah J'zar has not just one, but two large pair of weights to lift up and down, groveling out numbers as she counts her repititions over and over, reaching around 254 by now and more to come. AS she is down on her back and all, her trunks kind of betrays her as a pair of large buldges clearly give away she is packing a lot of heat down there as well.

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Edward's interest was at it's peak after he noticed the muscular individual @JennyDK, he couldn't deny his curiosity about the two large bulges either. He'd been doing a relatively quiet solo workout but he thought it couldn't be a bad thing to interact with new people. Edward stood up and slowly progressed, astounded by the high number of reps she had completed already with the large weights. He had walked himself to where he was almost next to her but not too close, Edward watched for a few moments but felt starting a conversation was necessary as his eyes began to focus on the pair of  mountains on her crotch. Edward cleared his throat and lowered his gaze to make it clear he means no trouble. "Greetings, My name is Edward Van Ignis, but just Edward is fine. I couldn't help but be fascinated by your workout form, it is incredibly impressive. You don't mind if I hang around here a little bit, do you?"

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Malikah stops doing repititions as she is called out like this and she puts both bars full of weights on their resting places and then sits up on the edge of the large bench, her large buldging body glistening with sweat and her natural musk kind of sweet and salty in its scent. She wonders why someone would come up to her all of a sudden, but doesn't really seem to mind at all. She flexes her four arms nicely, loving to make others admire her lovely physique and standing out quite a lot. She takes a moment to look the young male over before finally replying, most likely sizing him up in her mind."Hello there Edward. Oh this? This is the easy part - just a nice little warm-up and all. Hang? Uhmm...from where? I mean, I would rather not have some kid in a noose around me....are you okay? And the name's Malikah J'zar", she responds, clearly misinterpreting the term 'hanging out'.

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Edward quite liked the little flexing display Malikah did as she sat up. He smiled as his nose caught her scent, he liked it more than he'd care to admit.  He crouches and sits on the floor in front of here as he felt a little impolite standing over her. Malikah's misinterpretation of Edward's speech actually made him chuckle under his breath. "I'm fine Malikah, I'm not really hanging from anywhere, just standing. You really are chiseled though, seriously. One of the most muscular people I've seen, very awesome." He smiles comfortingly, he already imagined from the short exchange that he would enjoy her company. "Well...Do you mind if I just stay around here? Watching you is fun."

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Malikah simply drinks in the praise and adoration of her body and smirks wide and nicely, the lovely words making her look him over a few more times indeed. She nods softly and give him a weird look he might not be able to interpret. Her buldges sway around a little bit as her body does even small movements as well, scooting further forward on the large bench."Ohhhh, good to see someone who recognizes talent and proper physique! You like muscular women Edward? Hehe...sure, you can watch me if you want...do you want me to go back to pressing?", she asks curiously with a raised eyebrow.

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He tries to ignore the weird look, although he was a little curious. His eyes drop as her bulges sway, this makes him feel a little awkward as his cheeks go a little red. "Yeah...I'm definitely a fan of strong and muscular women. It suits them perfectly, especially you Malikah." Edward scratches his head at her question. He wasn't exactly sure why she felt the need to ask nor did he know how to properly answer. "S-sure, I just wanna see you be active so go right ahead." He smiled at himself for giving a well open response. He stayed sat on the floor, looking up at her as she towered above him. There was definitely a casual feeling in the air as Edward no longer felt out of place thanks to Malikah.

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The large goro female cannot help but admire the boy's taste in females, especially since it includes herself. While he doesn't seem to be here to work out. she is not ever shy of showing and proving her strength and such to others, no matter who they are. For a brief moment she looks over towards the red skinned Scarlet @OlrukTheSmall to see what she is up to and if she is looking this way at all. With that quickly over with, she looks at Edward and responds."Why thank you, young Edward. It's not for nothing that I usually come in first. Let me know if you want to give these try too", she says, motioning towards the huge bars with heavy weights on them. Then she lies down once more and with her four arms resume her training."258...259...260..261...262...263", she keeps going like that, her muscles buldging and flexing as she bench presses.

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Edward also gives a glance over at the track and shrugs. He gets into a more comfortable position as he decided to keep watching. His original intention of getting a quite workout had completely slipped his mind after his encounter with such a muscle-bound individual. He was enjoying her personality and was very much enjoying the scent she gave off though he tried to avoid too much of it as it would definitely make his 'thing' wake up. He smiled warmly as she responded. "No problem, I'll be sure to let you know if I feel like giving it a go. Although I doubt I'd get anywhere near you haha." Edward chuckled at his own humble response, he knew his strengths and weaknesses well. He was 100% sure he was severely outclassed. He watched very intently as Malikah resumed training, his gaze was fierce as he peered at her flexing muscles.

"So uhh, what is there to do for fun besides working out?" Edward asks, unsure if it could be interpreted as an implication but he just shrugs and resumes observation.

Edited by KinkyAF
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The harsh and warm sunny rays bathes the goro woman in their heated glow, making the sweat particles on her body shine like small diamonds while her form still exhumes her heavy pheromones and of course scent. She seems to be quite capable of both conversing while still lifting her massive weights, both of them seeming to have about 500 kilograms attatched each. Every muscle in her upper body flex, pulsate and buldges from each of the many consecutive repititions made to the large weight rods. Deep grunts and almost animalistic growling gets past her lips as she focuses mainly on the workout."You never get there by being lazy! You think these babies came out of nowhere? Hell no...you gotta push your limits young Edward", she pants. The heavy adrenaline even causes her buldges to twitch and throb openly, as getting praises is a secret turn on for her.

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Edward barely even felt the harsh rays as he is used to working with heat and such so he was enjoying the pleasant temperature. He was having a much harder time keeping his excitement regulated in such a presence, but he didn't want to leave. "Yeah, I know. But my limit is around 250 kilograms per arm so I doubt doubling that would go well. Still though, you really are amazing. I'm jealous of your strength." Edward was getting more worked up now after noticing her bulges throb, his eyes were now completely glued to them. He'd never seen a pair before so that made it even harder to look away. "S-still, I do plan to raise my physical limits...its just...kinda hard..." Edward's words trailed off into silence.

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Despite the high summer temperature Malikah simply keeps going at it, partially now that she seems to have a miniature fan of some sort, which further strokes her competitive ego - she needs to get even stronger, she tells herself, if this is the kind of acknowledgement it harbours. The buldges become pretty clear and visible by now as the work out, heat and praise get more to her and she pants for more than one reason it seems."250 kg is good, but I suppose our limits are just different...hmmmm...should I put on more weight...Edward? I am sure it will be plenty...hard", she growls in delight and takes no shame in her clear arousal.

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Edward gulps nervously at the sudden turn of events. He went from going to a new school to watching a buff futanari workout with her bulges in clear view. He doesn't take his eyes off the prominent mounds in Malikah's pants. He just tries to get a successful response out. "Plenty hard? Y-yeah...I'm sure you can handle more. Your strength is incredible after all." His face was red and his usual confidence was nowhere to be seen, strong women like Malikah were his biggest weakness after all. Her suggestive use of the word 'hard' mixed with her scent and obvious arousal was almost too much to handle as Edward's crotch began to come to life too.

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She grows a wide and cocky smirk on her face as she puts the two bars onto the supports once more and gets off the bench ever so slowly and carefully. At no point does she seems to care that her training shorts are buldging like crazy, even as she bends down to pick up more weights, putting the total of 750 kg on both bars. Meanwhile she is mostly aware of her own arousal and need for even more appraisal."Ohhhh, this is closer to my true strength! Just watch me!", she says confidently, but as she tries to get comfortable, she notices how the shorts are just cramped and tight now. So with even less shame, she simply takes off her shorts and reveal twoi massive hardening futa cocks that throb heavily."Now...that's better!", she says in relief and get down to bench pressing again.

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Edward looks on in awe as more weights are added. "You...Just Added my limit onto there. I've never seen anyone as strong as you..." he somehow got himself to talk after the state he fell into, however that wouldn't last long. He was left totally speechless as Malikah so casually removed her shorts. There was now nothing obscuring Edward's view. He stared at the massive rods in front of him. "W-woah...they're both so...big..." He decided he didn't want to talk anymore and just sat awkwardly fidgeting below her twins. His body was so hot now that he could no longer hold back his lust. He reached out and rubbed his finger against one of the cocks to feel it. He had no other thoughts in his mind at this time.

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Of course, she is all ears for any more praise he has to give her, basically fuelling her competitive spirit, eagerness, arousal and of course determination to show off more. Before she can get many more lifts down, she feels a finger play with one of her dicks. She tenses up right away and grunts deeply."Hey there! Who said you could casually touch my penises? If you wanted to feel them, at least fucking ask first! Geez....", she grumbles heavily and put the weight sticks back onto the supports.

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Edward is pulled back to his senses when Malikah scolds him. He pulls back and bows his head, his heart beats rapidly as he just got a feel of such a powerful she-cock. Edward Scramble to apologize because he'd hate himself if Malikah fell out with him. "I-i'm so sorry! I didn't mean to annoy you, I was just so impressed by your strength and your uh...size. I misinterpretted you removing your shorts as a green light. Forgive me." His tone was serious and apologetic as he spoke. Throwing away his first friend in such a stupid way would be embarrassing.

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She sighs softly, thinking most monsters would know when one is "invited" or not. Still, she has been trying to learn not everyone reacts to things ther same and all, with different cultures and whatnot."Don't beat yourself up over it, kiddo. You didn't do much anyway, just...you know...keep things in mind, allright? Now that you got me all hot and bothered, how about you give my cocks a little work out? I can tell you are sniffing my scent...I am not oblivious you know", she growls and sits near the edge of the bench, her cocks rock hard and out still.

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Edward really wasn't all too familiar with this stuff despite his lust demon blood. He'd had intercourse with lower demons before but they always wanted it as he was a high demon. Edward listened to the small lecture and nodded. "Yes ma'am, I will be more careful." his eyes widen as he is not only officially invited in, but also called out for indulging in Malikah's scent which makes him blush slightly. "hehe sorry...I couldn't help myself, you smell too good." As he speaks, Edward grabs a cock in each hand before slowly stroking from tip to base. He didn't really feel all that nervous considering that they were in public. 

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Malikah watches the younger demon get in front of her whilst speaking."That is good to know. Others will not be so forgiving", she says plainly and grin wide as it looks like she is having an even better day now, with a willing little femboy to help out her bodily needs."Haha, yeah...when I work out it usually turns heads...for more reasons that one...", she replies back with a sultry voice before a long and happy  growl of pleasure leaves her lips, now that her two cocks, upper and lower, get a hand to stroek them both. The members start to throb even harder between his feminine hands and oozing precum from the slits. For now, she is content with the light stimulation with the younger demon boy.

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"I can see why you'd turn heads. You're so impressive in basically every way. You have unmatched strength and two giant cocks to go along with it. I personally don't know anyone I'd rather spend time with." Edward smiles, his movements are consistent which show off his skilled hands. He watches the oozing precum as some saliva escapes his mouth. Edward couldn't imagine how it would taste but he had to be mindful of boundaries so he just kept stroking away with the occasional glance over at the track area as he knew there was at least one person there.

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