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2nd year classroom

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Maxwell watches the class bake the pie shell as he stands before the class answering any questions that might pop up from the other students as he takes to walking around the group. He calls out to the class, “Once the pie shell as the baked form of the dough is called is done, you will pull the pie out of the oven and allow to cool. This will take a bit of time before the weights can be removed due to the temperature” as he proceeds to remove his own completed pie shell setting it on the stove. He continues as he says, “Once cooled remove the beans and then slowly pour the apple filling into the pie before baking in the 350 degree oven for 20 minutes, any questions” as he looks around the room at the class.

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For now, Bella is not really left with a lot to do and that honestly suits her just fine with this sort of "project". She doesn't aim to be a grand chef or baker or anything of the sort. Right now she can mostly nod at Hellhound who seems to have her part well taken care of for now. Already now, she can tell she would rather be doing other kinds of studying, but remains focused on this still."I am sure with our brilliant efforts, that we can score at least an A or B+, miss Hellhound. You were right to be teamed up with my magnificent self!", she boasts and smirks. The rest step seems really easy."Shall I do the next parts?", she suggests, always happy to do any jobs where she doesn't get dirty.

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Hellhound had been sitting in front of the oven and looked at her partner when talked to. The self praise only made her smile, seeing nothing bad with it herself. As long as she had fun doing it and she passed then everything would be fine. The timer was still going on and a question or rather a concern of some sort came to mind. "I don't mind if you do the next parts but can you handle the heat? This thing is hot and it's like it's growing hotter, too." She looked at the oven, something she didn't use often or even at all. If Bella needed help for at least this part, she'd just take it out for her but otherwise, she'd move away to let her partner do the next steps.

Edited by Seraphina
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Maxwell watches the class as they are waiting for the timers to go off to signal that the pies are done baking in the oven, which he calls out to the class, "For those that are sensitive to heat or burn easily. Humans have oven mitts or pot holders that can be used to pull the pie dish out of the oven. Please be careful for those that are not immune to fire or heat" as he watches the class when he holds up the two items mentioned. As he goes to continue talking the timer for the ovens would go off signaling the ability to pull out the pies and allow them to cool for a few minutes before filling the pie shell with the apple filling. He would call out, 'If any one burns themselves, please let me know and I will come take a look with the medical kit, which if needed we can get the nurse involved" as he pulls his own pie shell out and sets the med kit on the counter.

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The vampire countess listens to both Hellhound and the home economics teacher, trying to see what the best strategy would be, even for something this obviously simple and easy. She has never heard about these oven mitts before, but it seems pretty straight forward. She simply watches the teacher use them to grab the pie tin out of his oven."Ohhh, I can handle that with no difficulty, I am certain", she states and nods. Thankfully, a part of being undead is having a colder body, which hopefully helps a bit as well.  So she puts on the oven mitts and then quickly slip her hands into the hot oven, pulling out the metal tin and up again onto the stove where it can rest for now."There! Easy enough!", she says, sighing in relief though.

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After hearing the teacher, Hellhound almost looked concerned for her partner but it seemed she looked confident enough to manage so for now, the beast girl observed quietly just in case. For someone like Hellhound, seeing someone using oven mitts was a little bit of a funny thing but surprisingly, they worked as intended and effectively protected Bella from being burnt. Fire shields. For hands. Or at least this is what the beast thought out of ignorance but it was still amazing to her. Moving on, she stood up and looked at the result then smiled to the countess. "We did it. But we're not done yet...", she said, taking a look at the book and what was left. "Now we have to make it a full pie!", Hellhound exclaimed happily as her tailed swayed to their success so far.

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After some time has passed to allow the pies to cool, Maxwell watched the varies students complete the task of creating the pie dough and pulling the pie shell out seeing varies results of the shells being under baked or burnt, which he would politely inform the group that they needed to recreate the pie as he calls out, "Once your pie shell is cool to the touch and doesn't feel too hot go ahead with pouring or spooning the apple filling into the pie" as he spoons his own apple filling into the pie. He takes a small ball of left over dough as he explains, 'You can then roll out any left over dough to 1/4" thickness and cut into strips over different shapes to lay over top the filling in the pie for decoration like so" as gives an example of cut 1/4" strips creating a weave over the top of the pie with leaves laid out of the top. He continues by saying, "The topping of the dough on the pie would be what you want to make a decoration and you would then set the pie in the oven to allow it to bake for another 5-10 minutes until golden brown with the filling starting to bubble" as he places his own pie in the oven setting a time as he watches over the class saying, "Now finish the last step on this baking to await your results"

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The vampire countess gives a respectful and acknowledging nod and even a small smile towards her partner in the kitchen as things seems to smoothly and well for the pair so far. Bella admires the work they have accomplished up to this point, even if she cannot smell the aroma of the baked dough and the filling  who has been made for the pie. At least it look pretty right when compared to what the teacher made."I can see that is the case. At least we seem to be a fair way into it...", she comments back before listening to mr. Maxwell once more as he instructs everyone. She fully takes the information in as well as she can, then turns to face Hellhound once more."Miss Hellhound. I can deal with the filling and you deal with the baking of the pie. How does that sound to you? Is it an adequate and satisfactory way of dealing out our remaining tasks?", he asks the other female.

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Hellhound took a moment to listen to the teacher again but while it didn't sound complicated, the measuring part wasn't what she liked to do best. Thankfully, she wasn't alone to do that. The promise of food they would cook themselves was all the motivation the beast girl needed to do her best. Eyeing her partner when she was being addressed, it looked like Bella had a good plan, as expected. With a determined nod, Hellhound agreed to it. "Baking is what I do best. At least I think so...", she said, pausing a moment like a flash of mental process was happening in her thoughts. She knew she couldn't bake with her own power but that was still an amusing thought. She wasn't going to test and risk ruining their efforts, though. If it worked for caught prey, she wasn't in the wilderness now. "I will do my best and I will not fail you.", she said with confidence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maxwell watches the students as they proceed to finish off the last of the final steps that are needed to complete the pies by filling them full of the baked apple gooey stuffing and finishing off in the oven. He calls out to the students, "Once the pie bake timer goes off, you can all pull the pie out of the oven to allow it to cool for a few minutes, which once done you can then cut a slice of it to taste the fruits of your labor and if those that are able to can have whip cream or ice cream as a compliment for the pie since it is nearing the end of the class period" as he glances up at the clock to see the time.

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Bella makes a few and final stirs into the bowl which contains the filling for the baked goood. Once it is out and ready for it to be stuffed into the pie form, the countess slowly tips the contents into there and scraping out any remaining stuff with a large spoon, making sure to get as much of it where it needs to go. She does it slow, meticulously and with great care and a very concentrated look upon her face. Thankfully she had been talked into wearing an apron, with the promise of her expensive and highly antique dress not being smudged in the process of making this pie."I shall entrust the final part of our success in your hands miss Hellhound. This shall prove our teamwork to be great and capable!", she says with high confidence in her voice once she hands over the almost done protect to her partner.

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Hellhound had been watching her partner with lot of interest meanwhile, mostly because it was nice to see the progress being done with their work. The more it went on, the more tasty it looked except for the part it wasn't yet cooked so she knew it wasn't quite ready yet. With the way Bella then told her that she had to do the final part, it made it sound to Hellhound like it was the most important part of the teamwork and so, it only motivated her to do it better and more cautiously. Failure was definitely not an option because if it happened, she would feel pretty terrible about it. Carefully, she picked it up then put it in the oven. Checking the book a last time, she adjusted the cooking time the way it was shown and only when she was sure, she started the oven. "It will be a delicious success!", the beast girl exclaimed, watching the heat picking up in the oven. At the very end, when it was over, she opened the oven again, uncaring about the heat and picked the pie slowly and put it on top of their desk. "How does it look...?", Hellhound asked, wondering if it was ready to eat. But first, she waited for her partner to confirm if it was finished or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maxwell watched the students prepare the same recipe for the baked apple with varying results of how the pie turned out with only a few having an issue with the pie coming out a burnt or overcooked. He chuckled softly as he called out, "Don't feel discouraged for any of you that might have run into issues with baking this dish as it can be a bit difficult or easily over cooked" as he glanced around the room as the baking times start to go off, "For those of you that have already pulled the pie out and let it cool down to serve should now see a golden brown pie crust with the apple filling being to just bubble underneath" as he holds up his own glass pie dish with a completed apple pie within. After a couple of minutes, he calls out, "Simple cut a couple of slices and lay one out for you and your partner before setting a slice of the pie aside for me to score it for a grade" as he gives the class a few minutes before walking to each station to sample the finished product quietly giving out a grade to the pair of students at the station.

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Bella looks at the result that has emerged from the hot oven, with her being asked what she thinks of it. Not eating any sort of food, does not mean not really spending much time looking at it either. So the countess only really has the one the teacher made and the picture in the cook book to compare to. The finished product seems to resemble what it's supposed or at least close to it. In any case, there is probably not much they could do, other than bake it some more if needed."I think this looks pretty decent miss Hellhound. Hopefully Mr. Maxwell will agree on that. It smells fine...it seems", she answers, her senses more aimed at other types of...diets.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hellhound gave a smile upon the approval as their teamwork seemed to be successful. The beast girl probably didn't understand the diet choice of Bella unless of course she was told or she saw it. Right now, the most important part for her was to follow the teacher's steps to follow. Using a knife, she worked on cutting the pie with what she thought was fair slices then picked one for herself on a plate and still served Bella another, for the sake of following the steps perfectly. The third one was put as indicated for the teacher to examine for their grade. The scent itself reaching Hellhound's sharp nose made her excited to take a bit but she behaved and waited, despite her tail swaying and betraying her happiness. For now, she stood still and waited, hoping that their delicious looking work will be good enough for a nice grade.

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Maxwell coughed slightly at one of the other stations that the pie was made at by another group of students, while he grimace crossed his face as he set the pie done that was provide from their class assignment pie as he exclaimed, “Too much salt… pie was inedible” as he wipes his face with a white handkerchief. He continues saying, “Crust was ok a little under baked and filling was a tad over cooked. I’ll give you a C+ for a grade on the pie” as he makes a quick note on a score card held by a wooden clipboard. He smiles politely at Bella and hellhound as he states, “Ready for your judging on your pie? It’ll be out of 30 points based on taste, preparation and appearance” as he looks at the two of you.

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The countess does not intend to think of their result as anything less than stellar and correct - after all, they were following her brilliant leadership and Hellhound was decent at following orders as well. A large and wide confident smirk take up the space between her ears, making anyone pretty aware of her being pretty happy with their pie. She gives Maxwell a soft nod as well, to add to that aura of confidence brimming from her person."Of course, we are ready when you are mr. Maxwell. Of course, we would hate to make anyone else feel bad when your pallets are assaulted by our delicious treat, so if you wish, you can give our pie a result privately later", she says, giving a pitiful look at those who seemed to have overloaded it with salt. With her words, she also makes it less embarrassing for her if it should have turned out badly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hellhound's excitement was visible, mostly thanks to her tail that she thankfully didn't swing around like some dog, and she also looked quite hungry but she stood her ground with amazing resilience. That is, if she did as well as Bella thought she did. In her own mind, their teamwork was a very fun experience and her expectations went toward being able to taste that pie more than the actual grade. The description given by Bella made it sound even better to her ears and yet, she remained calm and looked at the teacher, giving him a nod as well to mimic her partner. "We're ready...! I think we did everything that was told to us so it has to be good, right?", Hellhound said with confidence. Well, the teacher was going to taste it first so he could confirm or not if it was edible. For her first time experience, she was a little worried but she hoped it came out well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maxwell chuckles at the mention of the private tasting of the pie as he replies, “that is quite alright and mistakes happen when partaking in the art of cooking with it’s many different cuisines.” As he delicately takes one of the plates and the serving utensil to cut out a small slice of the pie. He gives off a soft humming sound as he comments, “It has a wonderful golden brown not over cooked and the filling has a beautiful amber color, while being set properly to night ooze out” as he sets the slice on his plate. He takes a small bite of the pie and nods thoughtfully as he swallows his bite before replying, “Very nicely done and no issues with the salt” as he pauses dramatically before replying, “full marks you two well done” before he sets the slice of pie down onto the counter as he has done at each station with only one bite taken.

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Bella is filled with an even greater sense of accomplishment and confidence, making her grin grow much bigger as a result. Putting her hands on her hips and lightly looking in the direction of those who oversalted things, she gives her own reply."Ohhh, thank you. There was never any doubt in my mind that Hellhound and I would succeed well. I see no reason why we should not partner up for the future lessons either. Good work partner", she says, voice clearly cocky. Whilst all of this is happening, she uses her Auspex ability on the other groups to sense their current sort of emotions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hellhound smiled wide as she heard the grade they had gotten together. If Bella sounded very confident in their success, the beast girl on her side had no idea if she would do well or not but following the steps had proven to bring them success. Not only was the good grade a very good news but it also meant that what they had prepared would be wonderful to taste and eat. Before she jumped on anything, she gave a look to Bella first. "You were right, we did it! Now, we're at the best part.", she said while salivating some. Her intentions were obvious and she looked forward to that very moment. "Let's eat...!", Hellhound suddenly exclaimed before she reached for the pie piece and finally took a bite out of it. Her expression alone served to tell that it was as good as it looked. Soon, she gave another look toward Bella seemed to suggest she should also try it, not really thinking about what she can or cannot eat.

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  • 3 months later...

After a short of a walk to reach the classroom of his one year older seniors, Lucca storm in with an up-tone whistle. He closed the door and put his stuff aside taking a good look around the place. "Large..Very large. Like everything else..This Academy, has insane budget by what I see.." Lucca thought as he brush his hair back in a correct position. He didn't remember if the Headmaster dropped the teacher's name, so it might be only best to call out. He hope, it is not a fierce one. He really isn't looking to have more bad luck today. "Uhm..Hello!? Anybody here..?" He chose not to specify why he is here until seeing if anybody would pop up.

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The classrooms are able to change into what is needed rather fast and easy, due to various spells and enchantments. So right now it has been transformed into a laboratory and science classroom fit for Isabella Scopelli, both when classes are held or when she needs to prepare for classes or simply testing out stuff and pursue her interest in science. Not a lot of noise is happening here, so the sudden opened and closed door is easily heard all around in here. The dragon is shifted to her more humanoid form (as she usually is anyway) and currently messing with some various elements and how they react to different environments and such."Shhhhh....not so loud. You may enter...", a voice calls out somewhere.

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Upon hearing the woman's voice, he immediately its surprised that is once more another female. He hasn't seen a single male for a while now. "Uhm, thank you.." He follows from where he picked up the miss's voice, taking a peak. Being able to inspect her humanoid form, Lucca only figures out one thing, and that is he has conversated and interacted with 3 beautiful women today. He can't deny miss Scopeli has a charming appearance. It helps him sort of think that way because she isn't holding any guns nor does she have an unnerving, iconic smile. "I am here for my given task by the Headmaster..Helping you clean. So, I am on duty right now..Of course." Lucca spoke a bit more quietly and even took a peak at what miss Scopeli is working on. "Staying true to your passion, yes?"

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Isabella hardly seems to divert much attention away from her current project as the stranger comes closer towards her."Ah yes. So miss Parnacel sent you here. What is your name and how long did she says you had to work here? I have already been at it for a while and will be for another hour or two. You can start by cleaning some of the beakers and equipment I have used", she says calmly and points towards a few small stacks of it here and there.

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