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Dungeons and Dragons + Fetishistic Roleplaying = ?

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So, here's a question that's likely been answered. But I'm curious.

Has anyone ever thought to combine roleplays (private or otherwise) with the dice-rolling fun of Dungeons and Dragons?

I have, and I have no idea how to go about it. The idea just kinda popped into my head. I'm picturing someone DMing a session of Dungeons and Dragons, but not at a table. I'm picturing a roleplay where the players are presented with challenges and scenarios by the DM, a roleplay where some things are settled with typing/writing, and others are settled with dice rolls.


The DM says: The snow white scales of the dragon gleam wickedly in the light filtering through the high ceiling of its icy lair. What do you do, players?

Player One: I wish to parley with the dragon.

DM: Combat hasn't started yet. Go ahead. The dragon regards you with curiosity.

Player One: I say "I was once told that the dragons are the ancestors of the dragonborn. That they would assume humanoid forms and seduce men and women of affluent kingdoms." I gesture to myself and say, "I offer you my body now, as a sacrifice to your lust, 'o dragon."

DM: Is this your honest desire, or a lie?

Player One: It's not a lie. I want to seduce the dragon.

DM: Roll a persuasion check.


I like the idea of this quite a bit. I don't know exactly how it would work, logistically. Hence my question. How would this work? Would there be a DM if there was only two people in a private roleplay? If there was enough people for a full party and a DM, how would that work on this site?

I'd love to run or participate in a roleplay on this site styled like a DnD campaign with a sexy or fetishistic twist. I have no idea if I have the time or energy to actually pull it off, but in the future, I might do this.

I figure negotiating kinks would be crucial, but it could be really fun!

Let me know what ya'll think.


Haha, fair enough. I didn't even think of published or homebrew material for this sort of thing.

I operate in fifth edition, myself, so anything behind that is a relative mystery to me.

Also, Book of Erotic Fantasy? It sounds perfect! I doubt it's an official source book, so...where would I find such a thing, and what is it, exactly?

I tend to homebrew things when I DM, and just use source books for inspiration/rules help. I appreciate the advice, though. Thank you for responding!


@The Inflation Mechanic yeah I’ve got you covered on two different methods of getting it. One I have a free online site to get the pdf and I have a download copy of it as well. Now it can be purchased for a physical copy from amazon if you are more inclined to want to buy it. Fifth addition is pretty good might just need to change some class abilities or skills to make for it work for that addition.

Now the book is an assest or additional source material that provides different rules, classes, spells, items and stats that can be used to handle bringing erotic activities into the game ranging from pregnancy, STDs and custom spells for spell-casters geared specifically with erotic effects in mind.

For dnd and pathfinder style role plays it can be a bit cumbersome to do a post and play still as the players can get stuck waiting on a  to rule on a dice roll if you choose to use it. So if I want to speed things up having a set dc difficult for the standard dice rolls or a couple of trusted GMs that work together on the story the players are in can help.



Awesome. Yeah, I probably don't want a physical copy of this haha. I'll take a link to the PDF if you've got it. If nothing else, it'll be an interesting read.

Thanks for the tip!

7 minutes ago, The Inflation Mechanic said:


Hey glad I could help on this topic and if you need more advise or opinions on this I am all ears when it comes to these systems. If you need advise on pathfinder or Dnd 3.5, its what I use for my groups in the past. Though depending on my time I might bring a club for the Way of The Wicked Pathfinder module and as for the link I use thetrove and I do have a google drive link I will send you.


The Book of Erotic Fantasy was the "go to" handbook for 3.5. Before that there was the "Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, though that never got a decent upgrade.

I also found there is online "The 5E Guide to Sex" Which is pretty rule light and offer many hints and suggestions without too much added rules. Could be worth a check.


Huh I knew about the guide to unlawful carbs on knowledge but I completely forgot about it and I didn’t even know about the 5e online guide. Then again I don’t typically run 2e or 5e for DND. I’ll have to check out the 5e guide as it might work with pathfinder and be easier than converting the older editions thanks for the information sorereas


Wow, I didn't think this topic would get so many hits, lol.

@The Soreress @DrMender @Bifrons

Thanks for all the good advice and encouragement! And extra reading material is always good. If enough people show interest in this topic, I may make a group or something dedicated to what I'm envisioning, rules and all. Not sure how that would go, considering, you know, real life and its way of ruining shit like this.

I'd love to DM something like this, like I said, but if anyone you know (or you, if you're feeling brave) is willing to run this in DnD 5e, count me in as a player!


It is an interesting idea and it does seem like there might be interest in it depending on the system, which one of the biggest things is I am not completely sure on how the dice rolls would be handled on the forums or if there are tools that can be used with discord/here. Besides like you said the real life and the dedication to set it up depending on the system would take time to get everything in place. Kind of really wishing, I'd invested more time when I was playing testing Dnd 5e my group was more interested in different systems.


I can give anyone the idiot's guide to DMing in 5e. I'm the forever DM amongst my friends, who are, themselves, aspiring DMs. Weird, huh?

@DrMender If you wanna DM in 5e for this little experiment, I'll show ya the ropes.

11 minutes ago, Phocas said:

I'd love to play. I've got some 5e under my belt. You can count me in as a player.

Good to hear! I'll keep you in mind if/when this thing actually takes off running!


@The Inflation MechanicI've got a pathfinder module that I know can easily be converted with just the need for the NPCs to be created in Dnd 5e. I know the biggest thing that changed with 5e is how skill checks are handled and I've got the basic D&D 5e pdf, which I would just need to crack the pdf open. If I get enough interest or confirmed players that are interested, I can dive into the pdfs and converting the module to be used. 


The Way of Wicked is a published module by Fire Mountain Games and contains six books for the whole story, which the basic premise of the story is as such:

The party walk the path of evil as they all have been branded being sent to the most despicable prison in the Kingdom of Talingrade. Know the Kingdom of Talingrade is known as the most noble, virtuous, peaceful nation in the known multiverse.

This will be your parties story as to how and why you burned this Utopian paradise to the ground, since it's only fair on what this "Noble" kingdom did to you. Those that are sent to this prison are known as the Forsaken, which you carried out a crime that has caused you to be sentenced to the be sent to Branderscar Prison and you deserve to be there for your crimes.

Will your party succeed in your revenge against the kingdom or will you be stopped by the forces of good?

5 minutes ago, DrMender said:

@The Inflation MechanicI've got a pathfinder module that I know can easily be converted with just the need for the NPCs to be created in Dnd 5e. I know the biggest thing that changed with 5e is how skill checks are handled and I've got the basic D&D 5e pdf, which I would just need to crack the pdf open. If I get enough interest or confirmed players that are interested, I can dive into the pdfs and converting the module to be used. 


The Way of Wicked is a published module by Fire Mountain Games and contains six books for the whole story, which the basic premise of the story is as such:

The party walk the path of evil as they all have been branded being sent to the most despicable prison in the Kingdom of Talingrade. Know the Kingdom of Talingrade is known as the most noble, virtuous, peaceful nation in the known multiverse.

This will be your parties story as to how and why you burned this Utopian paradise to the ground, since it's only fair on what this "Noble" kingdom did to you. Those that are sent to this prison are known as the Forsaken, which you carried out a crime that has caused you to be sentenced to the be sent to Branderscar Prison and you deserve to be there for your crimes.

Will your party succeed in your revenge against the kingdom or will you be stopped by the forces of good?

Well, I think you've got two, possibly three players already on this thread, including myself. Sounds like we're already off to a good start, and I really like the premise of The Way of Wicked!


@The Inflation Mechanic @Phocas @Bifrons

If the other two are interested in the idea for the way of wicked, I can set about getting the forum created on here and the only thing that would have to be done is setup the preferences/hard limits. The only other thing that will need to be figured out is the dice rolls or if they will be used in the campaign, which for the club it can be run more than once or other modules if there is a bigger interest than one single party.


@DrMender I am totally down for that. My original idea had dice rolls being pretty integral, although they wouldn't be used for everything. That would honestly be up to you, with perhaps the players rolling dice of their own accord for things like success/failure for non important checks (ie, to see if their character messes up something simple like dirty talk or simply walking).

@Phocas @Bifrons Are you two down for this? We may have a 3-man party already if so!


@The Inflation MechanicThe only big thing that it would be used if it impacts a critical portion in the story arc ie running into the BBEG or the heroes that might be trying to stop you like you I only require rolls if it is for an important detail of the story. If those two agree that would be 3 players and would have room for 1 or two more if they popup before a second group would be created since you guys might fail.


@The Inflation Mechanic I've gotten a private message about the player's guide book for way of wicked and the actual campaign book for them from @Phocas whom seems interested at the idea. Have received neither a confirm or refuse though and would still be waiting on if @Bifrons is interested.

I'll be on/off periodically through the night as I do have work tonight and can be reached on here or in the discord if questions come up on the way of wicked that need clarification. I'll also take a look into the guide that soreress mentioned previously.


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