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This story contains themes of kidnapping, rape, violence (both physical and sexual), psychological torment, and other similar themes. If these themes disturb you, I highly advise clicking away.


Chapter 1: 2:00 am

    I was alone. It wasn't scary at all, well, not anymore than it usually was. I was no stranger to this road. I drove up and down several times on my way to and from my best friend Alexis's house. I always stayed there too late. She always insisted I stay over, but I always had to get home before morning so that I could take care of my dogs. I always wound up driving down this road, it was always late, it was always dark, and it was always completely empty save for the occasional, very rare pair of headlights that turn a corner a few miles in front of me. It isn't surprising to see other people out this late. This wasn't exactly the best part of the neighborhood. Drug deals were really common in the area. Thankfully, Alexis and I were well informed about the type of people to stay away from. We were always very careful not to get involved in business we knew nothing about. 

    Still, every time I found myself driving down this road, there was an unnerving thought in the back of my mind. In this backwoods area, cell service was very limited. What if one of my tires popped or I hit something? Even worse, what if, in my carelessness, I wasn't paying attention and wound up hitting someone I didn't notice turn out from a stop sign? The thought of having to get out in such a dark, isolated place to assess damages and handle the hassles of insurance at such a late hour was a terrifying one, and the last thing I'd want to have to do is hitchhike out of the dead zone to make a phone call. 

    This night wasn't unlike any other night. I just got done spending some quality time with Alexis. We chatted about all sorts of things. There wasn't any catching up to do, we saw each other at least once a week, we knew everything about each others' lives. In some ways, a bit too much. But every second with her was always a joy. We could talk about any given subject for hours bouncing our unique perspective off of each other. Mostly, though, we just discussed whatever stresses we've been facing and make light of them through playful jokes and jabs. Somehow it made all those personal struggles feel so much less threatening.

    As always, we ended up exchanging goodbyes and "be careful"s before I got back into my small red car and started driving off. My house was only about 10 minutes away, so I never considered the drive particularly dangerous. I had plenty of gas and the concerns I always had in the back of my mind were mild. They never completely took over my thoughts or anything, it was the same sort of fear you get when you find yourself wondering what would happen if you got in a wreck on a bridge and tumbled over the edge. Yeah, it would be horrible, but it would require a pretty freak accident for that to happen. I suppose it's just something movies these days condition you to think about. At the very least, it would definitely be an exciting way to go! That's the sort of direction that conversation would go if I brought the idea up with Alexis. Her morbid sense of humor has rubbed off on me over the years, I suppose.


    It was around 2 in the morning while I was driving down the road. I had class in the morning so I needed to get home and get to sleep as soon as I could. I didn't pay much mind when I saw a pair of headlights turn the corner ahead of me. They were in the other lane, going the opposite way. Of course, this always made me a little tense. I hated driving down these two-way roads with oncoming traffic. No matter how safe I was, it always felt like I was about to get in a head-on collision and I hated that feeling. Still, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. That is, until I started to notice the car moving for the left. For a moment, I'd just assumed there was some dirt road I'd never noticed before. I didn't bother slowing down. If he was turning already, he would make it through before I got to him. In this moment, I was a bit relieved. But it was only for a moment, as I quickly realized he wasn't moving. What was going on? Did this person not realize this was a two-way road? My heart was racing as his car was rapidly approaching mine and he didn't seem to have any interest in fixing his position. I couldn't drive to the right, there was a ditch! I hadn't realized just how claustrophobic this part of the road was until now.

   For a brief moment, I recalled my father's advice for a situation like this. I should stay where I am. If I get in a wreck here, he's at fault. But if I try to move into the other lane, I could be held at fault. But my heart was beating a mile a minute now. I was holding my breath without even realizing. I did not want to interact with whoever it was in this car. There was something off about the way they veered right toward me. I couldn't help but ignore the advice daddy gave me and immediately tried to swerve to the left while slamming my palm into the center of the steering wheel to sound the horn. This horn seemed to catch the attention of the other driver who also reacted by slamming on his breaks and veering to the right as well. In one moment, I felt my entire car shake and my stomach dropped. "Shit..." I mumbled under my breath. It took a lot of frustration to get me to curse at all and every mistake I'd just made was running back up to me. I reached back for my phone to check the time, 2:04. No service, of course. I bit my lip and slowly pushed my car door open. Maybe... maybe the damage wasn't too bad and we'd be able to move on. 

    Somewhat to my relief, the other driver seemed to be just as panicked as I was. He was a young man, he looked to be around 16 or 17. He got out and immediately checked the damage as well. His car looked rather old and run-down. He probably didn't have much money to his name, either. He was cursing up a storm to himself as he looked at the damage he'd done to my car and then his eyes widened in surprise when they landed on me. 

    "I'm so sorry," he started out. "It's so late, I didn't think anybody else would be on this road..."

   "I-It's okay," I interjected, my voice still shaken up. "Look, just give me your insurance information and-"

    "-No way! I-I can't do that!"

    I blinked in surprise at this response. What did he mean he couldn't do that? Was he uninsured? Did he not have a license? "Well, we have to report this!" I started lifting my phone into the air to see if I could get a signal.

    "St-stop it! No we don't! We don't have to report a thing! Listen, don't call anyone and I'll do anything you want!"

    "Absolutely not! You hit me and I can't afford to get this car repaired! I'm calling the police!"

   "You're calling nobody!" he persistently demanded. I hadn't noticed what he was doing as I was focused on trying to get a signal on my phone. When I glanced back down at him, however, I was horrified to see that I now had a revolver pointed directly at me. "Drop the phone!" He demanded as soon as he saw that I'd noticed. My breath was caught in my throat and I immediately dropped the phone without a single move, the phone hit the pavement and the screen cracked, but I kept my hand in the air. 

    "W-woah, wait, hold on, why do you have a gun on me? Be reasonable, put the gun down!" More than anything, I wanted to get inside my car and drive off, but the way he'd veered to the right made it so that I couldn't move even if my car could still drive. 

    "You don't understand. I can't have the cops search my car." He spoke like it was a matter of life or death.

    "Okay, okay..." I didn't want to go along with his plans, but with this gun trained right on me, I didn't know what else I could do. "But please, shooting me won't solve anything. You're just gonna get the police to devote more resources into finding you. People know where I am right now so the police will be able to find the crime scene really easily. So please, just put the gun down..."

    The man didn't seem to have any interest in reason. He was far too paranoid. He wanted no consequence at all to come from this. "N-no way dammit! You're gonna call the cops and then I'm screwed!"

    "Look, I'm sure we can figure something out. Maybe we don't have to get the cops involved at all."

    The man reached down and pulled the trunk of his car open. "You're getting in here!"

    "What!?" My eyes widened. "N-no way!"

    "Get in, or I-I'll shoot you and put you in here myself!"

    "I'm not an idiot! You're not gonna shoot me!" In less than a second after finishing that sentence, I heard a loud bang and could physically feel the bullet pass through my hair over my right shoulder. This wasn't a warning shot, he literally just tried to kill me. I immediately dropped to my knees with a loud scream. This man was completely unhinged. "Wait! Please! Okay! Okay!! I can't die right now! There's so much I still need to do! Just don't shoot anymore!!"

    The man somehow seemed just as nervous as I did. "Th-then get in!"

    "Listen, please!!" I started begging through tears. "I have people who need me! A little sister to take care of, pets to feed, my parents will be distressed! Please, let me go home and I'll never talk about this again! You can drive off and I'll just pretend I never spoke with you!"

    "And if you're lying?"

    "I'm not!"

    "Bullshit! How do I know!?"


    "Get in the car or I'll shoot you and I don't want to do that!"

    I had no choice. I reluctantly climbed into the trunk of his car. The trunk reeked of old gasoline stains and must. I wouldn't be shocked to see a roach in here. He went into the car door and opened it to look for something. I could hear various items shuffling around in his backseat. I wanted nothing more than to hop out and run for it, but there was nowhere to go that he couldn't easily shoot me. My going free would have been his death warrant. That was the way he saw it anyway. There may have been something I could have done, but this just isn't something you can rehearse for. I was deathly afraid for my life. To be honest, I never thought I would react this way. My whole life I was convinced that I was ready to die the moment God decided I needed to die. But it seems when push comes to shove, I was too much of a coward to lay down my life like that. "Oh god..." I cried to myself in a barely audible mumble. "God please help me, I don't know what to do, I'm scared...!" It wasn't long before the man returned into view with a roll of duct tape which he quickly wrapped tightly around my arms and legs. He wanted to leave no chance that I'd be able to break out. With every stretch of the tape being applied to my body, I could feel my chances of escape falling further and further out of reach. 'God help me, please help me God!!' 

    Once he was satisfied with the bonds around my wrists and ankles, he stared down at me. I couldn't quite make out the features of his face, but I could tell he was adamant just by the way he spoke. "You are going to stay quiet back here or I'm gagging you. Do you understand?"

    Without a second thought, I just nodded, my tears flowing freely. What was going to happen to me? Was I going to be rescued? How much of my life was this man going to rob from me? Was this whole encounter planned and calculated? Or was he really acting on impulse? Was I just going to die anyway? My only hope at the moment was that my family and friends would recognize I never made it home, find my car, and the police would be able to find and rescue me. There was nothing else I could do. I as at the mercy of the whims of this deranged man.

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  • Senior Staff


Chapter 2: The Deal

    The trunk slammed shut and I was in total darkness. My mind was racing with a million questions at a time, my heart was pounding and I wanted to kick and scream with everything my body would allow, yet at the same time I was paralyzed. My mind couldn't focus on a single thought or emotion. I was in distress, but I didn't want to make a move. It was a feeling I couldn't expect anyone to understand. I didn't want to be here, but I didn't want to be caught trying to escape, either. With my arms and legs bound like this, there was no escape. The only thing my mind could agree with itself on was the hopelessness of the situation and how stupid I was for allowing it to happen. Sure enough, the man's car still worked as I heard him climb inside the car and turn the key to start the engine. It wasn't long before the car started to shake. The harsh sound of scraping metal raped my ears before he finally left the scene of the wreck with his prize in tow.

    I knew there was something about escaping from a trunk. It was something about kicking the light out from the inside and then waving your arm through to get help. There's also a tag you can pull from the inside to open the trunk, usually. But there was no guarantee this particular car had any of those features. It did look rather old, after all. It was also extremely dark, so I couldn't read any signs that happened to be inside even if they existed. There was no adjusting to the darkness when there was no source of light at all. I couldn't take a chance blindly kicking at the corner in hopes that I kick the light out. There was no telling if the attempt would be worthwhile and no doubt my captor would notice the sound of my failed attempts and punish me anyway. Dammit, just another fuck up. Why didn't I check for those signs before the trunk was closed??

    The drive felt like it was going on for a while. At some point, I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I remember was waking up with the thud of the car door which shook the whole car. I could hear footsteps that approached the trunk and soon, it opened to a blindingly sharp light. I immediately shut my eyes but while my eyes were shut, the man stuffed an old, oil-stained rag into my mouth and taped right over it. He gagged me anyway, even though I didn't make any noise at all!

    "Hmmphh!! Mmphh!!" I immediately tried to protest in spite of the gag, kicking and squirming all over again. This was absolutely unfair!

     "Shut up! I knew you were gonna make noise, that's why I gagged you! And if anyone hears you, I swear I'll fucking kill you." 

    This threat shut me right up. Under normal circumstances, I would have called his bluff. But considering he'd already tried to shoot me once before, I was inclined to believe he was lost enough to do it. Soon after, he shut the trunk again, leaving me in the darkness. I heard his footsteps walk away from the trunk again. I had no idea where he was. I was blinded by the light, so I still had yet to get a good look at his face, nor the surrounding area. I could only assume we were in some sort of garage based on the reverb of the surrounding sounds. I could take this as an opportunity to try and escape, but again, I had no idea how long he would be gone and no clue where I was. I'd just be wandering around aimlessly with my limbs bound. No doubt I'd be caught before I could get anywhere significant... and if he came back and heard me banging on the car? I'd be as good as dead. 

    It felt like another hour or two had passed before I heard two sets of footsteps entering the room. No, no, no! What was happening?? The footsteps were joined with the sound of voices, one seemed very frustrated with the other, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. The frustrated one was a much deeper voice of an older man who sounded especially impatient. Before I knew it, the trunk was open again and I had two faces staring down at me. I still couldn't see, but I could hear in their voices that the older man was shocked by what he saw.

    "What the hell!! Are you fucking insane!?" He slammed the trunk shut again, but he slammed it a bit too hard and it just popped right back open, allowing me to hear the rest of their conversation. "Don't bring your shit here!! What the fuck are you thinking!?"

    "What was I supposed to do?? I couldn't just leave her to blab about me!"

    "Goddammit, Paul, what were you thinking kidnapping someone!? Aren't you in enough shit as it is!?"

    "Come on, look at her! She's real pretty, isn't she?"

    My eyes widened in terror as I heard what this man just said. It didn't take more than a second to understand exactly what he planned for me. My situation was my absolute worst fear. If this wasn't some sort of elaborate prank, my life just might never be the same after tonight and the thought that I might never see my family or friends again was a reality check nothing could have prepared me for. I immediately started balling my eyes out and squirming with all my strength. "Hmmmphh!! Hmm-mmphh!! Hmmphhh!!" I cried out between sobs, rocking the whole car.

    "You shut the fuck up! I told you I'd kill you!"

    I didn't care. I'd rather die than end up some sex slave and give up everything I've ever loved. I just continued to scream and thrash around violently until the man reached in, squeezed my neck tightly, causing great pain to shoot through my whole body and he just glared straight into my eyes, his deep, green eyes filled with malice. I couldn't breath as he choked me. No more sound could be emitted. After a while, he let me go and I tried to gasp for air, nearly suffocating on the rag that was still in my mouth. I'd almost forgotten I could only breathe through my nose.

    "You're fucking joking. Do you have any idea how serious the law is about human trafficking? You don't even know who this is! For all you know, you could have kidnapped the captain of the cheerleading squad who everyone at her school knows! The police could be searching up and down for her as we speak! And you thought I'd want her brought to me!? Get your garbage out of here!"

    "You don't understand! Listen, you could make so much money off of her, way more than the drugs! Do you have any idea how many guys would wanna fuck a girl like that? I bet she's a virgin, too!"

    "Absolutely not. That's a business even I'm not going down. Listen, you can sell or keep the drugs. All I want is the money. I don't care how you get it but it's the money you owe me, not some whore you grabbed off the side of the road. But you stay the hell out of the cops' hands and you'd better not snitch on me or I'll kill your ass in prison. Did you cover your tracks?"

    There was a moment of hesitation.

    "Y-yeah, yeah..." 

    "You fucking left her car there, didn't you?"

    "I'll just go back and-"

    "Dumbass! Don't go back! I just told you the cops could already be looking up and down for her!"

    "That's why I need your help! Listen man, I'm in over my head."

    The light was finally starting to clear up. I could finally make out the faces of the two men. The younger one who abducted me looked like a totally ordinary white high school student. The type of person no one would take a second look at. The older man looked completely unrelated to him. He was a much older and balding black man. Judging from their interactions, it was clear this older man was some sort of drug dealer. I knew nothing about the industry, but I was able to piece together bits of information from their discussions.

    "I don't know how to help you with this, dumbass. Cover your tracks, don't you dare bring her back here, and get rid of her! I don't care how you do it but I want no part in it! I just want my money."

    "Alright, alright, I'll get rid of her!"

    With that, the man walked back into the building grumbling to himself, leaving me alone with my captor, terrified to think of what was next. 

    "...asshole..." The high school boy mumbled to himself. "I'm not giving up this opportunity. You made things really difficult, you stupid bitch. You're gonna make it up to me." 

    I would have rathered that older man buy me. The way this boy kept talking to me left me terrified for my life. I was only alive right now by his mercy and the thought of having to earn my right to live was devastating. Yet I couldn't speak. I couldn't protest. I was just his property...

    "Alright, so I can't sell you. That's fine. I can still make money off of you." He looked around and cursed to himself. "If only I had another car... It's not like I can call an uber..." He shook his head. "It's fine. We'll just have to wait until it's not suspicious. But I have to get out of here first. I think I know a place to go. I'm gonna make you a star." He chuckled to himself and tapped my cheek. I just silently shook my head and stared up at him with pleading eyes. His implications were clear, but I couldn't protest at all before the door was shut again. I just returned to my pathetic, miserable sobbing in the darkness of the trunk as the car started to move again.

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