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Arrival Date

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“For now we get you to class, after you are ready.  Will be a bunch on new students like you.  They will have heard things, seen things on the trains and elsewhere.  But it will be some days before any of them make a move on you.  Though it isn’t impossible someone will try to set something up for after your probationary period is over.  Just don’t think about it too much.”  Hikaru truly believed she would get used to it in time.  Maybe her first time or two would be a little awkward, but she would start to like eventually, most people did.  “It’s early enough, we can probably stop back at the cafeteria, get you a quick breakfast, but anything else should wait until after class.  I will meet you at the door when your class is over.  Thought there will probably be a crowd, with everyone else’s chaperones as well.”  As Hikaru explained this, Akari finished getting ready and quietly left the room.  She had her own classes to get to, she would have plenty of time to talk to Luna later.

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After a couple of minutes of digging though her dresser trying to find the uniform, Luna gave up and just started grabbing some of her regular clothes that looked similar to the school uniform. Luna did her best to match the uniform based off the one Hikaru was wearing, it wasn't perfect, but it would have to do for now till Luna could find the one she was provided and pick up some more pairs. 

"Alright... I think I'm ready..." Luna said nervously, not entirely ready for her actual first day of school. Luna walks over to Hikaru and opened the door for them, taking one last look around the room to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything important, before closing the door behind her, tucking away the room key in the bra for safekeeping, thinking to herself another thing she needed to pick up was a lanyard to attach her keys too, to keep better track of them. 

Luna started following Hikaru down the hallway to the stairs to head out to the trolly they needed to take to get to her classroom, the whole time Luna remained pretty silent as she was still pretty nervous about going to her first class, and the stuff the usually happens on the train didn't help much since Luna wasn't fully used to being around it, it all still made her uncomfortable, though she was starting to accept that's just the way this school was and would eventually get used to it, and probably partake in it all.

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Hikaru kept an eye on Luna until they reached the classroom.  In this case it was a larger lecture hall style room.  "You will have smaller classrooms later.  This sort of thing just has a larger group."  They were early enough that it was still a fairly empty room.  Small groups of boys and girls spread around, a few sitting by themselves, a few talking with each other as they waited for class to start.  She put a hand on Luna's shoulder.  "You may or may not see any of them in your later classes, of course you can always meet in the dorms later.  It's up to you.  If you prefer quiet, find a spot that is empty for now, or go try to talk to someone.  Don't be too worried if someone tries to talk to you."  Hikaru got the sense Luna was pretty shy from their meeting.  She would not push anything too hard, but tried to give her some light encouragement.  "It's up to you, see you after class."  She took the hand off and stepped away.  It was not her place to get involved inside the classroom, Luna had decide how to approach this, how to interact with other new students, whether she made any other friends here or not.  There was likely to be a wide variety of people there, and a lot of them.  Hikaru had to believe there were at least that could friends for Luna, if they got talking.

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Luna took a moment to look around the room, seeing some kids grouped together, chatting amongst themselves and some who have already taken a seat most of them sitting towards the front of the class, looking back to Hikaru, "I think I'm just going to go sit down and wait for the class to start." Luna suggested her voice a bit more rigged like how it was when they had first met, 

"Thank you for walking me here." Luna continued giving Hikaru a small hug before stepping into the classroom by herself, making her way to the back of the class where rarely anyone else was sitting, and found the nearest desk that was the furthers away for the rest of the students. Once Luna was seated she placed her arms on the top of the desk and laid her head comfortably on top of her arms using her headphones to block out everyone else while they waited for the teacher to show up.

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The students slowly filled in the room.  The ones who had already been in there kept their space, seeing Luna wanted to be left alone.  Gradually thought it got more and crowded.  The bodies getting closer.  It was a large enough class that it was unrealistic to expect to have the seats around her remain empty.  She would likely need to make some interaction eventually, for now she was simply gradually surrounded.  The class was a mix of the various sorts of students here, the wealthy/powerful, the academically skilled, the occasional troublemaker.  They all heard the rumors, they had all seen evidence of it.  The girls had mixed feelings it about it.  A few were on the excited side, others closer to Luna’s feelings.  The boys were more excited, and looking over the girls in class.  Luna got her share of looks, though none of them said anything to her yet.  They all also were aware they had to restrain themselves temporarily.  No touching for now.  There were a few who saw the appeal in a girl like her, the quiet, distant kind, to try to get a good reaction out of a girl like her was exciting, to be the one to crack her shell.  For now though they just fantasized about it, while waiting for the teacher.

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The students in the class seemed a rather rambunctious sort, chatting away with each other and acting more like the middle-schoolers they had been the previous semester than the high school students they were now. Eighty students in all, counting Luna, the female-to-male ratio was almost equal, with thirty-nine girls to fourty-one boys. This size of the class was not an exception, but rather the norm of the school. With ten homeroom classes for each grade, the number of students that were housed at the academy was not a joke. The academy was a school for the elite, but it accepted students from the entire world.

The standard at this school was high. The students had been chosen because they possessed talents and qualities that could be nurtured. They would be groomed into the elite that would be running the world and improving it. But with such high expectations for them, the academy was making damn sure that these talents would not be wasted. Not only did the school have the best facilities and environments, it also recruited the best teachers.

A door down by the podium opened, and a short lady quietly strode out. Clearly of Asian descent, she was a rather short woman who looked like she was in her early to mid-twenties. With long violet hair and pale violet eyes, she wore a brown military-style uniform. A brown jacket over a white shirt, a black necktie, and a pencil skirt that didn't manage to reach the white tighhhighs. 

The class immediately quieted down, the cacophony quickly dwindling to a whisper and then silence. Pulling out a small notebook without glancing at the students, she opened it, wet her fingers, and flipped a page. Taking out a pencil from her vest, she scribbled something down, the sound audible in the otherwise deafening silence of the classroom. Content, she slammed the book shut and then looked up at the students. "Good morning Class!"

"Good morning, teacher Jee!" The whole class, except for Luna, responded back loudly. This was just the second day of school for everyone, yet they all showed her remarkable respect.

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As the teacher addressed the class, Luna looked up towards the front of the room, her head still resting in her arms on the desk, and staired blankly at down to the lady behind the podium, Luna still wasn't ready for the day, her mind went blank and started to drift off as she zooned out her eyes locked on the podium in front of the teacher. every once in a while, Luna would catch herself drifting and would shaker her head a bit in an attempt to refocus, but after a while that seemed to stop working. 

Not wanting to get into trouble during her first class of the day, Luna lifter her head up and sat back in her chair, in the hopes she wouldn't start to nod off again, and tried to pay attention to what the teacher was going to say, 

Luna was still tired but at least now she wasn't zooning out or nodding off. Luna wasn't even sure what kind of class this was or even what the teachers name was, since she wasn't paying any attention when the teacher walked in, so she didn't know if she told us or not. Not wanting to raise her hand and ask and draw attention to herself, she started looking around the room trying to see if it was written down somewhere or if there were any clues, as to what the class was, without making it obvious. 

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While small in stature, the beautiful teacher swept her gaze across the large classroom, looking up towards where all the students were sitting around her in a semi-circle. None of the teachers at the school were normal, but she was a cut above even most of them. She might have been a teacher now, but before that she was a soldier and a powerful magus.

Since she had made it her objective to remember the names and faces of every single student in her homeroom, she immediately spotted the new member of her class.

"Luna Eclipse." Her voice rang out loudly across the classroom, carried by the magic she had at her disposal. "Could you please stand up and introduce yourself to the class?"

By the tone of her voice, there was no room for objection. She was a woman that expected to be listened too. invisible strands of magic had already been woven around Luna, ready to carry her voice around the classroom once she started speaking. Above her, light was shining down where she was sitting, illuminating her and making it clear that she was the person that the teacher had been addressing.

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While Luna was looking around the room for any clue as to what this class was and what the teachers name was, she didn't see that the teacher was looking right at here until she heard her name ring out from the front of the classroom, followed by the teachers question and the spotlight that was now beaming down on Luna pointing her out to the rest of the classroom. Luna was completely caught off guard, paralyzing her with fear as the entire class was now looking back at her, waiting for her to say something.

It took a bit of time before Luna regained some of her nerves, allowing her to try and hide herself from the light that shined down on her using her arms like a type of shield to cover her face, "Um... n... No thank you..." Luna replied nervously shaking head and arms side to side in case she wasn't heard.

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If Luna wished to stay under the radar and not draw attention to herself, then refusing to introduce herself wasn't really the way to go. All ninetynine of her classmates were practically staring at her, something akin to aghast visible on their faces. They all remembered what had happened yesterday.

"How cute." The teacher smiled and the class felt a chill run up their spine. If this new student ended up causing them trouble in this class, they would make sure to give her hell later!

"Stand up and introduce yourself to class now, Luna Eclipse." She repeated. She wouldn't say it trice. The teacher looked very gentle and beautiful but even from where she was, Luna could feel and incredible dominating pressure coming from her. Of she crossed this woman and didn't do as she was told, she was going to regret it.

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  • 1 month later...

Luna could feel the entire class's eyes on her, without even looking around at them, her heart sank down into her stomach, and the spotlight that shined down on her didn't help with this feeling either, Luna now knew there was no way she was getting out of this without introducing herself. In fear of what might come next if she refused a second time, Luna stood up slowly, her arms and legs shook vigorously with fear. Once Luna stood up all the way she began to speak, "I'm... My name is... Luna Eclipse." Her voice quiet and shaky but because of the magic the teacher used Luna's voice rang across the room. 
Hoping that was all she had to do, Luna stood there her head bowed down looking at the desk Infront of her waited for the teacher to grant her permission to sit back down. 

OOC sorry it took so long to reply, been dealing with some stuff.

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Teacher Ji-Won Jee nodded, twirling her pencil again in her hand as she opened her small notebook again and started scribbling something into it. Smiling, she looked up at Luna again, her lavender colored eyes as frosty as a cold winter morning. She might have looked young, but she had this certain air of authority around her that only came with experience. She was not a woman to trifle with, and even though she certainly had the looks, she was somebody only a masochist would consider dating.

"Well then, miss Eclipse? Tell me, is there a reason why you decided to start your first day breaking one of the school rules?" She asked in the same cheery voice she had been using before. While the school could be said to truly be one where debauchery was encouraged, that did not mean that rules were not something that was enforced. Granted, it only really happened more or less on case by case basis or when one of the more important rules was broken, but a teacher did have the power to punish their students.

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  • 5 months later...
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Luna glanced down, avoiding the teachers gaze. Making the assumption she was referring Luna's clothing. "I... I... Could... Couldn't, find my uniform this morning. And I was only given the one." Luna mumbled in response to Ji-Wons's question, stumbling over her own words. 

Luna lowered her head down further, as both fear and embarrassment began accumulating within, from being put out on the spot like she was and having, what seemed to be a fatal first day mistake pointed out at the same time.

The combination of fear and humiliation had started to cause Luna to grow weak, the color seemingly fading from her body as if Luna's spirit was being drained out of her, leaving behind an empty white husk just standing there, all Luna wanted to was to sit back down and be done with everything, but it felt like there was some force preventing her from doing so, as if the teacher had some kind of petrifying gaze, locking every part of Luna preventing her from doing anything. 

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Ji-Won Jee nodded, having expected that answer. These kids were entitled and lazy. None of them seemed to want to take responsibility for their own actions. This academy was world-renowned, but for a place that was supposed to foster the elite and the hopes for the future, Ji-Won had been disappointed in the quality of those who had enrolled here.

"Ms.Eclipse, I see your chaperone is not next to you." Ji-Won pointed out. She was actually more annoyed with whomever had been in charge of this girl getting to the classroom. While it was expected for the chaperones to wait just outside of the classroom for their charges, this was not the case on their first day. This was the second day of school, but actually Luna's first day. So the problem here was the chaperone. "I take it they are outside?"

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Luna a bit shocked with what she was hearing, looked back at Ji-Won, avoiding direct eye contact. Luna started to think that she was not the one at fault. It started to feel as if Luna's body was slowly loosening back up, at least enough to allow her to respond. "Um... I.., I think so, But I'm not sure, she said she would meet me after class." Luna replied clearing her throat, "She didn't say anything about joining me during this class." Luna added, trying to not give away too much as to not get Hikaru into any trouble, and at the same time try to keep herself out of it as well.

For brief second Luna looked away from Ji-won towards the door she came in from with the thought of offering to go out there to check if Hikaru was there waiting for her to finish class, only as a way to escape and disappear into the hallway and attempt to find her way back to her dorm room. Luna quickly dismissed the idea, knowing doing so would lead her into more trouble than she probably already was, on top of that this school was massive Luna knew she wouldn't be able find her way back without help, which would probably cause her to get into a different kind of trouble she defiantly didn't want to get in, but Luna was also keeping the idea in the back of her mind as a last resort.


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Ji-won had already accepted that the students at this academy lacked the proper mindset and perseverance that they all needed. But she had accepted her position as a teacher at this place, and she wasn't going to fail her duty!

"Then hop to it!" Ji-won ordered the girl in a strong, commanding voice. Her tone left absolutely no chance for argument. "Hurry outside and tell your chaperone that they have to get you your proper uniform immediately! Then return to your desk!"

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Luna nodded back in response to Ji-Won's order, and then quickly looked around for her bag, Luna fumbled around trying to pick it up quickly, before running down the stairs carefully as to not trip and fall down them, the embarrassment from being in the spot light like that was more than enough for her, she didn't want to add on to that by falling down the stairs Infront of the whole class.

As Luna reached the bottom of the steps, she made a b-line straight for the door that led out to the hallway, her eyes fixed on the handle of the door so she wouldn't look around the room, so she try and ignore the fact that everyone was watching her including the teacher. It didn't take Luna long at all to make it across the room and out the door, she had basically ran out like she was trying to escape from something. 

The second Luna made it on the other side of the door in the hallway, she leaned up against the door, taking a minute to collect herself, and calm down, as it basically felt as if her heart was going to burst out of her chest from how hard it was pounding inside her chest, but after a couple of deep breaths her heart rate felt as if it was going back to normal, but Luna's hands and legs were still shaky and unsteady, from everything.
After taking a moment to calm down Luna looked around trying to find Hikaru if she was indeed still out there waiting for her, the hallway was full of other random students chatting amongst themselves, probably the other new student's chaperones. Luna waited at the entrance of the door as she scanned the crowd trying to find Hikaru, attempting to flag her down without drawing to much attention to herself.

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It was not Hikaru’s some teacher expected her to do things special today.  She was doing what was expected as far as she was concerned.  If she had gone in, it was just as likely she would have got some lecture about how this wasn’t the day for that.  The whole mess with the uniform was an unfortunate accident, that she hoped did not cause Luna too much trouble.

Of course she remained outside, just in case.  In case she got called in, or in case this happened.  She saw Luna barging out of the door, the panic on her face.  She sighed, mostly at the fact Luna was being made to do this.  She walked over to Hikaru.  “Let me guess, the teacher wants me to move as fast as I can, find you a proper uniform?  Could run back to the dorm, but there is one faster alternative.”  She intended to move fast, but waited for confirmation.  Not wanting to get Luna in more trouble in the unlikely event she was wrong.

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A sigh of relief rolled over Luna as she saw Hikaru was outside waiting. As she approached, Luna hoped she would just grab her hand and whisk her away, taking her far away from this class so she wouldn't have to go back in there, this wishful thinking played in Luna's mind like a movie before Hikaru spoke about getting a proper uniform for Luna, that's when she got pulled back into reality.

Luna nodded her head to Hikaru, "yes, she wanted you to run and pick me up a proper uniform. Would you be able to?"  Luna asked her voice seemingly lower than usual as she dreaded going back into the classroom, it was clear Luna wanted Hikaru to take her with her to get the uniform but knowing that would most likely cause problems for both Hikaru and her, Luna didn't mention that.  

After asking Hikaru to go and get a uniform, Luna took an extra minute before turning around to head back into the class. As Luna was about to turn the handle on the door, she took a deep breath. "Oh, the teacher also said something about being in there with me as well, so I don't know if you need to stay in there with me when you get back or will have to leave again." Luna said remembering something Ji-won had pointed out. "if you can stay I would appreciate it." Luna mumbled under her breath quietly as she stepped back inside the room.

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Sure, taking Luna with her was something Hikaru would love to do.  But she could only imagine how the teacher would react.  The last thing Luna needed was more trouble.  This had not been a great first day for her.  Hikaru wanted to try to make things better the best she could.

”This should not take very long.  There is a closer option than the dorm.  Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”  She did not say anything about her annoyance of the teaching expecting only her to be in there among the chaperones.  Mentioning that would only cause more trouble probably.

She turned and ran.  Making her way towards the doors as quick as she could.  All she had to do was make it to the next building, and hope the staff there were efficient, in giving her an extra uniform.

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Luna looked back out at Hikaru as the door was closing yelling softly "Thank you."  As Hikaru took off running down the hallway to pick up a uniform for her. Turning back to the class Luna look forwards, it had seemed she had stopped the class once again when she had re-entered the room, Luna's face went pale again with all the attention focused on her once more. 

Forcing a fake smile Luna made her way back up to her seat quickly trying to ignore everyone's eyes look at her, lowering her head to avoid eye contact with everyone especially the teacher, Luna didn't want to get wrapped up in her icy gaze again.

Once Luna was back up by her desk, she remained standing knowing the teacher would call upon her again for confirmation that Luna's chaperone was on their way to pick up Luna a proper uniform, so Luna just sat her bag back down by her chair and stood there looking down towards Ji-won, waiting for her to ask about the uniform and her chaperone or to give Luna permission to sit back down.

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Hikaru was through the building and into the next in a few minutes.  It helped she knew exactly where she was going.  If this went as fast as possible it should not take more than 10 minutes.  Finding the proper staff members.  “Excuse me!  I need to request a new uniform for the student Luna Eclipse.  I am her chaperone, Hikaru.”  She hoped this would go fast, without too many questions or delays.  They should not need to ask for sizes or anything.   Just a moment to provide it.  If this was a one time thing, it hopefully would not be a big deal.

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Entering the classroom again, everyone looked at her for a moment before quickly returning their gazes down towards the podium, where their teacher was standing at attention. Ji-won Lee smiled at Luna and nodded before speaking.

"While we are waiting for Ms. Eclipse to have her uniform brought here, shall we take attendance then?" With everyone completely devoting their attention to the teacher now, at least this meant that nobody paid any more attention to Luna. But the way the short woman was able to keep everyone focused on her while simply speaking normally was, in its own way, kind of scary.

Standing in front of her podium, arms behind her back, Ji-woo had no need to read from a list but spoke from memory instead. Getting an affirmation from her student, whose name she read out loud, she continued the roll call as they waited for Hikaru to bring Luna her school uniform.


There were mainly three types of people working as staff at the academy. Personnel specially hired by the school for their credentials, former students that had been groomed into working at the school once they graduated, and students that had decided to stick around the school for their own reasons at school after graduating. In this case, the staff member was thankfully one of the former, and they did their job diligently. Jotting down the information that Hikaru had provided him, the young man gave her a curt nod and then handed his note over to another staff member who disappeared into the storage room behind them. Less than two minutes later, he came back out and handed the new uniform to Hikaru.

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Hikaru offered her thanks for the uniform and was back to her run down the halls.  Almost step for step retracing her way back where she came from.  Avoiding anyone in the halls before she was back at the door.  She was not looking forward to this.  Hopefully it would not be the awkwardness of a teacher she had in the past.  She was also not sure what to expect when she stepped inside.  It was silly to get a new uniform and not change into it.  Was Luna going to be told to go somewhere to change?

Well, all she could do was try to make up for any awkwardness later.  She did not pause more than a second when she got to the door. If the teacher expected her to be in the class room with Luna, there was no reason not to walk right in.  She did so.  Her eyes very quickly scanning the room, finding Luna and walking towards her.

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As Hikaru entered the classroom, Ji-Won had almost finished checking attendance and had almost reached Luna. Stopping just for a moment she beamed a smile at Luna's chaperone, no doubt sending a chill down her spine. Maybe if it had been another teacher it would have been different, but Hikaru was all to familiar with the short woman standing on the podium below them. Teaching more than one advanced combat classes at the academy, Ji-Won Jee was not the kind of person that you could show even a hint of disrespect. Not only was she a dominant person, but she had the skill and clout to back it up. In Hikaru's case she had started taking one of the woman's combat classes last year, although the teacher demanded a lot from her students, she had never been unfair.

"Mrs Takahara please hand your charge her uniform and remain with her at all times until all her lessons are over and you bring her back to her dorm-room today." Ji-Won told Hikaru, her eyes leaving no room for argument. Finished giving her instructions to Luna's chaperone she continued taking attendance of the few students left until it was finally Luna's turn.

"Now then, Mrs Eclipse. Please put on your uniform so that I can take your attendance." Once more, her steady gaze and commanding voice left no room for arguments. Neither Luna or Hikaru were allowed to leave the classroom, which meant that the new first year would have to change her clothes in front of the entire class. It might seem unfair, but this was the price she had to pay for not following the rules. Maybe in the future both Luna and her chaperone would be more careful.

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