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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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“Well, I’d advise trying to join a team if you can.  Whatever team already watching where you live. Makes it safer.  Gives you people you can be completely honest and open with.  Not hiding the secret.  Some teams are all girls, some all boys, some a mix.  Each team has an area they watch over, some bigger than others.”  Jumi got the impression Mitsuko was interested in girls, but was unsure if she was a lesbian or swung both ways, like Jumi did.  That was something else team members might do together.  But explaining Magical Girl sex culture would wait until after they had sex, maybe a little during their first time, or answering anything Mitsuko asked on her own.

“Though if you live here, sounds like that’s Diamond Sorceress’ team.  A little complicated.  Were you here early enough, to hear her speech about that?”

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Mitsuko's eyes were looking slightly lower but was soon called to attention as she shifted her gaze up to Jumi's eyes while she was explained about teams, more or less.  She did not know of them specifically. "What team are you on...? I-I mean, you're also in the Diamond Sorceress' team, right?", she had instantly asked but felt dumb afterward as it was probably obvious. However, she felt a certain wish to be with this girl. Surely she had lot of experience but she was also cute. And... teasing, which Mitsuko was sure was on purpose.

"I had found my way here yesterday because I knew magical girls were here but I only had a short conversation with them. Oh but also had a reading of cards which was impressive.", Mitsuko explained of what she had done far but it was not enough to really call herself informed of all that was going on. She would be forced to stay at the convention too, as it would most likely keep her mother safe by doing so, too. It would be best for now. As for school... This was going to be harder to explain but she'd have to find something.

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Jumi shook her head.  “My team’s fought alongside hers a few times, but I don’t live here.  Me and my team lives a little ways south, neighboring territory.  I’m sleeping here every night of the convention because of that.  The trip isn’t that long, but this is more convenient.  There are a lot of teams out there, some more public than others.  We have the whole world watched.  Each team with their own territory, but occasionally teams from different territories fight together when needed.  This convention is a big one.  Teams from all over Asia visiting.”  She was a few towns away, a trip easy enough to make in a day, but not one she would necessarily want to make that often.

As for Alexandrine’s team.  She let out a soft sigh.  “This was a secret from the public, only known people like us until this morning, when she finally announced it to the public.”

A short pause.  She did not like ruining the atmosphere, but this girl might end up on that team.  She deserved to know.  “The rest of her old team, the girls I fought together with, are dead.  It was a five girl team, including Sorceress.  They had been fighting demons, under the command of one called Ulburnus for a while.  They had been doing well, cornered him more and more.  They went to storm his home.  The final battle.  They won, Ulburnus and his servants killed…but only the Diamond Sorceress was left in the end.  That was a few years ago.  The poor woman was obviously crushed.  We tried to help her.  But she barely left her home, except to work.  Until a few days ago.  I called her, there were rumors going around of people seeing strange things in town.  She reluctantly looked into it.  Turned out to be her new bunny girl teammate.  It’s inspired her to start rebuilding a new team.”

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Mitsuko listened with lot of attention, seeming however disappointed that the chances of being in Jumi's team was slim or non-existent. Of course she did not have anything against the Sorceress but aside from Elie who she had gotten somewhat close to, Jumi seemed to be the next good thing that she had encountered. Their current situation helped her feel more comfortable with her as well. It felt like she'd get along well with her as well. The last part of the story made her feel bad for the Sorceress, though. Their enemies sounded powerful.

Still... A part of her felt like asking anyway. "And how are teams decided? Would there be any way for me to choose one...?", she asked, without much subtlety. Mitsuko cared less about where she was now. If she had to move to be safe, it could work as well. Her magical form may even help with that. "Like, say... If I wanted to join your team...", she tried, daring the request. She didn't know how teams were decided or what the requirements were to join a specific one but if the location was the only thing, this would not be a big issue for her.

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“Hmm, you want to join my team?” Jumi placed her hand on Mitsuko’s leg, curious how she would react.  Was Mitsuko making the offer specially to be around her more?  “Like I said.  It’s mostly about where you live.  I’d hate to make it difficult, for you to make a long trip daily to school.  But if you are willing to move, I could use a…roommate.”  She put a slightly playful emphasis on that last word.  “After that, it’s convincing all the members to agree.  Nothing all that formal.  There is no big organization or laws regulating it or anything.”  She was ramping it up a little.  If they were going to be fighting together now, they needed to get closer. 

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Mitsuko seemed attentive as the Rose Fairy asked what she had asked herself. The hand on her leg made her look down almost instantly for a second, resulting in her blushing again before she looked back up. She gave no signs of wanting to push her back from touching her. Suddenly, Jumi was giving her even an alternate option for her room's disaster. The surprise of her expression as roommate was said to her, Mitsuko nodded with a bit of determination. "Y-yes, that could work. I am sure my mother will understand. Somehow..."

The process did not seem too complicated. All at once, it sounded like a dream was coming true in her life. Even if she did not know Jumi all that well, she was, in all honesty, beautiful. Magical, but that was a given. Still, for Mitsuko, her dreams of fantasies were starting to get somewhere. Gently, she picked the girl's hand that was laid on her leg and held it in front of her chest with both hands. "I would really like that, if you were willing. I-I mean, if you don't mind. A-and having a roommate sounds amazing.", she spoke a bit excitedly.

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Mitsuko was not resisting, but not making obvious she wanted it either.  Jumi could be aggressive though.  She had kept giving small hints, she wanted to do this.  The girl showed no hint she had a problem with it.  “Well.  Let’s use our few nights here at the convention, practice living together, roommate.”  She took the girl’s hand, with her other one.  Held it tightly.  Then she leaned in and kissed Mitsuko.  It was not a light kiss either, though she held back just a little, testing if the girl was eager, kissed her back.  She also leaned in, testing if the other would lay on her back, Jumi would quickly be on top of her, if she did.  Jumi had to teach her some things of a different sort, over the next few nights.

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Mitsuko smiled wide when things seemed to work the way she hoped. She also nodded when she was offered to spend a few nights at the convention with her. Her heart was beating a little fast as her own hand was held but then came the one thing that made her heartbeat go faster, added to her face being red. Her lips were kissed by this girl... So suddenly yet so... pleasant. Mitsuko froze for a bit from all the emotion at once. A new roommate, a cute one at that. Both of them were naked and she was kissed but not stopping it...

The lean in surprised her, too. With everything, she fell with her back against the couch but her reaction made her grab Jumi to pull her with herself, assuming she did not resist. That would leave her quite literally on top of her. "I... I'm sorry...! But...", Mitsuko started, not pushing the girl back however. Was it because she wanted this? There was no girl she really was interested into enough to dare ask for anything like this but this one girl was bringing it to her. She could not let this turn awkward, she did not care how it would look...

Shutting up and leaning in, she just shared the kiss back, feeling like this alone would convey how she felt about it. The situation was all for this moment.

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Jumi was pleased with the reaction, let herself get pulled down, her body pressing against the other..  There was some brief hesitation, but then the kiss resumed.  Her new roommate wanted this.  Wanted her.  Jumi had some ideas how this was going to go.  What she hoped for.  She was not looking for a serious lover, but this would not exactly be casual either.

She kissed for a moment, her tongue aggressively plunging in trying to overpower the other girl’s whenever it moved, while encouraging it at the same time.  After a moment she lifted her head.  With a smile that mixed friendliness and lust.  “Let me reintroduce myself.  Jumi Kuromori.  Have you ever done this before?”  She thought the girl might be a virgin, either completely, or just with other girls, not that she really cared, but it was a little cute watching a virgin’s first reactions.  Sometimes teaching them things they had not considered about sex.

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Mitsuko was into it and letting it happen. Her eyes even closing a bit as she felt the weight, the warmth, everything of Jumi on top of her. It made her feel things. The kiss was wonderful as well, wanting her. That didn't stop her from enjoying it and trying to share it before the Rose Fairy pulled away, leaving her to open her eyes and calmly look at her. "Jumi. I see... I'm Mitsuko. Kugimitsu..." Her blush remained for a while, her gaze drifted away slightly. "I never had anyone this close to me before... N-not while naked...", she admitted.

She knew she was declaring herself a virgin but she had nothing to hide. No self-consciousness to stop her from enjoying this moment. Nobody to wait for her, except one person she would certainly give a call later and probably apologize to. But right now, looking at Jumi on top of her, nothing else really mattered. "A-are you going to do something to me? I mean... With you being on top of me now. N-not that I mind, of course.", she told her new friend but felt embarrassed by how silly she sounded like. She still quietly looked very curious.

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Jumi leaned in whispered in her ear.  “We are going to have sex now.  We be having a lot of it, roommate, probable teammate.”  She bit and sucked on the ear strongly.  Kissed her neck, not enough to leave a mark…yet.  But she might have them before the night was over.  She lifted her head, looked her in the face again.  “I have so much to teach you, the world you are now part of, we have our own sexual culture, the public doesn’t see.  I wonder what I should start with though?  How much do you know about the ways two girls can have sex?”  Would there be things she could surprise her with?  Was she completely innocent.

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The tongue was a useful tool.  Something Rin was more comfortable with down there.  She could feel the man’s skill and experience.  Her arousal growing.  Whimpering in pleasure.  Her body telling her to stop being scared.  Getting more wet.  Why was she so scared after letting four boys do her together?  To taste the pleasure offered, that only a Knight could give?  Didn’t she want to know what Emi and Alexandrine felt when she had sex with them?  A curiosity over a man with all those piercings.  “…Y..yes..please do it.”  She gulped nervously.  Scared but eager to feel this, to learn the consequences. 

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Mitsuko saw her move close to her, whisper in her year and the words were what did it for her. Now, there was no way in the world that she could blush anymore than she was now. A part of her knew but the other part had no realized that this was going to head there. "W-what...? Sex...?", she looked confused but definitely knew what sex was, just not by experience. Still, she showed no resistance at all, seeming fine with Jumi on top of her, which made impossible for her to escape her coming fate. Or... Maybe she wanted it.

Jumi was letting her know that there was much more to magical girls than what she had read from books but questions sprung in her mind. "W-wait... The diamond sorceress warned me that demons wanted to force themselves on us... S-so this really is what she meant... You're not a demon... Right...?" A still fazed part of Mitsuko wanted to make sure but otherwise, she was all for it. What she knew of sex was what many girls of her age knew from certain sources. For Mitsuko, it was mostly Shoujo ai mangas. Some doujins.

If her imagination when reading did a lot of things, Mitsuko never had felt what she was feeling right now. The skin of another woman touching hers... Feeling her warmth... She had touched her own body at times, like she had done in the shower before, but she never had went very far into what kinks some other girls went for. She knew of toys but they were to her mostly a thing to joke about IF the subject ever came up. She was a prude. "O-only a little. A-are you really going to... You don't mean...", she had an idea but still.

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Azreal looked up sweetly. "As you wish Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star)." He smirked before slipping a finger inside Rin's pussy and slowly slipping two into her ass. His tongue lapping up her juices as he went inside tasting her soft insides. His lips rubbing against her clit. He began to slowly pump his fingers inside her wanting to get to her submit further. Her whimpers and moans where music to his ears as his cock was fully erect now. Oh how he wanted to slam her against the wall wrap her legs around him and punish her tiny insides till she was drooling mess or even better screaming his name and wanting to transform into his male self.

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Jumi laughed at the question about demons.  Fairly long, a cheerful giggle that was hard to stop, but eventually caught her breath.  “Sorry, sorry.  That really is something you have to worry about.  We all do.”  She left the question of her experiences in that area unspoken.  There was a time to have serious talks like that.  “Let me put it this way though.  If I was a demon, you would be feeling a long hard shaft touching you below, maybe already inside you,  That is how the vast majority of demons want to do us, man and woman.  Though yeah some female demons might do something like this.  But like I said, I’’m here to protect you.  Also, something is very wrong if a demon got so far in a place like this.  It’s never happened before.”

She leaned in.  Whispered in the ear again.  “I don’t mean what?  What do you think I’m going to do to you?  Have you been waiting for this?  You aren’t stopping me.  You like other girls, don’t you?  I find you cute.  I want you.”  Aggressive.  She would take she wanted unless it was clear the other person truly hated it.

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Mitsuko had a concerning look for a bit, more so about the shaft that was supposed to attack her between the legs. She had understood the reference, in a way. Jumi meant rape. More precisely demonic rape... The definition of consenting was still a strange one to her. She was able to recognize when she did not want something, whether it happened randomly or not. With the Rose Fairy, it was very sudden, definitely pushed against her but Mitsuko consciously allowed it to happen. She wanted it to happen. She felt it happen.

With all of the physical contact, she had not realized how excited her body had become, as Jumi was taking all of her focus with her presence. The area between her legs had started to show some of its arousal. As the fairy whispered to her again, she made it clear that things would happen regardless of her liking it or not, whether she was joking or not. But Mitsuko felt ready, or rather, she did not care... She trusted her. Maybe her mental situation needed it, too. "I... I don't know.", She slowly covered her face with her hands.

Mitsuko was embarrassed but she didn't want it to stop. Not yet. Jumi said she was cute... She wanted her. That was it. "I-I feel like I want it. I feel strange... B-but I think you know more than me. Do what you must... I want to feel it...", she said, slowly uncovering her face but watching Jumi. If she was going to do what she imagined, would it feel good? Surely, it would. It was teasing and she wanted to know, more and more, the feeling of what Jumi was advancing to do to her. There was no stopping it unless the Fairy decided it.

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“Yeah, you are giving me the impression I do know more.  I’m quite experienced.  There are a number of things we could do.  I’ll teach you them all eventually.  Though probably not all tonight.  This is part of being on a team.  Our life is so dangerous, we have to hide things from so many.  We will be living together too.  It is natural for us to do this together.”  She slid down a little, kissing down the neck, collarbone, to the chest.  How would she react to another girl playing with her breasts?  She kissed down one, until she found the nipple, rubbed her tongue against it, flicked her tongue against it, finally she began sucking.  Slow, affectionate sucking, rubbing it a little more with the tongue in between.

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Mitsuko was not sure what she was saying but her mind was clear about what she wanted. Even if she did not know what exactly she wanted. Her life was so casual before that sex was not really a thing she thought of. She fantasized about it for sure, at times. But Jumi seemed to know a lot for her age. The life style was quite different so far and she did not exactly hate it. Feeling her move down, she followed her with her eyes a bit, feeling the kisses making her close her eyes. Oh no... She was going to feel her small breasts, wasn't she?

It however went beyond feeling. Mitsuko felt a kiss... Then her nipples being licked, all the way to feeling the Fairy's mouth around it, forcing the schoolgirl to try and muffle a moan out of it. She did not want to show how good it felt but her body would be more honest by her reaction. "Y-you're really doing it.", she said shortly, looking down at her, hoping her breasts were good enough for her. Other than that, Mitsuko did not dare move a muscle, except for whatever automatic movement that she had as something wonderful was felt...

If they were going to be sexual about it, and so personal, could Mitsuko just let herself go? Surely, Jumi would not judge her for it. Her hand would reach to her other breast that was not being sucked on, then she would press gently against it, just to feel the moment. Her eyes closed again as she felt was what done to her, trusting the girl as she was sure that at the very least, she would not harm her. This feeling was a hundredfold welcome compared to what this Lenneth had made her feel. And she started to want more and more.

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Good she was taking a little initiative.  Maybe the girl would try to touch her body before they were done.  Jumi was enjoying it.  It was not like either of them had huge breasts.  These were appealing.  She meant what she said, about wanting this girl.  She wanted to teach her everything she could, make Mitsuko want just as much.  “That feel good, Mitsuko?”  She asked as her tongue continued to work.  “Do you want to suck mine?  You’ll have to wait a little, but I’ll give you a chance.”

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Mitsuko tried her best to hold her gasps but there was only so much she could do. No clothes, no barriers, protected her from what could be done to her but at least Jumi seemed to enjoy it. When asked if it felt good, she nodded her head, "Y-yes... Yes, it feels good...", she muttered while trying to calm her body but the next words made her stare at the girl. She was not even thinking about having a turn in this, and yet... It could also be a reality. "I would like that..." Her hand kept playing gently with her own breast while, little she knew, that her body was responding in kind to the arousal. Having no experience, Mitsuko had no idea where to even put her hands. If she should touch this new friend while she was her plaything.

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Jumi did enjoy playing with other girls' breasts.  Understood why so many boys felt the same.  She did also enjoy others, boys or girls, doing the same to her.  She would give Mitsuko a turn in a little while, let her try anything Jumi did to her.  Maybe try other things.  Jumi continued playing with the  breast another moment.  She meant what she said, she wanted Mitsuko, found her and her reactions cute.  Not as a lover, but between all the connections being made, it would probably become something 'more' than friends.  A grey area, hard to put into words.  She did not consider this as casual as some of her sex, it was a bonding experience of sorts, trust building.

Did Mitsuko know what was coming?  How she was going to lose her virginity?  There were options, Jumi had already picked one though.  She looked forward to seeing the girl's reaction, when the sex really started.  Her first orgasm?  At least the first caused by someone else.  Her mouth finally left the breast.  Slowly worked her way down Mitsuko's stomach.  Making a slow straight line towards her target.  Her hand lightly and affectionately rubbed Mitsuko's upper leg.  Teasing a bit at where she was heading.

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Mitsuko was taking a good moment enjoying herself, having no idea how this would develop into. Her imagination could only go so far and if she had seen any yuri materials before, the reality she was in now was still one she was not prepared for. The schoolgirl was getting comfortable for now with her body being played with but that probably would change soon. Both her breasts felt good, for different reasons, and she loved it. She finally relaxed a little when the sucking and licking stopped, making her look down at her partner.

Watching Jumi lower down, an expression of shock drew on Mitsuko's face, knowing where she was going. Slowly, she also came to realize what had been happening down there, being a little wet already. This realization made her cover her face with her hands again. Seeing her breasts was one thing, seeing her naked was one other... But seeing this part of her, aroused, her small tuft of pubic hair matching her own hair in color... The hand rubbing her leg felt good, she wanted more, but she was afraid of what Jumi would see.

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Alexandrine had said the words, she was collared now, she even confirmed the words after. That made it an even more powerful hold on her. Exzel had dumped a huge amount of her seed in Daimond, and it had felt glorious, taking the team leader like that. But then that had always been Exzel's strong point. Subterfuge, though she had learned much about fighting through the years. She much preferred to overpower them naked in bed.

She did wonder, about Zorn though. Would he still want to kill her, if he knew she had been corrupted, in her own way. Exzel didn't go in for mind controlled or mind altering like some demons, or at least to the extent a lot of them did, and some thought she was weak for that. But agents with free will were so much more fun, and surprising sometimes.

She paused, hard in Daimond still. Usually requiring time to go again, she could feel herself staying hard, her cock feeding off of the sorceress' magic to stay hard.

"That was good, my pet. Interesting, it would seem your magic wants to keep me hard."

She pulled out for a moment, left over seed trailing down Daimonds thighs, and sat up. Sitting on the side of the bed, she pulled Daimond onto her lap, facing her, and guided her hips, putting her hard memeber against her entrance, pulled her down by the hips. Exzel hugged her to herself, thrusting her breats out and against Daimonds as she grinded up and down.

"Mmmm! I love this! I can fill you until my heart's content!" She did love the way Daimond felt impaled on her thick futa cock.

"Can you handle another go?"

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Alexandrine felt warm.  Like she had someone that would never abandon her.  It might have been the collar and other corruptions, but she believed she had someone who would never abandon her.  She would obey the demon in gratitude.  A truly willing and eager obedience was forming.  She smiled, the most she had in along time as the pulled her up.  “More mistress.  I want to please you….As many times as you want.  My body is your property.”  She was giving in completely.  Her next questions did not have fear, almost a glee.  “What do you want from me?  What do you want me to become?  Are you going to put more spells on me?”  She was almost excited, to learn the demon’s plans for her.  Everything she would become.  If she still had more spells or rituals waiting.  Was it even possible to make the corruption deeper?

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"Good, all in good time. Right now, I'm just going to use your body, because it's so good. Just... enjoy it. We'll have time enough for more."

Exzel used her strength to lift and pull down her hips, in time as she thrusted up. Kissed her, further intermixing their aura's, and moved a hand from Daimond's side to between her legs, finding her clit, and rubbing it mercilessly, as her thrusts bounced her in her lap. Intent on making her cum as much as Exzel felt she was about to. She lost track of time, fucking Daimond's pussy in her lap. Her own moans growing louder and more frequent. Using her body like a toy, and giving a much pleasure as she took. Getting harder and bigger. She didn't know how much time had passed when she came again. Body shaking, so strong was her pleasure with Daimond wrapped on her demon cock. Her warm seed exploding in her again, her dark energy lingering inside Daimond, warming her, tingling her skin in her most sensitive areas. Her fingers continued to dance on Daimond's clit, not letting her pleasure subside one instant, seeing how much see could endure. Her heart pounded in her chest against Daimond's. This planet was so much fun!

And already she could feel the magical girls body reacting, helping her body recover from the orgasm, even as she kept rubbing her sensitive little nub. That the reserved leader of the team could be made into such a slut, Exzel was extremely happy with everything.

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