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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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That was fair enough to Emi. Each would choose two. She had already chosen Alex as one of her two. Deciding on one more would be simple enough, right? She could do that much. Sure, maybe Alex had more or less done most of the work himself, but this was all brand new to her! Surely Ryan at least had some experience from the other side?

Regardless she turned and set back to the task of taking photographs and signing autographs with various fans who approached the stage. She kept an eye out for anyone who really caught her interest. An older man might have been nice, but then if she wished to experience that then Mister Hikaru was possibly an option. Maybe. She didn't really want to get pregnant.

Then there were the many young boys in the crowd. Some her age. Some older. Some younger. Somehow that felt more difficult for her to navigate. It was more embarrassing, although she couldn't figure out why. It would probably be better for her given her inexperience, right?

Also present were knights. That did sound fun! Heck, perhaps it would be nicer for Rin to experience? She had not done it with a knight while Emi, technically, had.

But then the knights were not restricted to these few moments, these opportunities. They could have fun with a knight later. She would feel bad giving that chance away from a fan. Heck she was already feeling bad for the girl fans who might have wished to attend their session. Guys were clearly their choice for tonight, at least for Rin's sake.

There are more chances though. More nights.

Ultimately Emi decided that she would seek out a boy who was larger. Maybe a little older than they were if she had to. Experience would be good, given their lack of it.

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Fujiko walked along with the girls. When she walked by a stand and did a double take. Someone was selling plush lions that looked like they were from voltron, the show Elie had first mentioned to her, and she had been "binging" recently. They weren't large but they were adorable, and they caught her eye immediately. She fell back from the 2 girls a moment, and went over to the stand, purchasing the most adorable blue lion plushy she could find. She had a nagging feeling that there was some earth ritual about reciprocating gifts, so picked it up while the girls were looking at other things, in case it might come in handy later. At least she wouldn't be empty handed.

She caught up quickly with the girls. She was getting a vibe from Daimond she wanted the alone time with someone, and her hand brushed Daimond's as she walked by. She smiled at Daimond and held her hand out in such a way that if she reciprocated, she would hold her hand as they walked. If not, it was a subtle gesture, and no harm done.

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Elie had raced to the ventor with big plushie kitties and got the black one and calico one. He even threw in a free gift of a notebook. Elie smiled happily paying for it and then her eyes caught the two most perfect gifts for Fujiko and Alexandrine. 

She walked over leaving the two to themselves for bit as she bought the gifts and made custom cards with messages for each in them. "I really hope they like these. Plus with them having real gems and jewels they don't need to know the price." She said paying the two necklaces and walked back over with the biggest smile on her face. "I got your gifts. Can I give them to you both now or would you like them later?." She said hugging the big kitty plushies."

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Rin was uncertain who to pick.  Someone who had experience, or innocence.  A more masculine stronger build or not.  She evaluated each man as they came though, other than the one Emi picked.  There was one, a little younger she guessed, who could not stp staring at her chest.  She guessed he had no idea what he was in for, but it was kind of...cute?  She decided to go with him.  There was another one wearing a punkish attire.  A 'bad boy'.  Some girls found an appeal in that.  Should she try to get a sense of it?  With a bit of nervousness she picked him.  They sill had a little time.  "Should we stop there?  Or do you think we should each see if we can pick one more?"


Alexandrine had been a little touched  by the mother figure content.  Though it made her feel a little older than she was, it was not quite the same as hearing that from say Emi.  She guessed she was not that much older than Elie.  She did not say anything about it though, it was meant as a compliment, and she would take it as one.  She followed to the stands, waited to see what Elie had in mind.  It was a little surprising, but again nice.  Her lust had mostly been directed at Fujiko, but strong as it already was, there was now a little directed at Elie as well.  "Ah, thank you.  You can give it to me now."  She held her free hand out to take it.  I had something in mind for you.  But it is not as convenient to carry around, potentially fragile.  I will get it for you later."  It wouold remain a surprise for now.

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As they continued to tend to the crowd of fans Emi did curiously observe Rin during her own decision making process. She seemed to find more appeal in someone younger. Innocent looking. The bunny had to admit that they were rather cute, although the lack of experience was an interesting choice. Was Rin going to teach them? It was rather thoughtful of her, wasn't it?

It was a few minutes later that another choice had been made. A boy wearing something that Emi considered to be more thuggish in nature. It reminded her of a few people who, in the past, had tried to force her into sex. Still, she wouldn't question the girl's choice. There was a certain appeal in that sort of person, even if she didn't entirely feel it herself. It would at least be something to try if she decided to go ahead and join her friend!

"I think that is good" the bunny replied timidly. "At least for me." Unless they found someone who was interesting enough, of course.

Like Mister Toshiro.

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Elie looked at Alexandrine and smiled handing her a box that opened once it was in Alexandrine's hand. "It's a necklace. Each jewel means something, they're all shaped like hearts. The sapphire is ment for wisdom and calmness. The garnet is ment for constancy and loyalty. The tourmaline is for hope and purity. The ruby is for nobility and beauty. The peridot is for felicity and protection. The Alexandrite is for balance and joy and lastly the diamond for truth and clarity." Elie smiled softly feeling like her gift was a bit cheesy as the card opened as it read: "You're not alone even when you feel lonely. You're loved more than you can fanthom. You're chosen and wanted and important and valued. We all look up to you and love you dearly. Thank you for a motherly figure or even a big sister to me." Elie looked at Alexandrine as the jewels shimmered and shined. "I understand Diamond Sorcereress my gift can wait and Fujiko would you like your gift now or later?" She said blushing softly hoping she didn't upset her new friend.


((Looks like this but without the names and has more hearts.))

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Fujiko wanted to see what she got. The necklace she gave Daimond was quite beautiful, very eye catching with the gem stones, and she was curious to see what she might get. However, she didn't want to get emotional in public if it was something touching, and if she suppressed her emotional response, it might give Elie the wrong idea, like Fujiko was heartless or uncaring.

"Can I have mine later please?"

She looked back and forth at both girls, feeling ready to take them on. She stood by Daimond and grabbed her arm with hers purring it between hers and her body as she leaned over for a closer look at the necklace. "A truly beautiful gift. I think the purple will bring out your eyes."

She made a point to press the side of her ample chest against Daimond's arm as she looked at her necklace, brushing down Daimond's arm with her other hand, before she released her. Hoping her touch would enflame her interest even more.

"Shalll we?"

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Rin stood up stepped away from the autograph and picture area.  “I guess we could walk around the crowd.  See if anyone stands out to either of us.”  Of course she had not been there that night.  She had seen that boy during the fight, but was unaware of the impression he left on Emi or why.  It did not occur to her to look for him.  That Emi might want to find him.  Of course they had a few nights too.  Depending on how it went, maybe they would try it again with different people.  Another chance to find him.  She led Emi to the crowd between them and the private rooms.  Those hands again.  Maybe one of the days she would just invite one of the men randomly touching her.  If this night went well.  That remained to be seen.


Alexandrine looked at the necklace.  It was certainly beautiful.  The only problem was, with Fujiko, she had to be careful about when and where she wore it.  Either only wear it while transformed, maybe at home.  Or be very careful not to wear it anywhere Fujiko might find her as ‘Alexandrine’.  For someone who barely knew her, the card was well written too.  “Thank you.”  She closed her hand gently around it.  She might have put it on, but with where they were going now, it would not stay on long.  She was sure Fujiko was doing it on purpose now.  May have wanted it as much as she did.  She nodded.  “Yes, let’s go.”  She did not know if they would privately talk at all first.  But she was sure all three of them would be in bed soon enough.  As she led them back through the crowd.  To the halls and then to the same room she had taken Elie to before.  She had guessed correctly, that Rin and Emi had left.

”If you two want to talk about the drawing or anything else, we can do that.”  She was sure Fujiko knew what they were here for.  She was not positive Elie understood yet.  But she impression that all three of wanted the same thing.  Each of them wanted both of the other women in the room.

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Elie followed a bit confused as she looked at Alexandrine. "I...I thought you wanted some one on one time. I can leave....and ah sure Fujiko you can have your gift later." Elie had a strong feeling what was going to happen soon. She had a feeling Alexandrine and Fujiko were going  to have some fun time of their own. "I don't want to be burden. I can wait outside or just go out and enjoy the convention till you two are done." She blushed softly the feeling in her chest and core heating up a bit more as more lust came over her but she was willing to battle against it.

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Alexandrine set the necklace and card down gently on the table.  She thought she had made it clear she was inviting bth of them earlier.  She had a feeling Fujiko at least wanted both of them, and would take the stronger lead keeping Elie here.  “Please stay.”  After this gift, their talk she did not want Elie to leave.  “My invitation was for both of you.”  There was no harm in this.  Elie was hardly the first fellow Magical Girl she had slept with.

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With the fan session at an end Emi lifted an arm and wiped a little bit of sweat from her brow. A timid smile and wave were cast towards any assembled members of the crowd, as were multiple bows of her head. How much time had actually passed? She really didn't know.

Singing soon.

And then potentially other things. She followed Rin out through the crowd, body wiggling a bit as the occasional hand brushed and grasped and even groped against her petite frame. By the time they'd passed through her face was left with a fairly noticeable pink fluster.

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Elie looked at Fujiko and then Alexandrine. "Alright...if you incest. I don't want to ruin your sexually time together. I mean not that I wouldn't love to watch. I'd love to watch you to hmmmm....well fucking." She blushed brightly thinking of Alexandrine under Fujiko and the other way around. The image made her inner legs cross as her pussy grew wetter and wetter. Her nipples perking up a bit as she gripping the couch.

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Elie understood that much at least.  Offering to watch was cerBut now Alexandrine waited.  Waited to see what Fujiko would do.  Talk about the reading?  Try to talk Elie into joining them?  Well it looked like it would be bed first.  Ellie was clearly turned on, just uneasy about making it a three woman experience.  Talking about the cards would wait until later.  Though perhaps while they were all still in bed.


Apparently it would just be two boys for each of them.  As they made it through the crowd.  Found Alex and the three others, waiting at the entrance to the hall that led to the private rooms.  Rin waved at them.  “Welcome.  The four of you have been chosen, for a special private concert.  Follow us.”  She led them into the hall.  Saw the room from before was locked.  Found one that was not and let them in.  The layout of the room was the same.  “Take a seat.  Let me and Luna get ready for our song.”  She led Emi back to the bedroom portion and closed the door.

She had to make sure they were on the same page.  “We’re really doing this…aren’t we?  Give them a song.  But more than that too?”  Was Emi up for it.  The two of them having some fun with the boys together, after singing?

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When they had finally emerged from the crowd and approached the gathered boys Emi raised a hand and offered a timid wave. She kept close to Rin as they continued on through the hallway and towards the private rooms, occasionally stealing glances and offering slight smiles towards the boys surrounding the two. Singing to the four of them. Just the four of them. That she could do. Yes, she was already feeling a little more confident about herself!

She of course allowed Rin to do the talking. The girl was simply much better at it. Once they were situated inside Emi locked the door and turned, following Rin into another room when she was gestured over. Alas, Rin had decided to be quite direct with their intentions! Not that Emi minded, of course. This just meant she'd need to make a decision earlier than she'd hoped.

A glance towards the door to the other room had the bunny considering for a moment whether or not she really wanted to give it a try. Truth be told she was primarily trying to help Rin with her first experience as a girl with a guy. If that meant she also had to be with someone? Well, that was fine by her. Nobody ever said they had to go very far. But then who knew how far she would actually go once she was in the mood.


Her answer was simple enough, tail wiggling softly behind her. A hand waved towards the room, offering Rin the lead.

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They were going to do it then.  Well, she was ready as she would ever be.  But there were things to consider for the performance.  “Should we repeat the same song.  Or try something else?  Do anything special for them as we sing?”  She thought about options.  Should she show skin, like Emi?  Should they both do it nude?  Should they give the boys any attention while they were singing?  Or let the boys touch them?  Neither of them had any experience with this sort of thing.  But she wanted to do something they could only do  in private.

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"We could try a new song, if you would like."

New was more special. Something none of them had heard before. "Maybe something easy. And quick."  Especially if things might be happening while they sung as Rin suggested. A finger raised to scratch at her cheek in thought. What would she be willing to do while singing?

"It might be hard to sing if stuff is happening."

She had difficulties singing enough as it were. Doing it in the nude? That was not something she felt she could do, even in front of a small group of people. But how to make it special? Truthfully she didn't really know. "I'll leave that decision up to you."

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Rin did not want to keep them waiting too long.  Maybe they could plan something more special one of the other nights.  "Well let's just just do what we did before, but standing closer to them.  Singing without equipment.  Let them hear your voice.  They will be hearing it soon after too."  Rin encouraged her, being just a little dirty.  She opened the doors.  "Hello, boys!  A special concert just for you."  She winked at the two she had chosen.  "We'll be thanking you personally for your support, after we finish singing."  How many of them had guessed what might be happening.

The rooms had been set up for this sort of things.  Rin walked over to the wall, dimmed the lights.  Walked to a combination TV and computer on a wall-side desk.  She began picking the song, getting it ready.  Giving Emi a chance to say anything to the boys if she wanted, as it was getting setup.

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Pink shot across the bunny's face at Rin's teasing. It had been a challenge having sex with just Ryan. Two boys at once? Three? Possibly all four of them? And Rin? Not to mention some of them might have been more experienced, or bigger than Ryan had been. Yes, tonight was going to be quite the ordeal!

When they exited she made her way over, halting within arm's reach of the four seated boys. Even with the dimmed lights her embarrassment was evident. She tilted her head forward in a slight bow, hands clasped together in front of herself and voice timidly soft as she spoke. "T-thank you for your support. We hope to make tonight special. Please enjoy."

After straightening herself out she looked to Rin, and then towards the television, waiting for the selection.

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Rin's thought was they would each stick to the two boys they chose.  But once things really got going, it might switch around a little.  It was possible there were times when three or all four would focus on one girl.  And Rin and Emi might play with each other as well.  As the song began to start up, she nodded a little to the music, waiting for it to begin.  She whispered to Emi.  "Do whatever feels right as you sing.  Try to excite them, if you want.  Touch me, if you want.  I might touch you."  That was an improvised idea.  They would see if it happened.  The point to start singing came before Emi could reply, and Rin began singing.  Without the microphone this time, but a smaller, closer audience.  She put just a little more power in her voice.  Directed it at the four boys,

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Before she had a chance to reply to Rin's suggestions the music had started! Her friend was going to be touching her. She was going to need to be ready for that. Her gaze shifted towards television, voice soft as she began to sing. Thankfully, because they hadn't practiced it, most of her attention was towards the screen.

The little bunny slid closer to her friend, an arm slipped around her waist in a half-hug. She tried to make eye contact with the boys whenever possible, and not just the two that she had chosen. Her thought was to give all four the best experience possible, even if she hadn't chosen them! Leave them as happy as can be. Besides she figured that she didn't have to worry about 'stealing' any of them from Rin. She had chosen two of them. Surely they were going to appreciate her more for it regardless!

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Alex and the other men watched with some excitement.  Other than the younger one, they all had some hopes for where this was going.  For how the girls would be 'thanking them in a few minutes.  Having other men present made it both a little awkward and a little more hot.  These girls wanted more than one at a time?  They wanted to 'thank' the girls for this concert as well.

Rin leaned into Emi as the arm wrapped around her.  Maybe she would kiss Emi, if they did the embrace again.  Be a little more sexual with her this time, another the boys of what was coming.  This time as lines about friendship bonds of a team came up, she tried giving them a more suggestive tone.  Another sort of bond mixed in.  Speaking from the heart.  It was not romantically serious or anything, but the two girls had been developing that sort of bond.  She was sure it would only get stronger.

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As the song progressed Emi pressed her body closer to Rin's side. Her attention switched between the television, the boys, and her friend. The rabbit's other hand drifted to the girl's front, fingers settling against her stomach during the more suggestive lines that Rin had delivered. Outwardly she looked flustered, still perhaps a bit timid but more focused upon the song.

Inwardly however Emi was just trying to do her best not to mess up! That and to keep her libido in check. Stick to the theme of the song as best she could. Make certain that she didn't lose control.

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Rin wanted to fuel Emi's libido.  Make her eager for what was coming.  She wanted Emi to want to do this, not just help her have her first time with a boy.  Though she did want Emi to control herself during the song.  Put on a good performance.  She let her hand touch Emi's back. Her bunny.  But she was happy to share her bunny, wanted to watch Emi get pleased by the boys with her.  Would not keep her to herself.  The hand slid down to her tail, then her butt.  Groping it.  She turned to the boys with a smile.  To tell them they could join soon.  The song was making good progress.  She turned to embrace Emi.  Her other hand wrapping around the back.  Let the boys think they might be a proper couple.  Maybe they would even act like that later.

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Bright red flashed across the bunny's cheeks. First was the hand brushing through her tail. It was sensitive, after all, and even just toying with the delicate fur was enough to get a reaction! Then she felt digits squeezing against her squishy rump. Her outfit, far lewder than anything she would have chosen herself, had only very thin slightly translucent fabric covering her cheeks, the same fabric which covered a majority of her legs.

She leaned up closer, singing softly, lips close to Rin's neck. Allowed the heat of her breath to prickle across the girl's skin. The hand she held to the girl's stomach rose upwards, tips of her fingers just brushing against the underside of her breasts. Emi copied Rin as well, allowing the hand around the girl's waist to lower, to hike up her skirt enough to offer not only a glimpse to the boys, but also a gentle squeeze against her rump.

If they were looking for something special for the song then they had certainly found it!

A kiss. End it with a kiss. I think that will be good enough.

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Rin loved how Emi was playing along.  The breath on her skin.  The touches of her fingers.  It all felt so good.  This was probably good to do.  The more Emi turned her on, the more eager she might be to let boys join in.  Make her forget she was a boy.  Let her be a girl learning about what a boy…several boys could do to her.  Maybe not just playing?  Wanting to do it.  The song was about to end.  She did not have to restrain herself much longer.  She understood what Emi wanted.  She wanted to do it too.  It was not a light kiss either.  She locked her lips with Emi, plunged her tongue deep inside.  It was for the boys.  It was for Emi too.  Both to turn her on, and an expression of how much she wanted Emi.  But for tonight, it would be less the two of them.  They would please these boys together.  An experience that both of them might want to repeat when it was over.  A sexual awakening for both of them, in different ways.

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