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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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The aura mixing was one of the things really turning Alexandrine on.  The forbidden taboo, letting so much dark power into her.  It was sexual in a sense as well.  A deeper intimacy, almost their souls having sex along with their bodies. It felt so good, it obviously fueled lust already inside her.  Even without the collar.  She was finding this demon’s true form more beautiful, sexy, than anyone else in the world.  Was it just Exzel?  Or could she be trained to crave demons and monsters?  Though after what happened earlier, she had to admit, she found an appeal in Elie’s body as well.

The lack of an answer frustrated her a little, she truly wanted to know, but pleasing her mistress made up for it.  They faded further her mistress pleased her.  She was so skilled.  She would do nearly anything to keep getting this.  It surpassed what any knight could give her.  Her body was on fire “Mmm mm Mistress…”. She was drooling in lust, as the clit was added to the pleasure.  A fire of pleasure burning inside her.  If it felt this, who cared if she was being a complete slut for the demon.  An orgasm like she never felt overtook her.  Her walls drawing as much of the seed out as she could.  Her aura letting Exzel’s overwhelm her’s flooding her body with dark energy again.

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Jumi made her way deeper down.  Her arm softly spreading Mitsuko’s leg.  She looked up, seeing the covered face.  “Hmm you have some idea what I’m going to do?  Don’t be shy, my little virgin.  This feels so good.  Just relax.”  But she was going to take her time.  She made her way to Mitsuko’s crotch.  Looking over it approvingly.  Untouched.  She teased the girl a little.  Licked the outer skin, one side then the other.  No attempt to penetrate yet.  She wanted to work the girl up.  Make her really want it.  She teased a little.  Pressing the tip of her tongue against the slit.  But not hard enough to penetrate.  Making it clear it was her tongue, not her fingers, that would enter first.

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Mitsuko couldn't look yet, even though she heard Jumi's voice. Being called her little virgin did well to tease her incredibly well, making her feel something that she had never felt with anyone else. It had felt so personal, like Jumi owned her body at this moment. The truth is that she really did... It didn't take much attention from the Fairy to make Mitsuko squirm gently and get a pleasured gasp out of her, which only made her more embarrassed at the moment. Right there, where nobody else had ever touched. She felt her tongue.

Mitsuko was realizing that, even though she had been a bit wet at that moment, Jumi was tasting her anyway and without hesitation, without questions. She knew what she was doing... but being herself inexperienced in this kind of thing, she didn't know if she should do something or just lay there, enjoying the touch and lick of Jumi. Slowly, Mitsuko looked toward the girl between her legs, which she had spread involuntarily a little to leave space for her. She was welcoming her to do these things to her, there were no doubts for her.

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Daimond had really gotten into it. Not only had Exzel fucked her long and hard, but Alexandrine had tried to milk her cock of every last drop. She could not have pictured so complete a corruption the last time they had met in combat. Seeing her broke in such a way was a huge turn on. Such a good girl, becoming such a slut for her demon mistress. Exzel felt like she could go on for days. But they were in the middle of a magical girl convention, and Daimond would be missed eventually. As crazy as they were getting, not even Exzel was able to supress her aura, and was wondering if they might be interrupted if she tried to continue, just like the spikey boy had interrupted her with her elegant new girl, Elie. She thought about Elie a moment, thay one needed further corrupting. But damn! She enjoyed corrupting Daimond. Making her beg for more. Still, maybe being careful was needed. She had been very careful until now and it had paid off...

She pulled out again, noting her cum flowing down Daimond's legs. She had overflowed her, and she didn't regret it. She had milked out a lot. Exzel lay Alexandrine across her lap and ran some fingers through her hair, petting her.

"We have much to discuss, my hot little witch. You made me very happy tonight, but I have a serious thing to tell you. Can you remember what I tell you now?"

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Jumi had experience, had done it with a number of girls. But this was a little more special.  She was going to be fighting alongside this girl, each protecting each other.  They were going to live together, at least temporarily.  But who knows, maybe it would be long term?  She wanted this to be genuinely special for Mitsuko.  Something she would not forget.  Make them closer.

”I’m about to go in.”  She warned the girl.  Firmly pressing her tongue through the folds, into Mitsuko’s most intimate place.  It roamed around.  Just teaching the girl what it felt like to have a tongue inside her.  Deep, sliding  across her inner walls.  But also searching for her most sensitive spots.  Spots she probably did not know existed.  She intended to teach the girl pleasure she never imagined.

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Alexandrine knew how dangerous this was too.  Elie ran away too.  Now she understood.  Elie already knew who Fujiko was.  She felt guilt again.  But also danger.  Would Elie tell someone?  Her mistress’ words were strange.  She had a feeling they were about to part.  Temporarily.  She was sure she would she the demon again.  This was not done just for the fun of it.  Alexandrine would serve her forever.  She made that choice, was bound to the demon, body and soul.  “Yes, mistress, I swear.”  No hesitation.  She was obedient now, truly loyal.  She was ready to prove her loyalty.

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Mitsuko watched still, definitely enjoying it and wishing for more even though she'd never dare to say this out loud. Even though Jumi might make her do it. As she heard the warning, a slight shock was visible, as her mind tried to compute the meaning of these words. "Y-you're what...?" but the answer to that question was quickly given, as Mitsuko felt her lips spread from Jumi's tongue making her pussy hers to taste and explore. This time, there was no hiding anymore but rather a clear yet soft moan pulled out of her.

"J... Jumi...", She spoke softly to the girl between her legs but she didn't want her to stop. In a way, she wanted to encourage her to go on, what the fairy clearly did not need to do so. Mitsuko was the learning newbie, after all. Her hand still reached to Jumi's head, just laying gently on it, touching her, feeling the girl making her pussy feel good. Her legs spread laid carefully where they would not bother her partner as one leg laid on top of the couch, while the other one stood on the floor. She looked so vulnerable right then.

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"I am not the only demon out here in the world. There is another." She continued to stroke her hair as her cock recovered under Daimond Sorceress. Content, feeling temporary drained of fluid.

"Be on your guard. I do not wish to see you harmed. You are mine now, and I want you to be around for a long while. I don't know, how these... other factions will react just yet. But they had a vested interest in you and the little bunny." She warned her, with as much informarion as she thought prudent. Now that she had Alexandrine, she was not going to give her up. It was in her interest to keep Daimond alive and in good standing, as possible, with her team. Elie had kept silent, and let her take Daimond, Exzel hoped that discretion would continue, the less people knew the better.

Yet she could feel pangs of sorrow still, from her human girl. She would have to check on her mark, soon. But thought giving her some time to sort out her young mind probably for the best.

"I need you. I need you to keep yourself safe, and to get your team ready. There may be trouble, maybe. If that trouble comes, be not surprised. I want to see that hot little body of yours put to far more use. Can I count on you?" She asked still delicately stroking her hair, even as her eyes wandered down her body again.

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“I mean no disrespect, mistress, but I am very aware of other demons out there.  Humans and demons have fought for centuries, millennia, I would never think there were so few left.”  There were many demon lords out there. Alexandrine’s last battle had only defeated one lord and his followers.  Even now, other teams across the world were likely fighting various demon clans or empires.  She had expected to fight demons again.  Though now she served one, and did not know what would happen there.

Emi though?  Well, she was half-demon.  She supposed that would give some demons interest in her, try to claim her.  Of course she did not understand she was being warned about a very specific demon.  One she knew well, better than her mistress.  One who was supposed to be very dead.

To fight again?  There was not the evil certain other demons had their words.  Exzel was so unlike the one she was warning Alexandrine about.  Enough, that her loyalty made her comfortable swearing something new.  “My body and soul are yours.  I am your weapon.  Tell me what to fight, how, when, I will obey.  I will protect you, help you.”  Did she understand her mistress?  “My power is one of the reasons you want me, isn’t it?  It is yours.”  She smiled, felt warmth of the hand.  Elie was right.  This demon was different.  She deserved her loyalty…love?  Did she love Exzel like Elie, or was it more sexual?  Alexandrine did not know.  “I promise, though.  I can’t lose everything again.  Not the team.  Not my mistress.”  She would obey, but she as doing that already, even without the order.

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Jumi was far from done, but it was official.  Mitsuko was no longer a virgin.  The hand on her head, calling her name.  Hints she was doing well, that also turned on Jumi.  She knew Mitsuko wanted more.  Techniques practiced on many girls, were put to use.  Of course it was a little different for each girl, what she liked most, the precise placement of the target her tongue was searching for.  There was an eagerness, a hunger for the taste of Mitsuko.  The tongue had no hesitation, of course there was another spot she could touch at the same time.  But Jumi would save that surprise a little longer.  The tip of her tongue was now sliding around.  Testing.  Mitsuko could surely tell Jumi was searching for something, even if she might not know what it was.

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Mitsuko felt better and better, barely able to keep her moaning from being heard.  Her hand remained her Jumi's head but a certain wish and curiosity to feel her made her want to touch her a little more, not necessarily sexually but just feeling her. Her hands couldn't reach much but Mitsuko was agile with her legs and so she moved the higher one carefully to feel Jumi with her foot, reaching to her back in the most likeliness. Her curiosity was not only physical, however. As it was her first time, she wondered if she had a good taste to her.

It wasn't needed to say that Jumi was after all licking her inside, licking her juices, licking whatever was there, a place that was there mostly for peeing and... sex... A normal girl would find it dity to lick there, perhaps. But Mitsuko's yuri knowledge had an idea that girls did enjoy to pleasure each others there as well. But still, that knowledge was mostly from fantasies... Here, Jumi really was licking her pussy, which was making her moan. At times, Jumi probably could feel Mitsuko's toes curl against her back, also making her moan louder.

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There was an undeniable appeal, fucking someone so powerful, even more of a draw because of the danger and taboo nature of such an until now, enemy.

"That was a consideration. That was not all. I understood your loniness, Daimond. I had felt your pain before, similar perhaps, though not quite the same. I felt drawn to you." It was true. Even if it aligned perfectly with her alterior motives. But only because she could empathize with her target, had her words and emotions come so naturally when Fujiko talked to Daimond earlier. Something many demon lords couldn't understand, but made Exzel that much more dangerous. Empathy, and getting into her targets head, then their pants. Rarely had she been resisted.

"Just be aware, one, perhaps who knows you is watching you and... Emi. I believe that was her name?"

She considered naming the demon, but didn't want to betray him. She just wanted her new pet to be aware, until she knew how Zorn would react.

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The demon knew what to say.  That felt like something the demon truly meant.  That was why Alexandrine had given in so completely, far faster than Elie.  But they had been interrupted.  If Toshiro and her team had not interrupted them that day, what would Elie be now?  Would it be even further?

”I will obey anything you ask me to, mistress.  When we are apart, is there anything I am forbidden to do?”  That was the most important thing to consider, as she felt that moment was approaching and she was desperate not to upset her mistress.  Though the words she said were strange.  “…One who knows me?”  There should have been no survivors of that battle.  Or any of the earlier demons she fought.  She felt her mistress was not being specific for a reason.  But she was not sure what it could be.  She trusted her mistress though, that there was a good reason.

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More and more signs the girl was into it, no longer shy about it, or reluctant to let Jumi do more.  She started lingering in certain spots.  When she felt Mitsuko’s toes curl, she lingered in the spot, rubbing it harder.  She had of course long become comfortable with the taste of pussy.  Perhaps could even be said to enjoy it.  She licked fluids up as they became available.  She looked forward to seeing if or how much Mitsuko squirted when she orgasmed.  Did she know that might happen.  Jumi personally found it hot.  Would not be embarrassed or bothered if it happened.  Her hands gripped Mitsuko’s hips, she pressed her face into the girl.  Fingers so close to the other spot she was going to touch.  How much noise would this girl make with orgasm?

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With Daimond looking up at her from her lap, Exzel's full breasts hovering between Alexandrine's face and hers, she noted how sincere she looked at her. It made her smile gently.

"Not strictly, but it almost goes without saying, I would advise you refrain from letting others know you have been... claimed by a demon, if you can. I'm sure it would damage your reputation. I have no doubt you have your own ideas about that." With the level of her corruption already, Exzel was cconfident she could keep her. What she didn't want was her team turning on her. At least not right now. Consoling her first girl was going to be an issue, by the emotions she was sensing from Elie, and that might take time.

"Within reason, I give you your free will... Out in the human world anyway. Use it wisely, as I'm sure you will. I will come to claim you again, and again. In the bedroom.  You. Are. Mine." Her hand held Daimond below her navel, caressing her skin. She had infused her dark essence directly into her, and she had accepted it. They had cum together, and her body had absorbed Exzel's seed. Even if she lay with someone else now, nothing would change that.

"Another thing. If you summon the collar, and concentrate on it, I may be able to hear your thoughts for a period of time. You may contact me, if necessary." She didn't mention summoning the collar came with a surge of lust and would probably make her wet more othen than not. But she'd probably figure thay out. She lay over Daimond caressing her softly, and kissing her once more. The demon kiss, missing their auras, and the tingle running from her lips to her core, and up her long futa anatomy.


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Mitsuko soon gasped again as it was feeling pretty good, better than what it usually felt like, now that Jumi focused on a found weakness. Her body was panting and moaning, trying to deal with the flux of pleasure invading her. Her toes constantly curled, rubbing against Jumi but she made sure, with the slight control she had, not to scratch her. Mitsuko almost drooled, being reduced to be pushed toward her very first orgasm with another girl. Without experience though, she didn't know what would happen but the pleasure increased.

"J-jumi... Jumi...! I-I feel... like... something's happening...", she spoke between her moaning, fearing that she might pee or else that was coming. She prayed that it was not the former, as it would be so embarrassing to do this to Jumi. But as the pleasure came to her non-stop, Mitsuko braced for it a little until her peak was reached and her expression changed to surprise and shock, letting out a loud moan while her body squirmed in orgasm, all of it at once. Without any resistance at all, she instantly squirted as well, plenty and rather forcefully...

Mitsuko's body had lost control for a bit, holding Jumi's head a little tighter but her foot also slid off, with her leg just laying against the back.

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Alexandrine did not intend on telling anyone.  This was something they would have a hard time understanding.  Even Emi.  Alexandrine was trying to teach her not to be ashamed of her blood.  But would she get angry, if she learned?  She had to wait a little at least, be sure she would understand.  This was a secret between the two of them…and Elie.  Elie must have expected something like this to happen.  At some point they needed to talk, but not tonight.

She let out a deep long approving moan at the talk about being claimed and being hers.  She agreed with it completely.  Loved it.  Eagerly waited for other times, as she kissed back. “I want you more than anyone, mistress.  But am I allowed to be with others when you aren’t around?  Certain people might expect it now.  My team…the boy you fought the day we met.”  Elie?  Maybe, after they talked, but that was less certain.  Would their shared bond to this demon draw them closer, or separate them?

Her hand lingered on the collar.  The proof of ownership.  It might not always be on, but it was part of her now.  She enjoyed it, found it comfortable.

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Ah, she did not even have to touch the girl’s clit, after all.  Jumi kept going.  Only closing her eyes at the warning.  Waiting to see what would happen.  She shifted her position, opened her mouth caught as much of it as she could, swallowing it.  Letting out a soft moan licking her lips, wiping off any remaining drops.  She then slid forward.  Laying on her again.  Their faces meeting.  “You can expect a lot more of that, Mitsuko.  I’ll let you do plenty of it to me too.  I’m really happy we met.”  She was eager to see Mitsuko’s reactions.  How Mitsuko thought of her now.

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Mitsuko looked at the girl sliding up to her, the one who seemed to enjoy so much what she was doing to her down there. She had no control on what was happening but a part of her still wondered if she had done well for a first time. Her eyes looked away a bit, without moving her head. "A... A lot more? I don't know if I could do the same to you...", she told her her while looking back to her, feeling the wish to do more but not knowing where to even start. Still, she smiled from the kind words and leaned close to kiss her.

She had no hesitation, figuring she was allowed to do this much. But after that, Mitsuko looked at her with a bit of concern. "I... I did alright, didn't I? You made me feel so much down there. Knowing what an orgasm is and feeling one is quite different... I-I didn't want it to happen so quickly but everything felt so amazing...", she blushed red again but hugged Jumi, finally feeling her back with her arms and hands. It felt right. If she had been a demon, she would have been defeated right there. "P-please, Jumi. Please do more..."

Mitsuko trusted Jumi but she could feel how pleasure could easily get to her. It was so appealing, so pleasant, so enthralling. How could she not ask for more?

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Rin was put into some shock, over the wave of pleasure, from the two siding assault of his fingers.  He had not expected the penetration in back.  It was different.  Her first penetration back there.  Was the night trying to tempt her?  To take his cock by there?  Do it as a boy?

It all felt so good.  It was so much he brought her to orgasm quickly with just the fingers and a loud.  But that was the advantage of being a girl.  It was amazing.  She wanted more.  Wanted to feel something even more intense…let him orgasm too.  “…More…more…please, put it inside…”

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“You were great,  a girl’s first time should be special.  I’m glad it was for you.”  Jumi returned the kiss.  “There are so many different things we can do together.  I look forward to teaching you every single one.  But no rush tonight.” So many things the girl had probably not even imagined.  Maybe even with another girl or two, once Mitsuko was officially on the team.  As she said it, she reached down under Mitsuko.  Groped her ass.  That was a whole different area.  A hint of something she might not have considered, but would maybe wait for another time.  “Back home, I have something special I can put on for you.  Give you an idea what it feels like, having sex with a boy.”   They would do more again in a moment, but Jumi wanted to know a little more about Mitsuko, especially sexually.  “Personally, I like boys and girls.  Are you the same, or only interested in girls?”

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Azreal hearing her begging he pulled away slipping his fingers out of her seeing her sweet orgasm on his fingers. "So naughty Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star)). I'm rather huge so please breathe and count each inch that slowly claims you." He spread his fingers licking them before he stood up and smiled brushing her cheek. "Close your eyes and trust me." He said picking her up pinning her to wall and wrapping her legs around his hips. 

The tip of his cock kissing her entrance before he slowly slipped the head inside. Teasing her entrance gently a bit making sure Rin would be alright before letting the first inch with the piercing sink in. "Oh Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star)) you feel so good and it's just begun."

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Mitsuko looked slightly disappointed at first, as she didn't want things to stop yet. As her butt was groped, she gasped softly and looked at her, strangely enjoying this contact with her. Lowering her arms shyly, she tried to feel her partner a little the same but without going too far. Jumi then told her about  one of those sex toys, most certainly. Sex with boys was not really a thing she considered for herself. Having grown in girl schools for the most, she grew to like the sight of other girls. Boys were not uncommon outside of school of course but she felt no real feelings for them. Maybe it would feel good but toys were a fitting alternative. At least far as she knew, being ignorant of what demons could do. And what else.

"I... Mostly girls...", Mitsuko replied, blushing as she was hugging one she just had felt pleasure with. Very pleasant pleasure. "I-I would not mind trying this idea of yours, though...", she spoke of the special thing, figuring the kind of toy it must have been. "S-say... Did a demon or a monster ever... You know... Do they really do these things to you? I-I'm sorry, what I meant is... If that is true, did it ever happen to you...?", she asked curiously, not that she was interested in that sort of fantasy but the concern of having this pleasure pushed on her, not from a cute girl like Jumi but from a thirsty monster, was rather scary to think about. Even without answers, Mitsuko still held Jumi closely, protectively. She was getting to like her.

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Jumi’s expression turned serious.  This was something they needed to talk more about.  Hopefully it would not mess up the mood.  “It is not universal.  But yeah.  You need to be careful about that.  Plenty of monsters or demons will try to have sex with us.  Sometimes it is to hurt or humiliate us. Some of them feel lust for us. It is possible for us to have their children too, though that isn’t their goal.  A few will try to seduce us.  Try to make you betray humanity.  “Broken Girls” we call them.  Because occasionally that seduction works.  Or they are captured and tortured until they break.  That is another reason for teams.  To try to protect each other from all that…but it does not always work…sometimes there are too many, or we get separated...”  She caressed Mitsuko’s cheek as she continued, as if to tell her she was comfortable telling the girl this.  “…Yes, a few times, demons or monsters have had sex with me…Not by choice…”

There were things that needed to be said, in case it happened to Mitsuko in the future.  “It is not something I wanted, but not something I am going to feel shame over.  I’m definitely not going to bend over for the next creature I fight or anything.  But, in the moment, sometimes it feels good.  You want more of it, while it is happening.  I don’t know, turned on by how wrong it is.  I’m not the only girl this has happened to, or feels that way.  I will protect you, when we are together.  But if it somehow happens, don’t feel shame.”

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Exzel smiled her gentle bedroom smile, raised an eyebrow, she was possessive of her mark, but less so with a collared pet. A normal human could barely handle the sex a demon would have with them, but these guardians seemed to be able to handle it all. So far.

"Oh still need more do you? Is that my influence, or your own desire coming out that was just repressed?" Exzel told her what she would want to hear in her place, "Do what your heart desires. But, your body does belong to me. So if someone else mistreats you, they are mistreating my property. Especially here,"  Ezxel tapped Daimond's mound lightly.

"I'll not stand in the way of you having your fun. I suppose that's only fair. As good as you guardians claim to be, sometimes it seems like you desire to be fucked almost as much as my demon kin." Exzel was even interested to see if her essence and dark influence would leach into whatever other dick might try to get into Daimond. She considered if she should magically protect the girl's sex organ with a seal, to keep her all for herself, but decided to keep her word.

"I do like my weapons, fully functional. How was that spikey boy? He seemed... full of energy." Energy she wouldn't mind sucking out of him.

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