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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Rin decided to give the little push.  See if Emi was willing to consider that with the boy.  “I’d be happy to put on a show with you, for him, or a very small group.  How do you think we should do it?  Where do you think we should do it?”  Emi had the chance here.  Would she invite this boy to the private rooms, not now, but set a time to meet later?  Alex wondered if Rin was helping him, if she was interested in him and giving the other an opportunity.  He remained quiet as the girls talked.  Waited to see how Emi would respond.


Alexandrine found it a little difficult to think clearly.  With the leg brush, she was growing more convinced that Fujiko was telling her she wanted the same thing.  Doing it right, not spelling it out.  Had she been given advice on that? That it would not long before perhaps all three of them were in bed together.  But she did not want to interrupt this talk.  And was not sure if there was going to be a reading here.  She looked for hints Elie wanted the same thing.

Fate.  Was it real, was it not?  Even if she could think clearly, it was a difficult question.  It was something argued about throughout history, with no clear answer.  “…I fight to protect people.  As long as they attack, I will protect people from them.”  She had not been given reason yet to believe any of them wanted to live in genuine peace with humans.  If that happened, she could consider the next step.

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Of course she already knew that Rin would be up for that. These words were probably more for the boy, right? A sort of heads up? Or maybe she was just confirming whether or not Emi wanted to invite him back for a performance. Maybe the bunny hadn't been forward enough. That was fine.

"W-we could use one of the private rooms, I think." Would it be good for singing? Wasn't there a lot that went into it? It would probably be fine, right? She didn't really know these things!


The poor bunny wiggled nervously in place, glancing between Alex and Rin repeatedly. "A-as long as it isn't too many." Leave it open. Let Rin decide. That was for the best!

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Elie took a deep breathe the heat she was feeling at her core must be making her feel this way. Making her on edge. "I see....I'm sorry for my rudeness maybe a reading will show you what you seek. To me the tiny details only help fate or create obstacles you must face. Fate can be a wicked master or mistress at times. With a strong will and a clam mind and body fate will help you end reach your goals and dreams. Maybe with my reading I can make that clearer and hope you zone in on your future and what desires you have." She said softly before looking at Alexandrine. In her eyes she could see Elie was struggling with desire and lust 

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Exzel smiled at Elie,  "Sometimes you just have to endure a harsh mistress." The way her eyes overtly looked down Elie, then back up to her eyes, they said, she wanted to take her.

"Mmmmm. Yes, I would very much like a reading from you. The 5 card reading seems to suit me best. Will it show all my desires?" She threw a playful glance at Daimond Sorceress. Under the table, Fujiko grazed Daimond's knee with a light touch, then she did the same with Elie, delighting in teasing them. She could feel the lust building in Elie from the mark, and Daimond was looking more distracted by the moment. She started to get more excited about the possibilities by the minute herself.

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Elie blushed softly hearing Fujiko's words as she bit her lower lip. She needed release at any cost but she needed to remind clam. "Yes the five card spread will show your known desire and heart of questions. I can even give you outcome if you wish....but that would be single card after the reading." She spoke softly trying to hide her lustful needs. Her nipples perking up started to show as her natural intoxicating scent filled Fujiko/Exzel's nose. "Shall I begin the reading and give you a outcome as well." Elie purred playfully as a starry night aura surrounded her. Her cards flew onto the table and hovered a centimeter above it waiting for this women's consent for a reading.

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"By all means let us commence the reading. I've been looking forward to this, let's see what fate has in store, shall we?"

Her eyes flicked down, noticed her erect nipples. Exzel put a finger to her lips, gently biting it, then trailed it down her face, her neck lightly, and felt down her own chest before putting her hand on the table. Her other hand rest on Daimond's leg, slowly inching higher towards her thigh, discreetly, under the table. She breathed a little deeper, causing her chest to heave slightly in her dress, the excitement plain on her face.

"Show me what lies in store for me."

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Fujiko was getting more obviously.  Alexandrine had considered this might happen, but she was surprised by how easily this woman was making her want it so badly.  This was not just wanting a little fun.  She had a growing lust, that needed to be satisfied.  It was a lust for this woman specifically…maybe she felt it a little for Ellie too.  She would let the drawing happen, but might make the invitation shortly after.

OOC:Breaking up the replies this time.  Rin will come shortly.

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Yes, it was good to be clear.  The fans should be subtle.  But they ought to make the invitations clear.  The invitation, but not necessarily what they would do back there.  Alex was pleased, hopeful it was more than implied.  But he would find out when the time came.  “I’d be glad too.  Do you have a specific time in mind, or should I wait for you two in a hour or two, at the entrance to the hall?”  He could go in without at least one of them.  “What do you think?” Rin asked Emi.  Hoping they would find a few more.  They could share one boy.  She was still unsure how she felt about it.  But if she was going to cross that line, why not go big?  Two?  Maybe three for each of them.  With a little trading.  Was it her body?  She was not completely into it.  But more into it than expected.  “Also, just what sort of picture should we give him?”

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A specific time? She couldn't really think of any specific time. Heck she didn't even know how long she was going to be here! The little bunny looked to Rin for guidance. "Maybe an hour after we finish here?" she asked more than answered. "We could meet there. Unless we can send fans to a room?"

She really didn't know how any of this worked. As for the picture, well, she didn't really feel that it was up to her. Instead she turned to face the boy with a timid smile. "We should let him choose, yes? How would you like us?"

Did she mean for it to sound lewd? No. Not at all. It didn't change the fact though.

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Posted (edited)

Elie took a deep breathe as six cards shot out of desk and hovered next to Elie. She looks into Fujiko's eyes like a mother would do to children they cared for. "Your first card is your past. This is happened in your past...events that happened and still hunt you as you move forward in life. The card repsenting your past is The Tower.....a card I see often." She said I a sorrowful tone as a crumbling tower with thunder and lighting appears. The Tower looks like it looming over the land below. "There was a storm in your past that came with drastic changes that weren't pretty. It could have been a death, bankruptcy, loss of a job, a break up, or even injury that made you crash and burn so badly. That you've never gotten over it. This sudden and drastic change is hard, painful and all consuming. It's felt you scared and unable to heal correctly." Elie looked at Fujiko having a strong feeling this women and her were alot alike.


"Your second will be your present. What your living right now and events that happening right now. Your second card your present is the two of swords." Two swords appeared crossing one another. "The two of swords brings with a difficult  choice. It could be that both options result in a no win win situation, or it could be that you truly don't know which path is the right to take. Either way, this card encourages you to pause and reflect. If you're feeling unsure or overwhelmed now is the time to meditate and think everything out. Ultimately the choice is yours but the card is saying  do what is best for you and those you love and care about. You may feel stuck, but sometimes doing nothing may be the best course of action for a time." Elie looked at her cards feeling this reading was stronger then her others. 


Elie took a deep breathe as next card showed its self. "Your future....what your future holds is Judgement. Two major arcana blessing you in one reading that's rare. But Judgement does state, that in your future you'll have to make a very important choice/decision and it'll cause a major revelation. You'll be at a truly momentous part of life, where a crossroad will appear where one wrong move could change everything. Judgement asks you to remember all the lessons you've learned in life before making your final choice. Take what you've learned and use it to help others and yourself. In the end Judgement is your final judge, jury and executioner." The card showed a man at a crossroad where one side was blood, darkness and death and the other was light and happiness. It seemed to have haunting effect.


"I do hope this reading isn't upsetting you. My cards are drawn for you and you alone. So know that fate is telling you something through his reading. Your next card is your known desire. What you as a person desire. The card repsenting your known desire is The High Priestess." Elie's eyes lit up as a figure of herself in shrine maiden clothes appeared. "The High Priestess tells me you wish to follow your intuition and connect with your own spirituality to search for deeper meanings to things you may not understand. The High Priestess is a spiritual teacher and follows whatever fate throws her way. She's a gatekeeper of hidden information that can only be found from deep within one's self. The High Priestess tells me you should look inward and focus  on your inner life, so peace, wisdom and happiness will come natural."


Elie looked at the High Priestess and smiled softly seeing her power match hers. "And lastly before your outcome is your hearts desire. What does your heart desire and want. The card that represents you hearts desire is..." Before Elie could finish her sentence a warmth a very loving warmth filled her and others around her. "Is the Lovers Cards. This is beautiful and powerful card for the heart to desire. The Lovers tells us that your heart desires someone to love you for you. Your heart desires someone to be by your side. To give you harmony and to value you and your desires. To have place in their heart and arms that you can call home." Elie's smile was soft as she looked at illusion of two people holding hands almost ready to kiss. She seemed to be spcaing out for a moment before coming back to reality.


"And lastly your outcome. If you follow that the fates are telling you in this reading this will be your outcome." The other cards seemed to disappear as the final card hovered above the table. "Your outcome Fujiko is the two of cups. You've found your true match. This could be a romantic relationship but it could also be a friendship that'll last till the day you die. Whatever it may be you two are perfect for eachother. You complete eachothers thoughts, ideas and enhance them to new heights. You protect eachother through thick and thin. You gave finally found the last piece to your puzzle: it snaps into place and brings everything into a beautiful light where your together with this person till the end." Elie gathered herself looking at Fujiko. "So....did my reading help you understand more about yourself and what you must do? I will say I'm impressed having four major arcana blessing you is almost unheard-of. I do hope this reading helped you." She said in motherly voice before the starry night aura around her disappeared and her cards flew onto her hip. Her throat was a bit dry but nothing some of her lemonade couldn't handle.



Edited by ElieCapulet30
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“That might be long enough…”. Would it be enough for the bigger boy hunt?  Maybe.  Hopefully they would not have to rush to pick others.  They could not send him in by himself, unfortunately.  “But yes, anything you want, young man.  Don’t be shy.”  She was encouraging him, that he was probably going to get what she assumed he was hoping for.  That he could get something nice.  “Something you can show off.”  Maybe that would make Emi a little more nervous.  But she hoped she was into it enough not to mind.

Alex believed the two girls had some interest in what he did.  He walked over and sat on the bench.  Hopefully this did not backfire.  “Ok…Luna, if you don’t mind, sit on my lap.  Rin…behind me.  Leaning into me, face next to mine.”  He had a basic idea.  Of course the girls could improvise a bit.  Rin stepped behind him.  She understood, what he wanted having the new experience, pressing her breasts against a boy’s back.  Her cheek pressed against his.  She could smell him.  A strange feeling.  She could only imagine what it would be like with Emi’s nose.


Love?  Was that what the woman was after.  It was certainly an interesting overall reading.  Alexandrine had got the impression she was here for something else though.  Well, maybe friendship.  That was what Fujiko suggested she wanted earlier.  The rest of it, it made her almost sound more like her and Elie.  Her lust was briefly diminished, curious to see how the woman reacted to all that.  How true she thought it was.  How useful she thought it was.

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Sitting on the boy's lap. A simple enough request! With a nod the little bunny made her way over, waiting for Alex to take his seat. Once he had she slid up onto the bench and then, very carefully, scooted into his lap! She had to adjust herself, scooting and wiggling to comfortably face the camera, but once she had done so Emi simply settled her hands together within her lap.

This is okay, I hope. He does smell nice. It's warm too.

She leaned back against Alex's chest, tail wiggling softly into the boy's lap! It wasn't on purpose, of course, she was just happy to make others happy.

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Posted (edited)

Fujiko sat, listening intently and paying attention in case there was any slight if hand going on here. One could never be to careful with cards.

She found it interesting her first card seemed to be spot on. She made a slight nod in agreement as she listened to the explanation, it made sense. She definitely carried scars from Gyumao's service.

Next she listened to the explanation of the present. She thought she knew what she wanted... did she? She felt that weird pang of emotion welling up deep inside her as she looked at Elie. She felt sone kind of connection, and had to look away. Except her vision landed on Daimond, and she felt conflicted immediately. How close should she get to her potential enemy, she was looking good though, and Exzel would love to experience having fun with this leader of Magical girls. She undressed Daimond with her eyes, and shot her a look that said she wanted her, before turning her attention back to Elie, and a little emotional connection coming back as soon as she did, surpress it as she tried to.

As judgement was revealed, she took a deep breath, and listened. She fully believed there were going to be big choices in her future, the question was what, and when.

"No, in fact. It is as I suspected so far. The pieces are falling I to place. By all means, please continue."

The next card, focus inward? Interesting. Did she have information within her hidden or... suppressed. She suddenly had a worried feeling about the emotions she had started feeling at this table again, between Elie and Daimond. Would inner contemplation help. If she didn't sort herself out, would she continue to be conflicted?

There was a look of utter surprise on her face as the lovers card was revealed and the card itself seemed to have an effect at all on the table. Her body was already keyed up, in expectation of a sexual encounter, the feeling of warm love mixed with that, made her take a hard few breaths as she looked at both girls. She may very well secretly desire someone to love her, but she couldn't quite admit it to herself yet. She started to feel it, but tried to surpress it again.

Swallowing hard. She was tough. Independent. Wasn't she? Her mind was coulded with doubt. Did she desire more? She didn't want to admit it right now.

The two of cups, who was it talking about? Her new marked human property, or Daimond, with who she fulling intended to bed and develop some kind of... friendship? Seeking power over people through relationships, would they end up friends? Would Elie end up forgiving Exzel for taking her so forcefully, and that be the one it meant?

"Has actually given me mush to consider." Her brow furrowed in contemplation. "Some seem immediately clear to me, others I feel like I may have to discover as life unfolds. It gives me ideas... of what to watch for." The cards my actually have revealed truths to Fujiko, the last one, made the 'independent' yokai worry what fate had in store for her. But also, ignited a fierce curiosity in what the future would bring.

"There is a lot here I must consider. Thank you, for this."


Edited by Balthier
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The tail was in interesting feeling.  It was real.  And she was happy...probably.  Alex was not positive he understood the reactions of such things.  He lightly wrapped one arm around her.  Another message he was interested her.  In both of them really.  He enjoyed the feeling of Rin behind him as well.  Something he could show off to these friends, having two girls doing this sort of thing with him.  A hint of what they would do later, without evidence.  The picture was taken while they were in that position.  He did not let go though.  The grip was light enough, Emi could easily get up, if she wanted.  But he wanted to see if she would stay, until the picture was ready.  Did she like this?


Alexandrine wondered.  Were the cards setting something up, for what they already wanted?  Was this night a step in that direction?  Was it that friendship Fujiko was asking for?  Something between Fujiko and Elie?  Someone else for Elie to love?  Should she let Elie prove the power of this fate she believed so strongly in?  She took one more bite of the cake.  They could bring that with them.  No rush to finish eating.  It was the time to make the move.  "...It is a lot to consider...we could talk about it among other things..."  She had to get it out there in the moment.  She was confident Fujiko wanted it.  She was not as certain Elie did, or that she would understand what was being asked but it was time to ask.  "Would both of you like to join me, for some quiet time in one of the private rooms?"  It might not be all sex.  They might or night not all spend the night together.  But now the offer was out there.

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Another issue presented itself for the picture: her ears! They were long and, in her transformed state, naturally settled up high. She had to focus a bit but the one closest to Alex's face did manage to relax enough to droop. It would have been a sad picture if the boy's face had been covered, after all.

When she felt an arm slide around her body the little rabbit's heart beat just a hint faster. Her outfit really didn't cover much, nor was it very thick. She felt fingers against her body, imagined for a moment how easily they might have slipped into her clothes. Okay, perhaps this was a little more dangerous than she'd thought!

Even so she remained still. In the moment she was quite content despite the brief flashes of lewd thoughts within her mind and didn't really see any reason to move, even after the picture had been taken. This was clearly something that he had wanted, something which would make him happy. Sitting a little longer until it was ready was the least that she could do!

Once it was ready she held her hands out for it, signing it even while she relaxed within the boy's lap.

'Thank you for seeing us! It was fun!'
'Luna Rabbit'

She then turned slightly in her seat, and on the boy's lap, to hold the photo up for Rin to take! Both of them could sign it, after all! Only then did she finally slip off Alex's lap, head lowering slightly. "It was nice meeting you. We will see you later."

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Emi seemed to like that, both Rin and Alex thought Emi was getting into the idea.  Rin just hoped Alex did not find it weird, sharing the two of them with some other boys.  Make it special.  The first time she was signing something for a boy as a girl...well a boy with a girl's body.  At least that was what she was still telling herself.  Maybe give a hint of what was coming, that implied maybe they were going further.  Something that would leave anyone he showed the picture wondering.  With a pair of singers, in addition to being Magical Girls, it was more likely for people to think the two of them were more open to this than some.  'Your backstage pass, for when we go big.'  That could be taken a few ways.  It arguably was such a pass here.  But maybe he could use it similarly other times.

Alex looked at it, then Rin, who had an interesting smile on her face.  Maybe shyness.  Maybe more.  "Thanks.  Well, I'll see you two later."  He walked off.  Leaving the two girls alone again for the moment.  "So, what do you think about him?  Getting a little more excited?"  It looked like Emi was ready now.  They just needed to find more.

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As the boy departed from the stage Emi sent him off with a friendly wave! Her gaze turned to Rin, head nodding a couple of times. "He seems nice" she replied softly, gaze turning then towards the crowd. Of course she was getting a little more excited about what they were doing, most used to it. A smaller crowd, less faces to be seen at one time. Perhaps that is what she had needed to start with? It helped that they could focus on one at a time.

What they were going to do later as well was an exciting prospect! Singing to fewer people might be just the trick! Was she thinking about sex? Not in the moment. No, the brief contact had been exciting in the moment but, thankfully for her, not overwhelming. It was something she could handle. Recover from quite easily. There was also the hidden goal for that sort of thing: to let Rin experience sex with a boy! That was her primary objective with it. She still had yet to decide if she herself was going to go very far.


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Elie looked at Alexandrine. "I wouldn't mind however I was planning to get you something and maybe I can get Fujiko something. Also know these readings don't have be about Fujiko and myself." She said looking at Alexandrine. "Fujiko is in control of her only fate. She can choose who she wishes to love and be with. Sometimes love is hard thing to understand. If Fujiko choices you or I then congratulations but we won't know for while. It could be a day from now to maybe even years from now. Only Fujikoqnd the fates know." Elie said standing up having finished her cake. "Once I get you both something I'd love to go a private room and be with you both." She smiled having a feeling Alexandrine still didn't truly understand her cards or what the fates had in store.

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Posted (edited)

There it was. An invitation to a more secluded room with the Daimond Sorceress. Fujiko wore a gentle smile, "I would very much like that. I think a private venue would much better suited, for deep conversations."

Her body was still keyed up in anticipation, she could feel a moistness building. She wanted her marked girl, Elie, had such an elegant look. She was also eager to see if she could make Daimond hers. Or at least get her on the right path. Besides, she was cute too. It was also exciting to think how much energy she potentially had to tap. And she would be sure to tap her, eventually.

Enjoying one's self, with a dangerous enemy. It was something Exzel had always found thrilling, and that always heightened the experience. Sometimes, she had revealed her true form in the middle of sex. The look on their faces was always delicious. 😈

"Shall we go with you?" Fujiko asked as she made to stand.

Edited by Balthier
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Alexandrine had intended to buy something for Ellie too.  She had figured it could wait until a little later.  She would certainly be seeing the woman more often.  Both women it appeared, but how often would it be one on one and how often all them.  She stood.  Picking up her cake.  Could decide whether to eat more or save it for later.  “It is up to you.  I can escort Fujiko to the room.  Or we can accompany you.  You would be allowed to enter on your own, if we do it separately.”  She would leave it up to Ellie, which way they did it.


Rin and Emi were both trying to hook the other up here.  Rin had realized that.  She was just happy she seemed to have found someone Emi was willing to do it with.  “How big should our private audience be?  Four?  Maybe a little more?”  She did intend to give them a private concert.  But they would get a bonus after the concert was over.  Maybe they would get a little bonus during the concert as well.  They could make it much more ‘sexy’.

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Rin was right of course. Singing to just one person wasn't going to help her as well to get past her stage fright! A few others would be a good idea. How many though? How many could she handle? How many could comfortably join them in the private room? She pondered the question for a few moments.

"At least four? Maybe up to six."

The little rabbit nodded once. She felt comfortable with six. At least in her mind. How comfortable would she be singing to six people when the time came? Who could say!

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Elie looked at Alexandrine and then Fujiko and sighed softly. "I believe we should let our honorable fan decide. She is the one who deserves the choice. I can go either way honestly. If she wants us together or sperately it's up to her. Let fate help her decide. Besides she's already given me the best gift I could ask for.....someone believing in me and my powers. To actually have a fan who believes in me." Elie purred throwing away her finished cake. Her hips swaying a bit and her thin slender legs perfectly smooth showing.

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Again, Fujiko felt a a twinge of emotion at Elie's out pouring. Why did she care what this toy thought? Why was her empathy returning after so many ages. It annoyed her, after centuries of being a, rather ruthless at times, covert operative for Gyumao. But that was more about survival.

Not used to such kindness of heart, Elie's words meant more to Fujiko than Exzel would ever admit. But she was also playing a part, and let the emotion through, that Exzel in her true form might consider a weakness. Fujiko's eyes watered, just the slightest bit. She blinked a few tines quickly to clear it.

"Let's go together."

She said as she stood up and straightened her clingy white dress. She suddenly wondered what they were getting, and if there was some earth ritual she should be aware of. Did she need to get a gift?

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Alexandrine nodded.  She had to decide if she wanted to do her purchase now, or later.  She did want it to be a surprise and as much as she wanted the company of both women right now, she felt it should be a one on one thing right now.  The idea she had was a rather personal gesture.  But it looked like Elie was going to buy something for both of them.  So, she would see what Elie had in mind, quietly following, letting Elie lead the way.  Taking occasional bites from her cake as she did.  This would probably not take very long, she could resist the desires beginning to burn inside her again.


Now the question was who.  There was such a wide variety of men here.  Did they invite one of those older suited men, someone who took time out of a busy work day to see the people protecting them.  Go for a boy a little younger, who likely had no experience with girls?  They could probably even invite a Knight or two.  At least for Emi.  But was she ready for that?  She still did not know what to expect with sex from an average man.  “Let’s do this.  We each pick two or three to invite, same number each.  We will count the last one as one of yours.”  They would go with four, if either of them could only pick two…but three…she had some ideas of three men could do at a time to each of them.  Yes, she was going into this deep for her first time.

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Elie looked at Alexandrine a happy childish smile of wonder came across her face. "I want to get you both something....something that means alot. You two to me are really important and special. The Diamond Sorcereress because she makes me feel like I have mother figure I can talk to about things in and out of magical girl life and Fujiko because she believes in me. I promise the gifts I find will be special. However those big plushie kitties are mine." She said seemly acting like a carefree child who was happy to be people she loved but she had a burning desire for both of these women. Alexandrine because she was damn ass sexy and Fujiko she just couldn't place it.

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