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Akuja’s Digital Art Log

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I’ve been meaning to make something like this for a while and this place seemed like a pretty good place to do so.

Simply put, it’s a way for me to log my return to digital art after a few years-long leave from the art while also sharing with everyone here the progress I’m making on my current pieces. 

Expect to see quite a lot of pin-up hentai, WIPs, rkgk, some commentary, and probably one of the main reasons I haven’t responded to our private RP if we happen to be doing one. Who knows? Maybe some of the stuff I draw up could be used in a future RP? 

Edited by Akuja
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Gotta say, I was genuinely surprised that I was able to put out something like this back in April after so long away from the tablet. Not really too proud of myself looking back. It looks… disproportionate…

Still, I needed to restart somewhere. Not like I even got that far even back then. 

I remember the first thing I wanted to draw was some slut on a stripper pole, hence the pose and the getup. People were never really my strong suit, so I had to rely on an old beginner’s book on drawing anime characters to at least build off of what little knowledge I remembered. It was a relief knowing that I still remembered how to shade… Kinda…

Edited by Akuja
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