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10 minutes ago, AsBloodTurnsEverCold said:

No she's just hurt right now.
Sybil can fix that 

Unless Anjira goes full tilt into crazy town despite getting what she wants

It's bit of dilemma. She wants to keep Sybil and Archer because they are useful. Fera is useless to her and now she openly defies her, which kinda forces her to act because if she lets every muppet jump on her nose the whole house of cards is gonna come down. But since I don't like PC kills at all, I will go against my own char to some extent. 

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8 minutes ago, Kissa said:

It's bit of dilemma. She wants to keep Sybil and Archer because they are useful. Fera is useless to her and now she openly defies her, which kinda forces her to act because if she lets every muppet jump on her nose the whole house of cards is gonna come down. But since I don't like PC kills at all, I will go against my own char to some extent. 

Well think of it this way....clearly Archer and Sybil care for Fera even if she doesn't.
She knows that Fera's life means a lot to them and basically holds the string on whether she lives or dies given her power and position.

Logically if she kills Fera, she might lose all 3 for the price of 1 or at least 2 with 1 potentially being far more adversarial as a result but with her alive she has 2 useful people (who hate her but knowing she can easily kill the one person they care for won't totally resist....openly).

And besides....thats a six foot tall strong-ass tiger woman just in need of house training.
Realistically thats 3 assets even if she's more loyal to the two instead of her but thats mostly because she's REALLY mean, but the other two can keep her useful.

So its not too bad.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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I will post this here in OOC because I would like to convey my thoughts to everyone. I hope no one takes offense to it, but I will speak openly about my thoughts on the current situation. Anjira has no patience, so to keep Fera alive, I would need to ask for Anjira to not be herself, which I don't want to do. At the same time, I don't want to feel forced to play Fera a certain way that would go against her character just to not get Anjira mad either.

There's a rule at the home page that states 'What GM says goes', so if that is Kissa's decision, fine. Maybe Fera landed in the wrong place I guess, but with both of the active threads being darker, I doubt she would have lived long unless I played her in a way that wasn't true to her character. At this point I get the feeling Fera is not wanted for not fitting the theme of the darker stories, and I'm not sending her off to RP with my own other character. That would be a bit pathetic from my side. I don't like to group my characters together, since I enjoy RPing with others more.
Honestly, I couldn't have made her more useful if I wanted to. Her more useful abilities were nerfed, and even her magic ability, which she would have only been able to use without a collar is worthless at a 10 seconds a day limit. Meanwhile some characters have invisible weapons, others flip over cars all day (even with a collar on). I'd say if Anjira tries to kill her, maybe give Archer and Sybil the chance to react if they would like to. They seem willing to give up a lot for her sake, but she's not even viewed as a bargaining chip. If she's that worthless, it's not really fun for me to write with her either, as much as I like her interactions with Archer and Sybil Maybe they can do something to protect her. However, if you ultimately decide to kill her, you're free to call the shots in your club.

If she lives, I get the feeling that that would be going against what the GM wants to do right now. I'm not sure how to avoid it. I don't like to plan ahead, it's just not my style of writing. If she lives, I'll continue, and will not be changing her personality just to keep her alive. She's not afraid of Anjira. She won't be. She's too dumb to be. xD If she dies, she dies. I like her as she is, so I refuse to change her character just to keep her alive.

As for the Storage room group. I have...lost a lot of enjoyment for that scene, To @SataiRolePlayingGuy @Warning @Chiyako @DreamsnThings @CuteKitten I will be pulling Ao out of the RP for the time being. You may proceed how you like, but I'm not having fun with him right now. It'll be the sort of thing where he 'goes do something else' I guess, and if I ever were to want to use him again, I would make him return, but as of right now, the storage room scene has drained my enthusiasm. I will leave it to you how to proceed, and I can offer my own thoughts for how to separate him later if you need. I enjoy writing with each and every person here, but perhaps this setting is just not suited to me. 

Now I go eat dinner btw, so if I don't respond quick, I'm just eating xD

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So it seems to be that way. Fonfon alone fighting for Bread Jiji would work to an extent but her being between Nadia and her target where nobody should know they are even there, is not exactly favorable to the development of my cute wolf. Therefore, it seems best to call it off. Unfortunate but I feel like it was bound to happen at this point.

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6 hours ago, diogora said:

Alright, in that case, @DreamsnThings Is Trish also wandering off?

Probably for the best, Id love to make things neat and tidy as she exits the scene but... i am so lost and have no clue how to proceed at this point, so just hand waving it as a wandering off works

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15 minutes ago, SataiRolePlayingGuy said:

She still might be able to find Leona after Kitten is back, if she wants to do that.  The question though then will be what to do afterwards.

I dont entirely know if that was a good match in itself either sadly T~T

Im just going to lurk for now, possibly trying to have trish come back later on as I just dont know what I want to do at this point

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13 minutes ago, AsBloodTurnsEverCold said:

Sorry Lucas....most of them are out there lol

Lucas: That's going to be their problem, not mine.

Let a starving beast smell blood and this is what happens. : p

(I know these are very unfavorable odds, but Lucas feels it's worth it!)

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Hey everyone, I have to tone down my RP behavior a bit and have now given some thought. I will get out of the rp.

To be honest, I've lost a bit of interest, in general, but also because of various points. Among other things, I got the feeling that the focus on "keeping secrets and lying" has completely disappeared. Also, I'm somehow missing a real thread, maybe it's just me but I don't have a real end goal that I wanted to go to. I also have to openly admit that the cast just got way too big for me; I could hardly remember anything or anyone because there were just way too many chars and nps that played a role. That could just be my feeling alone, but it adds to the fact that I'm no longer interested. 

As I said before, this was my first public RP and maybe in this case I simply had the wrong hopes and expectations. I wish you all who continue to have fun and hope that this doesn't bring you down in any way and if then not too much. I really had fun for the short time and sometimes had to laugh a lot, but I'm also honest and don't want to leave anyone in the dark 🥰

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Sad to see ya go Kitten! I was looking forward to the potential interactions but understand how certain things just don't line up and work out, especially with ones desires and expectations. You gotta do what makes you happy and keeps you comfortable but it is sad. I know you're very good so was sure it would have been a good time. Its a bit rough for a first outing but at least you made the attempt! 🫡

I actually did just realize that Reid didn't even really consider escaping either lol
Anjira really has these people shook.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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1 minute ago, diogora said:

Shockingly therapy cat is the one thinking clearly rn xD

Lol she's the rock right now

Sybil's currently freaking tf out but this was bound to happen sooner or later lol She's very concerned with helping her cat.

Might have missed a whole opportunity to break away or at least give a distressing demonstration of just how she took care of those powerful people on two poor mooks.

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@Gardsorm @AsBloodTurnsEverCold @diogora

You guys wanna attempt running away? If you wanna try, I wouldn't recommend the gate because most of the people are near it. If not, then I will make one more post and you can post one round if you want before the scene is completed.

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