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For the next game I should put in a sign up deadline or something.

I'm not super familiar with Cortex so I'm going to have find a quiet moment to read up on the mechanics I'm using and then write a little opener.

But first, some sleep.


It's the dice pool I'm allowed to use to roll difficulty. I'm also allowed to expend dice to add an extra roll to a result, create complications or introduce characters.

I gain dice to the doom pool with I activate a hitch. That's when you roll a 1 on any dice. I get to add a dice of that size to the pool.

It represents the danger of the tower overall. Increasing it means the lewd wizard becomes more aware of your presence and sends more minions or activate spells to try to stop you.

I'm also going to be using crisis pools. Which represents a more specific danger, but we'll get more into that when it happens.


Well depends on how you approach this jungle, but it's probably going to be test. 

To make a test you explain what you wanna do.

I set the difficulty.

You assemble a dice pool using your traits. Only one dice from each set. 

Roll the pool, pick up to 2 of the dice, add them together. This is your result. It must be higher than whatever I roll for difficulty.

If you succeed you're allowed to narrate your success. On failure, you still nake progress but you take some stress. You're allowed to narrate your failures too.


Posted (edited)

ok, can you help me figure out how I should build this roll? im still a little fuzzy on  the specifics...

currently im looking at it from the angle of my acrobat roll and my body score to try and basically tie up the vines on themselves, and if a second role can be used (one die from each set is throwing me) I can use my lover role to basically trick the vines into thinking im letting it have its way well i do the rest

....if it sounds like i have no idea what im doing, its because I dont XD

Edited by DreamsnThings

You're on to something. You roll the relevant stats. Pick two of the numbers and sum them to get your result. If the result is larger than what I rolled for difficulty you succeed and make progress.

On success you pick a 3rd die from the pool, that isn't used in your result. The type of dice this is, is what is called a effect die. If there is no third die, the effect die is a d4. Succeeding means you reduce the size of the crisis pool. An effect die larger than a die in will remove a die from the pool, and a effect die equal or smaller steps it down.

On a failure on the check, you take a stress. Either in form of nudity or arousal. You decide which. This stress is used in rolls against you to increase difficulty. The amount is the same as the effect die from my roll.

Either way, you're likely to have to make multiple rolls to try to get out of it. And both the acrobat and lover routes sounds fun to me. As long as you describe how they go.


Difficulty for acrobatics: 1 2 2 4 - sum 6 - effect d6

Difficulty for lover: 1 2 2 6: sum 8 - effect d6


so in the case of tanyas current roll would I be rolling a d10 for body, a d10 for lover, and a D6 for acrobat, taking the best 2
rolling them like that I get
Acrobat roll 1d6 = 4
body roll 1d10 = 5
lover roll 1d10 = 10

if im understanding this correctly I can pick acrobats result and bodys result to get 9 to contest lovers difficulty with an effect of 10?


Hmm. Normally you're not allowed to add traits from the same trait set into the same roll. It's worth noting that that your distinctions are always a d8.

I might've been a little unclear with my explanation earlier. I was stringing two seperate tests after eachother.

But we can use this as your first test. It's a success, you can describe how Tanya makes her way through the groping vines.

Besides the only one trait from each set rule you did it correctly.


Super fair roll

I'll fix it. I didn't realize the slide was wide enough to allow big thing. I'll have it rub against the entrance then. 

It's the same crisis. You managed to remove a single dice from the pool with your successful check, meaning you've weakened it. The crisis represents the vines still being able to either sexually overpower you or strip you(produce stress)


Oh, hmm. I for some reason registered the opposite, for some reason. We can sap these vines dry. A successful test does clear the crisis meaning that it is resolved. Which can mean the plants wither and die. Or you crawl out of them unharmed. 

Failure means that you take some stress and I'll change the situation allowing you to try something different.


Current difficulty is 6.


So, rolling a 1 is a hitch. 1s cannot be used to for the total of the result. Whenever you roll a 1 I can activate it. Which I give you a plot point, in exchange for being able to add a dice to the doom pool.

You do not beat the test. So you're not able to sexually overpower the vines. You can narrate it, or I can if you prefer. 

You gain stress rating of a d6. Either nudity or arousal. Stress is rolled against you. You can narrate either how some of your clothing is ruin or how you start becoming aroused. Getting your arousal to a d12 ends the scene as you get so horny you submit to whatever is in front of you.


Plot points can be used to:

- activate my hitches, with our set of rules allows you to step up an asset

- you can spend a point to create an asset, which is a thing that can be added to the dice pool. It's rated at a d6. And only lasts for the scene. 

- you can spend a point to add multiple traits from one set to a dice pool

- you can spend a point to add more that two dice to the results.


Sure. I can narrate it this time.

There's no difference between a failed test with a hitch or a failed test without a hitch. At least not narratively for you.

A hitch only means that the main threat of the adventure increases somehow. And I'll always include that in my reply.


Oh, I just finished the post.

But in general, failing a test means you don't do what you set out to do. In this case drain the vines. So you can then narrate freely how that happens. Generally we don't want to run tests where failure means nothing happens.

After you've narrate how your character fails I'll add some consequences and we can discuss what actions would resolve this.

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