Auxiliary Staff Neptune Posted March 26, 2019 Auxiliary Staff Posted March 26, 2019 This is a template that you are welcome to use to create a new species. As it is only a template, you can add or remove any field you wish. It is merely a guide to help you think of ideas as to what to put down for them. -x-x-x-x-x-x- Race: Clan Name: Species Age: Average individual Age: Origin/Location: History: - Pre-history: - Modern history: Culture: Communication/Language: Food and Drink: Sports/games and other pastimes: Hierarchy: What the race consider as insulting/rude/ shameful: What the race consider as Respectful: Misconceptions/Myths/legends/Old wives tales: Name Style: General Race Behaviour: Love: Religion: Laws: Rituals: - Mating. The Ritual, not the act. - Birthing and pregnancy celebration. - Birthing Day. - Death. Genetic Diseases/ Common Ailments/ Common Mental problems: - Genetic Diseases. - Common Ailments. - Common Mental Problems. Anatomy and Physical Appearances: - General look of the race. - Hearing. - Smell. - Eyesight. - Touch. - Feeding. - Organ Function. - Sexual Organs. - Features. Mating: - Impregnation. - Pregnancy. Offspring: Abilities/ Powers and weaknesses: RP Interaction: - Basic Interaction. - Fighting. - Sex with. - Being a Female. - Being a Male.
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