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Maybe we need to make a back and forth challenge... like (idea generator kicking on...) 

what if we had a challenge where I write a post, then everyone replies to it and people vote on the best reply. Then I write a reply to that post, and we keep the story going with the winner's post being the next post every time... does that make sense or did I just talk myself in a circle?

What if the challenge were where someone posts their roleplay idea and everyone tries to come up with a character to fit in it and we vote on the best one. Or the person who posted a roleplay idea picks their favorite or... I dunno.

Mostly, I just can't write roleplays anymore and I hoped this would inspire people to try to write more. But that's probably silly on a site that's mostly devoted to erp. 

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A multi layered story. The problem with innovative idea is that we must get the few people left alive around interested into it. I like it. Imo, the lack of people = lack of motivation. And we know where it leads at the end. At the same time, I am NOT saying to give up but we will have to brace for the potential lack of interest we face from making up new ideas. It's the reality we have to face now more than ever before.

As for ED being dedicated to erp, it's not entirely true. ERP is just really allowed at its fullest. Which means we can write at 100% potential.

Edited by Sera
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It's so rare to be able to write at 100%. That's why I like it here. No filter on my creativity.

Plus it was a great outlet for all my pent up sexual energy before I found love and happiness in the real world and now I suddenly don't seem to need that outlet. Weird.

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When real life calls but still, 100% potential still means being able to write more sfw-ish stories as well. The lewd is only a bonus and also, it means we can freely write more details in certain situations. On a safer website, you'd just have your character explain that they'd go have a shower or whatever. In ED, you can detail what they do in the shower and not mince your words on nudity terms or anything. At least it's the way I see it. We unlocked lewd side of everyday situations, it doesn't have to be sexual either.

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I didn't get the notification either. You'd think as a club mod the system would let me know a new topic was added.

Nor do I see notifications for the posts in this discussion thread.

I agree with Sera. This is a harder sell. And I think part of that is judgement. We're asking people to put in effort and subject themselves to the approval of the community. That can be scary. Adding to that is that a lot of the community do just want to write "I suck ur cock"

Our appeal is to a rather narrow subset of the subset. Can we run over to the Announcement board and put up an announcement when new challenges are posted? I suspect the site mods would tell you that those don't get as much traffic as we think.

But no. We don't quit.

We extend this deadline because I have a desert dwelling, knife wielding warrior woman I've carried around for years.

Edited by WritesNaughtyStories
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1 hour ago, IsabellaRose said:

what if we had a challenge where I write a post, then everyone replies to it and people vote on the best reply. Then I write a reply to that post, and we keep the story going with the winner's post being the next post every time... does that make sense or did I just talk myself in a circle?

What if the challenge were where someone posts their roleplay idea and everyone tries to come up with a character to fit in it and we vote on the best one. Or the person who posted a roleplay idea picks their favorite or... I dunno.

I like these ideas, especially the first one. Doesn't even need to be a challenge per se, just a continuing story where everyone decides on what may be the best way forwards on the story, or straight turns, each one taking the story in a different path, so the challenge becomes to follow the path led on by the previous one.

The issue is, like Sera and Oji-san Sensei (WritesNaughtyStories) said, there's just a lack of attention here. Personally, for me it comes from the lack of notifs I get when something new is posted, so real life kind of makes me have to have a visual ping to remind me of stuff, which is why I forget. No way though I'm gonna quit this. This club makes me challenge myself in writing in all aspects, SFW and with the big N before. I appreciate that challenge, and I want to keep trying.

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I think you just need to follow the Discussion topic. I usually post here when there's a new challenge. 

But yes, it's slower, and yes, the appeal of this club is limited to a subset of a subset of a subset, but... I'm not a quitter.

QUICK SOLUTION: I'm extending the deadline of Challenge 21.

More solutions: I'll figure some other things out. I'm getting foggy again. I haven't been on the pain meds for a few days, but I had some pain and damn this stuff makes me sleepy. I'm going to go lay back down but this time put the laptop away and turn off the tv.

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A question about the challenge 21 but isn't it like just roleplay solo? Since it's about roleplaying our favorite character? I see it like a world building experience for our character. Developing a world for them and maybe people around. I dunno if I would be good at that in a sudden manner (as I do it with a partner usually) but it still sounds like an interesting experience that I'd try to participate into. Surely I can find something to write about this with one of my album characters. If I am right about what this challenge is about, anyway. I would try it.

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4 hours ago, Sera said:

A multi layered story. The problem with innovative idea is that we must get the few people left alive around interested into it. I like it. Imo, the lack of people = lack of motivation. And we know where it leads at the end. At the same time, I am NOT saying to give up but we will have to brace for the potential lack of interest we face from making up new ideas. It's the reality we have to face now more than ever before.

As for ED being dedicated to erp, it's not entirely true. ERP is just really allowed at its fullest. Which means we can write at 100% potential.

Sera, let me give out some sage advice from the D&D world. As a Dungeon Master (DM for short), I've learned to write out sinarios and encounters as if I was directly involved IRL. Meaning, put myself into a PC's or NPC's shoes as if it were a real life situation.

Then we can see how things work out. Find out where innovation can take place and weed out problems before an issue arises.

But with an ERP diconomy, it adds a "lewd" twist to what would be a rather mundane story. In effect, the ERP element can be it's own story in and of itself.

But if you take it from a purly DM tract, then it helps to keep the ERP element in mind.

Edited by SeanMallonOfficial
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7 hours ago, IsabellaRose said:

No responses to a challenge this time for the first time

I will admit, I did intend to make an entry for that one, then procrastinated until the final day, then had a moment of "no, this isn't good enough" and scrapped the idea.  That word limit also feels like a wall restricting my true power sometimes, but that's more a me issue.

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3 minutes ago, NyxAvatar69 said:

I will admit, I did intend to make an entry for that one, then procrastinated until the final day, then had a moment of "no, this isn't good enough" and scrapped the idea.  That word limit also feels like a wall restricting my true power sometimes, but that's more a me issue.

I run into that kind of wall as DM @NyxAvatar69 . It become's stressful and tedious. Not to mention it restricts the flow of ideas and it strickens the flow of the RP in a way where it becomes boring and stressful for all involved.

It's important to have what's called a "Session 0". Where you can plan, create and hopefully work out all the kinks and rules ahead of time. I also would discuss character developement and work out the "kinks" before they come up.

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1 minute ago, SeanMallonOfficial said:

I run into that kind of wall as DM @NyxAvatar69 . It become's stressful and tedious. Not to mention it restricts the flow of ideas and it strickens the flow of the RP in a way where it becomes boring and stressful for all involved.

It's important to have what's called a "Session 0". Where you can plan, create and hopefully work out all the kinks and rules ahead of time. I also would discuss character developement and work out the "kinks" before they come up.

This is a story in solo, though. Not a roleplay. Also, I've roleplayed for 2 decades now so it becomes a natural process. Never really did any DnD and not not really interested either personally. I like to write as it comes and probably will again. The story might not necessarily be a good read even if I will try my best but in my head, it will be nice anyway. I rarely do solo narrative but it's fun to try it anyway. Just for the sake of worldbuilding. I'll probably use that at my own advantage just for the sake of participation to get a start going with a character of mine. :3

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There are not "right" approaches to these challenges. Respond to the prompt as you interpret it. If it feels like world building, do that. If it feels like illustrate through how they get coffee, do that.

If I understand @IsabellaRose's intent, the whole point is to foster creativity and challenge ourselves to write more, differently, about new things and maybe, by practicing, a little better.

The important parts are creative, differently, new and practice. More or less in that order.

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11 hours ago, Sera said:

A question about the challenge 21 but isn't it like just roleplay solo? Since it's about roleplaying our favorite character? I see it like a world building experience for our character. Developing a world for them and maybe people around. I dunno if I would be good at that in a sudden manner (as I do it with a partner usually) but it still sounds like an interesting experience that I'd try to participate into. Surely I can find something to write about this with one of my album characters. If I am right about what this challenge is about, anyway. I would try it.

Yes, the idea is to just write a scene with a character... for me it's about getting one from my head into words, trying to inhabit their world, describe as much or as little as feels right for the character. Some characters have a lot of internal dialog, some not so much, but it's always fun to make the world around them vibrant and real, even if it's a desolate setting. 

10 hours ago, NyxAvatar69 said:

I will admit, I did intend to make an entry for that one, then procrastinated until the final day, then had a moment of "no, this isn't good enough" and scrapped the idea.  That word limit also feels like a wall restricting my true power sometimes, but that's more a me issue.

It happens to me all the time. I'm big with challenging people, but you notice I never write anything for these... 

Honestly, that's mostly because I don't want anyone thinking I'm trying to rig my own system, so entering my own stuff seems silly when I'm the one running things and coming up with the challenges. But yeah, I'm terrible with procrastination sometimes, and often I hit that "this isn't good enough" point and just give up. I'm trying to get better and tell my internal critic where she can go, but... 

Oh, and the word limit is more of a "guideline" really. I want people to be able to read all the entries and if I don't put something down, some entries will get out of hand. It's a problem for me more than I care to admit. Once I'm in the zone, words can come pouring out and get to be too much. I need an editor.

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10 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

There are not "right" approaches to these challenges. Respond to the prompt as you interpret it. If it feels like world building, do that. If it feels like illustrate through how they get coffee, do that.

If I understand @IsabellaRose's intent, the whole point is to foster creativity and challenge ourselves to write more, differently, about new things and maybe, by practicing, a little better.

The important parts are creative, differently, new and practice. More or less in that order.

As the official spokesperson for the club, WNS has the right of it. 😉


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12 minutes ago, IsabellaRose said:

Yes, the idea is to just write a scene with a character... for me it's about getting one from my head into words, trying to inhabit their world, describe as much or as little as feels right for the character. Some characters have a lot of internal dialog, some not so much, but it's always fun to make the world around them vibrant and real, even if it's a desolate setting. 

Well, I might have blown that out of 7th hell proportions because I forced myself to try and reach the 2000 word limit. And it took me 4 hours to reach 1800... I didn't know what I was doing, I just tried to detail things as much as possible, including expressions, emotions, everything I could think of. I went hella crazy with this but if not for anyone else, it was mostly for myself. I wanted to see how far I could go. XD

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30 minutes ago, Sera said:

I went hella crazy with this but if not for anyone else, it was mostly for myself. I wanted to see how far I could go. XD

Sometimes challenging yourself provides you with insight into your writing, your style, even yourself, that you wouldn't otherwise have had. 

I used to write for challenges on a few other sites years ago. I found that the restriction of a challenge (especially ones with a word list or some very specific requirement) stirred my rebellious streak. I'd think, "oh, you think that's a restriction? I'll write circles around your restrictions," and eventually produce some fun pieces. Most of those word limits were supe strict and very limiting. I could have done more with more words, I almost always wanted more, but harsh editing usually got me in under the limit. 

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I don't feel like I did this perfectly but I tried to see what kind of expressions or emotions I could pull out of this. Making my character feel things I usually don't make them feel in usual roleplay. It's kinda fun how we can bring in the cause and consequence things in details when we have LOT of words to work with. If anything, it was a test to see how expressive I could go, how much details I could put. It's probably a mess but at the same time, it was fun. I am mostly worried about the vibe it might give but imo, I don't think it's very representative of my roleplay skills. This challenge really forced me out of my comfort zone since it was destined as a novel.

It was still fun, though. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't too interesting or liked by many. I really did this for myself and for the exploration of my own writing abilities over any prizes for credits or anything. It's just unfortunate that no one participated at all before but I think I started the challenge going. XD It takes one person to start things up. In my case, I'm glad I finally tried it.

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That's what this club is all about!

Ultimately, we all come here to write in one form or another. Expanding our horizons, testing our limits, pushing our skill set, and trying new things can only make us better in the long run. If we even find small ways to improve ourselves and our skills, then we bring that back to our roleplay and become a better partner!


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I mean, it's nice to write for ourselves but I am still a little worried that I may look bad. I know I went full tryhard mode and maybe if I do a bad job, it might actually make people want to roleplay LESS. Who knows. I am glad I tried it, I will try to not worry too much about possible repercussions. (I am not confident about solo stories and fanfictions, etc. I never really tried writing them before)

But that said, I couldn't leave this challenge unattempted since it seemed to fit well with what I like to do in roleplay.

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This group can get very experimental for all of us. I hope that people don't consider it when deciding whether or not to roleplay with someone. I would think the one thing people can take away from participation here is a willingness to push our own limits and better ourselves, which can never be a bad thing.

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Finally getting user of the month, makes up a little for the recent lack of success on challenges.  Though not sure about the current one anymore.  Have to feel like I at least have a chance of winning to go into it.  The Rave Blob love story was the last time I felt that.  But maybe I’ll be inspired for another.  The back and forth idea at least has potential.

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