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DOOM - The New Mistresses of Hell and their DOOM slayer sex toy - [JennyDK & KanTheKnight]

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Roleplay between: @JennyDK and @KanTheKnight

Brief background:
A portal between Hell itself and our universe is created on Mars as a large company has developed dangerous technology. Unwittingly, they let out the forces of demonic spawn and their monstrous and powerful demonic lords. This has led to Mars falling to the horde fully and since then, they have teleported their way onto Earth as well, where they have forced human military into minor enclaves, that fight for survival, without having any option of a counterattack.

However, the freedom movement and its greatest allies is soon to gain a huge advantage, in more ways than one....


The last, large military facility isn't purely kept for defense at the moment, is current under siege and with the whole place full of screaming, shooting, breaking of objects and so on. Basically, all Hell has broke lose in this base, leaving most of the personal and soldiers to evacuate and to abandon this place as there is no reason to keep up a one-sided fight. The many fires, explosions and such have damaged many of the systems, power network and so on, making most things inoperable. One of these systems, is a very, very top secret project, which has been put under cryostasis, This project is basically a soldier, who let the military experiment with his body in several ways, in order to create a superior body for fighting. This is the person they have named "The DOOM Slayer" - meant to deal with any threats possible.

The cryo chamber is disengaged from its lockdown function and opens up, making the guy wake up soon after, most likely to lots of noises of conflict outside his room...

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"..." Upon waking up, the blood in his body that had been restricted by the temperatures of the chamber quickly flows into every single artery of his. His eyes open and a dried up, but a quickly recovering grunt escapes his lips as he steps out. Well, more like stumbles, but that aside the sounds of conflict hit his ears immediately. It was nearby, but he wouldn't have time to think about something like that because his attention is quickly brought to..His massive, unrealistic yet existing sized bulge which is covered by special boxers. "..." Holy shit, what did they do to him? Thanks to that, he realized he was naked. His head shifts up and just to his right stands idle his DOOM armor, his doomblade attached to it and..

A combat shotgun next to the armor. Wasting no time, he walks over to the armor and takes it piece by piece, putting the heavy parts on one by one, having fully suited up and his bulge has been comfortably restricted into it to allow for easier and fluid movement.



He takes that shotgun and arms it, cocking it once before rushing out through the corridor which was connected to his resting room. He followed the sounds of conflict, having one thing in mind; to kill whatever wishes to kill him back. 

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Close by, but still isolated from, a nearby battle is happening. However, it plays out in a very different way than what the humans have been used to. What people did not know, was that there exists immortal versions of most demon types, if not all, who are basically the "prototypes" of those, kind of like their progenitor variation. These are many, many times bigger and powerful as well. These female versions of demons have always been aiming to find a window of opportunity to fight back against the murderous, evil and rampaging Overlord of Hell and this recent invasion seems to fit that just fine.

Once the DOOMslayer makes his way close enough to a corner where he is able to spot what is happening, he will spot an Imp who is at least 15 meters tall and vastly and heavily "equipped" in her womanly parts. Of course, something else is worth of notice and probably more important this time: She is currently blasting away large waves of demons, keeping them from reaching a small room with trapped survivors."BURN! DIE! TIME TO REPENT!", she yells at them, eager to turn the tables.


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"...." The area of battle was a complex of worker offices. The humans trapped behind a barricaded office, they were amazed and less scared by the horde now, noticing a giant demon was protecting them. A giant female that seemed to be an imp. DOOMslayer was confused over this. Aside from her beautiful, seductive and the biggest body he had seen for a woman yet, she was a new discovery for him. He didn't know about demon prototypes. "..." He should approach and see if she is friendly or not. He walks out of the corner, making his 2m tall self present, before 4 doors were busted open by scientists turned into demons by a pentagram sign on their forehead.

They charge him as he cocks his shotgun and begins to claw through them with pellets. He smashed the heads of the ones who tried to grapple him and kicked back the ones who try to fling at him, putting holes through their stomachs. Both him and the Imp took care of the hordes, at some point the demons having stopped flooding in. He stood still, guard up and facing the imp. At first he doesn't likely attract her attention, so..

He kicks a small rock of rubble, which flies and pokes her on her thigh. 

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Both of them make short work of the rather weak and small demons that have reached this part of the base, with the imp taking out the last small handful of enemies. The survivors make the best of the situation and use it to simply dash out of here as fast as possible, leaving the corridor and nearby office to the armoured man and the huge Imp woman. Naturally, he has no idea what she is just yet since this is the first time among demons, though some of the smaller ones did look like her, only male. The whole thing ends with a small rock hitting her body, barely being felt at all, but it does catch her attention. Not wanting to be taken by surprise by another wave of demons, she turns in the other direction and nearly fire of her fireballs. Then she notice a human male in some sort of armour."You friendly? Imp not want to kill innocent. You also kill evil demons?", she asks, not quite as intelligent as a human, but far more than most demons.

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"..." His shotgun is kept up for a second, he even flinches and puts a finger on the trigger ready to fire it, but her speech stops him just in time. 'Imp not want to kill innocent' was a good enough signal for DOOMslayer to hold back on his instincts, at least for now. He lowered his weapon, lifting his arm up and resting it on his shoulder as he approaches. "..Hrmgh.." He only grunts, which should come off as a positive indication to her first question. He looked around, then to the ceiling at her since she was taller. That is when he sees her vagina quite literally staring him down. Her demonic body was strangely alluring but admittedly even for him: Intimidating. He is low on arsenal after all. "..I...Am..Demon..Slayer.." DOOMslayer's voice sounded torn apart and extremely deep and rough. As if this man has been through a lot. His speech also seems to be short and simple. 

But he has human traits and showcases that by raising a hand as high as he could to offer her a friendly handshake. "...Your..Name?", "..What..Are..You?" 

Edited by KanTheKnight
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Imp has rarily had chances of normal conversation, as it usually has been doing the bidding of the Hellish Lords up until now and they are not exactly the type to make pleasantries or casual talk."I am...Imp. At least, that is what my kind is called. My brood has been bred, trained and brainwashed to murder, conquer and ravage. I am here to finally try and put a stop to that and to take back Earth for the life here and then Mars!", she says, clearly sounding very serious about it. More sounds of fighting and turmoil goes on in all sorts of directions from there. She looks over the human male in green and heavy armour."If you want to help, great...for now, I need to keep up the fight", she says and seems ready to leave.

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"...Demons, were manipulated?" That was quite surprising to hear and it made him ponder if perhaps demons don't even want to face him. He looks a bit down, also pondering if he should buy her words. The sounds of a ravaging crowd echoes through, reminding him there are more important things to do. He cocks his shotgun and nods at Imp. "Okay, Imp..I want to, help. Lets drive them out of here." He turned back to the hall leading to the next area. He walks forward first, each step being carefully taken. He stops, noticing a claw hand grabbing the right edge of the hall, as one of those possessed frail demons show up again. It jumps out along with an entire horde of them as they rush towards DOOMslayer and Imp!

His shotgun begins blasting right away, but it can only do so much. He calls to his new potential ally: "Imp! Fireballs! Shoot them!" 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"More like cloned and brainwashed and now just serve as mindless soldiers", she comments further, letting him know that there is most likely no going back for far most of them. Just like him, she hears turmoil nearby and makes herself ready to go the same way to deal with it. Before they know it, the enemy forces has made their way to them, so that makes it easier at least."No need to tell me! I was going to as soon as I saw these bastards!", she growls lightly in return. The DOOM slayer seems to dispatch the first row of demons, with his close proximity weapon, but of course, having to reload means he is open. That is when Imp unleashes a couple of fireballs, burning the next two rows to a crisp!

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  • 4 weeks later...

He lowered his shotgun, after waiting a few moments to see if anything else would come. "...That is cruel, regardless." He accepted it. There was no doubt about it that saving them is futile now. On the other hand, something far more important which was how frequently she's been saving his back, that was very eye-catching and she honestly flattered him, even beginning to make him proud for giving her a chance. But, there was something else brewing in him. He noticed how curvy she is. He thought that her taller posture was absolutely stunning. Not to be a pervert, but he couldn't stop secretly peaking at her fat demon ass and thighs, along her huge watermelons. It would be an absolute dream come true to fuck her. "...." His waist area silently expanded, a huge and hung 'hill' of cock forming. He almost didn't feel a thing so he didn't even notice it. What was he thinking anyway? She is a demon. And he is a human. Plus, he has no time for fun even if he wants it. Earth is being invaded! He readied his weapon, moving ahead as his boner was tightly fixed. This suit was specifically designed for stuff like this..Definitely. 

"I dont know what outside is like, but situation look pretty bad. I trust you, okay?" He said. 

Edited by KanTheKnight
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She nods, agreeing to his verbal acknowledgement of the wrongness of such a thing happening. The Imp does not sense the newly found thoughts and feelings that their meeting and interacting with each other, has stirred in him. For now, her mind is pretty focused on the task of slaying brainwashed demons as well as freeing what has been taken from the humans. The two of them keep going on, taking on smaller or bigger groups they encounter or come to engage them. They are all dispatched fairly easily by their combined might. Of course, she also looks his way from time to time to make sure everything is allright and that he is able to keep up. This does lead to her soon discovering that gigantic buldge that seems to form at his crotch. This brings a wide, wicked and lustfilled smirk on her lips. She has not had a lover in ages, since all males are made for war and thus no one is really anything she aims to be intimate with. Once they have a moment of silence and peace, she turns towards him and kneels down and even then her face is still far, far above his head due to her size."You do not have to hide your...excitement or your bodily interest in me...at least not if it is my body that seems to intrigue you. Do you desire to lay with me....a massive female demon?", she asks, the idea of interspecies sex already fun in her mind.

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DOOMslayer was helping as much as he could, though she was doing the heavy lifting most of the time. Once they got some peace, he stopped to catch his breath. The area they were in had holes revealing bits of the bright blue sky outside. And they could hear distant flying aircrafts and just chaos. "..." He was surprised by her her smirk. Put him on edge a little bit. He stayed still and followed her crouch with his head, letting her talk. Once she asked that question she heard an exhale as he touched the back of his head. "I guess you saw the state between my legs.." He didn't know what to say, but with his relief also came that hornyness. He got closer and holstered his shotgun away, before putting his hands around her massive bubble butt as much as he could. The part he liked the most about her. "Yes, I do. You aroused me..Grgh..I love the big ass you have. And the tits." He gently stroked it and playfully spanked it, before letting go. 

Since she was direct, he'll be direct too. He looked down at his massive bulge and tinkered around, the leg armor unfolded to reveal his legs and boxers. He grabbed his boxers and pulled them down. His giant 4 cocks that were resting on top of one another popped out, revealing themselves to be 100 meters long and girthy. Good thing there was space around here, elsewise he wouldn't be able to take them out. They were hard and throbbing in their massive size. "I want to fuck you..A lot." 

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Despite doing a lot of the work on the hordes they face, the Imp still sees and acknowledges that her companion is quite capable still. The huge demon then watches him approach and she does not try to back away or protest at all. The weird uncertain mood soon turns much more relaxed as things are spoken quite clearly between the two of them and especially as her massive demonic ass gets to feel a much smaller, but no less eager or determined hand grip it. The scent of rapidly rising arousal within her quickly spread in the room, which is just one of the elements giving away that she is into it. A heavy grunt passes her lips as he gropes her like this and she even leans lightly into it as well. He then opently expresses his liking of her body, which does sit well with her, though very unexpected from what she assumes is a human. She chuckles heavily from those words, with a wicked smirk on her face."Hehehe, but of course you would. I am the most pristine, perfect and well created one of my kind. It is not by chance I am the prototype and progenitor for all other Imps", she says proudly. Then she watches him undo his armour, revealing something she never would have seen on even bigger male demons and not only one, but four of them at once! Two upper and two lower cocks sprout forth and reaching that far up, which is even beyond her own height as well. A loud, deep, long and heavy gasp exits her mouth and she stares hard in utter awe, delight and shock. Whilst her focus is almost entirely put onto those massive pillars of throbing flesh, his words does finally reach her. She snaps out of her trance, but still keeps staring."Ohhh...damn....and...with all...of THOSE?", she says, not sounding scared, but rather intrigued and curious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Yes, I want to fuck you with all of these.." He confirms, gently swinging them left and right with a bit of hip movement. They were super giant, long, whatever words she wanted to use to describe his stacked monster cocks. She saw something oozing out of the tips and they were rock solid. He moved closer and his lower cocks touched her giant tits. He tried reaching out to her melons to stroke them. "I don't care that Imp is a demon. Imp has amazing body, Imp is perfect. I want to fuck Imp. I haven't seen woman in a while..I need sex." His suit began shifting back as if removing itself from him, revealing his manly squared face, he was rocking a buzzcut and he looked mean, pretty fitting for a DOOM guy, along with his burly body. He got naked just as she was. 

He walked behind her and layed down on the floor, his cocks remaining high and mighty. "I want Imp's ass on my face."  He stroked his cocks in front of her face. "And Imp's tits on my cock." 

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Imp keeps staring at these truly giga sized, thick pieces of veiny and hot meat, swinging around her face and body like this. Her forked tongue begins to lick on her sharp teeth and lips as she cannot help but reach out to grab two of them to feel and stroke as well, being able to only half a quarter way around them, even with her big hands. The two of them might not make it out of this place alive, even with combined power, so it seems fitting to at least get some fun out of their time together."Ahhhhh...mee tooo! Lots of it too! Mmmmmmm....I will make sure you get plenty of use out of all of those!", she says and giggles playfully, before leaning closer to lick, kiss and taste the shafts in turns. She does all this whilst his armour falls off onto the floor, making him naked as well. He expressed his needs quite clearly and boldly, but she does not intend for him to be the one calling the shots here. She chuckles heavily in a playful tone as she gently shoves him down onto the floor."You are lucky, human! I just so happen to be in the mood for the same type of smutty fun! Now be a good little fuckboy and tend to me properly!", she growls deeply as she straddles his much, much smaller body. Her demon pussy is gigantic in size, so it easily envelops his full face with ease and it is simply overflowing with juices and being hot as fire as well. As soon as she is seated nice and well there, she sees and feels the cocks slap against her chest due to how hard and big they all are. The cocks are sucked against her body basically like metal to a magnet. with two of them ending up halfway closed around his two lower ones, while the two upper ones rests against her breasts like normal. He is uanble to see it, but he soon feels her hands, lips, tongue and mouth work on the parts she can reach.

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  • 2 months later...

"A-Ahh...Imp, your hands..Are good." DOOM guy enjoyed the way she touched and appreciated his shaft, his beefy body seems to react in shivers when she takes her time tasting, licking and giving a try each of his shaft. His head looks up to her and he is quite surprised by her comment about him. "..Fuckboy-? Oh!" He put his hands up, but nothing could stop her from mounting him down against the ground. His hands gently grip on her thighs. He mumbled while her pussy folds were gripping on his head. As she began to work the gigantic parts she can take care of, Imp feels his hot breath hit her pussy flesh. He rubs her thighs and kneads them as he stuck his tongue out and rubbed it on her big clit, all over. He then ran it up on her pussy, and reached up to her anal hole. He also licked around there in mindful circles, doing exactly what she asked for. His upper cock tips were bubbling pre-cum, thats how much DOOM Guy was into this thick, hot and wide Imp. His cocks got veiny and way harder from her lustful actions. 

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  • 1 month later...

Imp smoshes herself down with vigor and hefty weight onto his face, eager to have some proper fun with him. She pants deeper and deeper for each moment passing and as he also reciprocates with the oral pleasure of his own. Her huge jugs are soft, warm and snug feeling around all four shafts of his and her tongue and mouth both feel amazing, wet and lovely. Imp makes sure to both kiss, lick and smell his cocks, whilst also ensuring to rub them up and down with her tits. The two of them are starting to make a lot of noises combined and they get increasingly louder and more wet and perverted."Nghhhh....yesssss...deeper....lick deeeper my pet! Mmmmmmmmmm...neeed loooots more of this", she groans out.

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  • 2 months later...

"Aah.." The beastly man that was behind that space marine helmet a moment ago was now tending to Imp's lustful needs, so that she is satisfied. He couldnt deny that her technique on his abnormal set of cocks was amazing..They tasted a bit salty, and smelled of sweat but she most likely finds that arousing. DOOM guy licked around the shape of her pussy faster, squeezing onto her thighs. He moved his hands to her asscheeks and wiggled them all over his face..Just the shaking of her buns was causing light quakes around the area they were mating in. His cocks throbbing hard and in quick rhythms..Imp's tits werent failing to slodge his dicks around and make them feel good. Her human mate requested even more naughty actions from Imp. "Imp..Oh Imp..Suck them..Imp..Too good at sex~..."  He gently slapped her ass gliding his tongue down back to her big, giant clit that was exposed. He swiped his tongue up and down on her hole, licking from the clit up to her pussy hole and back down, leaving his saliva on these parts and tasting her in every way possible. 

Seems like the human really likes his new Mistress.

Edited by KanTheKnight
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  • 1 month later...

The huge bodied Imp makes sure to smosh his face with her burning and needy loins, aiming to make good use of this little and handy toy she has found here. The two of them soon get louder and pant harder for each passing moment, with Imp's growls filling the room they are in more and more. Her size is causing the place itself to lightly shake a bit too, making it clear just how big, heavy and physically mighty she is. Despite the size and number of cocks between her breasts, their size and firmness between them still allows them to fit nice and snuggly in her cleavage."Hmmmmm,...well, since you are being boy and doing so well down there, I will grant your requesttt...aaaaaaahhhh!", she growls out in between moans of joy as her mouth begins to suck on the tips of the rods as well as up and down the lengthy shafts, groaning hard into the throbing flesh as she does this. Her pussy is soon overflowing with her sweet nectar as well, giving him plenty to taste.

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