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I am surprised nobody did that yet. Well, I'll be the first one, then. (Our host aside) Arish is ready to get to work. (Not at this exact time but for the future) Midnight is a beautiful time for meetings, too. The peaceful atmosphere for the night and the sound of the party. It's a good time to relax and have fun even while we work. A good time to meet people.

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Club House Staff such as waiters, maids and other servants are encouraged to attend to those who are present in the Midnight Lounge, Moon Pools and Midnight Bar. Club House Staff are also encouraged to do idle work in the club house even if there's no customer yet. Idle work such as cleaning the bar, cooking for dinner, or just spending the day at any sections of the club house. 

Current Club Staff and Personnel
@maid lover - Shawn Tied - Part Time Waiter
@Sera- Arish Reynard - Midnight Maid
@onearmeddruid - Sonja Petronov - Part Time Baker

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16 minutes ago, maid lover said:

So... I've never been in a club rp, I'm not sure when I should be interacting with other rpers. For example, if someone mentions a waiter, am I allowed to intervene?

Not to speak for the host but yes. Unless it's literally a 1v1 rp, you could interact with anyone asking a waiter specifically. Like I could intervene if someone needed a maid. 1v1 is more for if 2 people want to do something more naughty or specific with each others. Otherwise, your character is now part of the "story" of the clubhouse in the open RP.

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I have heard of some story about a potential bad person causing her to want to deactivate. I have no idea who it is or what happened but I believe it is why she did it. It's truly unfortunate because she put so much effort with this club only to end like this. Whoever caused her to deactivate should be ashamed. I hope she sees this and know we loved her club and what she made.

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16 minutes ago, Sera said:

I have heard of some story about a potential bad person causing her to want to deactivate. I have no idea who it is or what happened but I believe it is why she did it. It's truly unfortunate because she put so much effort with this club only to end like this. Whoever caused her to deactivate should be ashamed. I hope she sees this and know we loved her club and what she made.

If this is true, it's a damned shame.   She's a sweetie, and put in a lot of work for this place.  😞

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It's nobody's fault. Everything happens for a reason and I deactivated my account for a reason. I hope we can all just move along as I'll try to redeem myself as the owner of this club. However, if the majority isn't happy about that, I'm also willing to give the management of the club to someone willing.

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1 hour ago, adonia said:

It's nobody's fault. Everything happens for a reason and I deactivated my account for a reason. I hope we can all just move along as I'll try to redeem myself as the owner of this club. However, if the majority isn't happy about that, I'm also willing to give the management of the club to someone willing.

Nothing to redeem, nothing to feel bad about, there is a notice of leave (for breaks) in accounts for a reason. Nobody will blame you or hate you for needing a break. You have put a monster amount of efforts in this club. Just look at your signature for another proof. It's good to have you back. I'll be right there if you should need a break again. (Though if I may suggest, perhaps putting a moderator would alleviate things if things go wrong). I would gladly help whenever you require. For the meantime, I am sure everything will be fine. ♪

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8 minutes ago, Sera said:

You have put a monster amount of efforts in this club.

I don't consider it as an effort if I enjoy doing it at my free time but thank you for noticing Sera.  
As for the leave of absence or a break I'll give a notice next time as I wasn't aware the site have such systems. Thank you for bringing that up.
As for the moderator, it is already in the system that I'd be accepting applications when the club is already a week old.

I believe moderator duties and responsibilities should be voluntary and only to those who are willing and interested.
I'll post an announcement about it. Thank you for the suggestion as well.

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Efforts can be fun and it's even better if you enjoy it. Keep doing what you enjoy. For us, you have done enough that it shows us how much you're into this. AND how much we can get into it in return. When things really starts moving, it will be even more fun. But yes, a good moderator will indeed be one willing rather than one forced to be. (Even if it's not fully mutually exclusive) But we can all take our time into thinking about it later. For now, let's relax and have fun in the club. Some time in the lounge wouldn't hurt either. hint hint. (Just kidding but I want roleplay as well. ♪)

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So, um. Only a reminder in this thread that some character are still waiting for someone to pop in to meet with them. (Arish is currently confined to the lounge and I hope to get her to do something sometimes). She could move elsewhere but her job right now is there. (Since if she wasn't there, nobody else would be able to welcome people there.)

Well, just saying so she isn't forgotten. I understand that people may want to duo roleplay and bypass the social system set in place but a little visit could be nice as well.

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On 19/07/2023 at 05:28, DreamsnThings said:

Ah, i just realized the thingy with the owner ended up okie dokie, and now im realizing i need to actually design my character still x.x

Why is there only 24 hours in a daaayyy xwx ill try and throw my casino hostess together in the next day or two

24 hours in a day indeed feels short to do all we want. As for casino hostess, you might want to ask Adonia if there IS a casino available for her. (I don't remember nor think there was one.)

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7 hours ago, Sera said:

24 hours in a day indeed feels short to do all we want. As for casino hostess, you might want to ask Adonia if there IS a casino available for her. (I don't remember nor think there was one.)

Already did before the deactivation scare, the was even talk about trying to make it more then just a setting within the club but we put a pin in that for several reasons

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Ah very well. If she gave her okay then nevermind me. I just wanted to make sure since I had checked the clubhouse's sections before making my comment, just in case. A hostess could be cute and we need more characters inside the club as well to interact with. A few of us are still in standby. (Adonia will be the one to approve characters, at any rates.)

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