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9 hours ago, Warning said:

@Balthier Um, just to understand clearly. I'm pretty sure that Hellhound was impaled by the witch's spear branch. I'm not sure how Exzel managed to pull her without tearing her apart. Well, I have a feeling that whatever Alexandrine did, it probably was not too easy to pull her attacks away without her word. Unless the sorceress only stabbed her and pulled back. But the way I imaged it (And so why Hellhound gave up) was that she was stuck with a diamond spear through her at last. Just thought I'd put that here. o.o

@Warning The thought process was, she saw Hellhound pinned and the fight going out of her. Exzel assuming a killing blow might be coming very soon, Exzel having a feel that Alexandrine was powerful and fairly remorsless in combat, whether that was true or not. I was picturing a spear, that didn't hit anything critical like her heart. Thinking that she'd be able to remove her, retreat, and give her enough time for her demon healing to compensate for blood loss.

It was time to go, and she didn't want to suffer Hellhound's fate, nor want to leave her alone to her alone to die. She's got things to aid healing at the fortress as well. So that was the thought process.

It I write something that seems off, by all means, I'll hear anyone out. 🙂

Can always go back and change it up if necessary. Though it sounds like Alexandrine would pull it back when Exzel came over to her, so I think we're good now, everyone?

As to getting back, I'm assuming thay forest wan't terribly far from the City? If someone has a cell phone, I'm thing they could just GPS their way back, or at least find the closest civilization for a Uber so something? 😅

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3 hours ago, Chiyako said:

So Alexandrine, Toshiro, and Emi are still in the area where the battle took place, yes?

Potential camping trip?!? Though I suppose it depends on how far out they are.

Depending on how tired they are, and if Toshiro wants to get to know Emi and/or Alexandrine, in various ways, the camping trip could potentially happen.  Emi might have more reason to be excited about seeing him again at the convention.

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On the off chance that happened some day, that would mean she's Exzel's and not Zorn's, so I don't think he'd get his way.

Exzel would certainly be possessive of her marked conquests, I would imagine.

This is all hypothetical anyway. She probably wouldn't overtly want any conflict with the local powers that be anyway. Was just wondering "what if."

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Well, it depends on a number of things.  Whether Elie succeeds in bringing Exzel into the light, what she does with Alexandrine and if he gets anything out it.  He might be satisfied with corrupting her, especially if he gets Emi and succeeds with her.  Then there is the open question of whether he already actually has another member of her team, in ‘mystery character’ or some other yet to be made character.  Sure he would love to kill her or break her into his, but he might look the other way, depending on the circumstances.  Especially if he considers Exzelcryth an ally or general of his own.

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Posted (edited)

Okay, I mistook the story board for OOC for a second. So I edited that out but please delete that post. I feel so stupid now, jeez. >< I have no idea why I thought it was like an out of character discussion. So I thought I was in the OOC. Then noticed the posts being different in the actual OOC and my heart stopped for a second. I'm sorry.

Edited by Warning
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8 hours ago, Warning said:

Okay, I mistook the story board for OOC for a second. So I edited that out but please delete that post. I feel so stupid now, jeez. >< I have no idea why I thought it was like an out of character discussion. So I thought I was in the OOC. Then noticed the posts being different in the actual OOC and my heart stopped for a second. I'm sorry.

Only site staff can delete posts.  I did ‘hide’ it though (only owner, leaders, or moderators can see it). 

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Friday is unfortunately Friday.  Won’t get more time in until the evening (and will likely be busy a few hours on Saturday).  But Fujiko does not need to do much more to get Alexandrine to take her and Ellie to bed.  I’m guessing she isn’t marking Alexandrine so soon.  But Fujiko can certainly an impression on her, get her coming back for more.  See if she is brave enough to reveal herself in the room and try to seduce Alexandrine as a demon.

Portals could be used to temporarily take them somewhere safer.  Indulge in those things.  Maybe give Zef a turn with Alexandrine.  Try to teach her to enjoy sex with demons for once.  She would not quickly be ‘corrupted’.  But could make Exzelcryth’s point about not having to fight demons.

Or it could be ‘Fujiko’/Alexandrine/Elie.  Could go either way, once they get in the room.

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Posted (edited)

I do not see her trying to mark Alexandrine at this time. Nor did I think it we would wise to reveal her true form to her just yet. Unless you wanted it to go that way now. Alexandrine seems to have fairly strong feelings about fighting the bad guys, and Exzel is a bad girl, for the time being.

Now getting her to come back for more, that sounds exactly like what she would want.

Zef would be all about taking Daimond if he ever got the chance. I do think that would be a good direction to go, but I get the feeling Alexandrine should get comfortable with Fujiko before she tries to turn her over to Zef. Do you really think she should try and corrupt her so soon? I didn't think Alexandrine would be up for sex with an Oni just yet. Is she getting to that point?

Aside from that, Fujiko is definitely down for fun with both.

Down the road, I had imagined being a shape-shifter, Exzel would try being a futa at times with certain characters, but probably not when she's masquerading as Fujiko.

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Posted (edited)


Fujiko will accept, I intend to wait for Elie to respond first, in case she wanted to add anything about the cards/fate conversation before I respond. Of course that conversation could also be continued in private rooms.

I was planning on having her stay as Fujiko initially. Did you want her to reveal herself as Exzel? It would seem very risky from her point of view, I won't rule it out however, especially if Elie I there. I suppose if the feeling is right, and she feels like she may be able to have her way with her. Just wondering what you are wanting here.

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While it won't be easy, she might fail, it could be fun for Exzelcryth to try to corrupt her, whether with a mark or not. Whether she takes her time or not.  But yeah, she does not have to move fast.  Just go with seeing what happens over the night, do it if you think it is something she would try, but otherwise it can wait for another time.

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Another factor, if she does reveal herself.  Whenever it happens, Ellie, under more blatant influence of the mark, could be more willing to try to help ‘corrupt’ Alexandrine.  Though I was not sure precisely how the mark work.  If it gave a degree of control, or just made Elie want Exzel more.

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Posted (edited)

This is how I've been playing it (I'm open to discussion on this, BTW);

It lets Exzel sense where her marked person is.

It allows her to sense strong emotions of the marked, as well sense if her mark is in grave danger.

It causes the marked one to get horny, and crave Exzel, when she is close.

That's pretty much what I've been going with up to now. It's possible I suppose we could add other effects if wanted. But I think people are apt to want, more or less, full control of their characters, most of the time at least. I'm totally open to discussion on this, just the loose idea I had so far.

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Emi and Rin are close to having their first night with boys.  Anyone who wants to play one of the rando guys, this is the chance.  Of course they are probably going to enjoy it enough to do something similar the other nights of the convention.  Will leave it a little vague on who is picked, to give people options.  You could even join in 'taking control' of one part way through.  These are random temporary characters after all.

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11 minutes ago, Warning said:

Until Mitsuko can play again, I might have to wait longer. I think, if anything, I'll try to continue in my own thread if I feel like doing what Mitsuko does next.

Cool, I want to get to the next day eventually, so Hellhound can be up and around, though if you want her still a little injured or not I'll leave to you.

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