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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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“There must have been some confusion earlier.  Food is something you should not have to pay for here.”  Alexandrine doubted anyone intentionally tricked Elie into paying for something she should not have.  “You might have been mistaken for a fan dressing up as one of us, should not happen later, as you get better known.”  As a new one, and one who did not make a speech in the beginning, that was possible.  “We will talk to them about fixing later.”   It was better for them to eat and talk for now, like planned.  They had plenty of time to get Elie her refund.


The girl was quite happy to get her picture.  Rin was sure that was something the girl would keep and treasure.  Maybe awakening feelings similar to what Rin had, dreams of becoming the same.  Though the girl probably did not have the power to do so.

A girl their age came up next.  Dressed similarly to a Magical Girl.  But without the power.  Rin got a little nervous, hoping her disguise held.  And the fact she was actually a girl now.  This girl, Hana, was one of her coworkers.

“I can’t believe I am lucky enough to meet two new Magical Girls when I came here!  Good job with the little girl.”  She said to Emi, having recognized her shyness.  Of course Rin had to pretend not to know who this girl was.  “You two having a good time?  Hopefully the fan boys have not been too much for you.”

”No no, we haven’t had any love confessions yet.”  Rin joked, but would not be surprised if they got a few of those before the convention was over.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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Maybe I really can do this.

The happiness from the girl had definitely rubbed off on the white rabbit! That was a part of the job she enjoyed the most: making others happy. She liked to help people. Of course now she knew of another way to make people happy, and that certainly would count, but it was definitely a more confusing and more dangerous thing to simply give out to anyone.

Another girl approached, this one older. Around her and Rin's age, in fact! The compliment that she gave brought a faint pink to her cheeks, as well as both a timid nod and smile. "Thank you" she replied softly. Of course the reminder about some of the more grope happy fans didn't help with her flustered state either but, thankfully, Rin managed to answer for them.

Wait, love confessions?!?

She honestly didn't know how she might handle something like that. So afraid was she of letting other people down that Emi would have a difficult time actually rebuffing such efforts. That and she just had an overall weakness to such things.

It's okay. Rin is here. I'm sure she can handle those!

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Fujiko flashed a flirtatious smile at Jumi, "Yes perhaps your right." She ran a hand down her side to her hip. "I might be able to find something, I should look around more. Thank you for your suggestion."

Fujiko thought she could definitely pull off the short skirt that seemed to be popular with magical girls.

"If I find something, perhaps you might rate how well I pull off the look? Your opinion would be most welcome, I hope to see you around later."

Fujiko could feel the emotions from her marked human receding, though she was still curious as to what was happening. She felt the need to go check out the situation, as much as she wanted to chat up Jumi more.

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"Oh...I...I see. Well thank you informing me and thank you for wonderful sweets. I hope you have a wonderful day My Lady." Elie smiled and walked over to table with cakes and drinks before sitting down. "Come sit and we can talk.So Diamond Sorcereress could I maybe sing on stage or do a speech later? Or was that for only for beginning of the Convention?" She asked seeing the ventor with the big kitty plush she wanted starting to get busy. She put Alexandrine cake and drink in a spot next to her.

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Love confessions was a bit of an exaggeration.  More like lust confessions?  Blind crush confession?  But the important thing was that sort of attention.  Something that may or may not lead to things later.  Rin was not sure whether clarifying that would make more or less excited.

“Don’t worry, we’ll keep the place safe.  Who knows, we might get another member or two as well.”  Rin did think that was possible, but was unsure how far Alexandrine wanted to go with it.

Hana nodded in response.  “I’m sure you will.”  She glanced at Emi.  “I bet a lot of them will underestimate you.  Think you are more harmless than you are.”


Jumi waved the fan off.  “Take your time.  Find something special.  That really fits you.  I’ll let you know what I think.  I’ll be around, until this all over.”  She was sure she would see the girl again, one way or another.  Now.  She had to go back to her old mission.  The hunt for all the nudes of herself.


Alexandrine took her seat.  Took a bite of the cake.  It was good.  ”Well, you can’t sing on the main stage.  But you can sing like Rin and Luna if you want.  As long as there are still openings.  There is a signup sheet on that stage.  People will be up there the whole time, as long as they keep signing up.”  Elie was sure likely to be a surprise up there.  Something more professional than the others.  “You want your name to spread, and be more established, that would probably help.”  It would be a good introduction for someone like her.

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The poor bunny's face only seemed to gain a brighter shade of pink as they continued. She didn't know whether Rin meant for autographs and photographs, or whether she meant for other things. Lewd things. Discussing such things so easily in front of strangers was, well, pretty impressive! She had to have a lot of confident for that!

It wasn't just Rin either. This fan seemed to be the same way. Very similar. How many others were like that? Of course the private room stuff was something of a rumor, but it seemed to be a pretty well known one too.

Regardless she offered the girl a single timid nod. She was right about one thing: Emi did look a lot more harmless than she actually was. Sure, because she was a magical girl and had powers, yes, but there was also the issue of her other self. That thing scared her.

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Elie thought for a minute. "Won't people know my singing voice...well unless I sing a song I haven't debuted yet." She thought for a bit eating a bite of her cake. "So what would the Diamond Sorcereress like to know about my powers?" She asked wondering if the questions she'd ask would help her understand Elie more. 

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“Alright, you two.  I have to get something special, now that I’m here.  One of you on each side, I’ll put an arm around each shoulder.”  Hana was not going to keep the crowd waiting especially long.  She would get her picture.  Get it signed, then be on her way.  Maybe find them again later.  If she was lucky.  Rin followed the instructions, stood at her unknowing coworker’s side, let her arm drape around her.


“It’s like how they don’t recognize by appearance, even though most of us don’t change appearance drastically.  It is a universal aspect of the power for all of us.  The average person won’t recognize us while transformed.  Demons or monsters should not either, unless something unusual is going on.”  Elie’s mark was an exception.  That demon would probably always detect Elie, transformed or not, but that was a very unusual exception.

The powers was a bit of sensitive subject.  Alexandrine hoped not to say anything that might be taken the wrong way.  “How much variation is there in them?  You tried to fight that demon before we showed up.”  She did not ask the question of how much control Elie had, thinking it might be answered anyway.  She would keep it safer, get a sense of how many things Elie might be able to do.

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Posted (edited)

Elie listened to Alexandrine and nodded her head. "You have a good point it's like the books and shows. So I could sing without a worry or care." She smiled. "Oh how powerful are cards....it depends on the number of cards I can use in battle and which ones get pulled. Hmmm for example: Lets say I get the simple cross spread which is 5 cards. I only have 5 cards I can use I battle. Once I know the spread I pull the cards that are used in battle. Tarot is all based on fate. So I could draw good cards or bad. Things are based on chance, like my wheel of fortune. I do have a couple tramp cards in my deck that are do I dare say very powerful." She said lightly stabbing her cake.

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Fujiko scanned the crowd visually as she went, walking with a purpose, it was a little harder to find her mark with the power limiters on. That and focusing on keeping her aura suppressed just in case. With all the magical girls and cosplayers around, it was harder than she liked. But after long minutes, she was able to zero in, and find the right direction, threading her way through the crowd. She did a double take as she passed the picture area. That bunny girl, not what I want right now.

She continued on, eventually finding her mark. There she was, sitting at the table, with the Daimond Sorceress. It looked like they were eating desert or some such. She decided to get a green tea from a vender, and walk closer, not straight at them, but near them, casually, as to not attract extra attention. If she could get close enough to activate her mark, perhaps it would ease her mind before see saw her. Perhaps not, no telling how much the limiters would block any effect. She would be prepared to run if needed, marking clear escape routes, and large crowds to get lost in, if this went bad. She was passing the table, behind Daimond S, looking at Elie seeing if she would catch her eye, and trying to read what her reaction would be.

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Something special? Oh. A photograph with the girl between them. That might have been special! Also not too big of an ask. Just her arms over their shoulders. She could handle that much with ease!

With a nod Emi scooted on over to the girl's side. She settled in close, arm against her body although the timid rabbit kept her hands together in front of herself. Once the picture was taken she went ahead and signed it! Of course she did try to give each person a more personalized signature. For Hana she wrote:

'Thank you for visiting us. I really enjoyed meeting you!'
'Luna Rabbit'

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Elie took another bite of her cake as she felt something in her chest grow warm. Could it have been the mark? It couldn't be the mark. Would Exzel really have come here? Elie looked behind her as she smiled seeing a fan. "Hello can I help you?" She knew it would take a while for the Diamond Sorcereress to gather her thoughts with the information Elie just gave her.

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Rin had to consider how to sign.  “Ah, sorry, new to this sort of thing.”  After a brief hesitation,  she signed, ‘To my first fan.’, she drew a few hearts on it.  She had thought about mentioning something about it being a collectible, but that was too risky.  Hana smiled at it.  “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of it.”  She said with a smile and walked off.  Rin spoke softly and quickly to Emi, before anyone else approached.  “You may meet her again sometime.  She is one of my coworkers.”  It was a little amusing, imagining going back to work, Hana having no idea she was working with a Magical Girl.


Alexandrine looked up, to see what got Elie’s attention.  She did show up after all.  “One of the fans.  Her name is Fujiko.  She talked a bit with me before watching those two sing.”  She explained to Elie, temporarily distracted from the other subject.  Was the woman going to talk to them?  She would not mind.  A third woman like her and Elie, it could be an interesting conversation.   Would it just be a conversation?  Something she had not felt in a long time, lightly stirred in her.

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Indeed they were both new to this sort of thing! But then Rin was technically more new. Emi had at least one autograph under her belt! Heck that was more than she ever really anticipated giving out. She probably would have made out the same caption to the girl who had visited them, but then in a way she figured that title realistically went to Ryan.

As the girl departed Emi glanced between her and Rin. Ryan's coworker? "I see. I am surprised you did not invite her" she replied quietly. Heck if she had been in Ryan's shoes she probably would have. But then maybe that was wrong as well. It did get a little tricky when it came to being with someone as her true self versus her magical girl persona, but then for Ryan there was a lot more in play!

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She did not react negatively, that made Fujiko breathe a lot easier. It could be the slight alterations to appearance, combined with the trauma and the large crowd, or the effects of the mark that blocked her from completely recognizing Exzel in human guise. Probably a little of everything if she had just had an emotional breakdown. Whatever the case she felt releived, but she could feel her mark reacting now. Normally it would make the marked one more reactive to sexual advances, horny, however it would be to less effect with the limiters, it might still giver her a warm feeling in certain places. It might work more the closer she got, it had been a long time since she had had a marked "pet," and had put limiters on. Though the dangerousness of the situation excited her deep down.

"Oh hello!"

She waved to Elie sitting with Daimond S. She did move closer, looking to get a read on Alexandrine, to make sure her presence was not off putting. She had put work I to making a good impression, and did not want to upset that now.

"I have been enjoying the musical performances and looking around, I don't wish to intrude, butwould you mind if I joined you now? I noticed Tarot cards earlier. I hope it's not too forward to say I'm interested to know more about that."

She looked between both girls, trying to judge if they actually wanted company.

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Elie's eyes lit up as she smiled. "I don't mind you sitting with us. The Diamond Sorcereress and I were just getting to know each other better. She was asking questions about my powers and my tarot cards as well. So go ahead and ask any question you wish." Elie said her voice chipper and happy. She pushed her cake to side and sat here with hsr legs crossed and sitting properly."Besides if you wish I could demonstrate my power in a small way." Elie was happy to finally have Alexandrine and fan noticed her.

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“Well, I don’t want to give her any hint it’s really me.  Though I suppose the body would counter any suspicions she might have.”  Doing that with a coworker, who did not realize the truth.  The possibilities of how far they might go.  It was all a little strange.

Alex finally decided he should make an attempt.  The first boy to approach them.  Hopefully that would help him, rather than hurt.  He hoped to make a really good impression.  But wanted to be realistic too.  He stepped forward hesitantly at first, then a little more confidentially.  “I saw you two singing earlier, it was great.”  Rin saw what was going on here.  She might have done this, if she had not met Emi and Alexandrine that night.  How would Emi react, she might have not realized it yet, but this boy was into her.  Into both of them.  Something she still had to adjust to.


”I was a little surprised you did not listen to the song with us.  But maybe that crowd was a little much.  Please join us.”  It was not just that Alexandrine did not mind, perhaps she wanted the woman’s company.  Fujiko had touched something long missing inside her earlier.  She did not know how the woman did it.  Emi had also touched something in her.  But like Elie said, there was partially a maternal aspect there, despite they did.  It was a different sort of companionship she somewhat wanted with this woman.  Fujiko had offered friendship earlier, but perhaps that was not what she craved either.  She did not mind letting the two of them try the cards again.  She was curious how different it might be this time.

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That was of course a fair point. It was entirely possible that Ryan might slip up during sex. Then someone would know his true identity! It wouldn't only be dangerous for him but also for his friend. Or, at least, potentially. But then anyone who got close to a magical girl or a knight was at risk from evil forces.

White ears perked up when she heard someone approaching, drawing her gaze towards the boy. Purplish eyes looked over the fan, head nodding once. The singing. Yes. It made sense that people might approach because of it. The compliment however caused her cheeks to pinken. "Thank you" she replied softly, tail wiggling slightly behind her while she gave the boy a slight, grateful bow of her head.

She then glanced between Rin and the boy. So far it had been others approaching them with suggestions! Truth be told she still wasn't very familiar with the process.

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Posted (edited)

Fujiko carefully sat down with the women, crossing her legs under the table, as was careful in her delicate white dress. There was something in her body language, more relaxed, sexy, she was putting out a vibe after her meeting with Jumi. Addressing Daimond S first, "I thought you would enjoy some time with your friends, and we had talked about a lot, I needed to process all of it. Besides, I wasn't sure if a new acquaintance tagging along would be proper. As it turns out, I am sometimes affected with a curious wander lust, and I needed to check some things out."

Her eyes were subtly on Daimond with veiled desire as she said 'lust,' and 'check some things out.' But soon she turned to look at Elie in the eyes, feeling a desire for her building as well. She had thought often of the night she had taken and marked Elie. It had been extremely enjoyable, the intrusive emotions aside.

"I would love to see a demonstration of your abilities. But I do wonder, can one change one's fate if the direction is bad? With a dedicated effort and free will, or is it all written for us, no matter who, or what we really want to be? Does chance figure in?"

Fujiko was intrigued by Elie's powers, she had witnessed them manifest first hand, and wondered how powerful her astral divining powers were. She touched her chest, and briefly adjusted her dress, sitting between the two women, a small tell of the excitement she was internalizing. A slight pursing of moist lips, an elegant bat of eye lashes, her attention on her pet. The mark on Elie, the strongest she coupd make, as she had marked her while taking her virginity.


Edited by Balthier
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Would this boy tempt Emi?   Of course the idea was to find at least two.  Maybe more.  But they needed one first.  Rin hoped Emi would be the one to invite him, or at least one of them.  She saw the tail move, but that could have been a more innocent excitement too.

Emi’s skin was hard for Alex to ignore.  But he tried not to be too obvious about the staring, force his eyes back to hers.  “If you two want to do it again, I’d love to watch.  I’d get that kind of thing is scary, but I’m sure you could be a great singer.  I’d listen to you two sing without a crowd, if it is easier.”

Bold!  Rin was impressed.  He knew what he was doing.  Suggest something private, without mentioning the private rooms.  It did not break the unspoken rule.  Something that could be completely innocent.  But was still hinting at an interest in them.  Encouraging Emi.  He was doing the best approach for the little time he had.


Like Jumi, Alexandrine had gone through this all before.  Was aware of what some fans wanted.  Gave it to a few of them.  But those were happier times, here with the old team.  It was as a civilian she had tried sex several times after that.  But had not enjoyed it, until the night with Emi and Ryan.  This woman, was she hinting she wanted the same.  She could not believe she had gotten worked up like this so easily.  Had Emi and Rin cracked the seal over her heart, more than she realized?

Did she dare invite the woman?  Both women?  Elie had her feelings for that demon.  Maybe it would not hurt to let her try it with someone else too?  Were her cards going to give her advice for the night.

Alexandrine glanced over to Elie.  Questions to a degree like what she had asked.  Hopefully after their talk, it did not hurt her this time.  But she was silent, waited to see Elie’s demonstration.  While trying to understand why this woman made her feel the way she did.  If she wanted to act on it.  If it should all three of them together.

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Elie listened to Fujiko talk to Alexandrine as she stayed calm her cheat felt it was burning and her insides grew even hotter. Maybe it was the women was dressed that was turning her on. But she just couldn't place it. "I see...I see. My powers are a bit special. You see in battle fate chooses the spread for me. So for example: lets say fate gives me the simple cross spread which is 5 cards. I can only use 5 cards in battle and once those five cards are done being summoned that's I can use. The Major Arcana are my heavy higher cards and only 4 of them are my Trump cards." She said then gave the questions Fujiko asked some thought.

"Fate shows what is to come. It's up to you of you follow it. Outcomes can be bad sometimes but it start of something new. The last reading I did seemed to help one party but not the other and the other reading before that helped the person understand alot...but it depends on if you believe in fate." She smiled softly feeling a pulsing twitching feeling inside her pussy. She could feel her need growing. Was it this women or both of them.

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The little bunny considered the boy's request. Sing again. She didn't like that, but then what if it was only one person watching? Or just a few? Would it be fine then?

Truth be told it was actually a brilliant suggestion.  Upon further pondering Emi realized that it would be an  excellent way to get more comfortable. At the very least it would let her solidify within her mind whether or not she could do singing as a career! If nothing else it also gave Rin a chance to maybe try sex with a boy, if she was into him.

Or me if I get into that mood, I guess.

With cheeks growing a bit more pink Emi nodded once. "W-well, if you want to then I guess I wouldn't mind."

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Posted (edited)

"Fate is a powerful thing. I do believe in cosmic forces wanting us to dance to their tune. I also believe in free will, so I tend to think one can bend fate, even if not escape it. But my understanding may not be as expert as yours. I have only my personal observations. But fate may have some chance, much like the drawing of a card no? Or have I misunderstood?"

There was something exotic and wild in Fujiko's eyes as she looked into Elie's then Daimond's, talking about fate. Something... a little bit dangerous. She uncrossed, then crossed her legs the other way, letting her foot lightly brush up Daimond Sorceress' leg as she did, though made no excuse or reference to it this time. It was only their little shared moment.

"How about you Daimond Sorceress, if one is born with magical gifts, are they fated to fight demons? Is there no choice for you?"

She looked back to Elie, "Or is it we just can't see it?" There was a mischievous look in her eye now, "Until it hits us?"

Edited by Balthier
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Elie started to feel a bit off as she looked at her tarot cards. Was she doubting herself. Where the words of this women effecting her. She shook her head knowing her worth and that her powers and readings had been on point every single time. She took a deep breathe looking at Fujiko her eyes glaring abit. "Fate does come with chances and those chances are paths that lead us to what we wish to happen in life. Every reading I've done has been correct. The fates have never turned there backs on me and I highly doubt they will. Fate has a plan for everyone my lady and if you challenge Fate then may God have mercy on your soul." She said a bit coldly her eyes staring deep into Fujiko's soul. "I may not be a popular magical girl but if the fates want me to fight demons then I will." She said crossing her legs.

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Posted (edited)

The cold stare was not expected, was it judgement? "Please do not misunderstand me. I seek to understand the nature of fate, not to challenge it. For I am no expert. My questions were genuine." Fujiko looked back at Elie with a warm look in her eyes that could melt an iceberg, "I do not doubt your powers in the slightest."

She had zero doubts there, it was true, and she had witnessed her power first hand. What she didn't understand was if she was fated to fight Elie and Daimond endlessly because of what she was. "What I seek to know, is if fate can take different paths. Can different paths lead to the same place, in other words? Do the little details make a difference? Or is it absolute? I wish to understand. I have often felt an unseen hand guiding my choices at key moments, is this fate?" Which was true, she had never really given deep thought to fate before, but wanted to understand as much as she could from someone knowledgeable. She felt by achieving a deeper understanding, she might understand Elie better herself. Also keen to unlock any advantage she could gain.

Edited by Balthier
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