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Oh my, it looks like the games begin now. ❤️ Thank you for the heads up on explaining things, now I should figure out how to go about that .. 

2 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

annnnd trish cerluv is up!
absolute woot moment!

Congrats, Dreams! One more trouble maker for the prison block. :3 

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Yeah, was sure it was in the right place in that sense, just meant open enough, that I had no idea where the story was going to go from there.  Had missed the note on the collars, but someone like Nadia is probably considering the possibility those might not last if the situation is as bad as it seems.  She’s probably not the only one wondering if there is a way to deactivate them/get them off.

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9 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

Hrm... I have a few possible routes in mind depending on where exactly I am in the prison, how seperate atypical gendered npcs are, and how much influence players have on guiding their inital scenarios

Nice post btw satai

Your girl is among the women in W-Wing without special arrangements. If there was a need for such, they would be in whole different prison. The other question is too vague to answer. If you want to ask if something is okay, you can always PM me if you don't want to spoil by asking here.

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9 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

It feels like your answering a question slightly different from what I meant, but i think It answered it still since that rule also applies to the npcs... ill think more about what I want to do in the morning as i should have went to bed... 3 hours ago? Good night peoples zwz

Oo! Now I see what you mean!

I mixed your char to Satai's char. My mistake completely! Sorry! (I definitely should go to sleep already so I won't give people dum answers)

But yea, E-Wing is where men are and women are in W-Wing and in between is the central building. Prisoners are in cells of 2 or 4 people in first and second floor. Or if they haven't been behaving they are in one person  solitary confinement cells in third floor. 

In other words, you are pretty much there among the NPCs.

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Don’t know about other more unusual gender cases, but Nadia is with the women, or at he bitches, as she thinks of them, Futa-supreamacist that she is.  If she is honest, with someone who knows what she is, there may be a lot of insults.  Though she has managed to hide that, the prisoners who know her think she is a woman.  And she has put up an act, pretended to be friendly when necessary.  She is very violent, but will play along with ‘prison politics’, when necessary.  Show respect to those she knows she can’t fight.  Though she has probably beaten a number of women over her time there, and might have enemies.

Like I said, I had missed the note on the collars.  Had figured she had the help of her ‘Blending” ability to hide it.  Looks like she had to use other methods though.  But she may have a chance to use that method to keep hiding it in the future.

Basically, for women characters, Nadia thinks she is better than all of them.  Looks down on them, but does not hate them in the sense she would hurt them just for being a woman.  In a situation like the current story, one of the weaker less-combat oriented women, might be able to get her protection, if they don’t do anything to insult her.  She has a viewpoint similar to traditionalist men in some ways, thinking they are weak and need protection.

The ones who can fight get more tricky are more likely to irritate Nadia one way or another, intentionally or not.  If Nadia gets the sense one is too strong to beat, or has a lot of friends in the prison, she may reluctantly show respect.  If she thinks she could win, tensions might build.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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trigger warning : Rape

Ok so, im trying to gauge peoples take on specifically non con kind of things because im currently imagining my character trish is being pushed down by an npc futa and is close to/in the process of being raped.

With the nature of the rp and the fact that this is kinda a mixed prison. Ooc it feels fitting and I can enjoy IC non con if OOC its cleared


TL:DR Im asking to be raped by a npc, does anyone have an issue with that happening in a prison? 

Note this is mostly to set me up as the "someones bitch" archtype I mentioned a few times during character creation 

Edited by DreamsnThings
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That is the sort of thing Nadia might eventually get up to.  The sort of ‘relationship’ she might seek with a woman (one way she might reveal the truth to one or two women).  Though for now, she is looking for a way to protect herself, potentially get out of the building.  She expects there to be a lot of that, if/when men start finding their way to the women’s wing.  It’s certainly not content I would have a problem playing.  We could set it up with her potentially.  But will give a chance to see what others think, and whether it is her or an NPC.

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If I recall correctly, male and female inmates are separated from each other at first, correct?

I went ahead and saw what @Gardsorm posted and allowed myself to join the scene! xD Just curious to see if an alliance/friendship could ever happen between those two, or if they'd turn into enemies somehow. Either way I'm just excited to see all the posts now that the club is open!

31 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

To clear things up im looking for someone interested to knock the NPC prisoner off of trish to get her in someones debt

In case that wasn't clear x.x"

Trish's character sheet looks great by the way! I'm wondering though how soon the separate genders could run into each other now that we've started

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I'm awake again! Didn't sleep as much as I should have thought. x_x

Oh noes, the young and meek Jijii is going to run afoul of the big, redheaded male terror that is Archer. Our poor mouse is in danger~ : P But seriously, if they meet, perhaps it'll mean the others won't be too far behind either. The encounter will be curious to see how it works out though.

And dang, Dreams and Satai coming out swinging with the content! :3 Curious to see how things work out for our fluffy gal and our calculating lady. ^^

Diogora: Hey, glad to have you in the scene! The more, the merrier, plus maybe we can make more proper progress toward Central rather than me pacing my posts if I wound up the only one posting in the scene. xD 

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Yeah I feel you, only got 4-5 hours of sleep myself last night x.x and yep, the more the merrier! They might be able to help each other out for a while with their respective strengths. PS: Can just call me Dio, that counts for everyone. ^^

Jijii sure seems cute though, surely she'll be totally safe with them xD Curious to see if everyone else will be heading towards the central building, or what other ideas people might have for their first destination.

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Now, I could join the W wing fun but I don't think I'll be able to post something as big as what is posted there so far. An introduction can be larger but I don't know about making this epic large. Still, it's a good place to set some of the character's personality and stuff. (And the more people post, sometimes, the more fuel it gives for the next person.)

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It was a good start, but I have no idea where Nadia is going to end up.  She is not likely to follow Jijii’s example.  She has no desire to risk getting closer to men.  Especially men that she expects to be locked up here.  She is more likely to look for a way outside. Than head for another building.

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2 hours ago, DreamsnThings said:

trigger warning : Rape

Ok so, im trying to gauge peoples take on specifically non con kind of things because im currently imagining my character trish is being pushed down by an npc futa and is close to/in the process of being raped.

With the nature of the rp and the fact that this is kinda a mixed prison. Ooc it feels fitting and I can enjoy IC non con if OOC its cleared


TL:DR Im asking to be raped by a npc, does anyone have an issue with that happening in a prison? 

Note this is mostly to set me up as the "someones bitch" archtype I mentioned a few times during character creation 

Put the trigger warning: rape at top of your post where it's happening. That way others will know what they are going to come across if/when they read the post.

If someone wants rape and other highly triggering content to be put behind a spoiler, let's discuss that here OOC so we will have one rule for all if it's necessary or not.

Either way, you people are free to use NPCs.

8 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

Currently OOC trish has the idea to B line it to the wardens office both to get a more complete layout of the place via a map or blueprint, but also to check for a master key for the collars

...past that im not sure how she is going to get there... but shes going to try

Anjira and her minions are going to head there too.

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