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Posted (edited)


Hi all! I'd be down to GM a lewd Play by Post TTRPG if there's enough people interested! Let me know if you'd want to sign up for a longer campaign and I'll expand on all this.

I would plan on running D&D 5e as it's the most widely known system, and I don't want to force you to learn something totally new. I would also run a module (obviously with characters being sexed up) that I've ran/played before, as that'll make it easier to focus on customizing it with lots of degenerate nonsense. The module in my mind right now is Tomb of Annihilation, as it has quite the variety of characters and monsters and a lot of space to put in more where it matches preferences and kinks.

I know D&D PBPs can feel slow, I have some house rules and ways to run it that can help, but if we work together we can make something super fun I'm sure.

My plan would be to run a campaign with sexual encounters and elements, rather than a totally sex themed adventure. So you would expect to go through a traditional story in a realistic looking world, but almost every character you'd meet you would have the choice of flirting/romancing and I'd certainly adjust characters based on your preferences to make sure that concepts you like come up. There'd be limits on what I'll DM in terms of explicit scenes, as there are always limits in D&D campaigns on what will be included and isn't.

So yes! Drop a message below if this is something you'd be interested in or you have questions, I would probably limit myself to a group of 3-4.

Edited by NewHere
adding image


15 hours ago, DreamsnThings said:

ohhh lovely<3 I always appreciate A 5e PBP

as for the... tomb of annihilation specifically.. isnt that the most lethal official module? by far?...

everything else looks great in my opinion though

ToA can be quite rough but i certainly dont plan to throw the book at you, and really most modules can include some nasty enounters. there are some instant death traps in ToA that i don't like and would re-write but other than that it's totally manageable i think ^^

are you happy to sign up? O.O

14 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

Tomb of Annihilation is actually designed to be completed. Tomb of Horrors, the old 1E adventure, was intended to be ridiculously hard, but ToA took the themes and ideas without reveling in lethality.

I might be down for a 5E game but I already have quite a lot going on.

thanks, definitely true! do let me know if you want to sign up.

On 06/02/2025 at 21:38, roll to seduce said:

I'm not super familiar with 5e or being a player for that, but I'm up for giving it a shot.

great! it can be quite daunting, especially the spellcasting rules i found when i first started. but it's good fun!

ideally id want 3 confirmed people before I start going deeper into planning and getting things set up


I've DM-ed 5e before. Though it didn't really clash well with my group. So many years ago now I switched to pathfinder.

So assuming the rules haven't changed I have concept of how this is supposed to play.

But I'm looking forward to a dungeon crawl. 

As a sidethought: I think I have Tomb of horror sitting somewhere on my hard drive if there're people who like it real gritty and unfair.

20 minutes ago, roll to seduce said:

I've DM-ed 5e before. Though it didn't really clash well with my group. So many years ago now I switched to pathfinder.

So assuming the rules haven't changed I have concept of how this is supposed to play.

But I'm looking forward to a dungeon crawl. 

As a sidethought: I think I have Tomb of horror sitting somewhere on my hard drive if there're people who like it real gritty and unfair.

the rules have changed a bit, we'd be using the 2024 rules but they're very minor tweaks in general. things should play more or less as you expect!

i don't think it's too much of a spoiler to say tomb of annihilation starts as a brief urban area, then a jungle exploration and then finally some big dungeons at the end.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The Story

For the past several days, the talk of the streets and taverns has all been about the so-called death curse: a wasting disease afflicting everyone who's ever been raised from the dead. Victims grow thinner and weaker each day, slowly but steadily sliding toward the death they once denied. When they finally succumb, they can't be raised—and neither can anyone else, regardless of whether they've ever received that miracle in the past. Temples and scholars of divine magic are at a loss to explain a curse that has affected the entire region, and possibly the entire world.


This, is Syndra Silvane. One way or another, she has called you for help. She is a powerful wizard and a rich former adventurer, and is putting together a team for an expedition to bring about the end of this curse on all Toril, and herself.

Character Creation

  • You will start at level 1 (the end of the campaign will likely occur between levels 10 and 12)
  • The allowed content list is:
    • 2024 Player's Handbook
    • Xanathar's Guide to Everything
    • Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
    • Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse.
    • Tomb of Annihalation (although preferably you'll come across this stuff in the story)
  • We'll use point buy/standard array for your stats
  • Feel free to create a custom background (2 skills, 1 language, 1 tool, 1 origin feat and 3 stat increases)
  • Make sure to come up with the reason your character joins the expedition (recommendations based on your background are below)

Acolyte - Temples are vexed by a widespread magical curse that is causing people to waste away while also preventing the dead from being raised. An expeditionary force is headed to Chult to find the origin of the curse, and you've decided to join it.

Anthropologist - A wizard-merchant named Syndra Silvane is wasting away, and she has hired you to join an expedition to Chult to find a cure. Syndra believes that your expertise will prove invaluable, and you've wanted to study the cultures there.

Archaeologist - You have learned that a wizard-merchant is planning an important expedition to Chult—a place full of lost cities you're anxious to explore. Your request to join the expedition was approved.

Charlatan - After a few successful scams, you've gotten into some trouble with local authorities and criminal gangs. You were about to make a run for it when you heard a rumor that a merchant named Syndra Silvane is offering good pay for an assignment far from home.

Cloistered Scholar - A terrible curse is sweeping across Faerûn, and a dying merchant is gathering adventurers for a bold mission to destroy the source of the curse, which lies deep in the jungles of Chult. Your expertise could prove helpful, so you've asked to join the expedition.

Criminal - Local authorities grant you a full pardon for past crimes. In exchange, you are to join an expedition to Chult and help put an end to the "death curse" affecting several wealthy citizens of the city.

Entertainer - Your sponsor is a retired adventurer and merchant named Syndra Silvane. A terrible curse has befallen her, and she needs your help to end it. The quest will take you to Chult, a distant land where you can win fame and renown.

Faction Agent - A widespread magical curse threatens to devour the bodies and souls of the living. The Harpers have learned that its source lies somewhere in Chult. You volunteered to join the expedition.

Folk Hero - You've garnered quite the reputation and caught the attention of a merchant and retired adventurer named Syndra Silvane. She wants you to explore Chult and discover the source of a curse.

Inheritor - A horrible curse threatens to claim the life of Syndra Silvane, a retired adventurer. She has blood ties to your family, and you have an obligation to help her. To do otherwise could jeopardize your inheritance and your future.

Mercenary Veteran - A merchant and retired adventurer named Syndra Silvane needs trained warriors to join an expedition to Chult. You've always wanted to visit Port Nyanzaru and see the dinosaur races. They say the jungles are full of riches and danger—two things you crave.

Noble - Your family owes a favor to a merchant named Syndra Silvane. She's calling in the favor and asking for help. The family is counting on you to fulfill its promise, and you've heard rumors that Syndra is planning an expedition.

Outlander - When you were young, you fled your homeland of Chult by stowing away aboard a ship. Now you're anxious to return home. A local merchant is mounting an expedition to Chult, and you've talked your way into joining it.

Sage - A wizard named Syndra Silvane has fallen prey to a magical curse. She's mounting an expedition to Chult to end the curse, and she believes your expertise will prove invaluable. You're inclined to agree.

Soldier - Your superiors in the military recommended you for an important expedition to Chult. The success of the mission is so vital that they promised to make you a captain if you help ensure the expedition's success.

Kinks and Preferences

Before we start, I'd like to receive a list of kinks, preferences and limits for you in terms of content you'd like to see and your requirements for your character's partners. In terms of your limits, please include personal limits (things you dont want to engage in) and table limits (things you don't want to participate in this roleplay if this thing occurs) separately. Just because your character doesn't want to do anal doesn't mean it wont be included in the game, but if you don't want to participate in a game with scat, that'd be a table limit that we'd all respect.

This should include at least your character's sexuality and any important limits.

Before you start be aware that this isn't a "you get raped by anything that beats you in a fight" type game. While some people may enjoy non-con, it doesn't make for an amazing group narrative in what I hope will in general be a light hearted game with moments of intensity and some difficult moments, rather than a rape recovery party.

Things you can expect to see in the game

So you aren't totally ambushed, I'll include some things in a spoiler that will appear in the game. Nothing here is an extreme spoiler, some are minor elements that might pop up a single time in an insignificant way, others are recurring. This is entirely optional and if you'd prefer to know nothing you don't have to look, but feel free to write a character with relevant skills or backstory or opinions on some of these.

  • Jungle exploration
  • Navigation
  • Disease
  • Forgotten History
  • Dungeons
  • Traps
  • Curses
  • Faction Intrigue
  • The Flaming Fist
  • The Harpers
  • The Lords Alliance
  • The Order of the Gauntlet
  • The Zhentarim
  • Red Wizards
  • Dwarves
  • Animalistic humanoids (tabaxi, aarakocra etc.)
  • Frost Giants
  • Necromancy and the undead
  • Savras
  • Gond
  • Sune
  • Waukeen
  • Helm
  • Torm
  • Tymora

House Rules/Optional Rules

Running play by post games can be difficult, and most of my house rules will be relevant to providing a smoother experience in that regard. If you have recommendations or requests let me know, but I try to keep this list rather small.

  • Side initiative. When combat occurs, each group selects one character to roll initiative on their behalf and the group acts all together. This means all party members will act at the same time, and we don't need to go back and forth 3 times each turn. You can post your actions in any order.
  • Your Turn. When taking your turn, you will first write a mechanical summary of your entire turn. This has to happen in a single post, and once posted it's final. I know this can be frustrating as normally in D&D you can make decisions on your turn based on how things go, but this is essential to keep a good pace. You can include if/then statements in your post, but once it's down you can't go back. For example you could say "i'll attack this X twice, and if they die i'll spend my movement to go towards Y".
  • Any "infinite loops" are banned, this is mostly related to spell exploits but if you notice anything that can be looped infinitely, it's probably not allowed.

Sheets and Rolls

This is where really I have a question for you all, how would you like to manage your sheets and rolls? I do not have any D&D Beyond content I'm afraid so that's out of the picture from me. I would be fine with using google docs or PDFs and trusting you all to make your rolls yourself using google or any dice you have, but if you have a preference or any ideas let me know.

The Players


@roll to seduce


Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions based on any of this!

Edited by NewHere

Yay! That looks great. I just have the free-version for the 2024 PHB, but it should be sufficient for what we're doing here. I have a char sheet in GoogleDocs that I can link you once it's filled out.

As the last to join, I'll gladly defer if this clashes with anyone's character idea—but how does a High elf (f), Acolyte, Cleric of Sune (life domain) sound?


ah, its the 2024 PHP... I have not looked at that at all XD im somewhat familiar with classic 5E and had concepts there but i... need to review things I guess if this is 2024, the original description had me thinking it was the older rule set...

this is especially important for a lewdish RP due to the rather limited list of races currently in 2024... looking at it the dragonborn, dwarf, gnome, goliath, halfling, and orc races are all... different degrees of iffy (been in groups that dont find halflings/orcs or the like sexually attractive for example) so im currently looking at human, elf, aasimar, and Tiefling as the safe options... with elf being one our newest member seems interested in...

ill hold off for now on picking a race/class, I had 1000 and 1 ideas for classic 5e, and i need to look through what I can make work here in revised...

also if anyone has one of the above "iffy" races as one they would particularly LIKE to see in the game, let me know... I litterally have ideas for all of them and im a tad of a freak when it comes to my interests

3 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

ah, its the 2024 PHP... I have not looked at that at all XD im somewhat familiar with classic 5E and had concepts there but i... need to review things I guess if this is 2024, the original description had me thinking it was the older rule set...

this is especially important for a lewdish RP due to the rather limited list of races currently in 2024... looking at it the dragonborn, dwarf, gnome, goliath, halfling, and orc races are all... different degrees of iffy (been in groups that dont find halflings/orcs or the like sexually attractive for example) so im currently looking at human, elf, aasimar, and Tiefling as the safe options... with elf being one our newest member seems interested in...

ill hold off for now on picking a race/class, I had 1000 and 1 ideas for classic 5e, and i need to look through what I can make work here in revised...

also if anyone has one of the above "iffy" races as one they would particularly LIKE to see in the game, let me know... I litterally have ideas for all of them and im a tad of a freak when it comes to my interests

you're not limited to 2024 species? also on the list of content was the below ^^

  • Xanathar's Guide to Everything
  • Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
  • Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. (the most important one by far for species)


2 hours ago, WickedCadrach said:

Yay! That looks great. I just have the free-version for the 2024 PHB, but it should be sufficient for what we're doing here. I have a char sheet in GoogleDocs that I can link you once it's filled out.

As the last to join, I'll gladly defer if this clashes with anyone's character idea—but how does a High elf (f), Acolyte, Cleric of Sune (life domain) sound?

that sounds good to me! sune is especially good as a goddess for a lewd campaign i imagine


Part of me wants to just play a brash dwarf with a big sword. Dwarf Fighter or barbarian maybe.

Though, human bard or rogue could be fun as a more charming character. 

Enchantment wizard might be especially devious. Something monstrous like goblin.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, DreamsnThings said:

looking at it the dragonborn, dwarf, gnome, goliath, halfling, and orc races are all... different degrees of iffy (been in groups that dont find halflings/orcs or the like sexually attractive for example) so im currently looking at human, elf, aasimar, and Tiefling as the safe options...

I went with elf partly because it was a safe choice, but it doesn't spoil the sexiness for me if you go with any of the more iffy ones. Thinking about it, the only two you list that I haven't had some level of enjoyment with in the past are halfling and gnome. 

The others can speak for themselves, but I give a thumbs up to any race you want to play 😁👍

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