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Yes, No, Maybe

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I mean... ice cream. Almost anything, so... maybe?

Would you accept a million dollars if you someone somewhere would be locked up and allowed to slowly starve to death because you got paid? You wouldn't ever had to see their suffering and may never know who that person was, but they died so you could be rich.

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Hmm. Yes. Money is power. A million dollars doesn't give you the ability to just outright reshape the world, not when there are billionaires out there, but it gives you a seat at the table. I'd take that money and do what I could to make it grow and use it to change the world for the better. As I am now, there's nothing I can do for any of the people who are slowly starving for no reason or purpose whatsoever. If the next case of suffering in the world can be in the service of actually putting am end to that nonsense, then I'd take the deal. I'd also do what I can to use that money to find their loved ones and take care of them and keep a reminder of how my riches came with a much greater cost and equivalent responsibility. It doesn't make it right, but I know I wouldn't be able to resist the power to finally be able to do something about all the problems I see around me.


Would you change the world for the better, if you knew for a fact that the actions you would need to take to cause those changes would have you be remembered as a villain, maybe even a monster,  and you never got to benefit from any of those changes big or small yourself?

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Yes. The sheer amount of death and destruction I would need to cause would have me painted as the creature on earth. Without destroying half the population and wiping out massive amount of factories there really isn’t anything stopping the wholesale slaughter of this planet... us included and we will take the entire world down with us. I would be that kind of monster to save this planet from us. It doesn’t need us but we need it and is just killing it.... so yes. 


if you had the power to mime objects to life (only for you) but you can never speak again, would you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first reaction was to go really dark and self-loathing and say I already did, but damn... that's too dark.

No, I wouldn't want to be something I hate. I've experienced a brief stint of self-loathing in my life and that's just unpleasant and miserable.

Would you reincarnate if you knew you'd end up dating your own child?

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I... huh. I mean i guess that's a strong maybe, based on a lot of variables. Would I remember my old life? Would said child know about the reincarnation? How long after my child is born am I dying and reincarnating? When in my next life would i meet them and in what situation? Probably a bunch of other things that I'm not thinking of right this minute.

But, I mean, ultimately if it's my soul then I know that at least one partner my child will have will love them deeply and infinitely and only want the best for them, so it's not an immediate no.

Hmm, I suppose in the same vein then: would you date someone who was not your child, but that you had played a fundamental role in raising all the same?

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No, I've read too much sci-fi to think that I could successfully predict and mitigate the unintended consequences of my actions.

If you were incapable of making new memories, every thirty minutes your mind erased whatever happened before and you started over with a clean slate, no idea who anyone around you was, would you ever go on a date?

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I mean, physically, how could I even do that if I can't even remember planning the date in advance? I guess no.


If you could bring one person back to life on the proviso that you do not get to know who it is, but the person who chooses whom is brought back is the living person most important to you now, would you do it?

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I mean. Yes? It's not Jabba the Hutt, is it? Because both EWW and Star-Wars-slave-girl-rape-fantasy-fulfilled, so... probably still yes. Eww though.

Would you perform naked interpretive dance and improv in front of a concert hall full of strangers, having to act out whatever scenes or characters they call out, all to save the life of someone you don't know and will never meet?

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