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The Wanderers

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A knight in shining armor. He meant that sort of knight. Perhaps he really didn't know then. He was like Ryan. Her cheeks only gained a slightly brighter shade of red. Perhaps Alexandrine hadn't meant it that way but now it was certainly reinforced to be that way within her mind!

"A knight. The male version of a magical girl. Like myself."

Might as well be blunt, right? Of course when he took some pills and his power drastically reduced Emi's ears perked up slightly in a mixture of confusion and curiosity! But, mostly, the former. "Those pills appear to make you weak." Or so it felt that way. She could have been wrong though given the adrenaline.

She glanced back in the direction of Alexandrine, figuring the woman could do a much better job! "I think she will be okay." She hoped. Again Alexandrine would know better! Like whether or not to tell this man how exactly he could become more powerful! 

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"They're for schizophrenia," Toshiro replied a bit dryly as he looked arouns now, he figured he would elaborate on his condition instead of letting the girl worry , "I'm not sure what this, "Knight," Or, "Magic Girl," Thing you have going on, but what I know if that when I see fireballs and shit flying around, that's when I know I forgot my meds... And speaking of which, were we in a building first or... Is this a real forest?" 

Toshiro kicked himself harder for not taking the pills earlier. Lord forbid he constantly forgets but that was beside the point. This was probably the worst episode he's had in years, but that was a different story. 

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That sounded quite workable. If things got too restrictive here, she could always find somewhere new, a different area, a new world, though starting over was a pain. She liked it here. He wanted an empire, she just wanted survival and to play her games with mortals. "I believe we should have a harmonious existence then. A mutual beneficial defense arrangement, shall we call it?"

She crossed her long, shapely legs as she relaxed her impeccable posture slightly, sitting back a little. "I intend to feed on the energy of the mortals. Use them as my toys, perhaps infiltrate some of their lives and cause some mayhem. I may have my fun hopefully, without distrupting your schemes."

She regarded him, as he seemed like the cautious planning type. "How will you investigate the bunny girl? If I may ask? Did you plan to capture her?"


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The boy was unaware of the concept?  Well, it sounded like he had other troubles.  Alexandrine would not judge.  At least at first glance, he seemed to have it under control, but hopefully the lack of medicine would not be a problem.  "This is quite real, I assure you.  You appear to be part of 'our' world as well.  Demons, monsters, they are quite real.  You just fought one, saw a second.  We fight to protect those who can't defend themselves.  Unfortunately, we got caught in the demon's portal.  I do not know how close we are to civilization.  We may be stuck together for at least tonight.  We would not mind your company, please stick with us."  Would it help to tell him he might be able to have sex with one or both of them?  That it would be more intense than with any ordinary woman, assuming he had already done it?  Maybe she would, if he was still resistant.  "Your full power probably has not been unlocked."  The forest was slowly changing back, from the outer edge and moving in.  "It is something we could help you with."  He was a potential ally.  Just maybe a future team member.


"The first thing is to ask my healing companion.  I'm curious if she founds our scents similar enough to be a potential connection.  I could have judged, if I had been there in person, but not hiding in her shadow."  It looks like they might have had similar goals in some ways.  "I had my share of fun with a number of them in the past.  Her face reminds me of one of them.  She just might be my child.  If she is, her mother may have told her all about me.  I'm sure the Sorceress has as well, assuming I'm dead.  When it comes time to reveal myself she may recognize my name at least.  If she is my blood, she likely has another side to her.  One that might draw her to me."  Of course, he had less than pure intentions for her, if that was the case.  But that would be figured out later.  But if she was his daughter, there were impulses he could feed.  Experiences to give her to let that other side of her come out.  One that might choose him over her mother, or Alexandrine.

"We have similar interests in them.  I will let you have your fun.  I would welcome you to join me.  But that will be your choice.  We have both experienced what it is  like to serve and now lead.  Otherwise, consider it a partnership."  Would it last?  He did not know.  But like with Hellhound, this one would only serve him if she chose.  He would not try to force her.  She would not be a slave if she did.

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Emi looked down over herself. Did he think that she wasn't real? That Alexandrine wasn't real? Why then would he fight what he fought? Suddenly she was the one who was confused, although she didn't show it. At least Alexandrine was there to correct him. She was better at all of this.

While they spoke she reached a hand up, prodding a finger gently against one of the man's arms. It was mostly to let him know that she was, in fact, real. Also he was very muscular and she hadn't really interacted that closely before with someone with such a build. Okay, she had actually fought Demons and monsters like that, but that had been different. In those cases she didn't have time to stop and appreciate things. The same went for other knights she'd run into.

There it was again. Mention of unlocking his true potential. Pink returned to her otherwise pale cheeks. "We were in a building. The portal Demon brought us here through a portal." Another soft prod of her finger. Now that she had a moment to study the man she did just that! His tattoos, or at least what she could make of them in the moment, seemed pretty interesting!

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Why am I being stared at? Maybe it's because you're the only other individual here, moron. Toshiro mentally groaned as that little voice in his head sounded once more,  apparently,  fast acting pills didn't fix everything. Be that as it may he was a bit curious as to what these ladies were talking about and what locked potential he possessed. He had hoped that this wasca fever dream, a prank, or anything else besides reality. He wasn't necessarily sure what to make of this si the most Toshiro did was roll with the situation at hand. 

"Yeah... Full Power..." Toshiro replied unsure of what they were talking about. Shit,  for all he knew he was probably being coaxed into joining a cult! No, cults didn't have knights or whatever, the Klu Klux Klan had Grandwizards but that was about it as far as he knew, and for all Toshiro guessed these ladies weren't Yakuza. But one couldn't be so sure, and so far his gut instinct didn't alarm him of any danger. 

With that said, Toshiro realized that they really had nowhere to go, "It'll be hard trying to navigate in this darkness. Moonlight or no."

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“Yes.  We may have to sleep out here.  You are free to sleep with us if you wish.”  The tone was flat.  Alexandrine left it up to him for now, to see if he picked up the intentional double meaning,  “I can make light.  But we should only go so far, before resting for the night..,after I finish returning the forest to normal.”  It would still take a bit to finish returning the forest to normal.  They would have to decide how far to go.  “We can walk a little, at least.  See if there is an ideal spot to camp.

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The moonlight was enough for the little rabbit. Even without her transformation Emi's senses were fairly well enhanced compared to a normal person's. In this state, well, the darkness didn't really diminish her abilities. Perhaps it was why she didn't even fully realize the night until it had been noted, purplish eyes glancing about once it was. They would potentially have troubles moving about. Camping was a good idea. She could try to teleport them back but, well, it would be quite exhausting, and even then she didn't know which direction to head.

Her gaze shifted back and forth between Alexandrine and the tall man. Would her friend explain the power thing? She probably would eventually, right? The offer of him joining them for sleep was, well, exciting! And embarrassing! She just hoped the darkness concealed the faint, almost permanent fluster across her cheeks. Emi's head also nodded in agreement. She would certainly not mind the arrangement!

"Do we stay transformed?" she asked, looking to her friend. Heck if they ended up sleeping together would she even be able to maintain her form? But then in her form she at least had plausible deniability about her being not quite Human.

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*** Fortress ***

"I think it likely your companion will need a whole to heal before she feels like getting up and around."

The night was wearing on as it was. "I thought she might be one of yours, but I did not wish to implicate you as a father. I hardly know you, and it would have been impolite of me."

She considered her words

"A partnership suits me."

She raised the fine saké again. "To us," and downed the whole of the liquid in her drinking vessel.

"If you wish it, I have a guest room you are welcome to use for the night. Then perhaps we can question your companion on the marrow?" The mazone eyed one another wordlessly in the background as they heard their mistress offer a room.

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She did not offer her own room or herself?  Fair enough.  That was just one way to make such an arrangement official.  As the guest, Zorn was not going to be the one to make the suggestion.  He believed he had given her the hint he was willing, if she was.  He would let her come to him, if she wanted it.  “Well, I was just having some fun, the same sort you seek.  I had no intention to give her a child, no idea I did.  If she is in fact mine though, I have much to teach her.  Much to catch up on.  If she is not, she has a certain appeal to me anyway.”  It was the rabbit aspects.  He finished drinking.  “I will take your offer.  And your partnership.”  He finished his drink.  “Show me the way.”  He would let her lead him to his room.

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“You can change back now if you wish.  I will wait until we find the camping spot.”  With the need to make light, Alexandrine could not change back immediately.  Had to stay in this form, until they found a camping site.   There was no harm in letting the boy see their civilian forms.  There was a good chance he would see a lot more of one or both of them.

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At the very least Toshiro actually considered sleeping with the two women. However the double meaning went over his head, immediately he was thinking of keeping warmth and protection in numbers. Given he was in another country, Toshiro didn't know the area well enough to assess any predators that were nearby. That, and they didn't have any.... Weird portal people to throw something around to get to the nearest town, which was ironically inconvenient.  

"If we're to find shelter my suggestion is perhaps under a thick branched tree. Aside from that it would be choice for me to stuck around as well." Toshiro said, answering Alexandra's question or rather her suggestion.  

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She noted the way he looked at her. Respectful, bit there was a little desire there as well. Good Just the way she wanted it.

She stood and led the way to his room, hips swaying with every step to highlight her feminine form. Looking over her shoulder with a teasing look, she let her shoulder strap fall down her arm, the front of her dress creeping a little lower, showing more cleavage.

"Here is your room, Lord Zorn. Rest well." She gave him a small bow, and a smile before she left for her own room to sleep.


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The next day, at the fortress, Hellhound finally woke up inside her healing bath. Stirring out of her sleep, she looked around, slowly remembering where she was. Her body had healed pretty well enough, outside and inside, thanks to the liquid she was left inside for a while. Not waiting for anyone to tell her, she stood slowly and jumped outside of the tub, feeling somewhat different. With the experience she had, her body had ground a little stronger already, with her cells being reborn and made stronger. She felt ready for a new fight already.

But for now, she sniffed around, not really feeling Zorn anywhere near her. Alone, it seemed. If she was still at Exzel's place then she was in a demon's home. No humans should be there unless some were made prisoners. Her first priority was to find one of them, wondering if Zorn was even around. Perhaps he was gone. Without Ado, she tried to leave the area, looking around and poking around curiously. Recovery or not, the only thing it did not heal was her hunger. After however long she had slept, she required to find something to eat.

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Was she tempting him?  Maybe they would have some fun together later.  But tonight was not the night.  Maybe if she stayed the night in his home, he would invite her to his room.  She did have a lovely body.  It had been a while since he fucked someone he considered an equal.  He looked forward to it.  “I will see you in the morning, see if my companion is recovered enough to talk.”  Maybe they would return home if she recovered enough.  Though it remained to be seen if Hellhound considered that her home yet.  If she would fight for him.

But he quickly went to the bed offered him and drifted off too sleep.

The next day, he rose.  He walked to the door.  He remembered the route back to Hellhound.  He presumed he had the freedom to walk there without Exzelcryth.  He opened the door, began walking.  Watching to see if any of her people tried to stop him, or if he found her on the way.

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Alexandrine seemed to think that it was fine if they dropped their transformations. She trusted in her experience and intuition here. It made sense after all if the man might potentially join them in the future! This way she didn't need to exhaust herself with keeping it up either, especially if they were indeed going to be doing more than sleeping.

With a nod Emi focused for a moment upon her body. Her entire figure brightly glowed white for a moment, only for the light to shatter away and fall as a dissipating cloud of petals. The rather scantily clad bunny had returned to her normal form. She didn't look all that much different. Her hair was no longer bundled up, settling loosely now behind her. Ears settled into a naturally floppy state. Eyes shifted from a purplish color to a vibrant blue. The white straps and thin see-through material was replaced with a white dress. Despite the dropping of her transformation Emi remained not entirely Human.

"Thick branched tree" the little bunny mumbled, keeping her eyes open for just such a spot!

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The forest was finally back to normal.  Alexandrine opened her hand held it out.  A ball of light appeared hovering above her palm, giving them a good view of their surrounding.  “Either that, maybe a hill.  Or we get really lucky there might be an empty camp grounds in the area.”  A simple cabin they could maybe borrow.  Without electricity or plumbing, but a shelter of sorts.  She did not expect to be that lucky, but it was not completely impossible.  For now though she just slowly walked forward.  Looking for an ideal spot, and making sure nothing tried to approach them.

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Hellhound's instincts seemed to be to follow any scent of food at this moment, as she was making her way toward where she could find some. Not being dead yet meant being able to enjoy some food of some sort. Surely there was a kitchen or the likes or any food she could steal. Whether someone would try to limit where she could go or not, it didn't stop her from sneaking around. Her body was slightly stiff from the forced recovery but she was tough enough to endure it, especially in motivation of finding something she can eat.

If she spotted Zorn anywhere on her path, she would try to sneak, not really letting him find her easily. Not like she expected to see him anyway. She remembered the demon woman and that this place was her home but she still didn't know if he was around. The problem with trying to sneak where she was would be that she was still a dark beast girl in an otherwise well lit place. If it was well lit, anyway. Her long tail would follow a trail behind her as well, making it visible if she turned around a corner to find her destination somewhere.

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"Hill, tree, campsite,  whichever works." Toshiro responded whilst looking about as best he could. And then something that made him lose words and thought happened. 

The rabbit girl had glowed brightly until she went from one attire to the next. He shook his head, Toshiro blinked and even pinched his own side to make sure this was no dream. But instead of looking like a dumbstruck as he moved onward to figure it out later. 



Turn left, keep going straight until you reach a steep decline. From there is sanctuary

Toshiro turned and started to waltz that direction, questioning if what he's doing is sane or not. He traveled through bush and branch to the directions of which he was guided toward,  and the journey there was unpleasant for him. Already he was wore out, normally when Toshiro exerted that much force in a fight it didn't take a whole lot, then again he took his medicine right afterward which may have eased him up. Hell, he had hoped to just have gotten normal business out of the way,  but apparently hevwas doing this now. What a drag

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Alexandrine paused.  Saw the boy going off on his own.  Maybe it was best to stop where they were.  Give him something else to keep him occupied.   She walked over to him.  “Do you need to rest?  We can stop here if you need to.”  It was probably safe.  Worst case scenario, she could set something up to protect them while they slept.  Whenever they did decide to stop, that was when she would let him know about the fun he could have.  Well maybe a hint.  “Don’t overexert yourself.  You will get something to look forward too, before going to sleep.”

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Hill. Thick branched tree. Campsite. That one would be best, right?

The little rabbit made certain not to move too far from their new friend. She didn't want him getting lost, after all. When he turned and started to head to the left so too did she. A faint wiggle of her puffy white tail betrayed her happiness. While he did appear to be briefly confused by the unveiling of her true form the man at least wasn't scared by it either.

I suppose he might not know that I am a monster. Still, this is nice. Well, somewhat. We are still lost.

Her gaze shifted towards Alexandrine as she spoke, nodding once. She didn't mind resting here if need be. Of course the continuation of her friend's words replaced the pink within her cheeks with a soft red. That was rather forward! But then if they were going to do that one of them had to be forward. It was unlikely to be Emi. Besides it was true too!

Sex in the forest.

Emi's blue orbs returned to the man beside her. Now she was imagining what he might look like without clothes and, just as importantly, what sort of tattoo was on his chest! Her guess? Something cool, like a tiger!

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Toshiro's waltz wasn't cut short in the least, instead it had been proceeding even while the woman talked to him about stopping and resting. He proceeded however, determined to find whatever it is. He replied, "No... Something is over-"

And just like that the young man found the drop-off. Toshiro fell down a steep thirty foot slope and rolled through thicket and bush until coming back a stop. He groaned and rubbed his head, not too much damage but now the bruises on his arms had gotten worse, however he could feel a sudden pull in a direction ahead. He stood, patting himself off as if annoyed and unharmed, and continued just a short distance until some odd yards hidden in the thick of the forest, was a wood cabin of sorts; and next to it a running river. 

Toshiro grin, "Alright, so this whole thing wasn't a drag afterall." 

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"Damn it."  Alexandrine hissed as the boy dropped.  It was too fast for her to try to help.  All she could do was jump after him, check on him.  Between being transformed and shifting the winds, she fell safely.  Landing with a thud, painlessly, next to him.  "Are you alright?"  She looked ahead.  Saw the cabin.  Was there something inside drawing the boy towards it.  It was probably worth looking around.  Making sure it was safe.  She was sure Emi would be down in a moment, such a drop was probably safe for her.  "Well...we may have found our place to sleep.  As long as it is clean dry.  Worth checking it out at least."  She waited to make sure the boy could move, before making her way towards the cabin.

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What happened next was somewhat shameful, not so much in Emi's eyes for Toshiro, but more for herself. So distracted had seen been while looking him over that she hadn't even realized that they'd hit a cliff until it was too late! Ears perked up, a frown appearing across her lips as the boy disappeared into the underbrush. She scooted closer to the ledge, being careful, and looked down to see him at the bottom. Thankfully he appeared to be okay.

With multiple careful hops the bunny descended down after the other two. While she wasn't quite as strong in this form as she was in her transformed form she could at the very least handle something this simple. One of the benefits of being not quite Human. It was a shame that she had removed her transformation, otherwise she might have been able to catch him!

By the time she'd arrived down Toshiro was already on the move. Ears twitched, nose sniffed at the air. She detected the river's presence even before they broke through the trees, although the cabin was certainly a surprise! Making her way over the bunny gently patted a hand against the man's arm.

"Good work" she replied softly. "I'll check the river. Make sure it's clean enough."

Without waiting for a response she continued past them, past even the cabin and over for the running water. She stopped at the edge, crouched down, and cupped her hands together. With them she lifted some of the water up to her nose for a sniff test. Emi had spent a long time having to survive on her own, long enough to know when something smelled off. The other two, she figured, could check the cabin.

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Toshiro again proceeded forward, carefully placing a hand on the wood door before pushing it open. He ignored whatever his body felt like at the moment and pushed forward like always. Once the door creaked open inside contained a lot of nothing, mostly an empty space with an area dedicated for a kitchen. Moss grew on the floor as well as small plants giving Toshiro the idea that its been years since anyone has even lived here. The moss will feel good on the back. 

"It's not wet at least, bright side is there'll be something soft to lay on." Toshiro said, digging inti his pocket for something but sighed when he couldn't find it. 

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