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The Wanderers

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It was not the best case scenario.  But Alexandrine figured it was still better than sleeping outside.  At least they had shelter from wind or potential rain.  She waved her hand, the light disappeared.  The gem on her ring glowed, her robes disappeared, revealing the ordinary woman, Alexandrine, behind them.  Still young, but probably an ‘older woman’ in the eyes of someone Tohiro’s age.  “I was hoping for a bed at least.  But it is still probably the best place the three of could sleep.”  She did not bother waiting for Emi to return or him to answer before taking her shirt off.  Though she looked for a good place to put it.  “You will have other options to lay on though.”  She was completely casual about it.  But she had several reasons for deciding this.  She and probably Emi were going to have sex with him tonight.

”Like I told you earlier.  You can sleep with us tonight.  Both of us.  Consider it our gratitude for helping fight earlier.  It will also help unlock your true potential.”  He was a young man.  She wondered if he would really complain if a woman like her chose to randomly have sex with him.  But she explained a little, in case he found it too strange.

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It seems to be fine.

A small testing sip was taken. She couldn't detect anything wrong with it. With an approving nod she stood, hands flicking away spare droplets while she returned to the cabin. "The water is-" she began as she entered the cabin, only to pause upon seeing Alexandrine without her shirt. Pink tinged her face. "F-fine. It is fine."

The little rabbit entered, shutting the door behind herself. It was dark, at least. She could still see fairly well, although it more importantly concealed her flustered state. Her hat was set upon the floor. The single button of her dress was pushed through the hole that secured it, loosening the garment enough for her to tug it over her head. After folding it up and tucking it beneath the hat she crouched down, fingers moving to unclip the thigh holsters that she wore.

Of course she wore very little beneath the dress. Frilly black panties. Socks and boots, both of which were pulled away and set aside. Her gaze rose towards the man as she stood up straight, not bothering to cover the gentle lumps of budding flesh that were her breasts, nor the soft pink areola which now stiffened slightly with the chilled night air. Fingers settled against the waistband of her panties, digits idly toying with the thin fabric. He might have wished for them to stop, after all. To not do anything. Perhaps even to dress.

He probably finds this strange, I guess. I suppose he might only be into Alexandrine. She is much prettier. And bigger.

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While the girls were taking care of whatever, Toshiro was looking out of one of the shutters just in case they were followed. Not that he could see anything, he felt slight tinge of annoyance when one of the women stated that he'd have something else to lay on. Like fucking what?! He suppressed a sigh and when he felt things were clear Toshiro turned, not realizing what was going on until he could see the view for himself. At first he didn't think anything of it. 

"Not sure what you mean by slee-" Once Toshiro understood the situation as it slowly sunk in. Despite the heat he could feel in his face he wasn't necessarily certain how to handle it. Unfortunately,  he was still a virgin, hell, he didn't even watch porn let alone masterbate! 

"Ah... Hmm... So that's what you meant..."


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Alexandrine cleared off some of the plants from the kitchen area, put her shirt there, then undid her bra.  Her lower body remained covered by a pair of jeans.  He sounded less enthusiastic about it than she thought he might be.  But he did not seem to be against it.  He seemed to have an impressive body, but with his disorder, she would not be completely surprised if he was a virgin.  She would try to be discreet about it though.  “I do not know how much experience you have.  I should tell you though.  As Magical Girls and you a Knight to be, sex will feel much more intense, for all of us, than what it would feel like for you with an ordinary woman.”  Well, as long it was vaginal sex at least.  Oral or anal would not feel much different than two ordinary people.  Not easily at least.

”You can have both of us for tonight.  Which would you prefer to start with?  I do have more experience and can help you unlock your power.”  If he was a virgin, it was hard to say if he would prefer her experience, or the lack of it Ellie had.  Did he prefer the older woman?  Or the girl younger than him.  She would let him decide.  Whichever he started with, she would be sure the other had a chance to join in.  There could be times all three of them were doing things together too.

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For some reason Toshiro's gaze directly upon her body caused her face to brighten further still! As she had thought this was not something he had been expecting, even despite the many hints Alexandrine had dropped. Emi still had no idea whether or not he wanted it. Even so, she wasn't getting naked just for that. The little rabbit also just preferred to sleep in the nude.

With a little wiggle of her hips Emi crouched down, pushing her lacey undergarments down the length of her pale legs. Once they hit the floor she stepped out of them, picked up the garment, neatly folded it, and finally set it atop the little stack that she had made. She straightened herself again once it was complete, attention returned once more towards the boy. Hands set to her sides, fingers nervously playing against her bare hips, granting full view to her naked body, save for the occasional nervous squeezing of her legs together. Only during those moments did her hairless crotch briefly become obscured.

A bed would have been nice though.

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"Wosh woah," Toshiro said putting his hands up, "Look, I'm not gonna lie as tempting as this really sounds I've never had sex before. Hell I've never even jerked it off... Shit that's probably the whole reason as to why I'm angry." 

Toshiro's train of thought skipped a beat when he realized that some of his anger issues was from never pulling any sexual stunts. His whole life he's been so focused on improving hos own quality of life that he completely abandoned the ideas of having another relationship. Not since his last girlfriend at least. The thought of having a threesome was every man's dream yet Toshiro didn't know hoe quite to respond. 

"Well... Guess it couldn't hurt... Why not just both of you at once?" Toshiro asked as he unbuttoned his undershirt which was black ruined and tore from the forest. 

Once the shirt came off, Toshiro was revealed to have a full body tattoo of beautiful patterns of red branches and flowers of various shades of the color until reaching to around his back. On his back was a samurai formed from the branches and flowers striking down an oni made from fire and ice. Yet there was something rather odd about the body art itself, almost as if there was strange energy about it, but regardless it was intricate and most likely designed by a top dollar artist. As for Toshiro's body, to say he was an athlete was an understatement,  it was obvious he not only took good care of himself but he was comprised purely of muscle it seemed, an envy that most men strive for but not grotesquely so. 

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As it turned out she somehow had more experience than the tall man stood before her. That was quite a surprise! Almost as surprising as why the male was so upset. Of course this clicked together a revelation within her brain: if he was upset because he hadn't had sex then she could definitely make him happier by having sex! The thought prompted her fluffy tail to wiggle happily behind her.

I can help!

She was snapped back to reality when the man agreed to it. With a sharper red fluster the otherwise pale bunny nodded. A glance was cast towards Alexandrine before she approached the male, not so much to start things off but more because she was curious and wanted a closer look, especially now that he was undressing! She was however curious as to how he planned to do both of them at once. Unless he didn't mean with just his penis?

Can guys have two of them?!?

Her lips parted slightly in awe. It wasn't just the intricate tattoo which, as it turned out, contained not a single tiger. No, it was also his build. His muscles. She caught her hands drifting further down, pressed fingers against her pelvis to halt them. As it turned out she was turned on not only by people larger than she was, but also by people who were stronger! Maybe because she felt that they could take more control? Take the lead? Handle her with more care. It was probably a mixed bag of reasons.

"H-handsome" she whispered, mostly to herself.

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Alexandrine unbuttoned her jeans, slid them down with her panties.  As he undressed and explained.  “There is nothing wrong being a virgin.  You can do us together.  Though that gets more complicated.  Emi here…my name is Alexandrine…”.  Awkward as it might be, they ought to formally introduce themselves at this point.  “…she does not have a lot of experience either.  She walked over to him.  Let him look at her nude body up close.  Touch it, if he wanted.  Young, in its prime.  The body of someone who had fought for years feminine, but with some muscle, athletic.

She did want to take effort to make this pleasant for him.  Virgin or not, unsure if he had a preference for a man’s role in this.  “Do you want to try to take the lead, or should I?”  Emi was too inexperienced to do that yet, she would do it, unless Toshiro wanted to try.

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It was like an overload for Toshiro as his arousal seemed to finally kick in. At the sane time he didn't want to be ungentlemanly and lurch forward like a crazed hound, instead he obliged to allowing these two women, Emi, and Alexandria, to take the reigns on this one. He's never been taught how to handle up on this sort of thing but it was all business for Toshiro before this moment. He neglected Human nature for business, schooling, abs a variety of other things, but him not having sex also had a lot to do with his former girlfriend... Not "ex" as one may assume. 

"Toshiro, Tatsuba Toshiro," The young man nodded as he felt the sudden erection throb painfully in his pants, usually hevwpupd ignore such a thing but now he has no choice but to use it. Alexandria stepped forward nude abd obviously ready to start things off, however there was an air of seriousness as of this was just business as usual. Toshiro responded, "Can't lie, I have no clue as to what I'm doing. I'm imaging it now but I'd seem like an ass."

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Alexandrine nodded.  “I’ll be teaching you both a little.  I will give guidance, but not every step of the way.  Sometimes we should just do what feels right.”  She looked over the floor, trying to decide the best option.  “There are many options, positions, and such we can try.  This also does not have to be a one night stand, but we will decide that later, after seeing how enjoyable tonight is.”  She was not offering to be his girlfriend, but more frequent sex was certainly a possibility, if he enjoyed tonight.

”There is another advantage to us doing it.  Normally men need a break before doing it multiple times in one night.  You will not need to take any with us.”  Sex between a Knight and a Magical Girl had plenty of advantages.

”The first penetration should be you and me.”  She had more experience here.  Did not know how similar he would be to Ryan, once he started fucking, felt what it was like, whether it would be too much for Emi.  Alexandrine could handle it though.  And decide whether to give Emi a turn after that.  Or let Emi if she wanted it.

“I’m ready for that, whenever you are.  But if you would like to take some time for foreplay, get to know the bodies of me and Emi, feel free to indulge.  You can touch me, anywhere you want.  Kiss me, if you want.”  It was a little business like right now.  But that was the oddity of how this started.  She was sure they would all be more into it, once the action heated up.

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Nearing the man allowed him a better view of the little bunny's body. There were hints of being at least a little toned in the places where it might be more easily visible. Her arms, slim though athletic. Legs, as expected of a rabbit, were a little more built, resulting in fuller thighs. However overall she appeared to be more or less normal on the outside. A thin, petite build. Hardly any visible athleticism beyond those two areas, although perfectly healthy, if not nearing the thin side. Hips slightly wider than average which, with her somewhat meatier thighs, resulted in a slight gap between them just below her crotch.

Toshiro. Tatsuba Toshiro.

Her head nodded once as she cemented the information within her mind. Emi's gaze lifted towards Alexandrine who, thankfully, had decided to approach. To take control of the situation. She would teach them both! Heck, she even decided to go first. That was a relief. The mention of trying many different positions was a nice thought as well, as was the thought that tonight might not be the only night that they did such things.

Of course she knew that Toshiro needed to be naked as well. It wasn't fair that he was the only one dressed either. And so, wishing to assist, Emi reached her hands up and fiddled with the man's pants. Small digits worked quickly to unbuckle and unbutton and unzip all that might have been concealing the clearly growing erection within the man's pants. When she had succeeded the perhaps more eager than she might admit bunny carefully gripped Toshiro's pants and undergarments all at once, applying downward pressure in effort to free whatever beast lay within!

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Posted (edited)

*** The Fortress ***

The waystone stood towering in the the middle of the garden, runes glowing, as rows of cherry blossoms on either side swayed in a gentle breeze. A green skinned, and mostly naked save for a sheer yukata, mazone girl bowed to Hellhound as she entered the garden, "Good morning to you." The sun up, Hellhound heard the crackling of a fire just as she smelled the familair carbon scent of burning wood mixed with... meat? She could see Zef, on the far side, around the pond, sitting at a fire roasting what looked like a large boar over a fire. His club and the ground, and a boar spear stuck in the ground.

Inside near the entrance to the bath were Hellhound had been, Exzelcryth walked to the door of the area, seeing Zorn as she approached. She was wearing naught but a towel wrapped tightly around herself, from breasts to her upper thighs, just enough to cover everything important. "Good morning to you, General. I trust your night was peaceful?"

Despite being strong, she looked rather delicate this morning as she drew closer, clearing intending to walk by him, and into the room of baths.

Edited by Balthier
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Posted (edited)

Hellhound had found her way to that place, following the scent of food. It was not what she had expected but it worked just the same. Surely that piece of meat cooking over the fire was not put there for her but she was so hungry that it did not matter to her. Still, she was not going to just steal it but she wanted a piece of it. Looking at the mazone who politely had bowed to her, she simply waved her hand to her before she headed to the one who was cooking the meat. Now, Hellhound was not sure how to go forward with this but she sure looked hungry and her mind seemed to overthink about what to do in this situation. She always had been a hunter before but she nearly had died and she was not anywhere familiar.

Quietly for now, Hellhound sat near the fire but her eyes stared at the cooking boar for a bit. Even her tail anxiously moved from one side to another. "Hungry...", she murmured.

Edited by Warning
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That was the sort of thing Alexandrine meant, about doing some things that felt right.  She was happy.  It was a hint Emi genuinely might have wanted to do this.  Did she feel a crush on the boy?  Or perhaps just lust?  Either way, she was becoming more comfortable with sex.  Alexandrine considered that a good thing.  This boy was someone who might end up on the team.  She silently watched, her eyes looking to what was revealed.  She had to admit, she also found his body rather appealing.  Was he as impressive below?  Size certainly was not everything.  They could have fun, no matter what his size was.  But if he was big, if he was thick, well that would be a bonus.


Zorn was amused.  Unsure if this was intentional.  But yes, the first night she was in his home, she was going to be invited to his chambers.  Find out if this was a game, if she was trying to give him a good impression, or if just maybe she truly desired him.  For now though, he would behave, unless she made it clear she wanted it immediately.  “Yes, it was a pleasant sleep.  Going to your baths?  I’m sure you have a rather impressive setup.”  He considered asking if she might enjoy his company.  But there was something else to attend to.  “I will go check on my companion.  See how recovered she is.  Ask about my maybe daughter.  I can tell you about it later.  If you wish to bathe.”

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Zorn left his hostess, to go look for his companion.  Once he made his way to the tub she had been left to heal in, he found she had wandered off.  Of course it was up to her, if she stuck with him or not.  If she chose to go her own way, it would be the loss of a potentially powerful ally, but he could continue building his plans on his own.  But at least he needed to find her to ask her a few questions.  Including whether she intended to stick with him or not.  Was she hiding?  Playing?  Looking for food?  Whatever it was, he would find her.  He sniffed the air for her scent.  They both had powerful senses after all.  He followed the scent down the halls, wondering if she made any attempt to hide the scent.

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Hellhound somehow managed to get a piece of meat for herself. Nothing too big, just enough to fulfill her stomach. She was not exactly a big eater, depending on her mood. Afterward, she would leave on her way and, strangely, she minded her manners a little for when it came to this home's traditions. It didn't stop her from playfully sneaking around in her own style when nobody looked. She did not really do much to hide after eating and probably would be found easily, just curiously exploring the place until she'd be in the mood to leave.

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Posted (edited)

Zorn continued following the Hellhound’s scent.  Exploring the place.  Getting a feel of it. This was officially allied territory now.  Would it become part of his empire?  He would honor his word, not attack it, unless he was betrayed first.  But…if the she-demon desired him.  Perhaps she would choose to serve in time.  Not as a slave a plaything.  But perhaps a general, as he had been to his old master.  That was something he was lacking.  His first impression of her was she would do well in that position.  But if it happened, it would be because she chose to swear loyalty to him.

Hellhound on the hand.  She could be useful in battle, she just chose a really bad opponent last time.  She was not likely to be much of a leader though.  Maybe she could be used to hunt elusive enemies too.

He found where she had recently found her food.  She was close.  That he was sure about.  Though when he got real close, she would notice, he was sure.  Would she show herself?  Or have some fun trying to hide from him?

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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Hellhound wandered some more, having no idea that she was being followed. At least, at first. She was still unaware that Zorn was even still around to begin with. If his scent lingered around somehow, she only thought it would be from being here at least once. There was a possibility that he was still in this place but she was not exactly worried about it. She had no reason to fear him as of that moment and while she could playfully avoid him this time, her mind was mostly on something else. Now that she had found magical girls, she wanted to become stronger. Hellhound was normally a forced to be reckoned but she had been defeated like she was a newbie. This annoyed her but this also motivated her to become stronger.

As she was thinking this, she was standing in a hallway, thinking she was alone. A noise of sort attracted her attention, however. Her eyes shifted to look at what was growing closer and a small surprise could be seen on her face before she smiled devilishly. "You... You're still here and you're following Hellhound. I thought you were gone after I almost died.", she spoke playfully and did not even seem upset for any reasons. She was tougher than to complain about him not showing up and besides, she had some kind of plans now. "I don't think you came to say hi, right? ♪ What do you want...?", she spoke with the same tone as before, not really showing any hesitation or fear regarding him. She didn't really bow to demons, either.

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As the two ladies surrounded him with Alexandria presenting herself as such, Toshiro felt the sudden looseness of his pants. Once his garments were stripped all that was left was a near twelve inch hardened phallus that throbbed at the cool air. It was thick indeed, pulsating with life that it almost seemed unfair he didn't give it to a lucky woman sooner. And even more luckily his parents were wise to have him circumcised. 

Toshiro hesitated but eventually grabbed Alexandria gently and pulled her soft and smaller frame into his. His heart raced and yet he kept an air of professionalism and control, he felt along her skin tracing along the spine with a digit. And Toshiro wasn't necessarily sure as to what to do now, so he took the first thought that came to mind and kissed the woken pressed up against his side. 

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That was impressive.  Alexandrine hoped it was not too much Emi.  If she had been a normal girl that size it would be, but Emi might handle it.  Love it even.  She was eager for it too.  To be the first woman to feel it inside her.  She let out a sudden surprised gasp.  But a welcomed one.  Let him do what he wanted for a bit.  While she was not positive, it seemed he wanted to this, was pleased by her body.  She put her arms around him, pressed her naked body against his.  Returned the kiss.  There was no hesitation there, not doing it just because he was.  She wanted to do it too.  She was not sure if he had kissed a woman like this before.  She slipped her tongue into his mouth.  Lightly, encouraging his to act.  

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Zorn was not surprised by the attitude, she was an interesting one.  He wondered if it was possible to upset her, not that he intended to try.  “My old enemy hurt you, on the feeding trip I invited you on.  It is up to you, if you stay here, come back with me, or go somewhere else.  I was curious about your first impression of Magixal Girls, as they call themselves.  I was most curious though about the Rabbit girl.  Did she remind you of me in any way, besides the ears and tail, scent or otherwise?”  He suspected she would be bored by any talk of alliances and such.  Would not mention that agreement, or where it might lead, unless she asked.

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"Yes I do wish to bathe, thank you." She said as she walked by Zorn, I to the baths. She noted the healing tub was empty of any occupant, and wondered where the beast-girl had gone to.

She went behind a standing screen, painted with mountainous landscapes and cherry blossoms. From out side there was only the view of her lower legs, by her feet and ankles, the the slight of her towel hitting the ground. Exzel found a bucket of warer and sat washing herself, before rinsing with the bucket. Then walked naked, to her warm, hot spring pool, stepping in smoothly and submerging herself to the neck, relaxing there for a long time.

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Hellhound listened carefully, being confused a bit when Zorn mentioned the rabbit girl. But still... The fact she almost died on her first real battle was in the level of insulting. "Your old enemy was too powerful to get close to but I will get stronger. When I do, they won't see me coming. I just need to be faster, too.", she said with confidence, seeming pumped up and ready to fight more seriously. To this end, she would have to fight more humans and stronger opponents. For now, there remained the question of the rabbit girl. "Wait... You don't say...?", she grinned a bit, having a nefarious thought in mind as she continued playfully, "She is related to you, is that it...? ♪ Is a human related to you? But that would means...", she suddenly gasped.

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“She might be related to me.”  Zorn calmly clarified. “I am looking for evidence to confirm whether or not she is.  It is possible she is my child.”  He smiled a little.  “I ‘played’ with some of those sorts of girls in the past.  Though not the Sorceress herself.  It was not my goal, but I might have given at least one a child.  The girl’s face resembles one I played with.”  He did not really care what Hellhound thought about that.  It was possibly a chance to confirm if she did any of that sort of playing or not.

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Hellhound smirked after he clarified. It's like he was giving her a quest or something, regarding finding more about Emi. She would admit that making a connection between her and Zorn had not exactly been a priority, let alone a thought. It would be something to think about later. Still, it appeared like Zorn had more to him than just what he showed. Some demons, especially females, had specialties that went beyond the scopes of magic and techniques. Some knew the art of lust and pleasure. Hellhound knew of succubus, particularly. There were male versions of them but the beast girl didn't exactly picture Zorn as one of them. He was more, to her, the typical demon lord making use of his power to dominate. This could mean sexually.

Hellhound also grinned at the idea of the latter since she would admit to have needs at times and humans, females in preference, made the perfect toy to play with. Best when defeated as they were powerless to stop what was coming to them. The thought even made her blush slightly, with her tail suddenly wagging even. 'Play' had more than one meaning to her, for sure. Hellhound obviously did not aim for pregnancy with her antics as she was female herself and preferred to take over other females. No, it was a question of dominating, tasting, at times feeding on fluids, on other times sharing heat. Hellhound shook her head as she was letting intrusive thoughts take over her. "So you want me to find more about her, do you?"

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