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The Wanderers

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Exzel kept a light touch on his arm as she walked with him, letting her outer thigh sometimes just graze his. Noting the decor, where his chambers were, the whole lair was something to behold. Just the right amount of opulence. She listened to every word as they talked. It was standard for powerful demon lords to try to break certain enemies. It didn't surprise her, he was capable of doing that. Though it did raise a bit if caution deep in her, though there was no outward sign. Making one lose memories, the trauma must have been extreme. Exzel had trouble deciding if she was truely impressed or horrified, but kept a gentle smile on her face like a good actress. It was in fact, both ferlings at once. Nodding in understanding.

"A weapon against the Daimond Witch would be a great boon. She is powerful, even immobilizing one as fast and strong Hellhound at a gesture." Now he had mentioned something that was very interesting. "Secrets indeed? Did they divulge useful information before they lost their memories, I hope?"

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Hellhound followed attentively, smiling at the sight of the weapon when she saw her but otherwise, looked at Exzel when she was referred to. "She was cheating... I almost got that bunny girl if she had not interfered and cheated me out of my flames. When I get my claws onto her though, she will pay.", she said with a smile, already thinking of moves she could do to destroy her opponents and whatever that surrounded them. The beast girl of power only needed to gain more of that: Power. The revival did feel like it made her stronger.

For the time being, she needed someone to become stronger with, without any real opponents worthy of her attention in the underworld, Zorn and Exzel obviously excluded from that, Hellhound had the devilish idea of simply going back to the surface and taunt humans a little. Unlike demons, she did not really care about causing troubles if it was for her own benefit. Humans fearing her was a thing she kinda enjoyed. They were more fun to play with when they were afraid. It was not like anyone was capable of following her down.

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Zorn smiled with pride, looking at the woman.  The first time he chose to keep a human, not just use her and leave.  “I know many things about the Sorceress, because of this girl.  Her true name.  Where she lived at least at the time, though it has been long enough she may have moved.  Her past, to her youngest days.  You see, this girl was not merely an ally, or old friend.  I now possess the Sorceress’ sister.”

Honesty was the best policy here.  Knowing what Nexus Devils often went through.  Perhaps uncomfortably similar.  “I will admit I took a harsh approach with her.  She hated me of course.  Wanted to kill me for so long.  But gradually, she learned.  As she started to turn, gave her rewards. Had some help too.  Mostly a Knight, who you may meet soon.  One who was already looking for a demon’s help, that one did not need convincing to join me.  And another you may have already met.  The succubus, Canata.”  That one was interesting.  Completely independent, but eager to help, when it seemed interesting.

He had to encourage the hound too, of course.  “I’m sure you will get another chance.  This one does not remember her sister.  But deep inside…maybe she still feels abandoned?  Might be eager to fight when they meet again.  Play with her in all the ways you want.  As for the bunny,  play with her again if you wish.  But keep it playful, at least until we know if she is my child or not.”

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She tried to sound supportive to Hellhound. "I think you'll get that bunny if you can track her alone. Though be careful. If she's Zorn's she may have immense latwnt power." She wondered how powerful Zorn's seed was just then. It would be good to judge by seeing Emi in action more. As taboo as mixing demon and magical girls was, there was no telling how powerful the children could become.

Exzel looked over the Jade Weapon, the woman closely, taking in every detail and curve of her body. "Most interesting. Is this one as powerful as her sister? Or close to that at least?" Exzel suddenly was very interested in how powerful her bloodline was. Plans within plans starting to form in her mind.

"And you have a fallen knight as well? I would be interested to see him, if he is around. Though I do not wish to inconvenience you."

He mentioned someone else too, "A succubus?" Now that was interesting on it's own. Nexus devils often got along with Succubi, causing all kinds of havoc and chaos through the realms. Exploits of Nexus Devil and Succubus teams were legendary in some planes. On the other hand, rare occasions they would be rivals. Either way, Exzel thought it would be good to meet that one some time. "Canata... I shall remember that name. I have not met her yet, but I look forward to seeing her. Are any of them around?"

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Hellhound listened to them but agreed to be careful. "Right... No killing the bunny girl. I'll capture her for you but I just need to stop her from moving around so much first." She was confident that she could do it. Though, while Exzel technically tried to support her, she still felt like she was called weak. "I'm stronger than you think I am, though... I may have been unlucky against that cheater but I was dealing with the bunny just fine until she ruined it. Nobody beats me that easily.", she said with a pout. She had been made ashamed, treated like dirt and looking weak to the demons but she had no plans to give up. If anything, she wanted her revenge more than ever. She had to show the world who Hellhound was and what she could do.

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“The Sorceress truly is special in that area.  This one is powerful too, but much more specialized than her sister.  Though even her power has shifted in my service.  Her dream was as she put, to be a ‘holy paladin’.  That aspect of her power has shifted.”  

“The succubus does not serve me.  With this accomplished, who knows if or when she might return.  But if you really want to meet her, you should be able to summon her, like I did.  You two may get along well.  As for the Knight.  He is out, but may return soon.”

Zorn certainly did not consider Hellhound weak.  She had just been too eager to fight an unusually powerful enemy, that she did not know.  “I did warn you.  She used a similar attack on me, the last time we fought.  But even more vicious.  She was out to kill me.  She almost succeeded.  Me and her sister, both left, on the verge of death.  My guess though is she didn’t find her sister’s body.  May have thought it was destroyed.  My body healed itself.  I found her, unconscious, clinging to life.  Brought her to my new home, and began working on her.”

”Do either of you wish to properly meet her though?”  He asked, looking to his prize.  “She gets few visitors.  I do give her things to go out and do occasionally, but she is usually in the fortress.  Hiding her survival until the right moment, is even more important than hiding my own.  The reunion of sisters should be a special moment.”

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Hellhound seemed to be fixated on proving herself with the bunny girl. That was fine, it would probably motivate her to get stronger.

As to the Weapon, "Yes, let's have a proper introduction." Exzel was curious to see how much of the girl's personality was left. Was there any vestige left of her old self, or was she a perfect weapon now. If so, Zorn deserved credit where credit was due.

"A paladin? The one that takes holy vows? Have you turned this paladin against that? Made them a fallen oathbreaker?" This would be something special, no doubt.

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Hellhound had indeed been warned and she had ignored the warning. She paid the price for it and she knew... But she got stronger from it. Still, the chaos she would unleash would help make her even stronger while leaving a mark on the world... In due time. "Alright, then... Fun is soon but this girl is now. What do we have, here?", she asked, willing to visit whoever Zorn wanted them to meet. She planned to behave and not try to do anything inappropriate. After all, she would have plenty of that after they were done with this situation.

It sounded like demons, in general, had fun capturing humans or at least magical ones, to enslave them, corrupt them, have fun with them. Hellhound was not really the capturing kind but rather the fighting kind and then, sometimes, the playing kind only to leave whatever target behind when she was done. Those she played with often got out of it alive, at the very least. Many would easily die at her hand, though. It was not all that different for demons, actually. But they had a different way of dealing with defeated opponents for sure,

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“Let’s see how much she might tell you, about what she is now.”  He was curious how the girl would interact with these new guests.  He concentrated on the door, the window disappeared and the door opened.  It was not a cell.  The girl had been instructed to remain in the fortress unless given instructions to leave.  But she was free to come and go from her room.  Wander the fortress, except on nights she was called to Zorn’s chambers.  Well, someone else might be keeping him company there tonight.

”Little Emiri.”  He called out, an authoritative, yet affectionate tone.  Calling his little pet.  “I have a few guests at the fortress, I thought you should meet.  You might fight at their sides at some point.”  He gestured to the first.  “Exzelcryth.”  Then to the other “and Hellhound.”  Well perhaps not a proper name, but it seemed appropriate enough to introduce them both.  “Hellhound may be staying with us for a while.  Exzelcryth is a short term guest, but a new ally.  We should be seeing more of her from time to time.”


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Emiri had heard the Zorn and his guests talking in low voices just before they entered her chambers. However, she had learned a long time ago that it was rude to ease drop on conversations that did not directly involve her. Emiri sat on the seat in the corner of her room, running her hands through her tangled dark green hair, and looking out the small window in her room. Her room was kept dark, but honestly Emiri loved it.

Emiri's eyes lit up as he called her name. Her mood perked up a little bit as she loved the way he called her name. She slowly moved over to the man who owned her, but she didn't mind at all. Her body and her mind were all his to possess and she craved it. Her eyes looked over at the two. "Hello, Hellhound and Exzelcryth. It is a pleasure to meet you and would be an honor to one day fight together with you."

Emiri moved over to Zorn, her eyes looking lustfully up at him. It had been a while since he had touched her. She knew she wasn't the only one he touched, but it didn't make her want him any less. "Do you need me to do something for these lovelies?"

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“Maybe later.  I just thought I should introduce you three.”  Though he was a little curious, how she would react to this, without memories.  “I have only recently met the two myself.  But I had an interesting surprise while out there….I finally saw your sister again.  She did not see me.  I was hiding in this one’s shadow.”  He put his hand on Hellhound’s shoulder.  “Your sister was mean to her.  She wants to return the favor eventually.”  After losing the memories Emiri was still aware of a few things, he reminded her of.  That she had a sister.  They used to be on the same team.  But she ‘abandoned’ Emiri.  Left her to learn her new place, find her master.  But how would that news make her feel?  “Exzelcryth here was a little interested in you.  Your powers, especially now that you are mine.”

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Emiri stared at Zorn; the mention of her sister brought fire to her veins. The Diamond Witch, the sister who abandoned her and left her to be acquired by him. Her sister was why she went through so much to begin, all the lessons she was taughtthose lessons were why she was always ready. Emiri might not remember much, but she knew that those lessons were why she was so ready always to obey Zorn.

Emiri turned towards the girl Zorn called Hellhound. "My sister is a fool if she thinks she can get away with hurting others. I hope that you will be able to return the favor, Hellhound." Emiri's attention turned to the other girl "My powers? What makes you interested in what I can do?" Emiri asked, her voice slightly defensive, but it was because her sister had been brought up in this conversation. It would take her a while not to be so angry.

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Exzel looked the woman up and down again. Her body shape certainly resembled the Daimond witch. Her posture too, she couldn't help but notice a family similarity, she really must be her sister. Exzel still hand one hand gently on Zorn's arm, she wondered if this Jade weapon would care about that, but made no move to remove her hand just yet. Only curiois to observe if she betrayes any reaction to her touching Zorn. "A pleasure ro meet you Emiri. I must confess, I'm more than a little interested. Are your powers strong? Does that run in your whole family. Forgive me, I just wondered if you could overpower her."

Exzel couldn't help but wonder, if their genes carried such power, what use the line might have down the road. Or what dangers they could pose. Had Zorn... bred with her while breaking her? A question she thought too impolite to ask now.

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Hellhound grinned, first to Emiri as she flexed her arm, not having big muscles but the sight was deceiving and one would do best not underestimate her strength. "I will not let her get away with it. But first, I have to become stronger.", she said, getting more and more spirited. She was not really part of the rest of the conversation but she didn't mind. They had more to talk about and the beast girl did not feel like she would be very useful to them right now. They probably would not attack anyone yet. Rather, they'd probably do... something...

With a devilish smile, Hellhound stepped back, quietly on her paws. Soon, she turned around and sneaked away. Whether they saw her or not didn't matter to her. She had a plan and the first step was to find one of her secret exits to the surface. She knew a complicated network of paths that lead where she wanted to go. Right now, though, she was not sure where to go exactly but she planned to head to a city and cause as much troubles as possible. If she could get into a fight with many humans then she'd test her strength and improve it.

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Zorn quietly watched.  He would calm Emiri if necessary, but would quietly listen to the two for now.  See what Hellhound had to say too.  The reaction was good.  Emiri would mostly likely fight when necessary.  It just remained to be seen how actually seeing her sister in person might change anything.  Trigger any feelings or hints of memories.

As for Exzel’s unasked question.  They did not have a child yet.  Zorn was not exactly trying, but he took no steps to prevent it either.  Though maybe it would have been good to try a little sooner.  How would the sorceress react?  Seeing her sister carrying his child?  Maybe there was still time?  Of course it was not completely impossible he could give Exzel one too.  That was what gave him the thought about Emiri, a possible sibling for the bunny?  He did not actually expect it to happen with Exzel of course.  Emiri was much more likely.  Whatever happened tonight, he did not expect sex with Exzel to be very often.

”I’m afraid she could not answer the question about the rest of her family anymore.  But she told me, when she remembered.  Yes, it appears to run in her family.  The power at least.  But I could not tell you the strength.”

He noticed Hellhound sneak off.  He was sure it was no problem.  She was better to allow to do her thing.  As long as she did not make their enemies aware of them.

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As the others talked to Emiri. A icy cold wind sweep through the halls. The clicking of boots against stone. He pushed his hair back looking out at all the Demonic soldiers that were training to help Zorn take down his enemies. Holding the invitation to the Magical Girl and Knight convention in his hand he smirked. His crimson red pools seemed to glow in the darkness. "Надеюсь, мой мастер Зорн будет доволен полученным приглашением. Я не видел его несколько месяцев. ((I do hope my Master Zorn is pleased with this invitation I was given. I haven't seen him in months.))" His sliver hair shimmered in the dim light as he walked the halls of the fortress.

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Hellhound was going to leave the place but she slowed down as she noticed the new person. The cold was felt by her a little more, due to the hot nature. Something was off... Was it another demon...? It could not have been anything else. A human or a magic one would not make it to the underworld. Standing there for a bit when she saw him, she stared for a moment at the figure walking in the halls. Well, that was not a girl for one... He certainly was not a human. "Hi...! You're going to meet Zorn, aren't you? Hmm... Follow me!", she told the man and rushed back to where Zorn, Exzel and Emiri were. Without much formality, as her usual, she just waved to the group and alerted them. "Someone's coming...! I think they want to see you...!"

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Emiri watched closely as Exzel's hand rested on Zorn's arm. Her blood was already boiling from the mention of her sister, that he hand of another girl on him, while standing in front of her was almost enough to have her break. However, Emiri was stronger than her thoughts and she knew the punishment would not be worth it. They never were, but they always had a way of making Emiri want more of it. Who would have every thought? "I... I think I am powerful. I haven't used my powers in a while, but the last time I did, I almost couldn't control them.."

Emiri looked at Zorn who had talked about her past memories. What Emiri wouldn't give to have at least some of them back? "Zorn's correct, I don't remember anything about my family... All I know is that I feel strong, stronger than I have ever felt in my life" She whispered before looking away from the two of them and moving back to her chair. She sat down and tucked her knees under her chin. She took a breath. "You're going to spend the night with her, aren't you?" She asked in a very soft voice. The anger seeming to simmer away.

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There it was, jealousy. Ahe could see it in her eyes, as she saw Exzel's hand resting gently on Zorn's arm. She was touching something, the Jade weapon wanted for sure. Though she kept her composure, and displayed no emotion as Emiri talked.

Exzel's voice was full of genuine concern, "Having no memories, I can't imagine how you keep your sense of self."

She looked to Zorn, then back to Emiri, "Do you find you are able to concentrate, when the heat of battle is upon you?"

Finally she accused Zorn of planning to sleep with Exzel. She wanted to smile, but kept her poker face, save for the twitching of one eyebrow. She hadn't decided what to do with Zorn yet, though she was acting to seem like she was available until she did. This was a new dimension though. Did she want to get the weapon angry or jealous of her, and possibly draw Zorn closer, or should she be more cautious. She kept her hand on Zorn, though would remove it if he stepped away, her fingers now lightly stroking his arm. She wasn't sure ahe wanted to antagonize the Jade weapon, but she would not withdraw her hand either to look weak. Her light touch telling onlookers, yes, she did have some power with Zorn.

She turned suddenly to look at Hellhound as she made her accouncement. Could feel the cool air flow over her shoulders from that direction, in just her little black dress.

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“Ah, you found the Knight I spoke of.”  Zorn addressed Hellhound first, letting Exzel know what the cold presence meant as well.  Emiri was completely loyal to him.  No partner.  But he put a lot of work into her.  Wanted to keep her loyal.  “She is a guest.  An invitation has been made, but nothing committed to yet.”  The idea Exzel’s presence gave him, was something to build on.  “It would please me to cement my alliance with her properly.  Maybe tonight,  maybe later.  Don’t worry though.  You won’t be neglected.  Next time we are alone, I have an idea, one that may excite you.”  Yes, at this point Emiri might truly enjoy that idea.

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Azreal followed the Hellhound someone pleased his master found a suitable guard dog and a famous one know doubt. His boots clicked against the stone floor. He knew where Hellhound was running to. It was to her chambers.

Once in view of the party he knelt down on one knee and bowed nobility to Zorn. "Master Zorn sorry if I'm intruding.I have arrived with news of a convention where all sorts of Magical Girls and Knights will be gathered. I have the invitation here if you wish to see it. I do believe SHE will be here." He said smirking. His russian accent was dark, husky and seductive as he looked up at his master.

He looked at Hellhound,Emiri and Exzel with his crimson pools. His long sliverish hair like starlight. His body built from the outlines they could see and his family chest was on the head on his sword engraved. 

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Hellhound turned on her paws, looking at the man. "A Con... vention? Wait... Lot of magic humans will be there? What do you mean, she...?", she asked many questions, turning to Zorn and Exzel to seek answers, not realizing yet who the 'she' in question was, even though it probably was obvious to everyone else. This subject was interesting enough now for her to stay around and listen to it. It could be an answer to her plans of training as well or at least one step of them. "We have to go, right? It sounds fun.", she said with a wagging tail.

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Emiri turned and looked away from the people in her room. When Exzel sounded concern about her sense of self, she just shrugged. "I don't know what a sense of self is, but my time trying to remember things, but I have no luck" She said, her hands moving to her hair again. Her feelings towards Exzel returned to normal, she couldn't be jealous when her master only wanted to create the alliance.

Emiri nodded at Zorn, looking at him with eyes full of lust and curiosity, ignoring anyone else in the room. "I can't wait for you to tell me all about your idea, master" She said softly. It was then that her attention was pulled to the man who had just watched walk into her room. She had seen him before, but never heard him talk.

The way he spoke to Zorn intrigued her. Was he someone else who was dedicated to her master?

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"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Emiri. Perhpas we can work together, in the future."

So, Zorn really did want to cement the alliance the traditional way. She did wonder though, if he was really into her besides that. Would be disappointed if he didn't find her attractive. She made a bold move in front of the crowd, especialky Emiri slowly moving her hand from his arm to this abdominal muscles, and brushing his body as he talked about wanting to cement things. Giving a knowing look to Emiri as she did so, before sliding her hand back to Zorn's arm. As if to say, maybe I will take care of him tonight. This felt dangerously like playing with fire, but it was a little thrilling. A sense of adventure had gotten more than one Nexus Devil in trouble before. But their nature, at times, was harder to supress than others. She was also curious to see how Zorn handled his weapon.

She listened intently to Azreal's, then Hellhound's information. A con? This sounded like a prime target to infiltrate, she would have her Mazone spies investigate further. Perhaps her human form, alter ego, Fujiko would make an appearance, glean some intelligence from the Daimond Sorceress at the least. Maybe this 'Voltron,' Elie had spoken of would be there as well...

Lastly, Exzel regarded Azreal. She could sense a deep darkness in him. As dark as any demon though he was not. Dangerous. She would have to keep an eye on this one. She watched his eyes, wondering if her legs would draw his attention, given his low bow and the angle of his vision to her dress eould have been almist upskirt. He may not given his seeming respect for Zorn, so she watched to get a read on that.

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Zorn did find Exzel quite attractive physically.  He would not mind more than once.  Was she trying to tell him she wanted more?  Or was this a competition with Emiri?  Emiri’s loyalty, and the something special offered should keep her calm.  A contest between females for his attention could be appealing to a demon like him.  But he also wanted everyone to keep united.  He had to keep things calm between them, but the other matter was something to resolve quickly.

Hellhound was something else to keep under control.  “You wish to go, Azreal?  You have permission.  See if you learn anything.  Have some fun if you want.”  Then Hellhound.  “That is something only for humans or someone who can blend in as a human.  Someone like you or me cannot go there.  Not until we are much stronger at least, maybe another one.”  To attack something like that would be a spectacular statement.  A thing of legends to demons.  But they were no where near strong enough.  “I will try to find something else you would find really fun.”

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