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Taken By Bikers Group RP

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(It was a kiss towards Brian, not a wink. The wink went towards Andi)

9 minutes ago, KillerQueen22 said:

"We want to see her dance more than you, get off the damn pole."

"The rest don't seem to mind, old man~"

He said, making his voice and posture clearly feminine intentionally. He playfully walked around the pole slowly, looking at each and every one of the gang members' faces. He gave a few slaps to his own behind, and finally turned his back towards Scar and spread his right cheek, while maintaining eye contact with Brian.

"She's a guest after all, and she seems inexperienced. Let her see how we do it here first"

Jay isn't usually like this unless threatened, but this time he wanted to give it his all. He wanted to grab everyone's attention, preferably using lust, but seems like impatience was the only option for Brian. He didn't know if he can hold all of the guys' attention better than a girl could, but he didn't want her to end up like him. He *had* to try.

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"Throttle back, Brian - she'll get her turn." Rye chided as he crossed to the sink and filled a nearby plastic cup with water. That the cup had been left from the last pony keg they'd bought didn't concern him much.

He waved Andi to him and pointed at the floor in front of him. "Kneel and grab your ass with both hands," He instructed and moved the cup toward her lips. Rye started to tip it slowly, looking over the rim to watch the position and level of the water. As soon as the first drop touched her lip he dumped the entire contents down the front of her shirt. "Oops." he cackled wildly, "Looks like it's a wet t-shirt contest now."

Rye tapped the empty cup against her forehead, "Stay right there, honey." He raised his eyes and watched Jay giving it his all. It wasn't great, but he wasn't the worst stripper he'd ever seen either. "Really, Brian," he remarked, casting a look over his shoulder, "just missing tits - and not a hell of a lot flatter than that one bitch of yours."

The rough-hewn, old biker turned a withering gaze back on Andi. "Do not fucking move an inch." He turned back to the sink, rinsed out the cup and got himself a long drink. "That's all the water you're gonna get, fuck puppet." He sneered as he turned back around.

He unzipped his pants and lifted out a long, thick cock and slapped her on top of the head with it, "But you can drink from the hose." With a cruel grin he released a thick stream of hot piss into Andi's face, "Drink up, doll - whorin's thirsty work." He steered the stream over the girl, soaking her hair, shirt and panties laughing. When he finished he raised his glare to Jay.

"You and your girlfriend got some cleanin' up ta do when we're finished." He said through a snide smile, pointing at the puddle around Andi. "Now get up there and see if you can get a smile out of old sour-pus Brian. Jay - this dick ain't gonna stroke itself, get your bitch ass over here."

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4 hours ago, KillerQueen22 said:

Before she could be given the room to get off, once they got back to the club house that is, he forced Andi up onto his lap entirely and revved the bike hard once more. The power made their crotches bump and grind as he told he couldn't wait to fuck her soon, how he was going to shoot his seed deep inside of her over and over.

Whenever she was about to get off the bike, she felt him pull her up onto his lap. His hard cock pressed up against her wet pussy, with only two thin layers of material seperating them.

She thought that he might take her then and there, before anyone else could, but then he revved that bike, those vinrations moving through her. Fuck, she hated how good it felt.

She moaned out loud. She couldn’t help it. Her body was still on edge from her recent, forced orgasm.

She started hearing him talk about he was going to cum inside her over and over. If sounded horrible, but she had the thought of maybe it would be easier if it was just them? Maybe he could claim her? She was about to suggest it, when he continued…

4 hours ago, KillerQueen22 said:

How all the guys, minus probably Jay […] were going to break her in as their whore. 

Of course… she was stupid for hoping. Brian couldn’t possibly disappoint the boys. She was a prize for all of them to enjoy and Brian would be more loyal to his brothers than to some soon-to-be-whore. Plus, he certainly wouldn’t want her after they all had their fun.


5 hours ago, Subbycuck said:

"Stop whining like a bitch", he said confidently as he cupped her cheek and winked at her discreetly. "And learn how to dance like one"

She knew that Jay didn’t mean these words, so her feelings weren’t hurt, at all. While it was nice to have someone who seemed to be in her corner, she tempered that relief with a healthy dose of skepticism. She saw how the guys treated Jay and how much he got off to it. The men emasculated Jay and abused him, but he seemed to not only affirm what they thought of him, but to get off on it.

How much could she really trust him to stand up for her or keep secrets? He was terrified of those men and, when push came to shove, she really didn't believe that he would risk his own life for her sake. If she was going to get out of this, she might have to even turn against him, because he might be just like them.

In the meantime, she would be nice to him. There was no point in being cruel to the little guy. She really did feel bad about laughing at his little dick. She never would have done that outside of these extreme circumstances.


4 hours ago, KillerQueen22 said:

He gave her a drink of water before pointing demandingly at the pole.

She thanked Brian profusely and gulped down every drop that he’d give her, before it would be taken away.

She liked Jay’s dancing and  thought that he could actually be a real stripper, if he wanted. She clapped lightly as she saw him move with strength and grace. Of course, the others were less impressed. Shit, she’d give him some money if she had any.

She saw Brian flash those weapons at Jay and learned all that she needed to know about that man. She didn’t believe for a second that he wouldn’t make good on that threat. She was resolved that she would dance for them, no matter how demeaning it would be.


Whenever Rye offered her a plastic cup of water, she could feel his cruel intent. She had just drunk some water, but she was more than willing to receive more. When he gave her that little taste, but spilled the rest down her front, she really wasn’t surprised.

When he pulled out that huge cock, she felt scared that he was about to be the first one to “break her in”. He stamped her face with it, then unleashed a hot, foamy torrent of piss into her mouth.

In her shock and a mix of desperation to not only get any water possible, but also to avoid pissing off Rye as much as possible, she was tempted to move to catch as much of that precious piss as possible.

She looked over at the other guys, “Okay, Andi needs more to drink… do any of you fellas have any more special lemonade to give poor, little Andi?”

Holy, fuck. She must have sounded like a mind-broken bimbo, but she really, really needed more to drink before she got up to dance.

”I’m going to dance. Don’t you worry… I just want a donation first, please…” She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, desperately hoping that someone would offer.

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27 minutes ago, BrokenButterfly said:

”I’m going to dance. Don’t you worry… I just want a donation first, please…”

"Well fuck me boys! We got us a gen-u-ine piss slut! Musta been that pissy gruel Jay gets all over everything."

He pointed at Scar, "Cummon, boy give the slut a drink. You nearly piss yourself every time you get on a bike. What about you, Brian?"

He turned his hard eyes on Jay, "Sucks for you, bitch-dick. And why are you not jerkin' my dick yet?"

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Brian shook his beer dismissively at the question before taking a drink of it. He was keeping quiet and a lid on his temper about the comment about his ex. While she had been less gifted and his, under gang rules and terms therefore off limits, she had killed in a car accident two months ago. An accident caused ironically by two of their former gang members. When he'd found out how she had died he lost it. Five days, that how long of a memory gap he had in the aftermath. Rye had found him, seen the sheer destruction and unparalleled evil he done to the two corpses. The number of bullet, stab wounds and signs of torture could not be counted. There was no way to trace the corpses identity- by the time Rye found they were three quarters ash and bones. He had earned his promotion to lieutenant of the gang that day for putting the fear of god into everyone else who was not himself or Rye that day, blood covering him head to toe and bran matter splattered on his riding leathers, when he walked into the club house silently and got a drink.

Scar was already moving to join the piss shower when Rye was pointing at him. He had been feeling built up in the bladder, wasn't his fault he had a weak bladder. 

Brian took a long drag off his beer and resisted the urge to shake his head. They did this with all of the sluts they found but the piss show as dominance and control felt below them. They were all strong men in their own rights, minus Jay who was around for the others entertainment, so the pissing on the women was redundant in his mind. "You got your donation, now dance" he said when Scar finished adding to the puddle and Andi's form. "And you know I'm far from a sour puss Rye. Today's a day." It should be enough to say silently it was the day he found out about ex and the day he went on his rampage. 

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On the one hand, it was nice to have one of her requests honored, on the other hand, the rampant movement of the two goons rushing over and floppping out their dicks was pretty intimidating.

First was Scar, who pulled out his semi-hard cock, which would be seven inches at full mast. He grabbed the back of Andi's head and pushed the head of his dick into her mouth. "You asked for it, bitch. Bottoms up!" and he unleashed that golden, foamy torrent right into her mouth.

Some spilled out, she coughed a bit, but she adjusted. She knew that this might be her only chance. She began sucking in that hot piss like it was a drinking contest. Andi held onto her own knees and tried to not think about what she was doing, only the precious water contained therein. She gulped that steamy discharge as much as she could stand, though a bit trickled out from the sides of her pretty, little mouth. Scar pulled it out as he finished off, stamping her tongue with his mushroom as the last few drops came out. He loomed over her, exerting his masculine power over her, "Say thank you..."

"Th... thank you..."

Scar and Buddy had a good laugh at that.

Next, Buddy came up. He was the second oldest there, and he was barrel chested, but still strong, because he worked out with Rye. He was barrel chested and a bit of a gut, but Andi could clearly see that he pumped iron often.

Bellow his belly, she saw his erect cock ready to piss all over her. His was the smallest of the men here (at least amongst the real men), but it was also quite fat. It might have appeared comical under other circumstances. He beat his meat, looking down at that pretty girl.

Andi quietly rolled out her tongue and kept her mouth open, eagerly anticipating the golden, foamy load.

But Buddy waited.

Andi opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Beg for it."


"Beg for it."

"I, um..."

"Well, I guess she doesn't really want it after all." He started putting his cock away.

"No, no, no, no, no! Please, Buddy, I want to drink your piss."

"There's a good girl." and he put his head into her mouth, "Don't waste it."

And his piss went right into her young, eager gullet. It smelled more than the other and it was extra salty. Andi could barely handle it, but she had to endure it.

Scar laughed as he filled a bucket with ice water, "Not for drinkin'. But just in case someone doesn't want their bitch to smell like piss when they jump in her guts. You ever hear of an ice bath, bitch?"


1 hour ago, KillerQueen22 said:

"You got your donation, now dance"

Andi gulped down the last bit and nodded. She got up to her feet, careful not to slip in that mess on the floor. She got up onto the stage, replacing Jay, giving him a weak smile as he passed her.

She had never pole danced before, but it was obvious what the men wanted to see. She knew that Jay was more limber than her, but she also knew that her assets would put her ahead of him. Of course, arousing the men more was probably not the best thing.

She started by shaking her ass. She had seen a video online of how to use her thighs to make a clapping noise and that's exactly what she did now. She spun around the pole, keeping her balance. Thank God she was wearing tennis shoes instead of heels. She teased off her top and shook her bar-covered titties around.

Scar called out, "Show us those tits, love!" and Buddy egged her on.

She slowly reached down to take off her top, but, while she was distracted, Scar took the bucket of ice water and flung its contents at her, the ice cubes striking her hard. She fell down onto the stage pitifully, more from surprise than from the actual force of it.

Scar and Buddy just about busted a gut laughing.

While Andi was relatively cleaned of piss, she also felt that hot embarasment from the new mistreatment in addition to the shock from the change in temperature from the heat to the cold.

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On 6/27/2024 at 11:12 PM, Subbycuck said:


Seeing all of this transpiring in front of him, Jay stopped dancing abruptly.

Huh...did she not want to escape? Does she like it here?

Definitely looks like she kinda wants it now. Who would not only willingly drink piss, straight from the source, but also beg for it?

And on top of it, she's also coming to the stage to dance? He gave up, and just stood down from the stage, not even sparing her a look as he walked towards Rye in his normal, non-feminine posture.

"Hey, seems like you finally found a bitch who likes it here. She wouldn't be dancing *THIS* sexy if she wanted to leave, right? Nevermind begging for your piss."

Jay looks at her in a <you get what you bargain for> manner, not even sure if she saw or not.

"Which means I'm of no use to you anymore. Who prefers a guy's ass to a girl's pussy anyways? Brian probably agrees too."

Jay then looks at Rey's throbbing cock, unamused, since it's the billionth time.

"You should clean it first...or have her clean it AND jerk it, how about that?"

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"Aww, lookie there, boys! Bitch dick done manned up." Rye exclaimed, beaming with pride, looking around to the other bikers, inviting them to join in his pride.

The old biker stepped forward, reaching out to pull Jay into the same paternal clinch he'd spoken to Brian in. As he closed the distance his elbow blasted forward and slammed into Jay's temple. His left hand caught the little Twink before he could fall and kept him upright.

"Mostly, because none of that makes you miserable." Rye hissed, the dangerous, cruel sneer coloring his lips. "Start stroking, sissy or you'll spend the rest of your life with a Harley piston up your ass."

Rye have a short, harsh laugh. "See, you stupid shit, I've fucked bitches for 50 years - pussy's great, but even the best burgers get old after a while, fucking with you is way more fun."

He flicked Jay's tiny dick again. "Better hope you don't lose that little bit a vinegar either, otherwise you ain't gonna be no fun at all..."

He huffed derisively and looked at Brian, "And then, Mr. Not-A-Sour-Pus gets to put you in the ground."

He looked from the still stunned and wobbly cuck to Andi, "Well looking that - little miss toilet can dance a little. Shake them tiddies, girl - let the lads see what they're getting."

Rye cuffed Jay on the ear, "Take a break - put the cover on the pool table. Don't want a gallon of cum ruining the felt. Then Imma need you to suck my dick."

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Jay once again fell from the clouds. From the time he met Andi he clearly was mentally unstable, since it's been a long time since he's seen a girl or anyone being submissive towards him, and then she literally got bored of it.

Heart crushed, Jay took the hit and looked up at Rye. How did he even think he had a chance?

"Yes, Rye."

He replied with his head held low as he made his way to the bar, taking the cover out and covering the pool table, bending over multiple times to reach all of the corners.

He then silently walks back to Rye and gets on his knees, in the pool of piss, and stares at the excited, thick and long cock in front of his face. It throbs to greet him. Jay knew he'd never pack something this big between his legs in his life.

"Do I have to...? In front of her, too?"

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18 hours ago, Subbycuck said:

"You should clean it first...or have her clean it AND jerk it, how about that?"

Andi took note of how quickly Jay had turned on her. It didn't seem to her that he was pretending this time. It really seemed like he was trying to climb the social ranks, but she really didn't know how he thought this was possible. Even if the others besides Brian were hard gay, their macho personalities wouldn't let them treat Jay as anything other than dirt. Her own position was that of a bitch, but her body was, at the end of the day, more built for pleasing. She had more value to them as a cock-sleeve, at least, because she happened to have been born with an extra hole for them to use. She knew that his sassiness wouldn't stand. And, there's the wind up...

8 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

As [Rye] closed the distance his elbow blasted forward and slammed into Jay's temple.

And the pitch. Say what they might about women, but females are experts at reading social cues and expectations. Men might hate how chatty "old hens" get, but they know how to blend in, to learn new rules, to adapt, to survive. If they wanted her to be a slut, she'd not only act like a slut, but she'd be the slut, at least until she could get the fuck out of there, or burn the place down with everyone inside, whatever came first. If they thought that women were useless fuck-holes, then she'd just play to their expectations, until the time came to strike.

She felt sorry for Jay, but also didn't want to go down with him. She wondered how long he had been here, under the powerful oppresion of these horrible men. He really didn't seem to understand that he was the lowest wolf in the pack and that by demeaning her, even in jest, or refusing to jerk Rye's cock, that he was challenging the status quo and that the gang needed somebody on the bottom. She just hoped that he wouldn't fuck up so bad that Brian would kill him. She didn't really have that much animosity towards him, but she really didn't want to be the new bottom bitch. She was fine being second from the bottom.


8 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"[...]fucking with you is way more fun."

He flicked Jay's tiny dick again. "Better hope you don't lose that little bit a vinegar either, otherwise you ain't gonna be no fun at all..."

Well, shit. There it was. The modus operanda of the entire relationship. Jay continued to push limits and piss off Rye because Rye liked to get pissed off and be tested. He wanted to have a saucy little bitch to punish at all times because he wanted someone to punish, to hate fuck and humuliate at all times. She knew that Jay was a huge bottom, so maybe it was an adopted survival strategy, after all. Jay was probably only alive because Rye liked to torment him so much.


8 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"Well looking that - little miss toilet can dance a little. Shake them tiddies, girl - let the lads see what they're getting."

Andi got back up off the floor and pulled off her wet, cold bra. Now she was only in her panties. She knew that each removed article brought the gang rape that much closer, but she knew that her relative chastity couldn't last. There really was no winning. If titty shaking was too good, it might provoke one of the men to take action and if it was sub-par, they might grow board and move onto the festivities. The least she could do was seem entertaining for them, because they were less likely to kill her and leave her in a ditch somewhere.

She leaned forward and shook her titties around in the type of show that Franklin got to see on her eighteenth birthday. Oh, God, she missed him so much and... no... there's no time for that.

She put her hands underneath those things and shook them around like they owed her money. She made it a point to seem naughty and receptive. She didn't want them to think that she was a slut, but she knew that a smile could help improve their enjoyment of her body.

She rubbed her front against the pole, hotdogging that smooth metal bar with her pantied pussy. She wedged her nice jugs around the pole and smiled like she was posing for prom photos (desperately pretending not to be in the middle of a living Hell).


19 minutes ago, Subbycuck said:

"Do I have to...? In front of her, too?"

Goddamnit, Jay, just suck that old man's dick. Make yourself useful. Why does it matter that I see you do it?

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6 hours ago, Subbycuck said:

"Do I have to...? In front of her, too?"

Rye slapped the whining bitch-boy's face roughly, "You suppose iffin' you don't, I got any use for you?"

He pushed his cock against Jay's mouth, "''Lessin' you want it up you ass dry, suck. Anyway, I let Andi there eat your pussy - you owe me." He pinched Jay's nose closed with a grin. 

The grizzled club president turned his eyes on Andi, "That's it, doll, show us them tiddies!"

He was faced with the dilema of who to let go first. Scar was the easy choice - let the bottom guy get a lick so he felt appreciated. Brian was in a mood - anniversary of his girlfriend getting smoked. Fucking stupid. Rye told him that kind of attachment would fuck him in the end, but Brian was young and impulsive. Probably best to let him go first.

"Get then knickers off, cunt - ain't no one tuckin' you a single. I'll give you a beer if your clit's bigger'n Jay's. Let's see it."

He glared down at Jay, "Go on, suck it! Get all the way down on it like I was gonna shove a piston up her ass if ya didn't... See if you can make me think your mouth is half as good as her cunt, cunt."

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All Jay wanted to do is look at Andi while she was intentionally being sexy on stage, flashing her tits and soon enough her pussy, but he was stuck on his knees, facing the opposite direction, in a puddle of piss with an immense throbbing cock in his face, banging against his front door.

With his nose pinched, Jay at least *tried* to face the other way before opening his mouth, but as a punishment for being a bitch this entire time he got it throat deep, first stroke.

He didn't even gag, having been used to its length. He just let out a little whimper and teared up as a natural reaction, maybe as a sign of defeat against a real man's cock.

When his dicky was called a clit and put up to comparison against Andi's he was furious, but his mouth was too busy accommodating Rye's enormous friend to react to it. His dicky did throb in excitement for a second, though.

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Brian watched Andi dance and had to admit she was doing pretty well under duress. He was not under any illusion that she was actually enjoying this. Everyone in the room with half a brain could see that. It was all calculated, probing weakness. She was trying to find the weakest link in the club house and probably trying to find a way of getting out using the twink since neither he, the guys or Rye had sympathy for her. "No bad there, nice tits. Now take those panties off and show us your cunt" he said dropping the empty beer in the bucket with the other bottles. He saw one or two of the guys line up beside for their own pleasure, for now, as they watched her dance. 

Nearly every guy in the gang was noticeably hard at the lewd display from Andi. She was no professional but she was doing well enough that more than one guy looked to the covered pool table. The wanted to get to raping her already. They wanted to fuck her over and over until she was cum seeping slut. A whore, no THEIR whore whose only life objective was cock, cum and being fucked by them.

Brian looked over to Rye for a moment as one guy slapped Andi's ass. Guys younger than him were getting antsy and that just ended in a headache for them. "You thinking what I am Rye?" he asked clicking the music off.

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8 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"Get then knickers off, cunt - ain't no one tuckin' you a single. I'll give you a beer if your clit's bigger'n Jay's. Let's see it."

Andi was dreading this order. She knew that removing that thin layer was tantamount to lining a cock up with her pussy. Still, she knew that she needed to do what they wanted. She peeled them off, slowly enough to be showy, but fast enough to not seem like she was putting it off. She watched Brian while she did it, hoping that he might still claim her. She knew that he was psychotically violent, but she also still thought that she could handle one man more than several. Still, she saw that it wasn't working, so she decided to give up on that route. She really had no options now...

She knew that her clit being bigger than Jay's dick was absurd, but the point still stood that it was meant to emasculate Jay. She softly opened the hood over her clit to show that, even though it was a little larger than average, was still smaller than Jay's micro penis. She tried not to have herself open for long, getting back to her dancing.

She wondered which of the men patiently removing their pants would take the plunge and take her first. It seemed like Rye wasn't going to do it, so who? With Brian being second-in-command, he seemed like the most likely candidate.


4 hours ago, Subbycuck said:

He didn't even gag, having been used to its length. He just let out a little whimper and teared up as a natural reaction, maybe as a sign of defeat against a real man's cock.

Andi noted that Jay didn't even choke at all on that fat, experienced cock. She knew that she was soon to be a loyal, little cocksucker and would need to gain that skill to relax her gag reflex. She was actually a bit impressed with how naturally he took that cock into his tight throat.


3 hours ago, KillerQueen22 said:

He saw one or two of the guys line up beside for their own pleasure, for now, as they watched her dance. 

They were really getting ready to pounce. The question wasn't if things were about to start, but who would start it.


3 hours ago, KillerQueen22 said:

"You thinking what I am Rye?" he asked clicking the music off.

That music being switched off created a deafening silence that devastated her. She started weeping, despite her efforts to hold it back.

"Please.... no-o-ooooh...."

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"Aww.... No beer for Andi, but as a consolation prize, I got about a mile'a cock." He moaned as his cock bored into Jay's throat. Rye held the boy still. "Just hold still, big clit."

He pointed to two of the junior bikers, "Get our new friend up on the pool table and get them knees in her armpits." He waved two others over, "Hold her fuckin' arms."

Rye, with one hand clamping Jay's face against his crotch, looked at Brian, "All right, Brian, pick an end." He waved at Scar, "You get the other end." He gave a nod and added, "You but, tag in in next guy. Fucking easy, no pushin' no hasslin' - I will put my foot in your ass if there is."

He grabbed Jay's chin and lifted his face, offering the not-quite-willing young man a savage smile. Rye sang surprisingly well, "Let's get it started in here..."

He let go of Jay's head, "Suck."

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Andi provided minimal resistance as the men grabbed her and positioned her as Rye ordered. She knew that she couldn’t possibly fight her way out of this. She would have killed them all, if she could, but she knew that it was just a foolish power fantasy to wish on that.

She lie on the pool table with all of her privates made public. She looked to Brian, wondering what hole he would want to use first, especially since it wouldn’t have been sullied by any other dicks.

Her heart beat quickly. She had already been made to cum with his furious, metal hog, so him claiming her pussy seemed like the next logical step.

Quietly, but firmly she asked Brian, “Pussy, please… you already made me cum with your bike. It’s only fair that you get first taste of me…”

What the fuck was she saying?

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Jay heard all of the commotion. He smelled all the horniness, listened to Andi surrendering and being their bitch. He imagined her in her birthday suit, in the pose that Rye described. But he was sure he wouldn't get to see it.

For some reason, he was sure that Rye didn't really care about his cock's pleasure, but more about his pathetic little bitch boy's suffering.

Not suffering from sucking his enormous, threatening cock. He was past that level the moment he stopped coughing and gagging while servicing it. But suffering from being denied a real pussy. Being denied to touch or even watch it. All he could do is hear Andi beg to get fucked in her pussy, and hear the real men ravage her. All while he sucked Rye's cock. And suck he did.

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