DreamsnThings Posted March 7 Posted March 7 (edited) @inkylore Another day, another morning rush, waking up to a knee to the stomach was all too common. not because the knees owner was trying to be violent, but the communal sleeping quarters of the goblins was... anything but roomy, slipping out from the pile of green limbs, bleary eyed goblins who were all waking up was not great. all around the early risers crawled over their fellow goblin girls bodies to get up and out of the pile, and more importantly to their work... which led to another foot on her arm, great. with a tired groan Trix pulled herself out from the pile, not wanting to get tramped too much as she mumbled with a hint of agitation, being one of the few who was careful not step on anyone else. pulling a uniform from the shared pile of clean maid outfits, all the goblins shared outfits, tools, food... there were just too many of us to bother letting us have anything for ourselves. rushing to grab a roll of bread in the stampede of green limbs and screeching goblins was... well, she was used to it. the rest of the roll getting snatched out of her mouth as she tried to get away... guess half a roll will have to be enough for now. rushing over to the task board she reached in an grabbed one at random, cleaning and maintenance in the east wing brimstone hallway... lighting a few emberlillies ablaze, antagonizing a couple weeping will-O-wisps, and feeding the... man eating Jupiter guytrap... well this will be annoying. a little sigh leaving her as trix left the little tucked away goblin den that the king let the greenfolk workers use, tucked away in the corner of a sublevel of the manor. with all the energy of a tired, overworked goblin, she made her way the the brimstone hall. starting her work without much of a rush... no one ever comes down this hall really, nothing overly important was here as far as trix knew. so it should be a relaxing day of basic maintenance. figuring she had a moment or two to kill she paused at the mirror in the hall, quickly fixing her brown hair, straightening out the loose hairs back into her messy bob cut. her brown eyes lingering on her outfit for the first time since she threw it on in the morning rush, she ended up with one of the skimpier ones... her C cup bust nearly half exposed, the lacy frilled hem of her skirt did not even cover her ass fully. her ears tinting with pink as her face flushed "Really need to pay attention in the morning.. huh?" her attention was still on her reflection, but she could have sworn she heard something... Edited March 7 by DreamsnThings 1
inkylore Posted Wednesday at 04:26 PM Posted Wednesday at 04:26 PM the halls of the manor were many and seemed nothing short of a maze, naturally the residence of the manor where very familiar with the layout or at least those who had affectively been living here for the longest time, how ironic that the one having the hardest time finding their way around was the king himself. it seemed like everyday he would wake up and every time he thought he had explored every inch of the manor, a new pathway or hidden room would present it's self. even though the manor didn't have alot of purposeful rooms it was clear alot of the space was made for the sake of storage, not just for items and such but for the so called staff there lived there, maids, military personnel, prisoners, spare monsters and that one population in-between, and that the handful of individuals that committed there lives to being cock sleeves for whoever needed them. strangely enough the king himself had not had a chance to use one of these walking Oni-holes. though he imagined a situation would present himself when he felt good and ready. another probable was presenting its self, it seemed every bit off the staff was deafly afraid of him when he rolled around. maybe it had something to do with how the former king ran this place, at the same time he found himself conflicted with how he wanted to paint himself. nothing wrong with being a kind king, sure but too kind might bring up some issues, best he could do is ratio the two personality traits till he could nail down exactly what kind of king he wanted to be... to circumvent the issue he turned to the use of concealment magic to conceal his aura and presence, it wasn't like he was turning himself invisible but it would make it hard for people to register that he was near by even if he was standing right next to them. this had brough about desirable results as opposed to before when people cocked there heads in his direction often even before he could enter a room... even so he was still looking for other ways to keep the staff from making a hug commotion over his presents. on this day he found a wall, not a secrete one, just one he had been passing this entire time cuz he didn't have a reason to roam threw it till now. it might be useful for avoiding people traveling threw the main one. as he traversed it he allowed his fingers to grind against the walls, his bang covered eyes virtually all over the place as they tried to scan the corridor as he traversed it, it wasn't long before he spotted a goblin in the distance, he was surprised, unaware that goblins would even being a breed of monsters under his command. at the time he figured the former king had used them as abundant flesh-lights. that was typically what goblins where known for right? the rabbits of the monster world, not to mention this goblin seemed mildly dressed for the part. he approached closer before addressing her. didn't know their name or even if they had one to be honest. calling a monster by there species or other wise race was just going to have to do for now. " Goblin Girl ?" he spoke in a firm voice " Where have you come from ?"
DreamsnThings Posted 9 hours ago Author Posted 9 hours ago Trix let out a little yelp as she realized someone else entered the east wing brimstone hallway, looking over at the man with a startled, albeit blank expression on her face. the goblins tended to do their work in sections of the palace that were in need of maintenance but not in proper full use. by extension, she had next to no clue what the king looked like, even when he was standing right in front of her. currently? she just thought this man was a noble, or maybe a chamberlain? either way it was odd for them to be in this section of the palace, not that it was her place to judge. so with an all too practiced and all too chipper voice she recited her introduction... or more accurately her information, thats usually what the higher ups wanted when they spoke with one of the workers. "Hello sir! my name is Trix of the garsol goblin tribe in sublevel 3 south wing 2 of the Demon kings mansion! today I was assigned to assist with cleaning and basic maintenance here in the brimstone wing by the duty board managed by miss Marigold Brintaly! generally we of the garsol tribe are assigned to unused locations to maintain some level of presentation even if certain parts are not in active use! normally I would have... ducked out of sight to avoid showing you an unpleasant sight but I was... momentarily distracted sir, my apologies sir..." trix was... clearly a little panicked, slightly trembling.. you never knew with these noble types what kind of trouble you walked into when you catch their attention... hopefully he was just curious and not looking for someone to vent his anger on...
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