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The Crooked Saloon (OoC)

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The Crooked Saloon

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This is where most Out of Character discussion involving Black City will take place. Remember, out of character communication is crucial for this roleplay more so than any others. If you are new to Black City, or roleplaying through RP clubs in general, this is the perfect place to get to know some of your fellow roleplayers before jumping right in. If you have a character ready to go but don't know what to do with them, feel free to make a post here as well to find anyone who may be interested in playing with them! Any blackmail relationships and commands must be discussed either here or in private (Ecchitexts, Ecchichat, Discord, etc.) before they are to be accepted as canon. 

Note: Unprovoked leaking of any characters' secrets is against the rules! Even here! Only a character's owner may decide to leak their character's secrets.

Edited by Aura
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@Lisa, I think the club is just about ready to open! We can add more NPC's and locations after the club is open. But before we do, I think the last thing we need to do is set the scene in the roleplay. How do you think we should start? I was thinking perhaps Amelia and Jasmine are out together at the park on a Saturday morning. Did you happen to have any plans to use Fred to blackmail her, or do you think we should leave it open for another user?

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Fred was planned to be on standby for now, a secondary character I use when someone needs to  blackmailed. 

We could start a scene with the sisters, but I am not to sure about that. Maybe have them start separate scenarios or put them on hold till some interested players arrive. 

That way we can offer the girls to play with. 

Either way, I am fine with both. 

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That's a good point, I suppose I can set the scene without actually using any characters, which would actually probably be for the best. But yeah, we'll probably want to discuss with a potential blackmailer what we want the girls to be doing. That will potentially make them a bit more approachable, for better or worse >u>

Anyway, I do have plans to create a blackmailer character soon as well. One of the NPC's I created is also a blackmailer, I might end up making some of these NPC's into characters later on.

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I've put the character IDs up as I said I would, but because I'm going to bed now, I'll deal with the other stuff like extra information on their shop tomorrow.


Didn't know if we could double post in the OoC, but I've finished putting the extra info up. I will have to start working on the opening post for my characters soon.


I've done an intro post with my characters, just to set the scene for them since I'm not expecting much to happen to them at first.

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Adding info.
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Hiya! So, I don't usually do a whole lot of blackmail type stories, but I saw this and figured it would be a great chance to expand my skills! Before I make a character, do we need anything in particular? Victim, blackmailer, observer? I don't want to just jump into someone else's pool without some idea of what is needed! ^.^

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On that note, to anyone interested in roleplaying, I have two characters now who have yet to be introduced! If either Amelia Pryce or Serenity May catch your interest, please feel free to discuss with me right here about any character who you'd like to interact with them! ^^

For Amelia Pryce, I would love for her to have an encounter with a blackmailer who intends to use her personal secrets against her, or someone who simply takes advantage of her close relationship to her sister to take control.

For Serenity, I would love for her to find herself in some sort of unexpected peril. Perhaps Ghost had hired a hit on her, or maybe she has an unexpected encounter with a member of The Vipers... maybe some other type of criminal comes after her? Just keep in mind, blackmailing her will not be easy due to her honesty and openness. She may also come into play if any blackmail victims find themselves desperately seeking help. In fact, she would be thrilled to investigate any possible lead toward Ghost...

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3 minutes ago, guy_sas said:

Hey, this is completely unrelated to anything else here, is that picture at the top of the page from a hentai visual novel, about corrupting elven military officers?

It could be. I know it's from some visual novel, there was a version of it with a textbox on it.

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I should also introduce my characters, in case anyone is interested in roleplaying. I've got two of them so far, Catherine Diviser, and her twin sister Eris. I'd be happy if anyone wanted to interact with either of them, and would love to talk out details, either on here, or in ecchichat. 

Catherine would be a very easy character to manipulate . She's very nervous and is plagued by doubts of her self worth. She also has some submissive desires, that might go far deeper than either her or her blackmailer might be expecting. Also if Eris found out about the blackmailing, she might be interested in helping out the blackmailer, (giving them tips, informing them of her sister's location, anything that might help). I would like to find some blackmailers who want to corrupt her, but other then that I have no specific ideas in mind. Send me a message, and I'll probably say its completely okay. 

Eris, is in many ways the opposite of her sister. She's got a strong sadistic streak, and a masochistic streak, and is something of a sociopath, or at least a narcissist, caring only for others in how they can benefit her. This makes her dangerous as both a victim or a blackmailer. Specifically, if someone blackmails her, she might go along with it at first, but if she becomes dissatisfied she will do anything and everything she can to break free. I'm totally okay with someone blackmailing her, but we should talk about it first, since it'll be a difficult prospect to get her to truly submit.  

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Of course my characters are available for play too.

Like mentioned in her profile Jasmin is available for pretty anything. I want to use this character to challenge myself, so pretty much everything is a go. 

Fred Grimes is a bit of an extended NPC, I will play him as any character but putting him on standby till he is requested for a play. Of course other characters could always encounter him if they call the police or get caught doing something unlawful. 


I wonder.... To get things started, would it make sense to start a roleplaying topic just describing what my character is actually doing, waiting for someone to join in? 

Or would that best be placed in the general thread? 

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Hm... well, Serenity, my new character, is also a police officer in black investigating Ghost, so it could be interesting to establish some sort of relation between the two of them before he starts blackmailing somebody. Could lead to an interesting situation where Fred, who she thought was a close friend, turns out to be a lead.

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Well, I've finally gotten one character of each role uploaded! Now then, how should I introduce my blackmailer, Anhara? @Neptune, would you be interested in Anhara perhaps meeting with Rosa in the forest? Or perhaps @Lisa would like her to meet with Jasmine instead~?

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Hmm, so, @Neptune, where would you be comfortable with this interaction going? I was thinking Anhara would want to lure her home and then look into her secrets to blackmail her into staying. Did you have any particular plans for the character?

Also, sorry for taking so long to get around to this, I've been quite distracted with a whole mess of things. >.<

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  • Auxiliary Staff

I haven't got any particular plans for this character, no. But I'm good with the idea of Anhara luring her back home. It will be interesting to see what kind of excuses Rose will have to come up with to avoid making her father suspicious. 

And that's alright, Aura. I'm going to be on LoA over the weekend so I'm not going to be able to respond, but I will do a reply when I get back.

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@Neptune Would you like for Zack to meet up with any of my characters? I could also create another one if you'd like. I was kind of hoping that Lisa or someone else would join in for that area, but it doesn't seem like that's going to be happening anytime soon. 

Do you have any particular plans for the character?

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