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It is again time for a new edition of the popular "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!".
Sorry for the long wait since the last entry, but I hope you guys will forgive me for it and still enjoy and learn from these.
Of course, I do need to have proper art before I can make a review. Or shitty enough art, as there has yet to be found anything good.
Now, onto today's art piece:
1: We either have a giant woman, a tiny woman - I wish the artist could make up their mind and decide what scale they wish to do females in. Sloppy and not serious!
2: From the surroundings, we can conclude that there is not a lot of wind from the absence of a set sail. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the heat of the sun will be even harsher and thus the people in the open will need proper sunscreen and water available. Neither of this seems present and it is cause for a major health risk and violation. Shameful disregard for human life!
3: One of the women is wearing the usual head attire for the captain of the ship. She is clearly not doing her job, doing all sorts of fornication. Not only is it utterly unprofessional, but it also raises the question about if she is even worthy of her position due to how easygoing she seems to be with the lower ranked crewmembers of the ship. The chain of command needs to be respected and upheld. If this is a mutiny, it is clearly a badly planned one.
4: The man behind the captain seems to be far away from her body, so either his body is deformed in some way to achieve penetration or he is simply holding her to keep her from falling. So either we have the exploitation of the handicapped or we have a woman who is in a state where she may fall and hurt herself. Both of these are unacceptable!
5: The rope work we see here is clearly the kind we see on fregattes, but the holed floor woodwork is more typical of a sconnert. Clearly, someone did poor or, more accurately, no research!

Once more, an otherwise good opportunity to make good and decent art has been ruined in every conceiveable fashion. There are no elements here that deserve even close to any sort of praise. There was put no time and effort into making things close to any level of realism or logic. The artist must live in a fantasy world where their own rules and ideas can exist, since they obviously do not adhere any that makes sense in the real world we live in.
All in all, I will give this horrible abomination a rating of 11,4527 fregattes out of 3426,7361 cabbage rolls.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hello, hello! Welcome to another fun learning experience as we dive into "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews" once more!
I hope you guys have been eager to see what new art we will be looking and I am sure you will come to like this one.
So, presenting today's art piece:
1: Neither of these bodies look like they have applied any or enough sun screen. This can be quite bad and may cause skin cancer. So we have an artist who promotes health risks just for a profit. For shame!
2: The outfits of the males and the female has no thematical, historical or cultural connection at all. There is no thought or research put into this and it hurts to look at.
3: Judging from the surroundings, the people are not even native to the region of such a place, which is just another nail in the coffin for any hope of there having been done any work or effort regarding making this believeable in any way, shape or form. Sloppy and unserious!
4: The thing around her neck is clearly something akin to a "medical bracelet", but as a necklace. Reading the moonspeak on the tag it is safe to assume to say that she is a fragile person, making the problem with skin cancer and possibly dehydration even worse, especially from the lack of water sources around them. I will not overlook anyone putting clearly handicapped people at risk. The white linen around her is obviously bandages as well, which further cements my point made!
5: The dolphin in the background is mostly likely put there, due to the artist putting humans before animals! This is clearly thematic as the poor animal is so small and made out to be a insignificant part of the image. Clearly also animal exploitation as it will most likely receive zero compensation for its participation. Clearly we are talking animal abuse of high caliber!

What is there to say about this, other than the artist has put no time or thought into any of this and skimped out on all important details of imagery and content. There is no research done, handicapped animals and humans exploited heavily and not to mention that her face is clearly expression distress and need for medical attention (likely due to skin cancer).
It is horrible and I hope no one else will try and get anything of value out of this!
My rating for this vile and horrid image is 4,63427 beaches out of 5187,3512 sloppy Joes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everone and once more welcome to another thrilling and educational edition of "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!".
Sorry about the short hiatus since last time. I will try and make sure to make the wait for the next highly expected review come sooner.
Now for the thing you want to read and see: Today's art piece:
1: Judging from what I can, and thus is correct, the woman has an extra pair of breasts on top of the others OR they are a mutated version of normal ones. Either way, we are dealing with a person who are mutated in some sort of way. Taking advantage of such ill fated persons is simply unethical and should be have consequences!
2: The eyes are immediately and mostly directed towards the liquid the persons are emerged into. The colour of this looks very odd, mostly likely radioactive and/or toxic. It is natural to ask whether or not the woman has been mutated from contact with this. The man on the right seems to lack testicles as well, only adding to the list of victims. Shameful and distasteful!
3: The colourization on the wall is yellow (or we talking even more unsafe environments!) which is a horrible and ugly choice of colour. Clearly there is no effort put into making the surroundings astethically pleasing.
4: The woman's spine looks very wrong, way too bent. The body might be in even worse condition than I first thought. The man grasping her hips may only be doing so, because her lower body is unable to stay upright and stable. Possibly from mutations or, worse, bodily harm. The lists of crimes here really adds up fast.
5: If we are assuming this is a bathtub, it is not safe at all to stand up in it while it is wet. The males could slip and fall and die any moment, making this very likely to be border snuff!

In conclusion: Thankfully we are free of stuff like bad research and other similar atrocious fallacies. There is just an overabudance of lack of care for any sort of health and risk factors, making this a scene of utmost appalment. It is very likely the persons used for this are only able to get cheap and degrading, unsafe work like this. It is deplorable and we must voice our disgust of such vile practices!
All in all, I will rate this abomination of an art piece 6,39762 double breasts out of 375,1445 lobster dinners.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!".
Once more I will apologize for the long delay from last time, but this time I hope to bring a very nice and comprehensive review.
I hope you guys are having a lovely Christmas and soon enough a nice new year as well!
Now presenting tonight's art piece:
1: First of all, the headpiece of the woman lying down clearly clashes with the time period and style of both the room, the bed and of course the other female with the bow. These elements simply has no place together and belong to both different eras and locations. It is clear how the artist just didn't think it through and mish mashed them together.
2: The V-shaped things around the bottom woman's head are small, but deadly insects. I know from my years of experience with such buggers and the woman is likely paralyzed with fear or from the venomous nature of these things.
3: The breath of the women is clearly depicted as foggy, which can only mean this was done in an extremely cold environment which human bodies are not fit for. Another health hazard for sure. There ought to be sufficient heat in the work place or they might suffer hypothermia.
4: The room itself seems to have two things defining it. 1) The bright white light and 2) the straight white lines. With proper knowledge about symbolism, we can tell there is definitely the idea of a purgatory and a prison (hence the bars). So from this we can tell the artist intended for the females to land in a jail for their sins, where they must suffer before ending in Hell due to their sexuality. This is by far the most vile thing I have yet to witness in art.
5; The females do not even have eye contact, further cementing the shame that the artist has put into them from simply being into other women.

So all in all this is just horrendous and judgemental, not to mention poor researched in every possible way. No one should have to subject themselves to such a nasty and revolting display of gay bashing and outright demonification of others. For shame, artist, for shame!
My rating for this pile of wrong is 6,86153 prisons out of 4581,733 wombats on fire.

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Greetings and happy new year to all of my lovely readers and fellow art critics.
I hope you are all doing good and happy to get another edition of "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!".
I am attempting to bridge the gap between my deeply researched and well thought critiques and I hope you will enjoy this one a lot.
Onto the art piece of the day:
1: As we can clearly, the man inside of the tent seems to have no eyes, which is pretty disturbing. It can only mean that the artist intends to use and exploit someone with a distinct physical handicap for their own means. The finger in the woman's mouth is clearly indicating that he is using his hands to try and orient himself. Truly appalling!
2: For once, we are seen that the characters are given access to sources of hydrating liquids, unless those are beer cans. Beer is known for dehydrating rather than providing your body with needed water to surive. The fact that the artist has chosen to go with making it unknown, leads me to believe that they wanted to seem considerate of the bodily needs of the people in the art piece, but didn't commit fully.
3: There is no beach towel on the groud and given the likelyhood of glas shards, sharp rocks or other hazards, it is clearly a safety hazard and violation right there. It is becoming increasingly clear that the artist has no regard for their well being at all.
4: The woman seems to be smoshing down on the testicles of the man, which could lead to serious injury. It is likely to be about her deeply rooted racism due to the colour of the man's skin. Such a thing should not be present at all, I am shocked and disgusted!
5: The bodies of the participants are completely obscoured, except genitalia to some extent. Further making it apparent that there is a tendency to not want to include people of colour, making them mere flesh than human beings.
6: The magazines inside of the tent, are also greatly obscured and any curious viewer may want to examine these in greater details, but are now unable to, meaning there is no respect for whoever is looking at this and wanting to properly take in every element and aspect of this art piece.

I am constantly shocked and horrified how each artist after the other simply cannot grasp the simple and needed aspect of safety and proper detailing of something as vital and important as art. When we look over such masterpieces as the Sixteenth chapel, Taj Mahal and other wonders of creation, we are also polluted by artists like this who strive to diminish our human culture as a whole. This is unaccetable. I could go on, but I just want to move on from this monstrosity and give it my rating.
For this vile garbage I will rate it 42,6347 sandals out of 4473,5746 Mr Buckets.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good evening all of you lovely Dreamers and I hope you have had a wonderful day so far!
I know it has been a while since the last review, but I want to assure you that they will still keep coming.
So let's on with it as I reveal this edition's art piece:
1: The table is clearly not even thoroughly made clear of objects as all sort of items clutter it. If you are going to do anything sexual on a table, at least don't be a messy clutterhead! This is just straight out common knowledge and your mother is not here to clean up for you!
2: While mostly naked, she seems to still be donning a miniature tie and collar for it. This just screams even more of bad prepation and not committing fully. How can anyone take this seriously even just a tiny bit?
3: The age of the male participants do not even seem to match the class grade the homework and school work items seems to aim for. These are obviously grown and adult men, but the material indicate much younger too. Sloppy research at best!
4: One hand seems to be reaching for a book on the table. That seems very likely to be a student, who is being held back from being able to do his homework. Thus we can see this being a commentary on how the very school workers are those holding back our youth. OF course, it was ME who had to point this out as the artist is clearly not clever enough to do this one their own!
5: There is a phallus near the woman's ear. It seems fair and logical to assume that she might in fact be blind. Why else would he make his presence known not by sight, but by touch? It seem even more right to assume that this poor woman lost her sight and thus ability to function as a tutor and now is left with only one option for income: porn and prostitution! Vile. VILE, I say!!

So what can I say that is not painfully obvious? This is a complete and utter travesty in every way, shape or form. There are no two elements that makes sense or even belong together. IT needed my help to even express any deeper meaning and philosophy. I can only hope the artists will quit this job and move out and do anything else with their life, because this is just awful on every level possible. For shame!
Rating: 51,2947 notebooks out of 5427,4591 Latvian Lada mechanics.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone and sorry about the long time since the last entry in "Jenny's totally serious reviews!".
Hopefully, you are still following the series and will have a good time reading the following critique below.
So, let us get a look at the artwork for this time:
1: As we can clearly see, the face of the woman is quite red, which is most likely to a high fever. Such a condition requires her to have bedrest and proper hydration. The only source of liquid nearby is beer, which does the exact opposite to the human body, meaning it will only dehydrate her further. Absolutely code A health violate there!
2: Given the similar clothing of the woman and one of the women in the background, it is safe to assume that it is a uniform, highly likely for the establishment depicted there. Such lewd acts are surely not fitting for an employee of such a place. Very unprofessional!
3: There is beer spilled onto the table, so not only is the waitress out of uniform, she is not even doing her job! This employee needs to be fired on the spot or reprimanded severely.
4: Her left hand seems to be checking the man for testicle cancer. While the act is commendable, but it does show an alarming idea that perhaps the artist have been taking advantage of poor men suffering from testicular cancer, which is just appalling and reprehensible. You need to have your actors checked BEFORE you draw, not during.
5: The masonry is clearly a defining thing of northern European style and bricks. Meanwhile, the tables are made from a sort of tree which is not at all native to that part of the world. Once more, there is no research done whatsoever and it shows so badly that I am amazed I need to point it out, as even a 5 year old can tell!

I am not sure where artists are being taught these days, if this is the sort of quality in art we are to be subjected to now. Back in the day, people could actually do the work needed to produce proper art pieces. No elements in this one tells of an artist who knew what they were doing. Not only that, but art pieces keep showing shocking and vile examples of violations on both safety and health. This is unacceptable and should be stopped!

All in all I will give atrocity to culture: 5,1419 beers out of 539,2517 cellery soups.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 14/08/2020 at 23:25, JennyDK said:

Time for another highly accurate and extremely well thought out edition "Jenny's Totally Serious Art Reviews". Where quality is always the name of the game!
Today's piece:
There are many thing to address in this piece of art work I will comment on and thereafter give my final serious rating:
1: The American glag bikini does not at all match the vegetation we see in the background as they do not even share the same continent. Clearly bad research.
2: What is up with her body? Are her shoulders located JUST above her B U T T or what?
3: That is clearly not how boobs work as they are not attached to the human body like this. Did the artist ever fuck a woman before?
4: Is that a vein, dick cander or a figurine stuck under his dick skin on the left phallos? My money is on cancer like this image is cancer.
5: Those flowers cannot sustain this position by any natural physical means. I mean, are these put on by wizardry? LAZY!
So for my overall rating I give this art piece: A sloppy second out of 6 work benches. Absolutely horrible and should be avoided.

Why you out here roasting the artist, but it made me lol you a real savage xD 

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Just now, White_Snake said:

Yess I already know that, I just poked fun at something you said that was really funny to me 

I know this is just pure sarcasm at its finest uwu

I have had the idea that I could critique stuff that other users show me. Could be interesting, I think.

How is that idea?

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5 minutes ago, JennyDK said:

I have had the idea that I could critique stuff that other users show me. Could be interesting, I think.

How is that idea?

That seems like a really neat idea! I'd love to send you some odd lewds you would critique it for me, should I send those on your discord? 

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2 minutes ago, White_Snake said:

That seems like a really neat idea! I'd love to send you some odd lewds you would critique it for me, should I send those on your discord? 

Feel free to do so. Of course, I only do these with a certain interval. Most stuff loses its effects if you do them too often.

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  • 1 month later...

Once more, I apologize for the long wait since the last installment of "Jenny's serious reviews!".
It pleases me to let you know that the series is still not at all dead and it WILL continue as well as the option of you guys having the option to make me aware of art you wish for me to review and critique in the highly professional and proper manner, that is only fitting of the best critics out there - even more so, when it is worked through me.
This piecce has been suggested to me by the dear and kind @Starcry and I hope that their contribution will only be better than the other disasters I have worked with prior.
In any case: I aim to bring my best as per usual.
Today's art piece:
1-a: The first thing that catches your eyes, is of course the light and bright hue around the two (one?) person. As we clearly see embers alight, it is safe to assume that the scene is happening upon or close to open fire. This is clearly a heavy safety regulation issue and danger.
1-b: Alternatively and even more likely, this is the portrayal of Hell, with fire and brimstone engulfing the two (one?) person having sex(?). The artist clearly wishes to bring their antiquated and heavily moralizing views into the art piece, showing that the carnal pleasures lead to Hellfire and damnation for eternity. Of course, this is quite wrong and should not tolerated. Sexual conduct is perfectly normal and okay.
3: So far, I have been wondering if this one or two persons, as my comments so far have indicated. The face very much looks like it is one and the same. Seeing how this is obviously depicting Hell or Limbo, it is natural to assume that the person has been deformed heavily to resemble what others might think are two people, when in reality, it's just a severely mutated entity. The person who drew seems to not only put the person into a hell-like setting, but also felt the need to make them an abomination, further showing their disdain and hatred for anything not pure and pious. This we cannot tolerate.
4: As we have clearly established this to be a mutated being of some sort, we still see a phallus ejalucating into a womb. This is the artist telling people who engage freely in sexual experiences to go fuck themselves, literally. There may also be heavy duty radiation going on, causing certain parts of the singular body to be bombared with gamma rays and thus showing the x-ray like vision going on. So not only is the poor being put into this awful setting, it is being assaulted with agonizing radiation poisoning. How much must one beign suffer, artist?

I simply cannot fathom that this should be the product of someone who is not an utterly sociopathic and judgemental person. How this artist can sleep at night and live with themself is beyond me. The moral and ethic jabs this sends towards perfectly normal people are horrendous and utterly misplaced. I hope that no one looking at this travesty will ever acknowledge and follow what this artist tried to portray. I have said once, but I think I need to repeat it: For shame!!
All in all I give this disgusting rendition: 12,41763 x-rays out of 3862,42971 rib sandwiches.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good day everyone. I have said I aimed to try and make more frequent entries.
So once more I have been given an art piece from the friendly @awaayt . We shall see how well it will hold up.
So once more I hope you will take the time to read another of "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!".
1: Ones eyes naturally and obviously first drawn towards the pale white background. As there are no features to really indicate where this is in a physical plane, we can only conclude and assume that we are in Limbo - meaning these characters are being punished for their deeds in their former life. Clearly both shaming people for having a healthy and normal desire such as coitus. Needless, this is quite problematic and concerning.
2: The position the female take might seem random, but those who have done their research will know that in the afterlife, your body is most often displayed in the last state that it was in. Judging from what we see here, the body is bent in a very unnormal way, as well as almost appearing without gravity. These clues only lead to the clear conclusion that the woman died in an accident, leaving her body in a highly wrong and disturbing contortion. This further proves the point of agony and punishment in the afterlife. For shame!
3: While I have concluded that this is Limbo by any means of deductions, the female is wearing clothing from a culture where Limbo is not a thing. Of course, this can only be as the artist speaking of their pure hatred and xenophobia - putting females of this culture into a Hellscape they have never even known about before. Thus further cementing that the artist is clearly seeking to punish people who has never wrong anyone and is clearly dead from a horrible body mangling accident or even murder.
4: In the bottom right corner, we see what appears to be a web address. It's clear that the artist did not even bother to remove their notes from the art piece, leaving behind a weird floaty line of text that does not belong anywhere in an art piece? Is there an URL on Mona Lisa or other grand art pieces? No, there isn't! What they they thinking? Shameless and halfassed self promotion that does the exact opposite of the intended effect. At least now you know which racist person made this.

It is very unsettling and disheartening to see more and more art display all of the worst things from humanity, such as xenophobia and sex shaming. I think we all need to really keep these points in mind and call them out whenever we spot them in media - like here. It is clearly needed since they want to cover up these faults by trying to make lewd art. Art that, on its own, is badly researched with all sorts of other issues, such as them described in my earlier critiques.
All in all I wish to give this loathsome display of creativity: 9,51385 ninja masks out of 5295,4817 Latvian puppet shows.


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  • 3 weeks later...

 Hello and good evening to you all!
It pleases me to tell you that the next installment of "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!" is here and there are some more ideas for future ones in place as well.
Most of the work is really finding proper images worth of my in-depth and highly thought out reviews. Thus, it helps me a lot to get submissions from others too.
Without further ado I present the work we will be looking at this time:
1: Ones eyes are clearly and immediately drawn towards the trees and general plant life in the background. I assume that the clever viewer already saw the issue present. When you look at the insignia, pillow cases and general cultural signs, it is painfully obvious that the flora do not match what see otherwise. It is yet another sad sign of an artist who either did any research about locations and cultures or simply chooses to ignore them. In either case, it only makes for a very bad impression.
2: Just like previous art pieces, we are once again being presented with either mutated or mutilated male characters. Both of them lack an arm. Of course, we could speculate about what is going on. Luckily, we leave nothing not researched here. As we see, the air is foggy, indicating heavy smog. Such airial substances affect the human body in very negative ways and we can conclude that this place is heavily polluted and thus have affected their DNA in a very bad way, thus making them born this way. So vile to see how such exploitation is allowed!
3: The left male has a golden ring upon his phallus. That is indeed not a coincidence, especially the situation taken into consideration. Gold is a symbol of wealth and high class. It saddens me to see how the artist uses this symbolism to show something clearly: The wealthy upper class basically being better than those of lower station. There is no practical reason for this, so the only logical answer being that she is "below" him socially and in regards to wealth. Most despicable shunning and degradation of the less fortunate people not born into high society.
4: The structure the woman is leaning on is even more haunting and eerrie. We are very clearly watching what can only be an altar - most likely for the purpose of sacrifice. Of course, we could argue that they aim to do that to the poor woman or it has been used on someone earlier - making these characters very sick and deplorable. Naturally, I am going to give the correct answer: As established, she is being seeing as "beneath" the wealthy upperclass, so it is only natural that she is aimed to be sacrificed here once they are through degrading this poor human being. So revolting!

What can we really say, that has not been said already? I mean, there are so many things wrong with this whole piece. The artist is obviously someone who needs to have their head examined and cured as no sane person would ever put such disgusting symbolism, acts and depictions into their art. I cannot comprehend what loathsome mind imagined and created this horrible display.
All in all I will give: 4,51927 shields out of 294,543741 house boats.


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On 29/03/2021 at 20:10, JennyDK said:

4: As we have clearly established this to be a mutated being of some sort, we still see a phallus ejalucating into a womb. This is the artist telling people who engage freely in sexual experiences to go fuck themselves, literally. There may also be heavy duty radiation going on, causing certain parts of the singular body to be bombared with gamma rays and thus showing the x-ray like vision going on. So not only is the poor being put into this awful setting, it is being assaulted with agonizing radiation poisoning. How much must one beign suffer, artist?

I also love how some people think ejaculation actually looks from the inside. I highly doubt that there is a) that amount of ejaculate compared to the size of the uterus and b) that the ejaculate reaches the uterus simply by the "force" of male ejaculation. Sperm rather needs to "swim" through the vaginal and cervical mucus to actually reach the uterus.

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3 minutes ago, Somethingsomething said:

I also love how some people think ejaculation actually looks from the inside. I highly doubt that there is a) that amount of ejaculate compared to the size of the uterus and b) that the ejaculate reaches the uterus simply by the "force" of male ejaculation. Sperm rather needs to "swim" through the vaginal and cervical mucus to actually reach the uterus.

I suppose that in art you are more free to go wild with your imagination. No one expects lewd images to properly portray real life 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...


So as I kind of promised, there will be another edition of "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!" today and I try to keep such things if possible.
Usually, it takes a bit of time to find proper art which can be critiqued, so that is part of why it is a bit sporadic when a new one comes out.
Still, I hope you will sit back and enjoy today's entry.
1: The hermaproditic orc seems to be missing her left leg and arm obviously. It can be argued that the elven woman has kept her captive in bed by somehow removing it. It seems very likely and reasonable to think this to be true as their factions within the universe rarily get along at all. Of course, this reviewer very much will not accept such sick acts against others and condemn this part of the art piece. For shame!
2: The look and feel of the decor simply do not match up with the sort of setting from which such species would ever live in. We all know that elves lives in tree and that orcs lives in dungeons and caves. How the artist doesn't seem to fathom or accept such facts simply helps reinforce their inability or refusal to make anything even close to realistic and accurate in any way, shape or form. Simply sloppy and horrible.
3: The portrait in the background is clearly not alike to the elf woman that we see portrayed. Given how she has mutilated a poor defenseless orc, it is not far from possible that she either broke into the or, much more plausible, also killed the other person who lived there in other to cease the property and dwelling. Thus we are dealing with some normalizing and condoning such criminals and their vile acts. This is most disturbing and should be cause for alarm!
4: The species of plant that is in the background is known to expell toxins into the air and it is meant to be kept outside in order for the inhabitants to not die of this. I find it very likely that the elf is aiming towards a murder and suicide to happen - perhaps as a way to escape prosecution from her other crimes. Simply unacceptable!

In conclusion I think we are hereby witnessing what happens when sick and evil personalities get to express their insane and criminalized tendencies to find their way into art. Clearly we are dealing with someone who should ever be expected to make any sort of judgements or moral choices for themselves or anyone else really. We can only hope that in time they will recover from their violent and disgusting mental issues which is a danger to themselves and everyone around them.
All in all I will give this: 8,39364 portraits out of 643,457901 butter churns.


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  • 1 month later...

Greetings and good evening everyone.
I am terribly sorry about the wayyyy too long hiatus from doing "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!".
Part of why they are so far in between now is partially due to how it can be difficult to find proper art each time, plus my own tendency to procrastinate lately.
Luckily, I had someone ( @Starcry) recommend some art for me to review so this is attributed to my good friend. I hope you will like it
Today's art piece:
1: The darkness of the area highly suggests that these characters are somewhere in purgatory as the symbolism very much supports this. Rather mean spirited and unfair to judge two people for fairly normal and allright human behaviour. For shame!
2: It looks pretty strange to see how the man's right arm is thinner near the shoulder and then expand to twice the thickness of that. Perhaps this is some sort of birth defect, handicap or mutation going on. In either case, it is a vile and reprehensible abuse of people with some sort of bodily defects and we should condone such exploitation!
3: The hand which appears to poking into the bodily orifice of the female is clearly doing the "devil's horns", meaning we are indeed dealing with some sort of limbo or purgatory setting as this is the kind of thing you can expect from overly zealous believers. The artist is clearly trying to tell that Satan's work is being done onto the woman who most likely is a sinner in said artist's name.
4: From what we can plainly see, the woman seems to have lost part of her left arm as it appears to not appear in any sort of way. Yey another example of how the handicapped are being persecuted and outright discriminated against by a morally bankrupt artist.
5: Upon further examination, it gets increasingly clear how the man below is not doing anything sexually, but rather seems to be struggling for his life as the woman is making him suffocate by applying her body onto his face. The symbolism of "in-fighting" amongst social groups is clear as day to anyone able to see in the slightest. So not only does the artist despise the bodily different, but they also openly pit them against another, most likely in hopes of survival rather than for other goals. This is beyond unacceptable!
6: We do not see the body for whom the invading hand belongs to, but symbolism 101 comes to our aid once more. This is a textbook example of her subconscious. The hand is not actually there, but rather is manifested by her subconscious and brought into "reality" by Beelzebub himself!

This art piece sadly shows us how far the ideologies and doctrines of some people go and this downright sick and twisted. Not alone are we seeing exploitation of the handicapped, but also a direct insult of said group. The persons depicted are more than likely just poor victims of accidents, birth defects or whatever may have happen and portraying them in these manner is simply not allright and should be condemned and repulsed by anyone with even a small sliver of human decency and morality.
All in all I give this: 4,53217 amputees out of 256,5379 mackerel sandwiches.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello and good evening everyone!
I hope you are all having a good time this weekend thus far and I aim to try and add to that if I can.
So it is time for another round of "Jenny's Totally Serious Reviews!" and this time with a shorter pause than last time. What a time to be alive! XD
So let me please present the image that has been suggested to me:
1: The blue haired man seems to possess both a regular penis and one that is ghostly of nature. The most logical answer to this, is of course that this man is in a state of being trapped in a different realm, a place where he is neither alive nor dead. The closest concept there is to this, would be purgatory and thus we yet again see how the artist is intending to show their disgust with bisexual men, gay men or both.
2: The faceless man that is below the man in purgatory is clearly symbolizing how the aforementioned artist see the sexual behaviour of men that are not heterosexual. They only engage in sexual intercourse with nameless people with whom they do not even have eye contact with. Truly a depiction of great revulsion and hatred towards the males who dares not to either like females or be interested in both existing sexes.
3: The female in the image appears to look like she is staring at the sexual action going on, but with sophisticated and tried and true methods we can follow her eyes' line of sight and we are left with them staring into blank space really. This leads us to resort to the conclusion that either she is avoiding to look at the scene (probably in disgust) or she may have been stricken with blindness. These are the two most obvious answers to this mystery of where the stare is directed at. Following standard symbolism theory we can conclude that this woman represents our lady justice who has no eye for these "evil" beings that are men of different sexuality than the norm.

There were not too many points about this art piece, but I feel like we have reached into all symbolism (vile as they are) that exist in this image. We can see how much artists seems to despise and demonize "sexual deviants" of various sorts. There appears to be an overload of "morally superior" people who aims to make those they depict out to be the roots of evil within society and to have their sex lives be shown as utterly despisable and not wanted. I think we should all try our best to try and remember these things more often as we view new art pieces.
All in all I give this: 4,43719 ghost dicks out of 361,539258 candelabres.

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