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Taken By Bikers Group RP

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This will be a gangrape scenario involving my character who is 18 year old girl whose car broke down during a solo road trip. She can’t get any signal out here and her phone is dying.

Things get worse for her when some rough and tumble bikers come by and decide to have some fun with our poor young woman.

I will be playing resistant to willing. She’ll break over time, but her body will react with pleasure to the rough treatment. I’m good with anyone joining in on the fun.

I want her to be kidnapped and kept somewhere as a fuck toy to be used at the leisure of these tough men. I am a frequent poster and I like detail, but I don’t expect everyone’s posts to be as long as mine. I’ll mark who I’m reacting to, if it’s specific.

I am into rough treatment, slapping, hitting, multiple penetration, double vaginal (if anyone wants to), running train, rimjobs, whatever.

All men will need to be 18+. I like men of all ages, with this moving more into the 35+ range. If you want to jump in


Limits: I am extremely open about kinks and have very few things I won’t do, which are…

-Scat: Just no. Piss, rimming, musk and smegma are all good. Just remember to respect the limits of others.

-Diapers/ Adult Baby: Not my cup of tea.

-Extreme violence: I am good with her getting beaten up and abused, but I don’t want broken bones, teeth being knocked out, nails being damaged (really hard no on this one). I am good with her being threatened (even with death) and hurt, just not this far.

-Snuff: I don’t want her to be killed. Pretty straight forward.


I am very open to kinks. If you have any requests or anything you can post it here or private message me. I am also open to most private RP’s, as long as it doesn’t compromise the RP’s I have going.

If you’d like to join, you can just let me know your character’s age and description. You can provide a picture reference or not.


(Any OOC stuff, I’d like to have in brackets, like this.)

(I’m going to invite some former partners, but anyone can request to jump in. Just be courteous to each other, but be mean to my character, please.)

Posting will just be as needs-be. It’s pretty free-form, but it’s not super important what order things happen in. I’ll try to respond to everyone’s posts. Just try to ask for approval  on any major changes (like her being moved to another location.)

If anyone has any requests for something specific, we can consider a private message.

Any of my partners can have some goons that also jump in if they’d like. Just try to remember that other guys want their turns, too.

Let’s fuck this bitch up!


Andi Fitzgerald

Age: 18

Andi is a fresh-faced recent graduate from high school. She has been accepted to a good University where she’ll learn nursing so she can help people feel better.

Sweet, innocent and caring, her boyfriend couldn’t go with her because he has an internship in another state. In addition, her best friends had to cancel, too, so she’s boldly going alone, across a few states on the East coast to get to her university. 

She thinks that she’ll be okay with her can of pepper spray and her small car seems like it’s in good shape. Of course, nothing will work right. Her spray can is faulty and her car has some hitherto unknown issues. Poor girl.

She has black hair, kept in a ponytail.

She is not a virgin, but her experience is rather vanilla. She’s had vaginal sex with her boyfriend and given tit and blowjobs to him. She is an anal virgin. She has only ever had sex with her current boyfriend, Franklin.


Here’s an image of what I thought her body would look like.






Andi was convinced that her day just couldn’t get any worse. She had taken the scenic route on her trip down to her new college and her car, which seemed perfectly fine this morning, decided to break down without much warning. Of course she was in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

She had tried her phone, but the signal was basically non-existant. The battery got sucked up as she tried to call her Daddy, her boyfriend or roadside assistance. Perfect.

It was a hot day. Not too bad if you’re not out in it, but she was stuck out in it.

A few cars passed her by, but they were too busy to stop. She had money, but someone had to actually stop at some point.

She had gotten down to blue jean shorts and a black tank top. She was covered in a sheen of sweat while the sun started to go down. She wiped off her brow with the bottom of her tank top, temporarily flashing her stomach. Damn, this heat was bad.

She finished off the last of her water and hoped that someone might come by soon to help her out. It was getting dark and these country roads didn’t have lights. Just then, she sees the lights of several motorcycles approaching. She tries to hide behind a tree, but they’ve already spotted her.

Her fate was sealed…

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Rye had been riding behind a couple of the younger guys, content to let the young buck whoop and shout down the empty, sun bleached highway. The old bored and stroked shovelhead rumbled through his guts like a comforting massage as he rested his forearms on his handle bars.

When he saw the girl on the side of the road,with her car's hood up, he gunned the powerful engine to life and swung past his outriders, giving the boys the circle up signal and pointing to the car. He didn't bother to say anything, they knew what the signal meant.

He revved the engine higher, grabbing another gear well aware that the old bike's power curve was far higher than many of the newer bikes'. His scarred knuckles twisted the throttle, as he swung the bike towards the breakdown, his hounds hot behind him.

22 hours ago, BrokenButterfly said:

Of course Andi was scared being approached by multiple, strong men, but she couldn’t exactly run away. She knew that the best thing was for her to stand her ground and not seem completely helpless. She swallowed as she felt the faulty pepper spray can in her pocket, even though she knew that it wouldn’t be effective against more than two guys.

Her heart was racing as those motorcycles circled her and her car, their powerful vibrations rumbling from her sandaled feet, all the way up to her pussy. Honestly, it seemed like they could be fun to ride around on. Maybe she could bum a ride.

She swallowed hard and tried to put on a brave front. She was a bit relieved to see their leader was an older man. Maybe he’d keep the younger ones in line?

”Hey, guys, cool bikes! Ummm… I was wondering if you might be able to help me out, even just giving me a ride to the closest mechanic. I’ve got a debit, so I can pay you for your troubles…”

She felt their eyes upon her hot, young body, already hot and covered in sweat. There was no way she could outrun them, even if they were on foot.

She looked around neevously, “Please… guys…”

Edited by WritesNaughtyStories
Keeping things in sequence
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Frustrated but exhausted from the long ride, Jay holds on to Rye's thick biker jacket the moment Rye decides to make a sudden turn.

Jay is wearing a pair of black, baggy sweatpants, a plain white T-shirt and a casual grey running jacket on top of it, along with a pair of roughed up red running shoes. Definitely doesn't seem like a top choice for a long bike ride, and isn't really well thought out.

Jay slaps Rye's back as hard as he can with his frail hand, and shouts, as to be heard over the current of wind:

"Go slower you filthy fuck! You're gonna kill us next time!"

And then Jay observes Andi's figure along with her broken down car. Shit, he thought, not this poor girl too... and his look went from frustrated to thoughtful, anxious.

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Rye slid the big bike to a stop, throwing grit off the pavement against the girl's legs. He could feel Jay tense with the skid and the sight of the girl - he knew what was coming.

As he rocked the motorcycle onto the kickstand, Rye swung one leg over the seat and glared at Jay, "Shut up - bitch seat doesn't actually mean anyone wants to hear you bitch." He took the younger man's face in one strong hand and shook it, "It means you're bitch pretty - just do that." He gave the smaller, smooth faced youth another rough, playful shake and strode on heavy, black boots toward the girl. HE swung his bearded face back to Jay with a wink, "Shhh - you just sit pretty."

"Howdy hun, looks  like you've got a nasty pack of trouble there." He grinned, pointing at the car. He chuckled and looked at Jay, 'Whaddya think, Jay - think us and the boys can help her out?"

Rye extended a large, rough hand to the girl, "Rye. That's Jay - and those lads are the Wolves. And you are?"

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She forced a nervous smile, “My name’s Andi.”

She saw him doming his passenger, but figured that it was just a kink between them. She took comfort in thinking that maybe they were all gay bikers and weren’t interested in her body, at all.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with it.” She extended her feminine hand and shook his firmly, though his shake was definitely stronger.

”You’re in great shape, for you age.”




3 hours ago, Subbycuck said:

Jay just rested against the back of the bike and looked flustered towards Andi as Rye easily shut down every little attempt of defiance -- while definitely looking cool, strong and charming to the sweaty girl, facing a...*well, now two* big problems. And that's probably what he wanted.

Jay's embarrassment grows even bigger when he realizes that Andi is relieved from seeing the interaction between him and Rye, obviously thinking that they're a couple and the big man approaching her poses no threat.

Trying to decide of whether he wants to help her out or not, he settles for something in between, discreetly hinting with his eyes and hands that she's in danger. In case she didn't know.

But she looks totally oblivious to his existence right now, focusing on Rye's figure instead.

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As much by instinct as actual knowledge of Jay's feelings about this, Rye moved himself between Jay and Andi. No need to have him spoil it for everyone else. The boys deserved this.

18 minutes ago, BrokenButterfly said:

”You’re in great shape, for your age.”

Rye gave a chuckle that was meant to appear friendly but came off as much more threatening, "Nice of you to notice," he grinned as he ran his hungry eyes over her. "You look right nice yourself."

He glanced at the car and looked over his shoulder, past Jay to Oscar, "Hey 'Scar," he called, "have a look at Andi's ride and see if there's anything you can do with it."

One of the other bikers - a bit taller than Rye, but better looking and clean-shaven, though nowhere near as smooth as Jay - pushed his long hair out of his face and got off his bike. He gave the girl a bright, warm smile and started toward the car. As he passed he feinted a punch at Jay, "Quiet, fucking sissy." He hissed.

Rye shot the pair a hard look, "Quit. We have shit to do." He turned his hard gaze on Jay, "Keep it up and you won't have to worry about dying in a wreck."

Scar sneered at Jay and approached the car. "Can you pop the hood?" He asked.

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Just now, WritesNaughtyStories said:

He grinned as he ran his hungry eyes over her. "You look right nice yourself."

And with that, Andi figured that Rye must at least be bisexual or maybe pan. Come to think of it, it didn't really concern her. She laughed nervously, "Heheh, thanks..."

As the tall Scar fellow got off his bike, Andi noticed that he was quite handsome. Of course, she had her boyfriend, Franklin to think of, but she couldn't control what her reptilian brain found desirable in a man.

Just now, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"Keep it up and you won't have to worry about dying in a wreck."

Andi felt nervous with this. These guys definitely seemed like trouble. She knew that guys would sometimes jokingly threaten each other, but this sounded more genuine than that, more serious.


Just now, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"Can you pop the hood?"

"What? Oh, yes, of course..."

Andi knew that the hoodlatch wasn't in a good spot. It was up and under the place for her feet to rest while driving. She couldn't get it while fully standing, so she considered sitting in the driver's seat, but that seemed too vulnerable, too hard to move out of if they attacked her.

Instead, she decided to try to bend forward and try to pop it real quick. However, it wasn't exactly where she remembered it being and she had to fumble around for it without seeming too scared. Her heart was racing. Her pepper spray fell out of her pocket onto the floorboard and it kept rolling out of her hurried grip while she also felt around the underside for that stupid latch.

Outside, the men got a nice view of her ass, the cheeks hanging out a little from under her short shorts. It was quite the view, but also made the poor girl quite vulnerable.

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Jay's humiliation grew as he was put down by the second member of the gang, in front of the beautiful girl that is facing them.

The most humiliating part is that she didn't seem to acknowledge Jay's existence yet. Even though he obviously got disciplined by the two men right in front of her eyes.

Jay's defiance faded away after hearing Rye's threat, but was furious at being called a sissy. He used to be an average college student before this...

Then, he got a view he wasn't allowed to have in a long time. A gorgeous girl bending over in front of him, showing off her curvaceous and big assets.


He whimpers apologetically,

"I can lift it for you. Please, cover yourself, everyone is... watching...you..."

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55 minutes ago, Subbycuck said:


He whimpers apologetically,

"I can lift it for you. Please, cover yourself, everyone is... watching...you..."

"Goddamnit!" Rye bellows, turning on Jay even as Oscar whistles, "Holy shit! Look at the turd cutter on her!"

Scar smacks her ass playfully , half dumping her into the front seat while Rye grabs Jay by the back of the neck and drags him to the open car door.

"Give'er a hand, why doncha?" The tough old biker growls, shoving the youth forward, beside the girl. Rough fingers tug the waistband of Jay's sweats  to midway down his thighs, revealing his underwear and firm, bubble butt 

"Now yours, girlie." He demands as Scar stalks around to the front of the car, waiting for the hood to unlatch. "Let's see whicha you has a prettier ass."

The muscular man stands between the pair of youngsters and leans down. "If you'da shut up, you mighta got ta see her pretty ass - now, I got $10 that says hers is cuter, and that means you ain't quite so useful."

"Britches down, Andi but keep those panties up - no cheatin' my boy by flashin' pink."

Edited by WritesNaughtyStories
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38 minutes ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"Look at the turd cutter on her!"

“T-turd cutter?!”

Whenever Scar slaps her ass, she whines, “Hey! Quit it!” She stumbles a bit into the front. It wasn’t that hard, but there was definitely shock from the sudden, unwanted physical contact.


44 minutes ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

The tough old biker growls, shoving the youth forward, beside the girl.

Andi looked over at Jay with tears in her eyes, believing him to be the only one that might help her, still misunderstanding that he was as much their bottom as she would be, in time.

”Please… J-J-Jay, please get them to stop! I don’t want this!”

Desperately, she looked across the front seats, considering crawling over to exit through the passenger door. It was almost certainly not going to work, and certainly with what she saw waiting for her: another Biker wearing a leather jacket labeled “Buddy” in hand-sewn lettering. Even then, she knew that he was anything besides her buddy.

Buddy had his hand on something inside his jacket. Was it a knife? A gun? Oh, God, this was really happening. Her heart sank into her stomach as she heard the next words.

50 minutes ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"Britches down, Andi but keep those panties up.”

Andi knew that there was no escape, at least for now. She kept the pepper spray under the driver’s seat. Maybe she could use it later, but she hoped that Jay wouldn’t see it and narc on her.

While she protested, she still cooperated, hoping beyond hope that they might stop at sexual harassment, but there was really no way.

“Please don’t do this… I have a boyfriend…”

Hands shaking, she pulls down her blue jean, booty shorts, revealing her plump, young ass to those gawking men.

Her ass is quite nice to look at, which had caught the attention of her beloved Franklin. Still, he hadn’t trespassed in that awesome, tight hole yet. She was going to let him do it on his birthday. Now, she wondered if she’d ever even see him again.

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(I'm sorry, I don't know how to quote properly 😅)

Jay hopes that the earth could open up and swallow him at this point. It's been months since he's last seen a woman, and the first thing he does when he sees one is bend over right next to her and expose his briefs.

Although his bottom is quite too soft and well-shaped for an average man, he wears a pair of normal, average black briefs to cover the rest.

When Andi calls out for his help, all Jay does is stare straight at her face and observe for a while... it's been months since he's last seen a woman. And this one happened to be beautiful too, even though she had the sweat of an entire day on her.

Jay then remembered their situation and just nodded, giving off something along the lines of:

"It's too late. You should've ran a long time ago... we're doomed."

Hearing Andi shuffling her jeans and pulling them down, Jay desperately tries to turn around to get a look, but he's stuck beside her. There's a beautiful girl beside him, flaunting her ass to a crowd of men, and what does Jay do? ... The same.

He quickly starts getting aroused and making a tent in his briefs, and when he once again looks forward...

Buddy. With his tool on his hand, ready to use it. Hopefully he craves an actual girl this time...

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Rye gives both Andi's and Jay's asses an evaluating squeeze, "Dead heat." He comments, giving both a firm slap as he looks over his shoulder, "What d'y'all think?"

He leans forward to whisper in the youngsters ears and catches sight of Buddy's stiff cock. "Well, lookie there, someone's enjoying the show." He turns his head toward Andi, "I bet Jay's whore mouth is waterin' - how 'bout yours?"

Patting them both surprisingly gently, Rye adds, "Any way, my money's still on Andi." He stands up and bangs on the roof of the car, "Put it away, Buddy."

"Yeah!" Agrees Scar from under the hood, "Run over to my saddle bags and fetch us a half inch wrench - I got this sorted."

While the pair sort out tools, Rye's big hands  reach between the kids' legs, one between Andi's and the other between Jay's.

"What's that, Jay? Those pebbles feel a little tight - showin' off your ass got your pretty dick hard?"

His finger flicks across Andi's slit, "He may actually be the bigger slut?" Rye's hand falls away and he steps back, "All right, boys, who wins"


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1 hour ago, Subbycuck said:

When Andi calls out for his help, all Jay does is stare straight at her face and observe for a while... 

Andi finds Jay’s stare uncanny. He’s really studying her in a way different than the other men. He’s not just cute, he’s actually quite beautiful. The way he’s looking at her feels very strange and confusing here. It’s a look of longing and sadness as well as possible attraction.


1 hour ago, Subbycuck said:

"It's too late. You should've ran a long time ago... we're doomed."

These words cut through like a knife. On the one hand, it’s devastating to hear that sense of hopelessness in his voice, on the other hand, she manages to take some small comfort in fully understanding just how certain her fate is, in a strange morbid way.

She sees in this boy, a fellow victim. She knows that he probably has no power in this situation, whatsoever, but she wouldn’t suffer alone. Right now, he was the only one offering a modicum of respect and sympathy, which effectively made him the kindest person in the world.

She knew that he had been abused and conditioned to accept this place from them, but she didn’t want him to turn away or leave. Right now, he was a target of their list, as well, which could mean that “the boys” would rape her less.

She placed her hand on his, interlocking her fingers with this mistreated twink. God, he was cute. Even then, she thought so.

”Jay…” She said breathily. It was so hot in that car.


Andi feels angry and humiliated as that strong older man squeezes her butt and slaps it. She wants to lash out more than anything, but what good would that do, really? She’d probably just end up in a ditch somewhere.


1 hour ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"I bet Jay's whore mouth is waterin' - how 'bout yours?"

Andi just answers with “I’m not sure…”

She hears them talking about actully fixing her car. Maybe they’re going to use her body for payment and leave afterwards? Maybe it’s how they’ll justify all this to themselves? Fuck, maybe it’s all just a game and it’s just funny to fix it?


When she hears that Jay’s dick is hard, she reassures Jay that “It’s okay…”


Then, she feels it, that strong finger of Rye as it touches briefly across her sacred sex, a place that only one man had ever been. She felt a deeper violation that she thought possible. Her bodily autonomy was a joke to them. She felt like throwing up, but she didn’t want to give them the pleasure of seeing her seem weak.

She steeled herself, preparing for the inevitable rape that was coming.

She continued to hold Jay’s hand like he was her only friend in the world.

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Jay gets a strange sensation of kindness... again, in a long time. It's been so long that his instinct is kicking back at this weird feeling, suspecting that it may be a trap.

He melts as Andi interlocks hands with him, his face contorting into one of pure bliss-- although coincidentally, unfortunately, it does look like he's receiving pleasure due to Rye's hard man handling and humiliating words.

Even in a trance like this, Jay is smart enough to not talk back. He doesn't know when he'll ever get the chance to be with a beauty like Andi again, so he doesn't react to Rye's, Scar's or Buddy's actions or words.

Just kindness is enough to get Jay leaking from his dick... creating a wet patch on his underwear and a puddle beneath him.

For some odd reason, however, he states:

"I... I don't want comfort...Andi... you're hot... I don't want to experience this like a bitch alongside you, I wanna fuck like a man again!"

his voice cracking throughout.

Edited by Subbycuck
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Rye could hear Andi and Jay whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. That was never good.

"Shut it, bitch eyes." he grumbled and yanked Jay out of the car by the waistband of his briefs. When Andi's hand came with it he burst out laughing.

"Aww, ain't that cute, boys? The girls are holding hands..." He shoved Jay roughly toward the bike, "Sitcher ass down and behave." As Jay struggled with his half pulled down sweatpants, Rye saw his hard cock and the wet spot on the front of his underwear. "That ain't big enough to be piss, sissy - is your cute little unit leaking?" Rye pointed to the bike seat. "Sit!"

The big biker took the short step to Andi and grabbed her by the waistband and yanked her out of the car. He spun her around to face Jay. "Show her that bitch dick."

Just then Scar leaned around the open hood, "Found it Rye." He flicked his Zippo and threw it into the engine compartment, a whoosh sounded as a gout of flames spilled out, scorching the hair on the attractive biker's arms. He gave a chuckle, "It's on fire. She's gonna need a ride."

"Or five" Added Buddy.

Rye grinned at Andi, "Lucky we're here, huh?" He gave her a rough squeeze, "Let's have a look at that dick of Jay's, shall we?"

Edited by WritesNaughtyStories
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1 hour ago, Subbycuck said:

“I... I don't want comfort...Andi... you're hot... I don't want to experience this like a bitch alongside you, I wanna fuck like a man again!"

Even in this moment, Andi was shocked, “You want-?!”

She stopped herself and considered. Goddamnit, this guy wanted a piece of the action, too. How much better was he then the others, really? She knew that he wanted to ride her pussy, too. He had obviously been hurt by these men for a long time.

She quickly weighed her options. Maybe he’d be more gentle. That’s it, maybe she could soften it by making it a pity fuck?

Anything seemed like a better option.

She tightened her grip in his hand slightly, considering his request, “Yeah… that could be nice…”

Desperate times…

When Rye discovered that little intimacy between them, he made a cruel spectacle of it, shoving Jay away. Andi’s hand trailed after him, desperate not to lose that comfort, that human, sympathetic connection.

Her mind raced, not knowing if Jay was just one of the boys now, if he was about to have his ass plowed, or if they were about to put him in the ground. Jesus Christ.

Instead, he was made to sit down on a bike seat, like a child being put in the corner.


46 minutes ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

The big biker took the short step to Andi and grabbed her by the waistband and yanked her out of the car. He spun her around to face Jay. "Show her that bitch dick."

Andi stumbled as her panties threatened to rip, but she regained her composure. She locked eyes with Jay and blushed. She was ready to see his dick whenever…

54 minutes ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

Just the Scar leaned around the open hood, "Found it Rye." He flicked his Zippo and threw it into the engine compartment, a whoosh sounded as a gout of flames spilled out, scorching the hair on the attractive biker's arms. He gave a chuckle, "It's on fire. She's gonna need a ride."

"Or five" Added buddy.

She lost her composure as saw those flames shoot up, “Holy shit! Nooooo-oh-oh!”

It wasn’t even her car being ruined. Really, it was already broken down. It was about her only method of escape being gone, about knowing that she was truly at their mercy, about realizing that she was definitely going to be disappeared.

She wept openly, “P-p-please don’t kill me! I’ll do whatever you want… just don’t kill me…!”

She swallowed hard, her tears obscuring the faces of these men. She knew that she had no chance of getting out of here. The best thing was to cooperate. Trying to to struggle would only make them mad.

”Look, look!” She pulled out the pepper spray she had been hiding in her other hand and quickly tossed it into the fire, “All gone! I’ll be good! Please!”

She tried to clear her tears away and seem brave, but it wasn’t convincing.

”Let’s see this dick of yours, Jay…”

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Jay was now red as a beet. Getting picked up and ordered around irritated him, but most of all, he had to show his little fighter to a girl he just met...

1 hour ago, BrokenButterfly said:

She tightened her grip in his hand slightly, considering his request, “Yeah… that could be nice…”

This thought freely roamed his mind for the last few minutes. No woman ever agreed like this, even before getting made into what he is today...hell, maybe that's part of the reason why he's that.

But now he's facing a big problem;

He looks at Andi and Rye, whose eyes are stuck on the tent in my underwear. Nevermind Rye, Andi is looking at it persistently. And then Jay realizes that she's in her underwear, held in a tight grip by Rye. Fuck, she's hot in this grip...

1 hour ago, BrokenButterfly said:

”Let’s see this dick of yours, Jay…”

More out of necessity rather than listening to the gang's commands, Jay quickly pushes his briefs down, revealing a tiny, 2 inch cock that stands to attention. Jay had never again in his life heard this combination of words directed towards him, nevermind by a semi-nakee hot woman. People around Jay suddenly see him spasming, and if it weren't for his moan noone would've known he just came. His ejaculate is of a so miniscule ammount and see through that it's easy to miss.

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(Actions by Rye made with permission)

Unexpectedly, seeing that micro-penis stirs up something in Andi. Given how terrible things were, it catches her completely off-guard to see something so tiny and kind of adorable amongst all of this fear and despair.

She can’t control herself; she laughs, “What? It’s so small!” Andi stops herself, “I’m sorry, Jay…”

She moved down onto her knees in front of him.

Rye snapped at her, “Whoah, whoah, whoah! Now what the Hell are you doing, girly?”

”I thought you wanted me to suck his dick.”

The bikers all share a look and bust out laughing, Rye the most, practically pissing himself, “Well, if you reaaally want to…”

He grabs the back of her head and shoves her face roughly into the twink’s cock and balls, the premature ejaculate making her face dirty and sticky.

Andi was immediately put out and disgusted, “Oh, God! It’s everywhere!”

Buddy chipped in, “Well, then, clean it up!”

”Alright, alright.” She began to lick the mess off of that tiny dick and balls, the thin mess coming up quick.

Quickly, she can feel that he’s about to cum again. She stops with her tongue action, “Jay! Cut it out! Calm down…”

She looked back at his micro cock and grimaced, not really wanting to continue. She didn’t like how he had gotten off without even getting his dick wet or his butt rammed. It seemed like a waste of time, considering that he would probably weakly bust several more times without even being directly touched.

She hesitated, not really wanting to continue. But then she decided to just get him to cum anyways. She craddled his balls with her wet, warm tongue and took that 2-incher into her mouth and suckled gently.

It wasn’t long before he made a sad little deposit onto her tongue and she swallowed that weak gravy.

Edited by BrokenButterfly
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Brian watched the going ons with a raised eyebrow as he watched the twink bust his nut weakly and cover Andi. Besides Rye he had the second highest authority in their gang. Most of the time he didn't have to lift a finger and Rye scared the idiots straight. When he had to do it himself, that was an issue. Besides looking like Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy almost down to the smallest detail, his eyes were brown being the only difference, he was... Violent when annoyed. Very violent. More than once he had put several of their guys in the hospital for extended stays for any number of violation of their rules.

Getting off his bike, he was still one of the few on their bikes just watching, he made his way over. "Hey Rye, we should take her back to the club house. Piece of ass like this needs something sturdy to get fucked and I don't mean her piece of shit car." His voice was tinged with a faint irish accent as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his leather jacket. Once it was lit he took a drag and shot a disgusted look at Jay. "Fuckin disgrace. Can't even be a stupid twink and hold your shit in" he spat with a tone that cut steel. He did smack Andi's and give it a grope though. "Not bad, we'll see how you stack up everywhere else now won't we?" He looked at Rye with an unwavering stare since he had no fear of the man and knew he had the mans respect for his ability to fuck people up with little regard.

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Rye turned an annoyed, just shy of pissed off look at his lieutenant, "Fuck," he grumbled in a dejected, aggravated tone, "you went and ruined the surprise."

Rye moved to stand in front of the slightly taller, younger man, and wrapped one strong hand around the back of his neck and pulled Brian's forehead to his own. "Always too direct," his gaze bored through Brian's brown eyes, "don't you ever watch a horror movie?" He shook him gently, almost affectionately - not so much a commander as a mentor. "It's the anticipation, the hope that it's not quite as bad as it seems. Time, son, it's your friend. It's that moment, sitting at the light, waiting for it to turn green, right?"

Rye let Brian go, clapped him on both shoulders reassuringly, and grinned, "But you're right. Definitely can't fuck her on that car - not a weenie roast I want to go to."

He spun on his heel and faced Andi and Jay. Rye pointed at Jay, don't even put those back on, just ride bare ass, but do not cum on my bike." His finger turned to Andi, "You, little lady, with your cute panties, ride with Brian." He hooked his thumb toward his light-haired protege.

As he dropped onto the seat of his bike, the thick leather of his knife's sheath whacking Jay's little dick, he called to Brian, "And do not put your dick in her on the way there."


Edited by WritesNaughtyStories
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3 hours ago, KillerQueen22 said:

"Hey Rye, we should take her back to the club house.”

Oh, God. It was really happening. She was always told to never, ever follow someone to a secondary location, but what choice did she have, really? Her car was about to be a bonfire; maybe it would blow up and kill them all, ending her misery. A girl could dream…

It was all made worse whenever Brian smacked her ass, the smart making her burst out with a little moan of pain. Man, she was pissed that her voice sounded so sexy just then…

And when Rye referenced all of this as like a “horror movie”, her stomach sank even lower than it had already been.

2 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

"You, little lady, with your cute panties, ride with Brian."

Andi swallowed hard. She tried to get behind Brian, as she had seen ofher women do before, but he moved back and patted the spot in front of him.

If she had ridden on the back, she might have been able to dismount early or be seen by someone and get in trouble for not wearing pants. Now, she’s be covered up.

Even through his pants, she could see his erection. Fuck, he was big. Soon enough, that fat thing would be inside her and she knew that Brian wasn’t the type to be gentle.

She straddled the seat, settling into place with her partially exposed ass pressed up against his bulge. She knew he liked that, even more so because it made her so uncomfortable.

She had never riden a motorcycle before and she was in for quite a ride. When Brian kicked that machine on, the vibrations of that great beast immediately sent waves directly through her barely-covered pussy. She felt an instant, intense pleasure, despite her desire not to.

She knew that Brian must have been smiling as he waited for the others to get a little ahead, then tearing out, that hog howling while that metal beast shook that bike-virgin’s sex like an angry paint mixer, like a sadistic roller coaster. Soon, she was unable to hold back her moans and plees for him to slow down, but he didn’t. He had left the others behind in a mad dash towards the club house in which she would be gang raped.

She desperately didn’t want to cum, but she was made to by that speeding beast of a bike.

“Pleaaaase! I don’t wanna… cuuuum!”

Just then, the most powerful orgasm of her life tore through her, her hot sex wetting the leather seat cover. She held onto Brian’s muscular thighs as she experienced that mind-bending girl-nut, prolonged by the continued Hellish ride.

”Brian!!! Guuuuh!”

She prayed that the club house was near. Her pussy was a sopping mess right now.

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Rye watched as Brian settled Andi in front of him and elbowed Jay roughly, "Ever hear of GG Allin? Great song called Last in Line at the Gangbang. Lucky for me I have a bitch to clean up the bitch."

He stomped the kickstarter and the big, old iron war horse rumbled to life. He eased into the throttle, content to let Brian run on ahead. Leadership came with a price, but Jay would amuse him while the boys had fun.

He was pretty sure riding with his cock out and bare ass on the leather would have Jay dribbling cum onto the back of his pants and onto the seat, despite the little shit having been expressly instructed not to jizz on the seat.

Several miles down a forgotten access road, Rye eased the bike into the garage of the gas station. No one had bought gas here in decades, but The Wolves kept the place maintained so they could use the garage to store and work on bikes. The original owner's house was in good shape too.

He took his bike key and pointed toward the house, "Get your ass in there - don't bother with pants - you're likely to get plentya action while they wait their turn with your new girl friend."

Rye chuckled and flicked Jay's cute, little dick, "Think her clit's bigger than yours?"

He shook his head in amusement and steered Jay into the house. What had been the living room and dining room had been converted into a private bar when Rye had been young. A large pool table occupied the center of the space and a bar had been built against one wall. Motorcycle posters, centerfolds and pictures of fallen comrades decorated the walls. Above the bar hung a mirror and a Harley-Davidson neon light Rye had won in a poker game.

At some point, when Scar had been dating a stripper, they'd put in a stripper pole too. Lighting was still kind of dogshit, but the plan to fix that kept getting shuffled down the list.

When Brian brought Andi in, Rye clapped his hands together excitedly. "Let's see it bitches!" He ordered, pointing at Andi and Jay, then the pole.

"Buddy, turn on some fucking music, huh? We're trying to party here." He slapped Jay's ass savagely, "There's gotta be sumthin you're better at than her "

Edited by WritesNaughtyStories
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Andi looked around the place. She wondered if this is where she might snuff it. She notices the bar with the water faucet and realizes how hot and thirsty she is.

Whenever Rye tells her to dance on the pole, she turns to him and asks in the most polite way she can muster with her mind compromised by terror and post nut exhaustion, "I'd love to, but can I pleeeease have some water?" She started crying, her mascara running. She hated that she looked so weak, "I'll dance for you and everything else, I just need some water. It's been so hot and I c-c-came on the bike ride over!"

Suddenly, she realized that she needed to make it benefit them, "Besides, I won't be able to give as good of head if my mouth is dry..."

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14 hours ago, BrokenButterfly said:

She can’t control herself; she laughs, “What? It’s so small!” Andi stops herself, “I’m sorry, Jay…”

Jay blushes and tilts his head down in shame. He's so horny, finally having gotten a girl to see his cock and react to it, but at the same time...she found it funny... not even one thought of fucking it came to Andi's mind.

His facial expression quickly switched from ashamed to happy when Andi fell on her knees to serve his cock.

As she was facing it, it started throbbing immensely and Jay's heart started beating faster.

14 hours ago, BrokenButterfly said:

"Alright, alright.” She began to lick the mess off of that tiny dick and balls, the thin mess coming up quick.

Quickly, she can feel that he’s about to cum again. She stops with her tongue action, “Jay! Cut it out! Calm down…”

She looked back at his micro cock and grimaced, not really wanting to continue.

Jay was kind of let down and felt depression crawling up to him, but he still wanted to nut in her mouth since this could actually be his last chance, so that's what he did.


13 hours ago, KillerQueen22 said:

"Fuckin disgrace. Can't even be a stupid twink and hold your shit in" he spat with a tone that cut steel. He did smack Andi's and give it a grope though. "Not bad, we'll see how you stack up everywhere else now won't we?"

Jay gave no mind to Brian's words, since he was used to the rough treatment. The only thing that could break Jay right now was physical contact or abuse, really.

What really irritated him though was that he finally felt like he had something with a girl, she touched him, spoke sweetly to him and damn, she was on her knees sucking and cleaning him now, even if she regreted it... and just so easily, Brian walks over from his bike and claims Andi's ass with a juicy slap. Just that simple.

12 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

 Rye pointed at Jay, "don't even put those back on, just ride bare ass, but do not cum on my bike." His finger turned to Andi, "You, little lady, with your cute panties, ride with Brian."

As he dropped onto the seat of his bike, the thick leather of his knife's sheath whacking Jay's little dick, he called to Brian, "And do not put your dick in her on the way there."


Great, Jay thought. Objectively speaking, he's in a worse position than Andi. He is butt naked and riding with the gang's lead. As always.

And worse of all, he had to live with the knowledge that Andi will be grinding on Brian's cock throughout the entire ride back. All while his cock gets to rub against a sheath. This drops his morale by a lot.

9 hours ago, BrokenButterfly said:

She straddled the seat, settling into place with her partially exposed ass pressed up against his bulge.

“Pleaaaase! I don’t wanna… cuuuum!”

”Brian!!! Guuuuh!”

Jay started to think that Andi likes this...there could be the possibility of her "fake surrendering" in order to surprise them later, but I think rubbing her intimates on a stranger's cock wouldn't be something to trade for that condition.

After riding for a while... Jay heard her probably cumming. He already had a hard time dodging the sheath for some time, but hearing her cum brought him over the edge too, and they cummed simultaneously. Jay just hoped Rye wouldn't realize... despite him obviously still leaking.

Jay was then hit with a wave of depression... Of course Andi wouldn't fuck him. She was just going for the easy target hoping to be left alone. And now she starts enjoying getting claimed by the gang.

9 hours ago, WritesNaughtyStories said:

He took his bike key and pointed toward the house, "Get your ass in there - don't bother with pants - you're likely to get plentya action while they wait their turn with your new girl friend."

Rye chuckled and flicked Jay's cute, little dick, "Think her clit's bigger than yours?"

"Let's see it bitches!" He ordered, pointing at Andi and Jay, then the pole.

"He slapped Jay's ass savagely, "There's gotta be sumthin you're better at than her "

Jay shivered when Rye called Andi his girlfriend. Which is odd... He should've shivered at the thought of "getting plentya action", but...truth be told, everyone in this gang has forced their dicks down his ass and throat so many times that he knew *way* more details about their cocks than he should. Things like their taste, their texture, when they're close...etc.

Jay then looked up at Rye and pulled back. He hasn't been that defiant in a long time, but seeing a woman this intimate awoke something in him. "Don't call it a clit", he murmured and looked the other way.

Looking at the pole and then at Andi's face, he pondered...a competition? Or just double the pleasure for the gang? Shit, Jay *REALLY* was in no mood to dance in front of a girl...

But then Rye's hand came down claiming his asscheek again, and he yelped and looked down in embarrassment, thinking of what to say...

8 hours ago, BrokenButterfly said:

"I'd love to, but can I pleeeease have some water?" She started crying, her mascara running. She hated that she looked so weak, "I'll dance for you and everything else, I just need some water. It's been so hot and I c-c-came on the bike ride over! Besides, I won't be able to give as good of head if my mouth is dry..."

Seeing how Andi is acting brought defeat over Jay's mind. He thought he had an ally, someone he could try to escape with, or at least a love interest...

But instead she came for them, started talking in a sweeter tone and offered sexual service. She also hadn't acknowledged Jay's existence at all since they've arrived at the bar...

But he still thought. He thought that he could be hotter than her, to help her escape.

He was far too gone, he's been missing for months and his social life was ruined already. But she had a chance.

Jay cleared all doubt and pessimism from his head and walked over to Andi, turning her around to look at him.

"Stop whining like a bitch", he said confidently as he cupped her cheek and winked at her discreetly. "And learn how to dance like one"

And with that he strutted towards the pole, got hold of it with both of his hands, wrapped his legs around it and spun, multiple times, finally landing a leg and blowing a kiss towards Brian.

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Brian rolled his eyes at Andi's winning but the fact she came on his bike while being forced to grind against his hard cock made it kinda worth half paying attention to. Before she could be given the room to get off, once they got back to the club house that is, he forced Andi up onto his lap entirely and revved the bike hard once more. The power made their crotches bump and grind as he told he couldn't wait to fuck her soon, how he was going to shoot his seed deep inside of her over and over. How all the guys, minus probably Jay since he had no right to call the nipple sized bump he had a dick, were going to break her in as their whore. Then he let down as some of the guys came up behind right on time to keep her from running.

Inside the main hangout area he got a beer and tossed the cap in a bucket. He took his usual seat and watched Andi with an intent look. Seeing her dance on the pole was a prelude to the gang rape. To forcing her into sexual service of them for as long as they wished it and since Andi was actually girl and not a pathetic twink, that would be s long time.

He briefly looked to Rye and the others when he caught the kiss blown at him by Jay on the pole. Unlike the rest of the guys who partook in fucking the twink, he did not. The idea repulsed him and reminded him by pulling the left side of his jacket showing a wicked looking sheathed knife and then the right side of his jacket showing his gun. The guys and Ryen could do what they wanted to Jay but he didn't wouldn't, and they all knew it. "We want to see her dance more than you, get off the damn pole." He gave her a drink of water before pointing demandingly at the pole. It was not that fucking hard to do, even Jay could do it and the twink hadn't danced on before Rye took him several months ago.

Edited by KillerQueen22
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