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Name: Veronica De Parnacel
Position: Headmaster
Age: 247
Race: Demon
Sex: Female/Futa (depending on mood)
Personality: Very flirty, hard worker, cocky and very friendly, unless you piss her off, in which case she WILL punish you. Adores her familiar, Midir.
Powers: 1) Shapeshifting 2) Teleportation 3) Banishment 4) Elemental magic 5) Invisibility

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Name: Isabella Scopelli
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Race: Dragon
Position: Science teacher
Personality: Deeply professional, punctual, strict, but fair, has a sweet spot for cake.
Powers: 1) Fire magic 2) Shapeshift into true form (dragon) 3) Summoning call: Nearby dragons.


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Name: Mary Blackwater
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Position: Head of security
Personality: Short fuse, tomboyish, easy to fluster, loves booze
Powers: None
Human skills: 1) Can use all weapons 2) Extreme sharpshooter 3) Dual weapon use 4) Intimidating presence

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Name: Edgar Terrigenarum

Age: 3000

Sex: (when in human form) male, (true form) genderless

Race: Earth Elemental

Position: Vice Headmaster

Personality: very calm and cheerful to everyone, views everyone that resides in Ironclaw Academy as his children, protective of the safety of his children (aside from knowing things might happen as they are here to learn and develop themselves), helpful and caring to needs or asks of him, when upset with someone he can be very strict and stern, hard to anger but when he is he has a tendency to revert to his true form uncontrollably 

Powers: 1: transformation between his human and true forms, 2: earth manipulation within his domain (his domain being Ironclaw), 3: earth travel within his domain, 4: gives off an aura that speeds up plant growth (usually causing him to leave trails of grass and small wildflowers everywhere he walks.) Depending on his mood, the plants and vegetation around him might alter according to his mood

Other facts: he gives off the constant smell of fresh dug dirt no matter how much water someone sprays him with. He cannot leave campus grounds due to his existence being bound to the stone and dirt of Ironclaw.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Auxiliary Staff


Name: Luanna Paturnax
Position: Instructor of Illusionary Magics
Age: 618
Race: Medusa
Sex: Female
Personality: Luanna is quite self assured, and confident. Towards that she likes, she is sultry and flirtatious. She has quite a dark sense of humour, and likes those that appreciate a good joke. She can seem a little distant and disinterested at first, but once drawn into a conversation she is good at listening and good at engaging with people. You just need to get her attention first.

  1. Hypnosis: She is able to use the snakes that make up her hair to hypnotise someone and to bring them under her spell. She is able to make suggestions, but the hypnosis isn’t to the point where she could force someone to do something that they don’t want to do.
  2. Paralysing stare: If you are staring into her eyes, she is able to completely paralyse you. This is an ability that she must activate, so it is not active all the time. Her eyes will glow red  and it will begin having an effect quite quickly.
  3. Limited shapeshifting: Luanna is able to change her lower form from that of a long, white snake tail to human legs. 
  4. Master level Illusion Magic: Illusions is her favourite branch of magic, and she has become exceptionally good at it. 
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  • 2 weeks later...


Name: Drexel Kano
Position: Janitor
Age: 31
Race: Bovine
Sex: Male

A large black bull walking on two legs, wielding a broom and a bucket.
Not exactly a fitting job for him, but it works. Recently, he was a student here in Ironclaw Academy.
Upon finishing his three and some extra years as a student, he decided to become a better person.
He is known for cleaning pretty much anywhere in the academy, and ignoring those who think ill of him.
Unless they get really annoying. In that case, those that were annoying should start running.

1) Great Strength
2) Great Endurance
3) Bull Rush

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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Bridget LuBelle
Age: 367
Sex: Female
Race: Demon
Position: Monster society teacher
Personality: Passionate, hot headed, sweet spot for baked goods, secretly loves romance and sappy movies
Powers: 1) Conjuration magic master 2) Intimidating presence 3) Super speed 4) Create darkness 5) Medium level fire magic

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  • 1 year later...




Name: Tesk Watawa
Position: Secretary
Age: 32
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Personality: Tesk is two parts fire, one part air an all parts a walking-talking furnace. There isn't much of a difference between his rational mind and his emotions, making him prone to giving to them quite easy. However, Tesk is still quite cerebral, so he does his best to remain composed, opting for tact. If he can help it, that is.

This is most obvious when being flirted with. He can take charge in the midsts of intense negotiations, and he thrives in the anxiety of covert office politics, he can even throw a pretty decent right hook. But throw a midly flirtatious charmer at him and all composer begins to melt away.

In a nut shell, Tesk is intelligent, observant, philosophical, charismatic, instinctual, tactful and empathetic. But at times can be stubborn, volatile, sassy, emotional and melodramatic.


[1] Adept organization/Logistical skills

Being a Secratary, Tesk has to possess powerful skills of long-term planning and strategising. While he's a moderately decent tactician, his real prowess lays in his ability to plan ahead.

[2] Powerful Skills of Observstions

There aren't too many details to fly under the radar for Tesk. For the most part. Of course there are things WELL out of his perceptions, but so long as he isn't distracted, he is paying close attention to anything within his five senses.

[3] Specialized Training

Just prior to his employment at the Monster Academy,  Tesk was given training by specialists in specific areas of combat, those being; hand-to-hand combat, firearms training in both close and medium range combat, as well as physical and mental conditioning for paranormal or psychic attacks.

While by no means an expert, he's been taught to fight smart, quick and dirty, so he's no slouch.

[4] Fast Reflexes

Tesk just has fast reflexes. It's not something he really honed, not until his training, it was just a sort of thing he was born with. When working on things, something might fall and he'd suddenly catch it. Or fists thrown at him seem unusually slow. That sort of thing. Nothing inhuman though.

[5] High Intelligence

Tesk is well studied, but he's quick on the uptake as well. He went from working as a secretary for an ambassador to Beijing to being the secretary to Monster Academy, meaning he had to learn a number of different cultures and bits of languages to do so. This means he's quick to learn in most areas of life, but that doesn't make him any less stubborn.

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  • 7 months later...


(It is said he usually wears glasses, just for the sake of appearances)

Name: Joshua (but he prefers to be called Josh)
Position: Librarian
Age: ??? (Claims to be around 250, but isn't sure)
Race: Vampire
Sex: Male
Personality: Josh is cold and calculating, in a way similar to a machine rather than a man.  He believes in solving problems with cold, hard logic without applying emotion in the equation.  Usually, Josh says what he's thinking, regardless of whether or not he comes off as rude.  Some may say he doesn't even care how people see him, not that he seems to have much of a grasp on emotions in the first place.  In his last job, which was as a librarian at a community college, while he had a number of admirers, his cold words shot them down.  He tends to be someone who works behind the scenes rather than take the spotlight, playing the role of the brains of "a certain man's" schemes.  At the same time, however, it can be said that other, softer sides of Josh come to the surface around this "certain man" who he owes a life debt to.  He also tends to complain a lot about this same person.

Despite his cold exterior (and interior), Josh has an interest in myths and legends.  Working at the library gives him the chance to read up on such legends.  Oddly enough, despite being a vampire, he has little interest in drinking blood.
Abilities: 1. Strike Drones - Spherical, mechanical drones made by Josh for combat.  With some modification, the Strike Drones can be used for more domestic purposes, such as aiding him in his work or collecting information from a distance.  Wearing a special headset equipped with special electrodes, Josh can manipulate the Strike Drones using his mind.  Usually, he only controls two at a time, but if he overclocks his brain, he can control a maximum of five at a time, but doing this would eventually either destroy the headset or fry his brain, and the parts for not just the headset, but the Strike Drones, are incredibly expensive.  The drones also have a range limit.

2. Mechanical and Technological Knowledge - Being "the brains of the operation," Josh has quite the knowledge of machines and technology.  His Strike Drones were personally made by him through hours of hard work and a number of deals in order to acquire the proper parts.  Part of how Josh has a healthy bank account is because he sells his tools to wealthy buyers.  He's also been known to do a bit of hacking back in the day when money was tight, for the right price.

3. Tactical Ability - Having to babysit his roommate and friend, Josh had developed a decent level of planning and strategy.  Having to learn how to command his Strike Drones with just his mind aided in developing this ability.

4. Average Marksmanship - Josh has no memory of his past before his fateful meeting with "a certain man," but along with his knowledge of technology and machines, he has an average level of skill with a gun even though he would prefer to use his Strike Drones in an encounter.

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Name: Nashor Vaspa Xidik Thuvostoght Jr. (Nash, or Ms. Thuvo)

Position: Math Teacher

Age: At least 400

Race: 4th Dimensional Being

Personality: Nashor is a fairly nerdy person (being? entity?) and is very exited to learn. Her sociability is pretty low, not being much of a friend maker and not really trying to anyways. She's unusual to most monsters and typically revels in the solitary. She's asexual, but in saying that, she isn't really aromantic. In fact, almost contradictory, she loves seeing people happy and studying their emotions, seeing some reactions as alien purely from the prospective she sees from.


4th Dimensional: Her most major trait and the source of most of her abilities:

1) Walking/"Clipping" through walls and floors: The majority of 3rd dimensional walls are able to be stepped through by Nashor. Naturally, she still has a sense of privacy and respect that she's gained over the centuries, keeping the most obvious secrets, secret. 3rd dimensional objects and people are not able to follow her through.

2) Invisibility: While not true invisibility, she can choose to move away from the 3rd dimension and appear to be invisible to humans and other monsters. While still being able to see back at them, she isn't silent and can't interact with people while only in the 4th dimension.

3) 4th Dimensional movement: As a part of her extradimensional status, she isn't quite bound to 3rd dimensional gravity. As such, she's capable of walking one body length above or below the ground with ease.

Frightening Origin: From her more Lovecraftian life, many parts of her are capable of affecting the mental capabilities of people who try to understand them. From simple explanations of her world to her own home language can cause extreme stress to many. Although words alone can't do much other than make people stray away, photos of her realm can be dizzying and sanity sapping, pushing most to their mental limits trying to understand if their curiosity pushes them.



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Name:  William Arcwell

Age:  25 

Race: Human

Position: Monster Biology Teacher


William Arcwell was born into a town far away from Ironclaw. His father was a science researcher at a company that is now long gone. William lived most of his life actually interacting with monsters, at least when they came to Earth. He was just like his father in fact; somebody with a large curiosity towards things normal humans do not understand, even fear in some way or another. Fear, something William did not have. Unfortunately when William was 15, his father had passed away from a heart attack, which resulted in his researches being left in William's hands. The peak of the Arcwell family; highly detailed documentations over various anomalies, supernatural beings, monsters, mythologies and so much more. William did not want to continue the legacy; he wanted to create his own, so he set out to look for something his father had never pried into; artifacts possessed by spiritual energy.

William for the most part, did not have any luck. The teenager didn't know where to look, where to search. WHAT to search. So for many years, most of his expeditions around the city, outside of the city and so on were proven to be failure after failure. At least he had his genius going for him; something also considered to be the peak of the Arcwell family. Until on one day, specifically at an abandoned museum in another city not too far, William after years and years of failed research, at the age of 20 found a snapped sword with sharp, purple edges. Upon picking it up the spirit release from it lacerated William, quite literally leaving him in a coma for quite some time. When he recovered, his lacerations seemed to have stayed permanent, and his left eye had become purple. Over a span of weeks, the said eye split its iris into 3 counterparts, with strange pupils and color. William soon realized, once living with it for some time, that he had gained enhancements and powers from being lacerated; no, he gained them from becoming the human host.

From there, William pursued a position of a teacher and outside of that had a hobby of hunting aggressive monsters for extra payment. He honed his skills and his powers as much as he can, but recently after graduating with an education degree, he settled himself down in Ironclaw, with an ambition to establish a quiet life; but most importantly-help humans and monsters get together, as he so did with this strange demonic spirit that lives in one body with him.


1. Compass Eye: (This is technically only one ability as its just 3 vision types scaled down into one eyeball. Here is a graph for it.)


2. Object Creation - William is capable of concentrating his purple energy into objects, allowing himself to materialize for example: a blade or a model of a phone with enough effort of stringing the energy together. This power wouldn't be possible without the iris that captures flow of magic energy, because he wouldn't know what he is doing with his energy. Though; some of these creations dont function like their references, it can still be useful in any situation really. What should be noted is, they disintegrate after about 20-25 minutes.

3. Enhanced Body - As a host, William is required to be durable for the demon spirit to exist within him without certain death. He has a partial body of a demon, with a higher stamina than a general human (it leans towards partial superhuman), great endurance and even accelerated regeneration though at a small level. (he can't regenerate a whole arm for example. Any wound heals 2-3 days quicker, scars cant be left on his body unless it is a special set of scars like his lacerations, most of his bones are more durable than average). The only side effect is William requires more energy, thus more calories, thus he basically needs to eat more or elsewise he'll be sluggish throughout the day.


4. Quick Learner 

Appearance Claim:


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  • 1 year later...

Name: Arya Sinclair
Age: 42
Sex: Futanari
Race: Death claw | Dragon
Position: P.E teacher
Personality: Curious, Blunt. Unwavering. Bad at teaching, but put's their heart into it.
Skills: 1) Pack Mentality - Stronger around other large Species. 2) Claw's. She has rather scary claws. 3) Strong Grip.

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