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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Elie felt herself starting to calm down as she felt Fujiko pull out. She looked back confused but then remembered Fujiko was Exzel in disguise. She looked into her eyes as sadness filled them the mark stopped burning but the guilt set in. She had made her mistress unhappy. Exzel didn't get to cum and it was her fault. She whimpered rolling off Diamond panting holding her breasts to breathe better. She closed her eyes not knowing what to do now. She....she had ruined everything. "I....I....I'm fine. I....I should go....Fu...Fujiko." She said weakly trying to sit up but her legs were feeling like jello.

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Alexandrine’s grip loosened.  In the moment she was overwhelmed with pleasure.  As her mistress’ attention switched to Elie, she laid there, panting.  Letting the other two talk.  Even if Fujiko did nothing else to her tonight, things had changed between them.  Alexandrine was desperate for her company.  To prove the words she said.  Even if Elie left now, she might try to do more.  Give the demon a chance to take her further.  Fujiko might get a choice, to try to comfort Elie, or take things further with Alexandrine.  She had two women right now, that of course was the source of Elie’s pain.  But Alexandrine was like the demon in that way, comfortable with numerous partners at the same time.

When Elie talked about leaving, she felt some regret.  But her hand reached out to hold her mistress.  Beg her to stay.  If Elie left, the demon had a choice.  Try to comfort Elie, or take a maybe unique chance to make Alexandrine completely hers.

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Elie had expressed interest before hand about watching Fujiko fuck Daimond. Had that changed when she realized Fujiko was Exzel? Fujiko thought about it a moment, surprised the girls strong emotions overcame her mark on her. But she was not going to try to bend her to her will at this moment and cause more emotional damage.

As Elie sat up next to her, Fujiko embraced her with a genuinely warm hug, her soft breasts pressing against Elie's huge chest. It was a long hug, skin on skin contact, as she whispered into her ear, "Do what you must, but I feel like the strings of fate are pulling me towards you, and I... I believe in you enough to let you go for now, if you feel you must." She spoke truthfully from her heart as she released her hug. She still fully believe the cards Elie had delt her, and again wondered at their full meaning.

Fujiko's skin tingled slightly at the touch of Daimond as she reached out to her. Looking at the leader of the magical girls, her look said she still wanted it, and with her earlier orgasm blocked, Fujiko's need for release was still very strong. She looked conflicted, eyes going between Elie and Daimond. She decided not to stop Elie, she would let her free will take her further along the path, though it pained her heart to see her in such a state.

Her plan for Daimond must go forward. It was too good an opportunity for her to pass on, and perhaps Elie needed time to sort out her emotions. Still, it was hard as a protective urge to shield Elie from pain surfaced.

Edited by Balthier
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Being licked clean was not that high on her agenda. Rin was enjoying herself, deserved to spend more time with the boys, to learn what it was like to be a girl. No, she wasn't going to have Rin focus on herself. Besides, Emi was content as she was in the moment!

Her eyes were glued to Rin's crotch, and the punk boy's crotch. Watched closely as his cock thrust in and out of her friend's tight flower. While one of her hands rubbed against the visible bump created within Rin's pelvis by the boy's cock her other hand had drifted between her own legs, fingers rubbing softly against her wet lips. She could feel the eyes of the other boys upon herself. How would Rin feel when the bunny was watching so closely?

Besides, she felt it was nice to let the boys wait. Allow their lust to build up. Make them want to take charge even more, to take the initiative to get what they wanted out of her. Some part deep within herself was getting off on the teasing and the desire to be, to a certain level, dominated. Handled. And, perhaps, to take control herself. But these parts she attributed to her corrupted state. Whether or not that was true didn't matter to her. It was better to be safe.

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Elie hearing those words felt something inside her snap she closed her eyes as tears streamed down. She looked at Fujiko before getting off the bed and knew this was right thing to do. Demon or not Elie was still a child and needed to learn things the hard way. As she left the bedroom she looked at gift she got 'Fujiko' "She still deserves it even of I'm not her number one anymore. How stupid was I believe I could be. She was right demons can't be changed." She sniffles whispering softly before transforming into her normal clothes and grabbing her things leaving the box open with the necklace and card for Fujiko.


((This is the necklace with a peridot tear drop that is for protection of the wearer.))

The card read as such: "A Lotus has a hidden meaning it means your wish to be saved. But also remember this: Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty." Elie looked back before leaving the room as she felt her heart hurt like it was broken. She went to the backroom where her belongings were and grabbed them before calling her butler to take her home where she would do alot of soul searching.

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Then they were alone.  Alexandrine and her mistress.  She was sad about Elie leaving.  But she was sure the girl would understand in time.  There was nothing wrong with them sharing their mistress.  Yes, someday the two of them would be pleased with her, together, Alexandrine was sure of that.  She watched her new mistress, waiting to see what she would do.  She had been chosen for attention over Elie.  They would remain together for the night at least?  Would she look over what Elie left behind, or play with her prize.  The choice had been made, Alexandrine was going to go down a path she had not expected.  Never be the same again.  But how much would she change?  Would her image be destroyed?  Or would the changes be more secret?


The boys did not care that much.  It would have been hot to watch, but they also enjoyed how fascinated she seemed with her friend.  “Maybe you should fuck her instead first?”  The punk suggested to the young one, brought to orgasm by Rin’s mouth.  But maybe he could experience proper sex with the bunny girl first?  He considered it, looked at Emi, she was sitting there…ready to be taken.  Would she like that, the inexperienced boy, trying to be aggressive his first time?  He was getting a little hard staring at her.

Of course there was the other reason the boys suggested licking.  To not have sex with a girl filled with another boy’s semen.  But the young boy did not know enough about sex to consider that.  He was growing a little hard again, watching her.  Hearing Rin moan, as she fucked by the punk, her eyes locked on her friend, showing in the expression how much she enjoyed this.  The sex, and maybe Emi watching her.

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Purple-blue eyes continued to stare for some time while she pleased herself, surprised that Rin had lasted longer than her first time! But then it made sense too, after all she at least had some experience as Ryan. Perhaps she should not have been so surprised. At least it gave Emi more time to watch!

Her gaze finally snapped away from the two when the younger boy was mentioned, eyes instead focusing in his direction. Taking notice of his growing desire the bunny scooted her way over to sit next to him. A hand then reached out, soft fingers curling around his smaller penis in order to gently pump against it. Of course she wasn't going to take the lead beyond that. No, it was a decision he would need to make himself.

Unfortunately for the boys Emi did not realize why they had desired for Rin to lick her clean. Nor would she had taken the initiative if she had. She had been adamant that this was all more for Rin than it was for herself. Besides there were those other elements which also affected her decision making!

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At the second morning of the convention of knight and magical girls alike, it was a lively time to be active and amazed. As groups gathered en masse and clustered the various areas, two figures stood out from the crowd.  Where knights donned their armor sets or casual wear or the gals had done likewise, two men walked through the crowds with a natural air of dominance. People gathered here to make teams, greet heroes and celebrities amongst their own, and thereof, in truth it was almost chaotic. 

Tatsuba Takamo, the famous, or infamous,  Witching Knight had moved through the crowd with ease. His six foot, broad shouldered figure pushed on through the crowds as he was looking for a spit to seat himself. The man possessed deep blood red irises, spiky black hair that was seemingly unkempt pushed passed his shoulders, and as the new generations said, "Daddy has that drip." Takamo was businessman first, having his parents and brothers to help out but beyond that he was retired knight at the age of twenty four. A feat the very rare few individuals can achieve, however he was here on business of course. 

Finally finding a seat at a bench, Takamo eased himself. His business was getting out of retirement, he felt his power pulsating ahd on occasion it never was enough, however when he meant, "Out of retirement, " In truth he just wanted an adventure whether he took it seriously or not. He was feared amongst peers and demons alike, unpredictable, dangerous, and extremely cunning. The one and only Witching Knight had become a fable to many of the new generations of knights and sorceress,' the only reason he retired was because of the Haiti Incident which made the various orders around the world pressure him into doing so. Especially at the ripe age of sixteen. 

"Feast your eyes," The larger well groomed individual presented two large paper plates of massive chili dogs, "Grease and beans, with artificially mixed meat." 

Takamo chuckled, "Very funny, Lawrence. I guess that's the best they have?" 

Lawrence, standing at eight feet, was a brawny fellow who was bald and possessed a majestic brown bushy beard, was none other than the famous Stone Knight Lauger. Known for having absurdly great strength and the best poise amongst his peers, he was a force to be reckoned with. Anyone on a team of his were guaranteed victory. The massive man set the plates down, "Aye unfortunately this is the best they have." 

"Well old friend, it'll have to do." Takamo sighed looking over the food. 

In truth, Takamo has long since lost his fire to be a knight. He had hoped this convention would help spark that up but... Unfortunately he was surrounding by novice individuals.  Even if they were experienced there wasn't much value, and even if Takamo had all the experience in the world with powers and accolades to back him up, too many people viewed the guy as a black sheep. And rightfully so. His energy while pure at first glance,  was in fact meant to be malevolent in nature, knowing a variety of dark arts and extremely proficient in monstrous skillsets, it was ever a wonder how he even became a knight. 

But by sheer luck and the right people, Takamo became a righteous knight, deadly,  intelligence, and full of vigor. However it has been nearly eight years since his forced retirement. No one in their right mind would want Takamo on their ream, right?

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It probably would not be much longer for Rin.  The confusion and uncertainty over her gender and sexuality were probably an influence.  As much as she enjoyed this, something deep down held her back a little.  Maybe a second boy would have changed things, but she was even more uneasy about anal than Emi.  What would happen if she enjoyed it.  Was it possible she would want to have sex with boys as a boy?  It was not impossible.  She did not know how she felt about that.  She sucked a boy off, learned the taste of semen.  Honestly, if Emi had offered it, she might have licked it clean, though she was not sure.

The young boy looked at Emi, he was quickly hardening.  She wanted it.  Was he a man?  He wanted to impress this girl.  He might never her again.  At least not in private.  But he wanted her to remember him.  He reached forward, put his hands on her shoulders, pushed her onto her back.  He crawled over, but did not finish yet, looking for hints she was turned on by this.  She wanted him to do this.

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As small hands grasped against her equally petite shoulders Emi's gaze shifted back to that of the younger boy. Red flashed across her face, ears perking up as she found herself pushed onto her back. Her heart raced within her mostly flat chest, legs parting as pressure was applied to them, revealing her tiny slit, still drooling slightly with the cum of Alex. Beneath her the rabbit's tail wiggled. She was glad he'd taken charge! Heck, he was just about the right size for her too!

Knowing that he might need at least a little bit of assistance Emi slid a hand down along her body, traveling over her belly, across her pelvis, and finally over her bare mound. Two fingers formed a 'V' shape, slipping down and closing briefly against the pale lips of her little flower. With a hushed gasp they parted, spreading her body open to expose the healthy glistening pink of her inner folds. A single nod of approval was offered.

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The boy was inexperienced.  He wanted to Emi what she wanted, as he lost his virginity to her, but he lacked the experience to know much about what to do, to be as dominate or aggressive as Emi might like.  But the punk was watching.  Learning what the other girl was like, for his turn with her.  He was moments from cumming in Rin, and he intended to exactly that, since Emi seemed to enjoy it.

The boy reached down, groped Emi’s tiny breast, curious what it felt like.  He squeezed it, rubbed his thumb against the nipple.  But he had stronger desires.  He looked down to the hole, the girl offered his shaft.  He laid down on top of her, took the shaft and plunged it in.  Wet with a mix of her juices and Alex’s semen.  He did not fully understand what he was feeling.  He had not even masturbated, his first ejaculation had been into Rin’s mouth, and he did not completely understand what happened.  But he wanted more.  Tried to follow the punk’s lead, did not start slow in humping her.  He loved the feel of her insides, wanted to keep feeling this.  Make her feel good.

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A hushed breath slipped free from the bunny as a hand groped against one of her small breasts. For someone of his size it actually probably filled things out well! At least his palm, if nothing else! It felt kind of nice to think that her breasts were not too small for someone. And sure, nobody had had any issues with them so far, but it was still a thought which lingered within the back of her mind from time to time!

Oh. That's nice.

From Emi emerged a soft moan, body wiggling with pleasure as she felt the boy's penis thrust into her tight flower! He was not as big as the others, but it didn't really matter. It felt really pleasant to be someone more appropriately sized for her! There was far less discomfort. Perhaps having been just fucked might have helped as well.

Legs curled in around the boy, pressing against his rump. Her hips started to move in little circles, assisting with his thrusts while simultaneously churning him about within her sensitive fleshy tunnel. How long would he last? She didn't expect very long. He was still very new to all this. Still, she wanted to make this a wonderful time for all of them!

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Rin let out a long soft moan.  Perhaps not an orgasm.  Put the pleased sound of feeling the punk’s orgasm.  The warmth of a boy’s seed inside her.  Dangerous as it was, it felt right.  She understood why Emi did not have her pull out in the van, or the boys earlier.  She wanted to feel more.  Rather than be licked clean, she imagined herself leaking on the sheets, filled by a combination of boys.  She might agree with Emi, that boys were better.  She had the advantage.  In private she could do Emi as both.

”Good job kid.”  The punk encouraged the boy with Emi.  She had not orgasmed yet.  They hoped to change that.  He looked to the Alex and the other boy from before.  “Get ready.  Let’s each do this horny little bunny one after another.  It’s not fair not let her orgasm.”  What would she think about that.  One boy after another, as soon as one finished.

It was true, the one doing her now might not last long, but he was doing his best.  It was almost cute, Rin thought, watching the two of them have sex.  And she was watching now.  Everyone was staring at Emi, her reactions.

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Her gaze briefly diverted towards Rin and the punk, breath heavy while hips continued to roll in circles, to assist the youngest of the boys with his thrusting. Her friend's first orgasm as a girl! Also the first time being orgasmed into! A night filled with plentiful firsts!

A bright red fell across her face as the punk's attention now centered upon her. In fact everyone was watching her. She settled her gaze instead upon the young boy's face. Hands gripped around his body, pulling him in close. Soft lips pressed against his, eyes closing while she continued to let the boy fuck her. At least the pleasure made any stage fright here diminished to such a degree that it didn't really both her. If only she could have sex while she was up on stage singing!

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“Wonder what she really likes?”  The punk thought out loud, inspired by seeing how she reacted to the boy there pushing down.  “I think what she wants is one of to try to make her ours.” Try was the key word, none of them expected to succeed in something like that with a Magical Girl.  But would she be turned on by the attempt?  Was she hoping for one of them to be a ‘real man’?  Having no idea Emi had already had experience with a man none of them could compare to, in several ways.

The boy got his first kiss too.  A little surprising it was with a girl he started to have sex with earlier.  It was a little clumsy, but he tried to match her movements, be a little more aggressive.  He just wished he could have more chances at this.

As he was kissing it, it happened.  Emi felt another boy cum inside her.  His cum mixed with Alex’s.  Two down.  Two to go, though one was already inside her other end.  While he had come, the boy wanted a little more, he kept kissing her.  Taking what he wanted. The punk watched, curious if that turned Emi on.

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Of course she couldn't really respond, what with her lips being locked against the youngest boys'. She knew what sort of things she had already enjoyed. Sex, in general. Being with both boys and girls, but a slight bit more with boys. Multiple people was a turn on. Being manhandled and being with someone much bigger than she was. She enjoyed others taking charge, but sometimes she liked to briefly take charge as well. Really there were a lot fewer things that she disliked, at least so far as her experience had been up to this point! Not that they knew, of course. The punk's suggestion, however, did seem like her to fit some of those criteria!

Hands slid around the young boy's back, fingers brushing and squeezing across the surface, offering something of a slight massage to encourage him while his hips continued to drive forward against her thighs. She pressed a little more firmly into the kiss, squeezing her tongue into his mouth to show him how it was done, or at least given what little experience she had herself. A soft moan was muffled when she felt the short bursts of hot seed pump within her petite form, body shivering with glee!

He didn't appear to be ready to stop. Emi didn't mind. She was getting quite worked up between his fucking and the eyes that were upon them. His attempt to take control was rather cute too!

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Fujiko watched Elie go with a little confusion, saw her leave her gift on the table, but did not approach it. It was not going anywhere, it would have to wait for now, though her curiosity was peaked and she wondered what was in it.

Something had caused Elie pain, she would have to investigate that later, right now, she had the most powerful magical girl in the city, right where she wanted her, and it was just as she wanted it. Delicious!

She turned her gaze back to Daimond, with a hungry look. Approached her back on the bed. Touching her legs, feeling over her erogenous zones with a practiced grace. She looked into Daimond's eyes with a confident look, like she was in control.

"Such a beautiful body. I know just what I want to do with you. Tell me. Tell me you want more."

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The demon’s power lingered over Alexandrine.  It confused her.  Did it make her think things she would not have otherwise, or did it cause her to speak true desires.  She looked at the woman, lust in her eyes.  They were alone now.  What would the woman do to her.  She was aroused by it.  Hoping for more.  “Please…mistress…more….”  She had no idea what was coming, but was getting wet again, wanting to fulfill Fujiko’s desires.

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Carefully, gracefully, Exzelcryth removed her earrings and set them on the side table. Power limiters off, concentrating on suppressing her aura, she still kept her power hidden, but now she was turely naked. It would allow her surge energy when she needed it. It would allow her to subtly focus more of her energy, her influence into Daimond. She had already said enough words, for Exzel to start to mysticaly infiltrate her. She wanted more, wanted this beautiful girl to be bound to her more strongly.

Her body glided over Daimond's, her breasts touching Daimond's first, before she lay on her. Grabbing her wrist, she held her hands up by her head against the bed. Limiter off, she gave her the kiss, passionate, her dark aura pressing and mixing with Daimond's. Attracting each other like opposite charges, Fujiko's touch now lightly warming and tingling at every move. Her soft lips found Daimond's, drinking deeply, pressing with just the right amount of pressure as she let out a wanton moan against her lips. She let the facade drop, changing to her true appearance as they kissed. Those same purple eyes looked back at Daimond, but her skin grew far lighter, white horns appeared out of her head, her lips and nipples also turning a light purple color. 

A cool whisper in her ear, "Mmmmm. I want you. You will be mine." Using her shape shifting powers, exzel changed her body, morphing and replacing her vagina, with a long, hard dick, taking the form temporarily of a futa. Laying between Daimond's legs, her futa cock was hard instantly, and pressing against the sorceress wet slit.


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Alexandrine smiled, her heart beat faster as the woman crawled on her, laid herself on top of her.  No resistance to moving the arms.  Her lips parted for the kiss.  Then she felt it!  A dark energy invading her.  Ignoring any of her body’s defenses.  Why?!  But then, she started to recognize the power.  The demon from the forest!

She understood now.  She had said words that lowered all her defenses to the demon’s power.  She did not resist.  Her eyes widened as the demon revealed herself. She understood, she had given this demon power over her.  If anything, she kissed the demon harder.

She could not resist or call for help.  There was a very real danger the demon’s words were true, though it was still early enough Alexanrine might break free.  If the demon was not skilled at this.  The power the demon put in to her had taken a step further.  A small corruption already entered her heart and soul.  A skilled demon could make it grow.  A mistress of seduction could make Alexandrine beg for it.  She was in much more danger than Elie.

Her breath got hard as she watched the demon transform.  This was even worse. Setting aside the risk of pregnancy in her current state, demon semen might make it worse.  But her legs spread, her hips rose, inviting the demon to mate with her.  Perhaps a perversion of union between Magical Girl and Knight.  Words came out of her mouth, reflexively.  “…Take me…mistress…”

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Posted (edited)

Exzel did not often take futa form, she was usually able to get what she wanted with her natural feminine form, but what she had in mind today, she wanted, needed, to be inside her. The desire for the magical girl was burning in her core.

"Yessss!" Exzel bit Daimond's lip as she felt her legs spread wider. Heard the words. Dark influence pouring into the sorceress just as she drained a miniscule amount of power from her. Her voice lower, more sinister than earlier, "You good girls, once your defenses are breached, you can't resist! Now I will claim you! Bind you to me."

Laying tits to tits, with a powerful thrust, she penetrated Daimond. Pressing in to the hilt, she paused, savoring the difference of having the right equipment to be in her delicate flower. "Ugh! That's my tight little pet! How bad do you want it? Tell me you want me to fuck you. Tell me you want me to make you mine" She could feel how wet Daimond was, her body couldn't resist.

Edited by Balthier
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It was not true mind control, of course.  It was a deeper, more complete, and genuine corruption.  Drawing on the person’s darker feelings, thoughts.  Their weaknesses.  To be…broken.  What she had warned Elie about.  In a moment of stupidity, she had unlocked her heart and soul to the demon’s power.  Had willingly submitted to her, it did not matter if she did not mean it this way.  Breaking was usually slow.  Sometimes brutal.  It could be torture, seduction, or a combination.  It would not likely finish tonight, but Alexandrine had made it much easier.  She might be a  different woman by the morning.

Alexandrine had weaknesses.  Alone so long.  Filled with despair and emptiness.  Emi and Rin had began to warm her.  Toshiro finished reawakening sexual desires.  Thoughts gnawed in the back of her head.  What if Elie was right?  What if this demon deserved love?  What if she could be pulled to the light.  Good intensions mixed with dark power.  Arguably making the demon’s influence stronger.

It was a subtle feeling.  The demon’s power reached deep, into her body and soul.  Was it twisting her already?  She did not feel especially different yet, but a fear was building in her…among other feelings.

How would the demon bind her?  This demon had done this to others before.  She could tell.  It would not be one thing, she would add one layer of control after another.  Corrupt her further and further.  She felt herself…getting wet…wondering what she would do.  She already had a lust for this demon, had already offered her body to her, called her mistress.  It weakened her.

Forcing her to ask for it.  Alexandrine knew how dangerous this was.  The demon could ask her to take each step.  If she did, it would be that much more effective.  “…Please…please fuck me…”. There was a genuine yearning in her voice.  She could just barely resist telling the demon to make her her’s.  A growing darkness tempted her though.

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Posted (edited)

Exzel had felt her loneliness. It had been so long, it's what had made very vulnerable, and she had only been too happy to exploit that weakness, wedge in and wear down her other defenses. Most demons and beasts used a more direct route, physical confrontation and subjugation. Exzel much preferred her way. Probing, feeling, finding weaknesses and using it to her advantage. Get so lusty they couldn't think, or didn't want to offer resistance. It had served her well for ages. Her demonic influence could stoke feelings of needing to breed, to be bred, like a wind stoking hot embers to ignite, and it was oh so delicious when enemies were wet and begging for it. She enjoyed siphoning energy of a person in a lusty more more than any other, it filled her being, and fed her own feelings of lust.

Exzel started thrusting, at a medium pace, in and out and in, dark influence penetrating Daimond's defenses each deep thrust. Exzel was rock hard with excitement as her thick cock pounded into Daimond. She could feel her rocking under her, Exzel's heart beating stronger against Daimond's chest the more she got into it. Her breathing increased, deeper. Her voice was smooth sweet, promising pleasure, "Mmmm! Yeah, right there! You feel so good! You want it! You want me to claim you. Tell me. Say the words. Tell me your pussy is mine." She thrusted extra hard at the last line for emphasis. She between a yokai demon and a magical girl heightened the experience like few Exzel had experienced. It was better than humans or other demons.

Edited by Balthier
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Alexandrine groaned in pleasure.  It was not massive like Toshiro.  She was not a Knight like Toshiro or Rin.  But it felt so right.  Like she thought with Toshiro, size was not everything.  Her legs reflexively wrapped around the demon.  It was so wrong.  It was not the first time she had sex with a demon.  But it was the first time she was willing.

”…What…will you do…mmm…if I say it?”  She was not innocent like Emi.  She knew the demon could put any number of spells on her.  Bind her.  She felt like one would be put on her if she gave in any further.  But Exzel could feel how badly she wanted her.  How her power was already shifting the woman.  Would being honest make Alexandrine resist better…or tempt her to give in?

A demon like Exzel understood Alexandrine better than most.  That was another approach.  Continue their talk earlier, but let Alexandrine know the demon seducing her.

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It was taboo, fucking her most powerful enemy, but it felt so right. Like it was what she was born to do. She was trying to resist, this just made Exzel smile. She leaned down moaning lewdly and loudly into Alexadrine's ear. She thrusted faster, rocking her hip in a circle as she pumped her. She felt her legs wrap around her changing her thrusting angle to hit most sensitive area stronger.

"Mmmmm, I'll keep using you, like this. Give you... mmmm... such pleasure! Tell me... to make you mine. You'll never... have to... be alone again. You'll be loved.Tell me."

She focused her power into Daimond's mind, urging her to give in to her, just like her body already was.

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