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A bit simple, ‘cliche’, but something I had tried to set up on other sites without success, see if I have better luck here.  This could be a group RP.  There will two main male characters and a yet to be determined number of women.

For as long he can remember the boy had been bullied by another kid at school, year after year, elementary, middle, now high school.  He just makes the other boy’s life a complete pain.  To the point he had locked himself away for years at home.  Quiet, few friends, gets a little comfort from family members, but nothing that fixes the problem.  No one tries to help him end it, except weak words like stand up for yourself, or ignore him.

Then a few months ago, he found a new happiness. He asked his long time crush out, a girl he found amazing in every way.  She even said yes.  They have been going out for several months now…but the bully also thinks she is hot.  He plans to make another move, take it to a new level.

The girl has complained to him about the bullying before, trying to standup up for her boyfriend.  But the bully intends to show her he is the better man, make her fall for him, understand her current boyfriend deserves it.

He won’t stop there though.  Does the victim have a sister or two?  He will go for them.  Then there is the ultimate prize and humiliation.  He intends to take his victim’s mother.

So, I intend to play the bully at least.  Who else I might play would depend on who else/how many people play.  It could certainly be interesting with someone else playing the victim.  Watching one girl after another fall to the bully’s advances.  The girlfriend could be conflicted for a period.  Trying to remain faithful, but gradually starting to want the bully more and more, eventually becoming his.

The advances won’t necessarily be nice or consensual, especially in the beginning.  Though we could have some variety. He might just ask a sister out, and have her agree.  In others, he may be aggressive/cruel at the start, but treat them at least somewhat better as they start to want him.

There could be other characters too.  It is a basic idea that could be built upon.

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