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Another chance - Ranna and Kappei

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Listening to Ranna's cute, girly little voice, a feeling of relief washed over Kappei. That relief was soon mixed with a bit of annoyance. He was happy that she had called him, but it wasn't any fun getting berated like this.

"So you just wanted to chat? Or did you want to tell me something?" Kappei asked her, suppressing his irritation. Ranna's reckless actions yesterday still fresh in his mind, Kappei hoped that the young girl hadn't ended up doing anything stupid while shopping with Kara.

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Was he listening?  Ranna told him why she called.  “I.  Just.  Want.  To. Get.  Out.  Of.  Here.”  She slowly repeated.  Her tone making it clear, she was not happy with the current situation.  Not afraid.  Not sad.  Maybe uncomfortable.  Was he going to leave her here out of principal?  Leave her with Kara as punishment?  At this point being around Kara certainly felt like punishment.

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"Wait... what are you talking about?" Kappei asked Ranna, the venom in her cute voice, making it all too clear of how upset she was. But what was she talking about anyway? She was supposed to be shopping with Kara, right? Was she somewhere she couldn't just leave?

"Tell me what's going on and where you are, and I'll come ge---" Before he could finish what he was saying, however, he heard another girl's voice interrupting him. It was Kara's voice.

"Kappei, you are to come to the bio-lab immediately. That is all." Kara ordered him, having heard Ranna use his name when she called for him on her communicator. Standing next to Ranna, she had spoken out loud, obviously having no understanding of personal space.

"The bio-lab? Okay... I guess you are done with what you needed to do." Kappei said, having no idea that Kara and Ranna hadn't even started checking her Mana levels and curse.

"I'll come right away." Kappei!" Closing his magical communicator and ending the call, he pocketed the expensive clock-looking device and sighed. It seemed like he had to amend his plans a bit.

"Give this to Reiko Rangorn when she shows up." Kappei told the young brown-haired woman sitting at the desk while handing her his spare key. Leaving the desk, Kappei fished out his Communicator again. 

"Call Reiko." He said, and the magical device immediately contacted Reiko. On the other end, Reiko's own medallion-shaped communicator that she had around her neck glowed briefly, and she felt the familiar tingling of somebody contacting her. Because Kappei had splurged back then, it was a top-of-the-line device that allowed Reiko to know who contacted her even before she answered. .

"Reiko, change of plans. I have to go meet your sister now, so I won't be at the apartment when you arrive. The clerk at the desk will lend you a key. So if it is okay with you, can you... can you handle putting away your sister's in her room?" He asked her, hoping that Reiko wouldn't feel like he was taking advantage of her kindness and willingness to help.

"Ranna's room is the one to the left, closest to the bathroom." He added, figuring the younger Rangorn sister's mood would only sour if her clothes were in his room. The little brat would be angry enough when she found out that he was going to buy and choose what she wore from now on for awhile.

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Reiko listened the call.  Something happened.  She guessed it had something to do one way or another with Kara.  She just hoped it was not anything unpleasant.  Ranna was certainly not going to make friends easily with that girl, but hopefully it was something indirect.  Nothing personal between them.  It probably was nothing involving other students.  If there was one good thing about being with Kara, Ranna was not in danger of being harassed.

”Don’t worry about it.  You go take care of things…It isn’t the first time I have done something like this for Ranna.”  That might have been the way Ranna would have put it.  But while there was some punishment involved, this was also intended, as it was back then, to help Ranna.  She nodded to herself, just one more thing, but no trouble for her.

Ranna glanced up at Kara, as she took over.  Not that she really wanted to have a long conversation with Kappei either.  That was a big piece of this whole mess.  She was not thrilled about that approach, she was also not thrilled with the implication of the words.  Though with Kara’s personality, it was hard to say what comments were more serious than others.

“Do you have to try to be this irritating, or does it come natural to you?”  She vented, while stepping back, not really intending to make a conversation out of it. She already wished she had not asked.  Though she mostly felt that way because of how much Kara had annoyed her.   She would not necessarily have minded with another girl doing the same.  She was also not wanting to ask why Kara said that. She figured she would get that answer when Kappei arrived.  It was really weird, both wanting Kappei to take his time, but also be faster, to avoid dealing with the girl by herself.

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Posted (edited)

"Thank you, Reiko. I'll leave it to you then." Kappei told Reiko, still feeling bad about not being able to be there in person to help her and oversee all the furniture being dropped off at the apartment. "I'll hurry go see Ranna now. I'll call you again later when we are ready to go and register the betrothal." 


Kara gave Ranna a flat stare as the younger girl slid off the rolling cart and took a step back. It almost seemed as if she really did intend to leave, but that couldn't be the case, right? Had she perhaps not come here to have her Mana and her curse checked out? Had Kara perhaps not already spent time with her doing calculations necessary?

"You will enter the tube I've prepared for you now." She told the shorter girl, gesturing for her to come with her. Pointing at an empty platform where a tube had existed only moments prior, she waited for Ranna to do as she was told, then clarified what she meant. "Go stand on that platform."

Edited by Nan-Yo
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Of course.  That whole nonsense.  Yeah, Ranna did want to just get out of here if she could.  The whole preparation process was painful enough, she could hardly be blamed for not realizing that had not happened yet.  Well, more Kara than the actual preparation.  She just sighed.  “This better be quick.”  She softly mumbled, mostly to herself before walking to the platform instructed.  She realized she had no idea how this was going to work.  Neither the speed or the process.  Hopefully it was not painful or strange either.

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Waiting until Ranna had done as instructed and climbed up onto the platform, Kara made some gestures in front of her and several blue symbols lit up in front of them. Seconds later, the hidden tube rose back up out of the platform around Ranna and encircled her. Quickly rising above her head, the glass tube continued until it reached it's too covering that it had been connected to before and clicked back into place.

"Yes, this shouldn't take more than a couple of hours." Kara answered Ranna. Moving her fingers around, more of the flowing symbols appeared, and the vat tube Ranna was inside of started filling up with a transparent liquid. Pouring out of the platform the Rangorn sister was standing on, the fluid was room temperature and felt like water as it came into contact with Ranna's feet.

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