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The Wanderers

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Azreal smiled standing looking at Zorn. "Oh course My Lord. Is there any information you wish for me to gain for you? Any on anyone specific?" He said standing up straight turning to the others and bowing once more. "Oh how rude me I didn't give you my name. My name is Azreal Dimitri Arst de Capulet. I'm Zorn spymaster and sheild and sword if needed. It's thanks to him and my contract that I destroyed my family and any trace of magical power flowing in anyone veins but mine. He was only one to answer the summons and I'm in debt to him for helping me." He said his voice cold and dark like a ice breg. "And I see Lady Emiri is doing well. Also my Lord congratulations on getting a guard dog and a damn good famous one to. Hellhounds are special in many way." He said looking at Hellhound before turning to Exzel. "And I see we have Devil on our side. What powerful allies in deed and not bad looking either but if Lord Zorn has already calmed you and you are to share his chambers I shall back away." He said taking a few steps back looking into Exzel's eyes. His eye shape and face reminded her of someone she met.

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Hellhound seemed disappointed that she could not go but it was not like she was restricted anyway. Still, she was not going to go out of her way to find one place where she could get killed. Her original plan was to fight humans in numbers but not magic ones. Even she knew that it would be suicide. It was already threatening to fight armed humans yet this beast girl was not scared. A grin drew on her face when she was praised by the new guest. At least one of them knew how special she was. After showing off a little, her body threatening to reveal everything when she hops around, Hellhound shifted her gaze to Zorn, wondering what he had in mind. "What should I do...? You said you had something that could be fun for me."

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"Well met, Azreal." Exzel acknowledged him with a slight nod of her head, not a full bow as she was currently with the retainer's lord. She smiled at his comment, but did not directly say anything about it, as it was the lords place to say anything, and not hers as a guest at this point. There was something about Azreal, that warned her he was a threat. A sense of the man's soul perhaps? But it seemwd to be oozing malice, reminding her of a demon under the influence of Gyumaoh's aura.  There was something else familiar about his eyes, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She turned to Zorn, "Great General, I am most impressed by your troops. I think this alliance may prove most... fruitful." She put her other hand gently on his arm, to stroke his ego if nothing else. Looking back at Emiri and Azreal waiting to hear Zorn would say, or what Emiri's response to her putting more hands on Zorn would be.

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Emiri's eyes stared into Zorn's eyes until she realized that there was nothing more she could do. He was not hers and she was sure that Exzel was not the only person who Zorn on had taken to bed beside her. Her jealous died and she went back to the emotionless state. She looked away and out the window, pulling her knees into her further. "Exzel... I won't fight for Zorn. He is my master and I am loyal to him. Only he could make me fight." She said, mindlessly. Her whole body shutting down.

Emiri knew Zorn wouldn't leave her unattended and eventually would come to her. For now she would take her place and wait, patiently until he did. She wanted all the people out of her room so that she could channel into the darkness. What would Zorn think if he knew that she was training herself in the ways of a Dark Paladin. She had a ways to go, but she was able to gain more power in the last little bit. Her biggest set back was that she needed the quiet to do it.

"When you need me... I'll be here. Until then I wish for quiet"

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Well, it was neither the best nor worst outcome.  It had been the first time Emiri had really been tested like that.  An unplanned test, but one that went well enough.  Zorn might see her again soon, depending on what happened with Exzel.  He shifted everyone else out of the room and closed the door.  He took care of things one at a time.  First Azreal.

”See if the Sorceress is there, or still hiding in grief.  Try to find anything about a bunny girl I saw with her yesterday.  Otherwise, anything that you think would be worth learning.”

Then Hellhound.  “I will find something.  I do not have anything at the moment.  See if you can of the bunny girl maybe.  Unless she is at the convention.  She might be.  She might not. Be.”  Once they were gone, the question of Exzel could be considered privately.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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Azreal bowed to his Lord and Master. "Yes Master as you wish. I will check on the Daimond Sorcereress and this Bunny Girl you speak of...it might be hard since most magical girls take the form of a animal. However I will gather whatever information you wish or that I can find and report back to you in a timely matter oh and......" He looked at Exzel smirking licking his lips.

"If you ever want to play, just come find me. I wouldn't mind seeing you wrapped around my cock enjoying it and moaning my name till you beg for me stop." He chuckled darkly before standing up and taking his leave his black cape dancing behind him as another icy wind breezed pass before he disappeared.

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Hellhound was given a sort of task but the issue with it was that she had no idea how to find her. Not to mention that this male human just disappeared on her, making her unable to follow him. Demons and their stupid tasks annoyed her... Sure, she wanted to find more about those who had humiliated her but there was nothing for her to do with this. A sense of smell alone wouldn't help her detect a human's scent from the underworld. Too bad... She was not going to bother with it. Zorn already had someone on that anyway.

Back to her original plan, since she was alone, it was time to leave the underworld and pick a fight with the overworld. Hellhound was smart enough not to bring humans back with her if she would be found and/or pursued. She knew that it would become her business to get rid of any enemies or lose them before she would come back. Not knowing where she was going exactly, she dashed off to one of her paths on an adventure of her own. The devilish plan she had in mind might still attract magical girls to her location, though.

Next Chapter in the Story... (Click here)

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On 31/05/2024 at 09:58, Chiyako said:

Emi had remained more or less still during the entire duration of the lustful act which had unfolded before her. Sure, one of her fingers was moving, brushing eagerly along the gentle curve of her tiny slit. However she had otherwise been entranced by what had been going on. It was so much rougher than what she'd done with Ryan, and yet somehow Alexandrine seemed to enjoy every moment of it.

Does it really feel that good?

It was also somehow more lewd to hear her friend speaking in such a crass manner. Did it turn her on? Between everything else that did turn her on she just couldn't tell. Still, it probably wasn't something she would do herself. Not normally, or willingly, anyhow.

White ears perked up when Alexandrine finally addressed her, face flashing a bright red not just due to the act, but also due to being noticed, especially after her having been watching the two. "I-if you are tired we can wait too" the little rabbit offered quietly. For some reason she started to feel a tad nervous with the idea. Perhaps it was due to how intense it had looked from where she stood? But then she also knew that she really wanted to give it a shot. It was at least kind to give the man that offer, she figured.

It was possibly the fact that this was the first time Toshiro was having sex that he was so lively. While Alexandrine needed a break, Toshiro was still throbbing within her, removing himself from the comfortable and pleasurable confines of the blonde's pussy. Once he did, cum came gushing out, abd he sighed from the feeling of being released. He stood before tiny Emi, stretching and popping joints, a behemoth compared to the four foot lady that seemed both eager and nervous. 

Then a thought struck Toshiro, due to his Suze he didn't want to hurt Emi, instead he opted to a position that she could take her time on. Laying down on his back, Toshiro looked over to Emi and said, "Given... The cards we're dealt, I don't wanna hurt you or cause internal problems. Like this, you can take your time to adjust and go your own pace." 

Toshiro's throbbing mass stood erect abd ready at attention. As he said he wanted Emi to enjoy this too, but when she gets used to it she's most likely getting a rougher treatment than Alexandrine. 

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As it turned out Toshiro, despite his clear lust in the moment, was quite considerate of the small bunny! Or perhaps he simply wanted to try this sort of thing out. Whatever the case, Emi had been given the chance to take control, to move at her own pace. It also gave her more freedom to explore some things before they started to really get into it. How long she would remain in control was anyone's guess however, especially given how small and flexible she was. It made things ripe for any sufficiently sized partner to take advantage of!

With a nod she made her way over, settling down upon her knees beside the man. Hands reached out to grasp against the base of Toshiro's cock. She leaned in, sniffing once, before dragging her tongue along the length and up to the tip. A taste, followed soon after by a soft kiss.

This was in Alexandrine. It's going to be in me too. It's much bigger up close!

Eager to also sate her own growing desire Emi didn't spend too much time on her knees. Pushing back up to her feet, the little rabbit carefully stepped over the large Human's body, setting herself to straddle his waist, situating her body just below his crotch. With one palm gently cupping against the meaty head of the man's dick Emi pressed her hips forward, slowly grinding herself up and down along the underside of Toshiro's manhood. Already she was aroused, her sweet nectar assisting to further lubricate the meaty rod. Occasionally her pale lips parted while they dragged across sensitive flesh, briefly exposing the soft glistening pink of her inner folds, and each time drawing out a hushed exhale as jolts of bliss shot up along her spine.

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Exzel watched Emiri look away. She had completely submitted to Zorn's wishes. She was fairly impressed, he really had broken her and trained her. Just what Exzel had wanted to test by putting her hands on Zorn like that in front of her. That and also, to show her status to all the people in his fortress.

Someone didn't seem to read the situation. Or if he did, disregarded it blatantly. That Azreal, he was a bold one, and it annoyed Exzel that he, a mere retainer to Zorn spoke in such a way, both in front of her and everyone else. Here she was with his lord in hand, who was openly courting her to traditionally, seal a deal. Exzel let a look of clear disapproval break her poker face she had maintained thus far, as she watched Azreal leave.

The cold breeze flowed over Exzel, her thin dress drifting a little, showing far up her legs. Her nipples hardening under the tight black material. She was annoyed the effects from Azreal would show a response on her body everyone  ould see, but got over it. At least, Zorn being taller than her, would have a good view, to tease what he might, or might not, see later.

Exzel turned to Emiri, this time executing a polite bow to her, "It was a pleasure to meet you." She said smoothly, then nothing more, since she had indicated wanting quiet. She was interested in that one, and did not wish to rile her up further.

The Hellhound left, as soon as they walked away from Emiri, she would be just with Zorn for the moment. She kept a hand gently on his arm, probably a good sign, watching to see if her continued touch elicited any clues he desired her. Curious if it was true all Rabbit demons had that notoriously high libido. If it was more than a rumor, Exzel could imagine what he had done with Emiri, and her mind rather enjoyed the visual.

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“Azreal is the way he is.  He is loyal though, and useful when I have places I need to send a human to investigate.  None of them know he serves me.  And he did contribute some to my success with her.”  Zorn realized Exzel may not have been thrilled with what the Knight said.  He could tolerate quite a bit, but if Azreal got too out of line with his new ally, he would have to correct him.

“It will be interesting to see what else she might say about her sister, when I’m alone with next.  Even before she lost her memories, she had started to feel abandoned.  One of the pieces that drew her to me.”

”The loss of memories was unfortunate and unplanned.  I am convinced she would remain loyal, even if she regained them.  Would support helping her remember…maybe someone can help there after all.”  An idea occurred to him.  A way to access them, if they were not destroyed but buried deep.

”But, enough about her.  Though you may speak to her again before leaving, if you wish.”  He stepped to the door of his chambers.  “We should take some time to work out the details of this alliance.  Then make it official.”  Yes, make it official.  But before getting to that, figure out if there were any other details to work out.

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"You think she would remain loyal, even with all her memories?" Exzel raised an eyebrow, "is her craving for what you offer that strong, or is it something else?" She looked the demon over, he did have a powerful build. These magical girls did have an abnormally high libido. It could be more than that of course. It sounded like a group effort over time.

"You know, over the years, I have developed my own technique. More subtle perhaps, but no less effective. Finding targets when their guard is down, using their feelings to get close. Making them want to be dominated. This... "convention" sounds interesting, I way scout out the competition there."

She continued to walk, not pausing at his door, but gliding into his room, with a slow, sexy sway. Eyeing Zorn with a smile through dark eyelashes as she walked by him.

"As to our arrangement, let's call it a non-aggression pact, shall we? We stay out of each other's way, for the most part. I don't mess with your broken or marked girls or knights, and you don't mess with mine, if and when I get any."

She walked to his bed, bending forward over it to check the firm or softness of it. Her butt, looking exquisite before she straightened up and turned to face him, putting a hand on his bed. Her eyes looked at him with a playful longing. She sat back on his bed, her legs not together, nor wide, a few daring inches apart. She touched her soft purple lips with a finger, to draw the attention of his eyes, and drug it down her front down bare skin of her chest until she reached her dress. She looked delicate, sitting there only covered by her thin black dress. A look she had perfected over centuries.

"If a minion or retainer crosses that line, they are not protected, ot course. Of course we can keep the dialog open if we want to... liase further. Or need a ride... on a portal. How does that sound to you?"



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“It appeared to be confusion.  There was a genuine change in her, a desire to join me.  Mixed with…shame?  Over her ‘betrayal’ that seemed to cause the loss.  I have not heard of it happening in similar cases.”  Broken Girls were rare of course.  Perhaps too rare to draw definitive conclusions.  “She willingly told me many things as she began to forget.  That makes me more confident she would remain loyal.”  He could not be positive.  But it seemed a reliable guess.

”More the succubus’ style.  Maybe you will meet her again if you stay long enough.”  She was the one, he had come up with a reason to consider summoning her again.  “Dreams.  If there are many lingering memories buried deep inside her, those may be key to unlocking them.”  One of the strengths of that demon’s power.  She could almost be considered a goddess while in that realm.  Of course she was somewhat limited in how much she could accomplish there.  It was mostly useful for manipulation.

He did not move to the bed just yet, but his eyes were on her.  It would not be long.  That would be an act to make it official.  “Of course.  Fair enough.  I will warn Azreal, out of fairness.  If he crosses the line anyway, he cannot be angry, if I keep my word.  The bunny girl is the one other I claim, at least until her identity is confirmed.”  Even a demon could have a sense of honor of sorts.  Some at least.  Some were much more ruthless.

He intentionally did not claim the Sorceress.  There were many ways to get his revenge on her.  He was flexible.  “You say you have developed this technique over time.  Do you have any currently under your influence?”  He would recognize her mark of course, by its power.  But did she already have any like Emiri or Azreal, serving her, but not marked?

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On 04/06/2024 at 02:53, Chiyako said:

As it turned out Toshiro, despite his clear lust in the moment, was quite considerate of the small bunny! Or perhaps he simply wanted to try this sort of thing out. Whatever the case, Emi had been given the chance to take control, to move at her own pace. It also gave her more freedom to explore some things before they started to really get into it. How long she would remain in control was anyone's guess however, especially given how small and flexible she was. It made things ripe for any sufficiently sized partner to take advantage of!

With a nod she made her way over, settling down upon her knees beside the man. Hands reached out to grasp against the base of Toshiro's cock. She leaned in, sniffing once, before dragging her tongue along the length and up to the tip. A taste, followed soon after by a soft kiss.

This was in Alexandrine. It's going to be in me too. It's much bigger up close!

Eager to also sate her own growing desire Emi didn't spend too much time on her knees. Pushing back up to her feet, the little rabbit carefully stepped over the large Human's body, setting herself to straddle his waist, situating her body just below his crotch. With one palm gently cupping against the meaty head of the man's dick Emi pressed her hips forward, slowly grinding herself up and down along the underside of Toshiro's manhood. Already she was aroused, her sweet nectar assisting to further lubricate the meaty rod. Occasionally her pale lips parted while they dragged across sensitive flesh, briefly exposing the soft glistening pink of her inner folds, and each time drawing out a hushed exhale as jolts of bliss shot up along her spine.

When Emi approached Toshiro, the man lies abd waited as the former grasped his base. Instinctively he throbbed and pulsate in her hand, and when she licked his shaft it drew a huff. However what Toshiro thought qas going to be a blowjob it turned into Emi straddling his waist and started to grind on his naked form. Already he was eager to shove the shaft inside of the tiny lady but remembered that he offered for her to take the time. But, the young man wouldn't take it back, he was letting the bunny do her thing and already Toshiro felt the waves of pleasure crawling up his back. 

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The short grinding movements of her hips eventually came to a halt, Toshiro's tip pressed to the bunny's moistened cleft. Hands settled against the man's chest, fingers squeezing gently as she began to apply downwards pressure with her lower half. As a result of her not holding the man's shaft in place the two found Toshiro's dick instead slipping, flicking and dragging upwards along the slit of her mound. A soft gasp escaped from Emi as a result, body shivering with bliss at the feeling.

It's so big!

Instead she opted to settle herself down, pinning the man's cock between her crotch and his belly. Once more her hips set about moving, grinding slowly along the underside of Toshiro's cock, moving from base to tip repeatedly. A hand lowered behind herself and between Toshiro's legs, fingers gently squeezing at her lover's sack, fondling the orbs held within. Occasionally she leaned down, planting gentle kisses against the Human's chest. At the very least this would assist with lubrication for the task to come!

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"Meeting a potential new friend is always a good idea, in times such as these. If she comes around, I am certainly open to greeting her." As long as she wasn't messed up after whatever they were about to do of course. "A dream goddess? That would be quite useful."

"The bunny? Very well, that's fair." Exzel had wondered if she should seek that one during the convention, but there where sure to be others.

"Yesterday. I did mark one. Elie. I have plans for that one." She smiled as Images of Elie strapped to her bed, or on her knees in a revealing maid outfit floated through her mind.

The next question was, how to handle Zorn. There were a number of things she could do. She looked at him deciding what would work best here. Sometimes a general would like to have all the power in bed, other times, they might want to be subordinate to the sexy she-devil, and she had no problem playing either role today. She was skilled with her tongue of course. She could also offer her breasts to fuck, which she teased now by loosening her dress there with a finger. And of course, there were any number of ways to fuck her pussy. He looked powerful, he may well be capable of showing her a very good time. If not, she could always try to throw him on his back and ride him.


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Elie?  The name did not mean anything to Zorn.  The only names he knew were those Emiri told him.  This appeared to be one that was newer, or lived somewhere else.  Well he would keep it in mind.  Not go after her without very good reason, and as long Exzel kept her side of the bargain.

He could see her evaluating him, for what was about to happen.  He would give her a moment to continue.  He expected this to be quite fun, whatever was ultimately decided on.  “I will watch for the mark.  Not play with her, go light, if she attacks me.”  He would not promise to defend himself.  But if Exzel went as far as marking this girl, he would go easy as he could, without putting himself in danger.

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"I wouod be appreciative, I am leaving her with a mind of her own. They're so much more fun that way. Then if there is nothing else? I believe we have an agreement." She said with a smile, running her hand down her body to her thigh in a sensual looking move, to highlight her curves to him. The dress hugged her body, a perfect feminine shape, her pale white skin was smooth.

"What is your pleasure, General?" She asked smoothly. Biting her lip to shoot him a look thay said she wanted him. She put more effort into the look than she felt yet. He had been pretty stoic so far. If that was him she could make the next move, but waited to see what he would do. Male demons could feel threatened if a female they saw with less status were too aggressive, so she was patient to not offend him, and concentrated on looking cute and delicate for him, despite her strength.

Although if he wanted a wrestling match, she would oblige if asked. She could resist, as well as she could act compliant. What ever the situation called for.

Edited by Balthier
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Zorn could appreciate that.  Emiri did too, at least in a sense.  Sure, he was brutal with her in the process.  But she still ended up loyal by choice, not out of fear.  Could think for herself, was not a mindless puppet.  Similar in someways to what Exzel seemed to have done.

As for what he wanted now.  Exzel was an ally, not a servant or puppet.  He did not need her to be too submissive.  There was some appeal in that, but there was appeal in other ways too.  Even a demon could sometimes be sensitive in a sense.  He stepped closer.  “You are an ally, not a slave.”  He would not treat her like her old master had, not try to make her the same.  “But would you like it rough?…or…softer?”  An experience of demon mating that he wondered if she ever experienced.  He had not experienced it much.  Not in love.  But as true equals.  As he waited for her answer, he placed his hand on her cheek, slid it down slowly.  The claws very softly scratching, not enough to leave a mark.  Down her cheek, to her shoulder, gripping just a littl.

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Posted (edited)

Behind his stoic nature, Zorn seemed to have a genuinely caring side, that quite surprised Exzel.  She had half expected him to bend her over his bed and just use her, but the respect he was showing was welcome. Realizing his heart in this, combined with his powerful frame so close to her, and his claw on her cheek, stirred something in her body. It surprised her, in a good way and she felt herself becoming wet, as a shiver ran from her cheek to her core.

For the first time sounding surprised and not like she was in control of the situation, "I've... never had a demon ask me that."

Her eys looked up to him as he stood in front of her. This was actually new and exciting, somewhere deep down. Exploring a new dynamic, but at the same time, as her wetness increased it made her want him more. She had been in others since Gyumaoh died, but she hadn't let anyone in her since then, and suddenly she was aching for it.

Her hand came up to Zorn's thigh, as he gripped her shoulder. She breathed in audibly.

"Maybe... we start that way."

She didn't know why this softer approach was working so well on her, she had expected it to go rough off the bat, and she wasn't often caught off guard. A tender touch was the last thing she had expected from him, and her body was reacting positive to the shock. Her soft hand felt up his thigh, up higher to his impressive abdominal muscles, then over to his center and down. To his navel, and further down still, a very light touch.

Edited by Balthier
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On 05/06/2024 at 20:29, Chiyako said:

The short grinding movements of her hips eventually came to a halt, Toshiro's tip pressed to the bunny's moistened cleft. Hands settled against the man's chest, fingers squeezing gently as she began to apply downwards pressure with her lower half. As a result of her not holding the man's shaft in place the two found Toshiro's dick instead slipping, flicking and dragging upwards along the slit of her mound. A soft gasp escaped from Emi as a result, body shivering with bliss at the feeling.

It's so big!

Instead she opted to settle herself down, pinning the man's cock between her crotch and his belly. Once more her hips set about moving, grinding slowly along the underside of Toshiro's cock, moving from base to tip repeatedly. A hand lowered behind herself and between Toshiro's legs, fingers gently squeezing at her lover's sack, fondling the orbs held within. Occasionally she leaned down, planting gentle kisses against the Human's chest. At the very least this would assist with lubrication for the task to come!

Toshiro sighed, letting his hands slither up and resting on Emi's thighs with a light squeeze. He gave a slight smirk when the tiny lady started to fondle his testicles which helped aid in a variety of sensations. Once Emi started to kiss along young man's chest, he couldn't help but slink a hand to her left rump and give it a tough but sensible squeeze as if to reward her for the efforts. Watching her work was... Cute? Entertaining, not in a bad way  but watching someone half Toshiro's size grapple the man sensually wasn't something he'd ever thought of. 

"Take your time," Toshiro reassured Emi, "I'd rather go at your pace than mine."

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There were limits to Zorn’s sensitivity, as Emiri would have been able to explain.  If she remembered the process.  Or some of the other Magical Girls he ‘played’ with.  That was closer to what Exzel expected.  But this was different.  Two demons, equals.  There was no need to prove his power or assert dominance.  It might get rougher as it went.  But only if it was natural, and looked like Exzel wanted it.  It was like Exzel had learned with her seductions.  Loyalty was not the word for what he wanted.  But this was how to make the alliance stronger, in addition to keeping his word.

He had already not been wearing much.  He did not see why the humans cared so much about clothes.  He might wear armor in serious battles, but otherwise he mostly just covered his most sensitive place, not vulgar enough to show that off all the time.  But he did not cover it much.  So it could come out quick if needed.

It was something of a mix of loin cloth and shorts.  He slid them down, quickly revealing himself.  A little bigger than the Futa version Exzel had used before.  Not unlike a human’s in size and shape.  He let her take a look at it before doing anything else.  Seeing if she wanted to touch it in any way, before taking another step.

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On one hand Emi did wish to properly taste the knight. Ryan's cum had been kind of sweet. Pleasant. What would Toshiro's be like? But then she had all night to try that out. Right now she was quite horny, having played witness to the act which had unfolded between him and her friend. It had been quite exciting to watch. Heck, perhaps the both of them could work on him in that way before the night's end! The man's squeeze against her squishy rump also seemed to hint that he was growing eager for what she too desired.

The hand upon Toshiro's sack lifted a little higher, just enough to grasp against the base of his cock. While she prepared her grip Emi leaned up further, planting a brief kiss against the man's lips. Such an act caused her cheeks to glow a brighter pink for a moment. Then she scooted back and lifted her hips, shivering with glee as the knight's thick meaty helmet brushed along her slit.

Okay. Second attempt!

Once she had felt that she'd lined herself up properly Emi began to lower herself, using gravity to assist in her efforts. A sharp breath escaped from her, ears flopping down and fingers squeezing more firmly as the tip very slowly stretched open her tiny hole. The bunny winced, whimpered, and then finally gasped as she settled back, sinking the head of Toshiro's cock into her moistened flower!

Ow! Big! Ooh that's going to be hard.

For the moment she paused, drawing in a few breaths while she prepared herself to go further!

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Zorn took his member out as Exzel continued to slide her hand down, her gentle touch and soft fingers soon reaching the base. She slid her fingers down his shaft pausing to massage around the rim of his head, as she looked at his equipment. "Mmmmmm." Giving him a taste of what was in store.

Her fingers left him after a moment of caressing. Her hands sliding under her dress, in seconds, her black lace panties were sliding down her perfect legs in one smooth motion, then let them drop on the floor. She took a deep breath, feeling wet, her body craving what she thought was coming. With a look in her eyes like she wanted it, needed it, her hands went down her neck unclasping her dress. Looking in Zorn's eye her hands went down her neckline, over her chest, pulling her thin dress down, until her full chest was bare. She had sizable breasts, not quite as big as Elie transformed, but still significant and suitable to her frame. She grabbed Zorn's hips, licking her purple lips, and pulled him closer to her. Touching the inside of one of his knees, her fingers trailed up his inner thigh until she found his balls. Very gently stroking the bottom of his sack, as she looked into his eyes. Her other hand grabbed him by his shaft, rubbing it and guiding it between her supple breasts, her perky, purple nipples hardening.

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It was hard for Zorn to be certain.  But it appeared Exzel was not just putting on a show, really wanted him.  It was pleasing, if that was the case.  It did not take much to finish hardening.  He had craved her body.  They both might enjoy this quite a bit.  

The touch of her fingers, breasts were pleasing.  She clearly had experience.  But was this new for her?  He asked the question out of genuine curiosity.  Not to manipulate or test her.  He was still a demon, he was cautious about being manipulated.  But he was giving her the benefit of doubt for now.  Believing she was being genuine.  “…That’s good…is this the first time?  Mating with another demon, because you want to?”  Doing it because she was ordered, to manipulate someone.  She had plenty of experience of experience with that, he knew.  But to do it because she wanted to.  Because she actually wanted him.  Was that new?  He was not going to rub it in, if it was.

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