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What was your first Roleplay?

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I suppose I should fill in the blanks of how I ended up being in the position where Temaelrin added me... although my origin story is not as detailed as his xD 

I came to roleplaying through a very different route. I was never one to hang around on chat rooms. It just... wasn't my thing. I was, however, an avid reader. When I was younger, I was also a bit of an anime fan at the time. My favourite one being Naruto but there were some other cartoons that I absolutely adored such as Xiaolin Showdown that absolutely fired up my imagination. So in the year of 2006 during my final year of school, I set up a FanFiction account where I began to write stories because the creative writing bug had really gotten to me. I did stories that covered numerous shows and even books such as the Inheritance Cycle.

But then when I left school, and started to attend a Sixth form college, my writing tastes began to change. I discovered the joys of yaoi, and I absolutely loved it. I started to want to write Naruto yaoi stories which weren't really appropriate for my rather PG Fanfiction account... so I created a second one where I started to publish story after story throughout my college years. I'm not going to say what my account was, since that's all old examples of my stories and some of them are pretty embarrassing. Although it is a very good measurement to see how I improved from the first story I published to the very last. I don't use it nowadays; I just don't have the interest anymore. I suppose if anyone is really that interested, they can ask me what the account was and I'll point you towards it. 

But, the account became very popular and I became one of those semi-famous people within the Naruto Yaoi community. The most popular story on the account, which I had written with a friend, amassed almost 2000 reviews which back then was a massive, massive deal xD It was weird that people would get all excited when they spoke to me through PM, or when I wrote a review on their own story.

In my second year of college, one of the authors I had regular contact with on the site, added me to MSN and we started talking more frequently. She introduced me to more authors and this is where my roleplaying started, since we picked one of the characters from Naruto and then rolled with it. I picked Deidara since, at the time, he was my favourite character. It was fun, at first, and Deidara hooked up with the Sasori of the group and became a 'couple'... until a few weeks later when it came to light that Sasori was 'cheating'... Oh boy that created a massive drama within the group and I pulled away with my first friend who had become like a sister to me who played Hidan, along with our 'big sister' who played Konan. We decided to set up our own group and everyone in the old one abandoned the person playing Sasori who was adamant in remaining in charge... until everyone had moved to our club and they reluctantly followed and decided to play Sasuke instead. I don't think they ever forgave us for our mutiny and stealing all of the group members away from her.

Overtime we got more members, and we grew in size and it was fun. I loved it. But, there was always something... lacking about it. It was mostly people just talking to one another in a large group chat window in MSN. Some of the members often did more private roleplays but I was never really able to find someone that would do that with me. Overtime the group began getting a bit fractured and drifting apart from one another. I ended up only interacting with a few of the members, most of them being much, much older than I was. Although, these days, I don't have contact with anyone from this group.

I can't remember the site we used, but it was some kind of primitive forum which would allow for me to write longer posts without the text restriction of instant messengers. But, unfortunately, none of the other members were too interested in doing anything really that serious so I was left with the desire for serious roleplay but no one to do it with. It was quite frustrating. Now, back to the club. Due to RP events, someone had decided to Neko-fy my character and I came the Master of the Neko's in the group. It's how my Bebo name came to be "SmexyNekoMaster"... and thus it was how @Temaelrin added me.

I remember at first, I didn't really know what to think when I saw his friend request. I looked at his profile and saw that he was after friends and looking for some serious roleplay. At that point, I was damn starved for it so I decided 'Fuck it' and accepted. I still remember his first words to me on MSN... "BRB having a smoke" with that cigarette emote at the end. It's something we both laugh about today. We got to talking, and we got to know each other and I felt that we hit it off really nicely. I really liked him, right from the offset. As Temaelrin said in his previous post, he explained about his ex and I pointed out what he had been doing wrong since I was a rather objective viewer in the situation. Granted, I had never actually been in a relationship at that point, but I knew that this relationship he had was toxic and shouldn't be allowed to continue. Truthfully, Temaelrin is my first relationship and most likely my last. We've been together for almost ten years now.

Then we got down to the roleplaying, and I was finally happy to have found a serious RP partner that was willing to learn from me and willing to test himself. I am so glad that I convinced him to convert to a more story format, because oh boy there was a hidden diamond inside of that rough. When I think about how he used to RP, and how he does now, it makes me feel exceptionally proud of Temaelrin. I remember at first with EcchiDreams, I wasn't actually too active but then I started getting into roleplaying and I've stuck like glue ever since, RPing with not just Temaelrin but others too although Temaelrin has always remained my main partner in crime. Then, of course, I was given the position of Roleplay Administrator and I picked that up and ran with it xD I turned their humble little High School into a University, and from there into a full blown city. It's my signature RP setting, along with a couple of others; Craethiel Kingdom (Adventure/Medieval), Andromeda (Sci-Fi) and Utopian Curse (Survival/Mystery). Creathiel represents the past events, Blackberry the current, and Andromeda is the future. Utopian Curse is more of a spin-off RP. Just read Temaelrin's for the other history since for us it's pretty much the same.

So, now you know how I got into RPing xD It was a little longer than I expected but I hope you enjoyed the ramble lol

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On 1/9/2018 at 13:28, Angela Daring said:


Damn, that brings back some memories. I met quite a few people through that site, and was at one point doing a relatively exclusive Yu-Gi-Oh! RP. It was kind of AU/OC, and our characters were all Millennium Item holders (we took some liberties with those, too). It wasn't my first RP (at least in the vague recollections I have of back then, as far as I know), but probably was my first group RP, and definitely one of the more enjoyable ones from my early days.

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Well, I left quite a bit out of my backstory, to be honest.  Reading @Temaelrin's story has got me wanting to talk about it.

I'll skip my DnD experiences because after the thief I started making characters from videogames and none of them ended well. After that, I started going on Gaia around August of 2004, where I created Terashi.  There's little I remember of his early days, but he had his own in called the Flames of Dissonance, though I did send him to other places of business from time to time.  I generally stuck in the Commerce section, hanging out in taverns and shit.  I always played Terashi as a polite, older gentleman, and while that got the attention of the ladies, most of the ones he got romantically involved with ended up being crazy in one way or another (though I don't doubt that some of the bad relationships were my fault in some way). So in 2018, I decided to create a character for Terashi to get romantic with.  This is where Keiko comes in.

Now, outside of Gaia, I also roleplayed in some Legend of the Green Dragon sites, and moved Terashi around in them, too. Never had much success relationship-wise, there, but I made friends and had fun.  Surprisingly, it was in one of these sites that Keiko started becoming her own person.  For the life of me, i can't remember when I made her a bunnygirl (she was probably like that when I made her Gaia account for her, but she'd been rooting around in my head long before I ever started roleplaying with her, thus she wasn't always one), but the largest chunk of her backstory was developed when she was on her own in LoGD sites.  I like Terashi and Keiko together, but sometimes, Keiko can be fun all on her own.

As far as Angela, she's basically just a female Terashi because I got into a genderbending kink (female versions of male characters, specifically) a few years ago.  She hasn't really had a chance to come unto her own yet, like Keiko has.

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  • 2 months later...

The first roleplay I ever did was a fantasy kingdom roleplay, which was unfortunately extremely short-lived. I think part of the problem was that everyone wrote 1000+ word posts (a few made it to the 2000 range and short posts were 500 words), which meant that things moved. really. slowly. Since it was my first roleplay, I went along with that post length haha...Also, I joined late (compared to everyone else) so of course all the royalty roles were taken (which I guess isn't a bad thing...for the RP to start, it was probably best that those central roles were filled first) so I played a maidservant who was helping with marriage arrangements. Thinking back on it, I would call her the absolute closest to a Mary Sue that I've ever created. Not my proudest moment.

The way I thought about it was, if I have a very minor role and I mess up, it's no big deal. The other people in the roleplay seemed kind of scary, honestly, and they didn't talk to me much, except for two of them. One of them played the only character my character interacted with very much. Her character was a thief that my maidservant ran into, and there was a good deal of snarking back and forth. The best way to make friends, you know? And that was nice, since it took off a bit of the Mary-Sue-ness from my character. Maybe. The other RPer was someone I ended up RPing with in subsequent roleplays. In fact, I'm in a roleplay with her right now, where I believe I owe her (and the others in that RP) a reply (dammit, why do I remind myself of these things...).

At the wedding, there was an assassination (of an inactive player). So, I also ended up playing a vigilante nobleman who was the first recipient of the assassination offer, who was now searching for the person who actually ended up carrying out the assassination. Aside from his serious moments, though, he mostly acted kind of ditzy. That was his cover-up act but mainly he was just a royal pain in the arse for everyone else who had the misfortune to meet him. Still, he was pretty well received, even though his role was likewise minor. In a way, that was a symptom of things to come.

To wrap up that first RP, what happened was we never got past the wedding. Everyone wrote essays of posts, and we managed to get to the assassination. My female character was watching fireworks with the thief and then the mood turned bad once the body was discovered. My male character was chasing after the assassin and actually caught her though he wasn't aware of it. Everyone's character was doing his or her respective thing. And then they vanished.

This will probably be quite unimpressive but it's true, so here it is: in various PG sites, I made at least 74 characters after that. I say at least because I only documented 74 of them...I'm very fond of my babies though!! Even the ones I didn't record...Q A Q For my first couple of RPs, I did generally play girls since I was most comfortable with that, but eventually necessity dictated that I play guys. Most of my fellow RPers were girls who only wanted to play girls. It's sort of crazy to think how important romance was for a lot of these RPers. And what's more, they were also generally hetero female players. This meant that, basically the only way to get any RPing in was to be a guy character. Therefore, towards the end, I was RPing almost exclusively male characters. Of course then there's a different issue with girls diving at your character, but that's not too difficult to avoid...if you make another character and have your boy fall in love with him/her ;3

In all seriousness though, that took my edge of RPing for a while (with that crowd specifically, too. Now on my PG places, I roleplay with my closer friends who also actually tend to make male characters, likely for similar reasons). There was drama here and there with girls fighting over pairing their characters with the few male characters that were around, and then there was also a bullying case that made one of my close friends leave (she also had health issues at the time). I helped document the case and contact admins to get the girls banned, but only for a month; rumor has it that they were buddies with the admins. On the other hand, people who wrote too much smut or too much gore could be banned for three months...It was an environment that made me question a lot of things.

Whew, well that turned darker than I was expecting... >n< but as far as the PG sites go, I guess that's a reflection of how my characters turned over time too, haha...I still try to switch things up a bit, but yes~ that's more or less my history in RP.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Neppy has recently uncovered screenshots of my first trolling RP. This would have been around the time I used the gothic/vamp chat site. The problem I was having at the time was people from there was adding me to MSN to cyber with me; and I really didn't want to most of the time, especially when a lot of them were catfish (Dudes pretending to be chicks usually for a different purpose after they get your trust). Man I had a cringe online name back then.

Basically I got tired of being butthurt with these people for trying and decided to start fucking with them instead; this is one such incident where I fucked with "Lexsis". 

November 5th 2007:-


Lexsis, if you ever find your way to EcchiDreams and read this, remembering this, then please note:

I was 17 at the time and no, I am not even sorry.

Edited by Temaelrin
Added bit at the bottom.
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Should've ended it with "u mad, bro? :trollface:" /jokes

Oh man, that was wild just to read through~. And a blast to the past as well! I think the last time that I ever saw anyone use MSN was nearly a decade ago now.

Reading that convo reminded me of this legendary Reddit post about an RP that keeps going in the wrong direction:


Original source: https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/6vxuxl/hes_been_begging_for_weeks_to_do_a_sexy_roleplay/


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hrmm... first rolepurrlay experience huh?

Well I roleplayed on a site called MSPARP, basically a rp site fur Homestuck roleplayers. I usually rolepurrlayed as a few characters, of course not getting all of them spot on. However my constant favorites were the characters Eridan Ampora, and Nepeta Leijon. My way of talking with cat puns is actually because of Nepeta, since she usually used such puns. The first rp I did EXACTLY... Hrmm... I don’t really remember, however I did do a certain rp scenario about the changing of bodies. It was amusing to me.

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Funnily enough, my first roleplay isn't sexual at all. It's actually closer to being wholesome. 

A sorceress girl born into a small village is profiteered by her family for her abilities. She enchants trinkets, performs spells and incantations, brews potions, and tells fortunes all for the sake of making her father smile. However, she knows she is being used and becomes quite jaded with the whole affair. 

One day, as she plans to run away she comes across a young boy. The boy is an inventor, who shows off his latest invention. It's a messy little black box that occasionally opens and the sound of a bird chirping plays, utterly worthless, and yet he's so delightfully proud of it that she ends up keeping it. The two befriend one another and when she learns that the boy comes from a troubled home as well, they agree to run away together. 

Years later, the boy is a travelling merchant selling his wares. The sorceress follows him as a companion as the two try to sell his inventions to villages they pass by as they travel the world. As they traverse continents, they encounter new civilizations and new cultures. Their friendship strengthens with every new adventure... 

Edited by Zolasani
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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My first roleplay was back in the good ole Myspace days. I was in high school (early 2000's) and really just needed a way to escape when a friend I had met in a chatroom I moded in recommended roleplaying. And at first I was confused but as I LOVE writing I quickly fell down the rabbit hole. My first character's name was Scarlett and she was a twin with an older fraternal brother. Her hair was my favorite thing about her because it was orange and red like fire. 

She was so fiery and fun to play as with other people. But the main one I roleplayed with as Scarlett was a girls other character, (she played the twin and for the life of me I cant remember what he was named; sorry scarlett lol). Weeelllll, Scarlett was obsessed with her brother and he in turn was also obsessed with her. they were very greedy of each other and absolutely viewed everyone else as less than. (Talk about putting someone on a pedestal)

We ended their story line by her getting pregnant with his kid, and he ended up dying in a car crash. It was very emotional and psychological. It was really challenging for me at first but it taught me a lot about roleplaying.

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Jeez. The first role play I ever did.

It was when I was... Like... 12, maybe? Maybe 13-14? Anyways I sucked, it was about a kid who was essentially Elsa, horrible character development and all, except he wasn't royalty, he was an orphan who was afraid because he couldn't escape the cold. He met a girl who had the same problem with fire. I played that character for many years, then retired him with a respectful death and moved on to better things. 

I like to think I've improved dramatically as a role player since then cause boy do I look back and cringe at some of my concepts.

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Oh dear, time to open up the box of absolutely terrible ideas.

My roleplaying days actually started around when I was nine, right after I finally got my mitts on Pokemon Diamond. God, that game was amazing, and I liked it, but I was bad at it, oh well. That's not the point, though. The point is mainly Cynthia, the champion of Sinnoh. To say I liked Cynthia's design was an understatement. She was my first (I didn't know this was the word at the time) waifu, if you could call it that. Something I was really oblivious about, however, was the fact that those beads in her hair? Yeah, I thought those were cat ears. So my dumbass thought she had cat ears and nobody paid any attention to it. I was trying to find some way to make more interaction with the character, and I ended up writing the worst possible thing: a fanfiction. Dear god, I look back at that thing and actually retch, it was that bad. It wouldn't be for a few years later that actual roleplaying became a thing for me. 

Now, my first roleplay was based off of a video game, so that's the first hint. Most would have guessed Pokemon, or Final Fantasy, or an RPG. It wasn't an RPG.

It wasn't a puzzle game with anime girls all over it.

It wasn't a bullet hell game. 

No, of all the fucking series in the world, it was Dance Dance Revolution. Specifically SuperNOVA. You see, every few years, they change the design of the characters drastically, to the point you can't recognize them at all. Look at Emi from the DDRMAX/Extreme era and then see the SuperNOVA era Emi, and you'll see what I mean. I actually really liked her design, and wanted to see if anyone had made a story about her. Turns out there was something better: someone in an internet group I was in looking for someone to essentially write it with them. And thus began my first roleplay, a DDR roleplay in which Emi... Just lived a normal life. It wasn't anything crazy, to be honest, I had tried making a few characters show a romantic interest, but I didn't really understand how to show that at the time (and I can't say that I do now, if we're being honest). That died out quickly. Fun fact though: I still play DDR to this day, and at one point I was the best in my state. Also, hot damn, looking up these characters to remember their names also makes me realize how young they canonically are. I suppose it makes sense but then again...

I wouldn't do any roleplaying again until about 3 years ago or so, when the awkward hentai phase began. I was trying to find sites to roleplay on that would allow roleplays of the sexual nature, and it was then I found the great cesspit that I will only refer to as "FCN".  If you know what it is, it got a lot worse than you remember. The site had a lot of glaring issues, mainly the endless bots and people trying to get nudes of children (which quite frankly makes me wonder why the site is still up), as well as a lack of ability to save posts (once your browser closes, you can't see what you posted) and the character limit per post was abysmally short. Half decent replies would take a whole 3 posts to actually send in their entirety. However, in the mire of bots and pedophiles, there were some actually good roleplayers there, and I am ashamed to say I was not one of them by any standard. I made some good "friends" there, and I still hop on it once a month or so to see how they're doing. One of them, however, ended up showing me to a Discord server of all places, and I'm still quite active there to this day. It was where I came up with my roleplaying username. To no surprise, I use a separate username on the rest of the Internet than when I'm roleplaying. The name is actually from some obscure DS game, to the point that looking up the name won't show the game at all. As time went on, I wanted to find a new site, one that would fix the problems of FCN while still having an active community that I would grow to like. Then I found this one wierd site, I think it was called EcchiDreams or something? Eh, probably wasn't that big a site, I don't remember much about it.

This was when I got really into roleplaying. My first roleplay here actually started on accident, while looking at EcchiChat. I was no longer in the awkward hentai phase (now it was just the hentai phase) and I was veey much into nekos at the time, and their username caught my eye. TimidNekomimi, I believe it was at the time. I speak, of course, of @Nyaa~Chan, and oh my, that roleplay took some very crazy twists and turns. It's since calmed down into what I like to think is a wholesome loving relationship between a neko and a human, but ever since she vanished, I've just been hoping she's alright. 

Since I've joined this site, a lot of the people I've roleplayed with have moved on, or become more busy, and I understand that. I just hope they come back once in a while, to check on their old friends they had made, and the worlds they helped to build, but at the same time... I want to keep building those worlds. Those worlds are what bring light into my life for the most part, and it really does make me realize how much I like roleplaying with this community. I may not always reply immediately, or within the same day, or even the same month sometimes, but I make sure it's worth the wait. I only hope it actually is.

TL;DR: I started because Pokemon made me horny and write a fanfiction dear god.

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I don’t remember my first specifically, but I remember the one that got me really hooked. I started out needing a creative outlet and a way to help my writing and figured the RP scene might be a good way to flex my creative muscles a bit and create some fun stories, live out fantasies etc. I started on the Free Yourself roleplaying, a site that I honestly have no clue of it still exists or not, and fell in love with RP after a Werewolf x Hunter romance story with the first partner I ever had that I actually connected with a bit ooc for a while, it was a great time and lasted longer than any RP I’ve ever had, but as all things generally do it sort of faded away after a while, but it’s one of the only early role plays I did that I still think about.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was years ago on Yahoo Groups, either late 2000 or early 2001 (technically it was eGroups at the start, then Yahoo bought them, which was not an improvement).  It went through numerous shifts.  The core points was that it was set in a fictional school and said school involved plenty of dueling between the students (the person who started it was inspired by 'Revolutionary Girl Utena', pretty obscure but if you know you will see the inspiration).  The original version was yuri.  The original creator was fairly inactive when I joined and disappeared shortly afterwards.  Me and (mostly) one other person essentially took it over.  We also took it in unexpected directions.  My first character, her main main one and two side characters somehow became the literal Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and went on what would become known in the story as "The Massacre".  Whole lot of blood, and then lots of sex and quick pregnancies/child birth (using temporary futa states to accomplish such).  The aftermath of that was focused on for a while and then she disappeared.

Later I decided to make a new version that kept that background history but dropped the yuri aspect for male and female characters.  A number of new people came though again, though again one was truly long term.  A heavy 'free use' aspect to the whole campus was added as well, and seemed at least somewhat original back then.  The Horsemen aspect was expanded to add a whole pantheon of gods.  And the story was about a cold war of sorts between them.  Then it got more complicated, with time travel, alternate universes and such.  It really was considerably more complicated than this summary suggests later on.

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I would have to say my first one would have to be on Yu-Gi-Oh! Online. It was really simple stuff and then I moved to gmail with someone I met on Phantasy Star 2's online mode. It started to go up from there and I just remember some of the old cringe I roleplayed. I'm so glad that I've gotten better over the years.

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  • 1 month later...

My first roleplay was tabletop RPGs with my older brothers friends - old school Dungeons and Dragons. They kept trying to sleep with NPCs and eventually with my character. Then I started "writing" with two of his friends, which turned into sexual roleplays, which turned into assumptions that I wanted to do all that stuff in real life, etc.

My first online one-on-one roleplay was probably on... Yahoo? either than or IRC. Then I moved onto IMVU, which was fun for a while, and tried Second Life but my computer was old and didn't run it well. Then I floated around trying to find other site. Elliquiy and Red Light District were my most recent, although Red Light closed. 

I think even my old tabletop days, my characters were more sexual than anyone else. 

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On 26/09/2019 at 18:47, SataiRolePlayingGuy said:

It was years ago on Yahoo Groups, either late 2000 or early 2001 (technically it was eGroups at the start, then Yahoo bought them, which was not an improvement).  It went through numerous shifts.  The core points was that it was set in a fictional school and said school involved plenty of dueling between the students (the person who started it was inspired by 'Revolutionary Girl Utena', pretty obscure but if you know you will see the inspiration).  The original version was yuri.  The original creator was fairly inactive when I joined and disappeared shortly afterwards.  Me and (mostly) one other person essentially took it over.  We also took it in unexpected directions.  My first character, her main main one and two side characters somehow became the literal Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and went on what would become known in the story as "The Massacre".  Whole lot of blood, and then lots of sex and quick pregnancies/child birth (using temporary futa states to accomplish such).  The aftermath of that was focused on for a while and then she disappeared.

Later I decided to make a new version that kept that background history but dropped the yuri aspect for male and female characters.  A number of new people came though again, though again one was truly long term.  A heavy 'free use' aspect to the whole campus was added as well, and seemed at least somewhat original back then.  The Horsemen aspect was expanded to add a whole pantheon of gods.  And the story was about a cold war of sorts between them.  Then it got more complicated, with time travel, alternate universes and such.  It really was considerably more complicated than this summary suggests later on.

Turns out this needs an update.  Yahoo decided it is time for Yahoo Groups to be shut down.  While it had been inactive a while due to various causes on my side, the other person that has been the main other writer does want us to get writing it again.  The Yahoo shut down naturally complicates things.  I suggested moving it over here, but the final decision has not been made yet.  Would be interesting if it does come over here.  I have tried bringing a few of my old ideas here before, no real success yet.  This one should at least be active, and others are welcome to join, though with so many years of content written so far, jumping in would be complicated.

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