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What was your first Roleplay?

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6 hours ago, Aim2Plz said:

Everything just appears way more grandiose as a kid doesn’t it? I remember crafting long stories that I’d probably slap myself on the forehead trying to comprehend now.

Also yo Negima! Haha, one of my first introductory “harem” animes. I was always a soyboy and digged me some Nodoka.

Heck yeah to both of those. I keep some of my longest attempts at personal writing handy to remind myself "hey, be proud of yourself, look at how productive you were as a kid, writing all this out with dreams of like, one day prepping for publication"... but also to embarrass myself into trying to improve a little bit every time I read it. And maaan, the first like, nine volumes of Negima were some of my favorite times in manga, and probably what inspired little me to take a stab at harem/open romance and eventually ERP. Like, my kingdom for the experience of getting to RP something inspired by a good Negima doujin or the like, :D.

All the girls were cool, even if the series couldn't give most of 'em enough love. Clearly, I'm on a bit of a Konoka kick, though, xD. One of the big itches I was looking to scratch when I joined was a chance to play a few games as kinky Konoka, but I was a bit nervous that I'd kinda come across as a huge dork fussing after some outdated manga. Community's been pretty cool though. 🙂

Edited by Konoka
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My first RP experience was as unoriginal as it sounds- Skype. I had a friend (who sadly doesn't speak to me much anymore- moved on with other friends with more of her interests) who was as obsessed with the anime Bleach as I was. We basically created our own little characters within the universe and just went ham.

The only thing that I hated about those moments as she was the only person that I RPed with. Normally, that wouldn't be much of an issue but she was one of those people that made Mary Sues. With that, it became extremely difficult to have those generic anime fights and whatever have you. Since then, I've branched out and found RP websites (along with finding a more closer friend who was into RPing) to broaden my experience. Eventually, I found this website to continue on with growing more knowledge and experience on RPing. 

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According to my logs, (Yes, I've kept my logs or at least most I could save), I first started roleplaying in 1998, on MSN messenger... Back then, you could imagine how messy it was but my partner and I were already original in our youths with changing names and profile pictures. The agreed manner of cooperation was each starting to create a world and build on it, make a story from start to end (we made sure the two worlds were connected so characters from a world could have an adventure in the other) and we switched lead between each stories. It started on my side with ideas directly from the usual JRPGs of those times to more original stuff and slowly evolved from years to years, always growing bigger and bigger with more and more characters, eventually leading to a script I found and edited for changing characters and images easier. We effectively turned MSN messenger into a roleplaying machine.

I've had two serious long time roleplay partners in my life and basically did roleplay over 12 hours a day for decades. I have an entire library of logs that take forever to read. x.x but I feel it was worth it since it allowed me to evolve as a roleplayer, always improving in one way or another. Though, even nowadays, I keep learning new things about roleplaying that allow me to improve still while sometimes bringing back characters from the past to visit new (and veteran) roleplayers for nostalgia sake. While roleplaying is a forever learning experience, I also try to help others improve and hopefully have fun with them while doing it. And so, EcchiDreams is where I found myself, seeking for more epic adventures with other people.

By the way, sorry if I write so much but I am just very passionate about it. Some people may think I've wasted my life but I hold dear memories filled with emotions from everything I've created and sharing it with others is a wonderful joy. So far, I've never come to regret it. Anyway, that sums up my entire roleplay experience. Bye bye for now. :3

Edited by Seraphina
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On 08/08/2020 at 08:55, Seraphina said:

According to my logs, (Yes, I've kept my logs or at least most I could save), I first started roleplaying in 1998, on MSN messenger... Back then, you could imagine how messy it was but my partner and I were already original in our youths with changing names and profile pictures. The agreed manner of cooperation was each starting to create a world and build on it, make a story from start to end (we made sure the two worlds were connected so characters from a world could have an adventure in the other) and we switched lead between each stories. It started on my side with ideas directly from the usual JRPGs of those times to more original stuff and slowly evolved from years to years, always growing bigger and bigger with more and more characters, eventually leading to a script I found and edited for changing characters and images easier. We effectively turned MSN messenger into a roleplaying machine.

I've had two serious long time roleplay partners in my life and basically did roleplay over 12 hours a day for decades. I have an entire library of logs that take forever to read. x.x but I feel it was worth it since it allowed me to evolve as a roleplayer, always improving in one way or another. Though, even nowadays, I keep learning new things about roleplaying that allow me to improve still while sometimes bringing back characters from the past to visit new (and veteran) roleplayers for nostalgia sake. While roleplaying is a forever learning experience, I also try to help others improve and hopefully have fun with them while doing it. And so, EcchiDreams is where I found myself, seeking for more epic adventures with other people.

By the way, sorry if I write so much but I am just very passionate about it. Some people may think I've wasted my life but I hold dear memories filled with emotions from everything I've created and sharing it with others is a wonderful joy. So far, I've never come to regret it. Anyway, that sums up my entire roleplay experience. Bye bye for now. :3

Woof, I miss those old msn text sounds. Damn, I didn't even know there was a way for you to keep logs of old msn convos back in the day. It must be really cool for you to see how much you've progressed and learned! 

Also, psh, anyone who judges you for what you enjoy doing is just a hypocrit or has too much damn time on their own hands to worry about what you are doing. Role play is a great stretch of the imagination, helps with your creative and persuasive writing, teaches communication and teamwork, and helps you explore ideas that are both in and out of your comfort zone. I am sure my wpm count has drastically increased because of me always wanting to role play all the time. Wear that badge with pride friend and I hope there are many more years of smut and role play in your future!


On 08/08/2020 at 02:50, HoltSajin said:

My first RP experience was as unoriginal as it sounds- Skype. I had a friend (who sadly doesn't speak to me much anymore- moved on with other friends with more of her interests) who was as obsessed with the anime Bleach as I was. We basically created our own little characters within the universe and just went ham.

The only thing that I hated about those moments as she was the only person that I RPed with. Normally, that wouldn't be much of an issue but she was one of those people that made Mary Sues. With that, it became extremely difficult to have those generic anime fights and whatever have you. Since then, I've branched out and found RP websites (along with finding a more closer friend who was into RPing) to broaden my experience. Eventually, I found this website to continue on with growing more knowledge and experience on RPing. 

God, I could never get into role play fighting with another actual person. I figured that's what other tabletop games were for where there is hard set rules and math involved. Either way, Skype  was a platform I used to keep role playing with old friends of mine and I loved it for it's log system. Least you are in a place that helps foster and bring in walks from all different places so you can explore and learn more about role playing!


On 05/08/2020 at 17:18, Alexander Bodide said:

I too followed the path from G+ to Mewe, but there was some stuff before that.

I did in my early teens experiment with non-lewd forum RP, but it didn't hold my interest at all. Then on my 18th birthday (yes I waited like a good boy), I downloaded Second Life and visited an adult area for some cheap thrills. This was just one-liner stuff like "*fucks harder*, *moans*". Technically this was my first sexual interaction with another human being. SL kinda sucks so I did not revisit it very much.

A website hosting adult flash games put up a game where you create an avatar to play strip blackjack with real people. Quickly the lobby for this game turned into RP ads, and you could join a person's table to roleplay with them while ignoring the card game. I had some fun here and sharpened my skills a bit, but it was still not ideal.

Then I discovered that Google+ had a huge ERP scene. The name I use here is the pseudonym I created on the spot to make an RP account there. This is where I really came into my own and developed my own style, and I really enjoyed the format too. The only bad thing was trying to dodge the moderation, and sometimes seeing your friends get the banhammer.

After I had already been on G+ for some time, I found this place! I played here alongside G+ for a while. Eventually G+ died and I migrated to Mewe. Mewe seemed like it would be good, and for a while it was, but there were a lot more rude people it seemed like, and a lot more social media drama bullshit. Got ghosted by lots of people, and once the site started gaining popularity they too started banning lewd accounts.

For a very short time I experimented with discord ERP servers. I don't think I understand the culture there, they're super hung up on strict rules and I had people getting mad when I didn't reply literally within 15 minutes. No thanks.

Eventually I fully committed to making this my RP home. Very very happy here, of course!

My god, the true warrior of light has finally come! Did you ask for parent's permission before you logged into Disney.com as well? That takes serious conviction to accomplish and I salute you. That's pretty cool about the G+, never heard of Mewe so not sure what that website is. 

I tried my hand in discord servers too, the entitlement and the way some people acted definitely gave me a bad vibe. I was having some fun with a few individuals but I had to quit due to my job taking higher precedence at the time. Feel bad because there were some potential long term partners there that I had to ghost unfrotunately. Hope you are liking this place as well! Also, gonna add as a side note, I love the 0^2 pic you got going on there, crystal shards multiplayer was my crack growing up. 

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I was 11 when I first started. It was on YouTube waaaay back in 2006 lol. I had a lot of people teach me what it was on this random web game called Tactics Arena Online. It was when Naruto first released that I started getting more experienced. Because my first roleplay experience was using Sakura when I created a YouTube account. I didn't get into erp until 13. Again, I was taught more than just finding out on my own. My first hentai obsession was Neko Works with Vanilla and Chocola by Sayori. It's called NekoPara now but that's what it was in the past. This isn't the same thing but I also LOVED to write fanfic stories. I remember typing out 10+ pages to myself. Horrible grammar but I loved how it felt to let my creativity soar as a child. 😅 I just read fanfics now, since roleplaying fills that void for me in creative writing.

Edited by Azalyn
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On 05 agosto 2020 at 6:18 PM, Alexander Bodide said:

A website hosting adult flash games put up a game where you create an avatar to play strip blackjack with real people. Quickly the lobby for this game turned into RP ads, and you could join a person's table to roleplay with them while ignoring the card game. I had some fun here and sharpened my skills a bit, but it was still not ideal.

Oooh, here it is, another fellow from OSB! I knew I could meet at least one here. XD

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I think I did my first rps back in like 2008 or 9 on a website called chatango in my very early teens.  It was kind of like here, actually.  Did some fandom rps and erps.  It was a pretty wild time.  Think I got catfished on there once but I never confirmed.


Though, if you count some of the garbage I did on IRC chats and AIM messenger, It might be like 2006 even.

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 Its funny.  it's not real life ; but the  Connections you make when you bare your soul and your art out for someone. It matters  even if it's  years later.   I think  i was only able  to keep in contact  with one. But man as a kid  they were so important  to me. 

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I guess this is as good a place as any to talk about my (rather short) roleplaying 'career':

I only started RPing 3 or so years back on a mobile app called mRPG (it's still up,, if anyone's interested). I don't remember what was the first one I joined, but the most memorable of them certainly was a RWBY roleplay where everyone had their own OC character, with the original cast serving as teachers for the new generation. Best thing - in that roleplay my character really hit it off with another, and just somehow after a fight they both got some lesbian bondage action in a bathroom. I was oh so very surprised by that, but I think I was rather good at it, considering that it was most certainly the first time ERPing for me.

Surprisingly, a talk about the app also got me into a D&D group with a choirmate of mine, and I'm still a part of it, even though the scheduling is a nightmare. But that isn't really a large part of my story.

Later on, I found that the people on the app were mainly overseas and I would need to be awake in the day to RP with them (since the app is meant to be played 'in the moment when everyone is available', no matter what the description says), as well as quite a few of the RPs I joined fell apart quickly because the GM or a fair bit of players left, so I bounced from there and wandered the internet in search of other RP platforms. For a while I settled on Discord servers, but again, most of their members were based in the States. While at first I tried going to sleep later to squeeze in some RP time together with them, I began losing concentration in classes and falling asleep, so that didn't work. I tried looking for some (relatively new) roleplay servers that had members from mainly Europe, but my luck was just terrible with that, since some asked to know German or French (which I know nothing of) or Russian (which I am terrible at), or had horrifying grammar or constant one-liners, and that had me wandering once again.

Then for a while I discovered that Reddit had a few roleplaying subreddits, with plenty of smutty ones, and I eagerly jumped in. Sadly, most of the partners ghosted me after just a few messages, probably after having their lust sated enough, or began bombarding me with requests of sending them pictures of me. So, I once again scoured the internet and somehow lucked out on finding EcchiDreams.

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  • 4 months later...

Lemme join in on that one. My roleplaying career started on exactly 2012 May 18, 09:28:59 when I registered in a My little Pony, Friendship is Magic forum. Specifically, one that up to that point was having a fan made MMORPG in the works. She show was at its peak, people in the forums were nice, so I made my first OC ever a few days before and used his name ever since. Yup. Lusterless Nova is a pony name! The truth is out!!!

Anyway. My first posts were one liners more or less because I admit, I had no idea what I was doing. One of my most memorable roleplays was an exploration into a desert with multiple friends, and my character using his summons to support the group most of the time. Another one was about saving a friend from nightmares by going in inception style. Oh! And another one was about exploring a scary mansion and solving puzzles, though that was with another character. Seeing how everyone had fun with some decent roleplays, I even made my very own later that revolved around my own elements. If you're unfamiliar, in MPL there are magic accessories called Elements of Harmony. All in all, they are a Mc Guffin. So I made my own with a Soul Elements theme, which revolved not about traits, but emotions of their bearers. All in all, I had some good times there... until the first galacon. When I arrived and saw that all the rumors of how MPL fans looked were true, I ran (nur left but RAN) the FUCK out of that fanbase and with that the forums.

But the need to write was still there, so I went looking for a more general site. And my first find was a hit, resulting in me finding a roleplay site that rhymes with Ikaku (can't name it without breaking ToS). This is where things got more technical. People there had... how to put it? Standards? Or at least higher ones than I was used to. So I went to the help and assist pages of that site, refined my writing, made new characters, liked but not loved my posts, went back to refining, and from there on out its rinse and repeat. Again, very satisfying experience since this was really rewarding throughout.


But why am I here you may ask? Because there is someone I want to avoid on my old site mainly (it's story on its own that I put onto ED earlier and involves someone I call Red) and because my old site did not allow me to write something. Something I desperately craved, desired, NEEDED in my life. I'm talking about the little ones, also known as jailbait, and most pleasant letters to ever run of your tongue. Loli~

So one day I got onto ED thanks to google, looked around, rules around loli were there but unclear, and after hopping on the discord and asking around, I was told that so long as I don't post nsfw images, I can do to the little ones whatever I like. ...How should I describe my feelings about this?



Yup. I think that sums it up. So yeah. Now I lewd and let lewd the little ones, carefully abide by the rules, and living the dream. The Ecchi Dream~

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  • 1 year later...

Strange, I thought I posted a reply here before, but don't see it.


Yahoo Groups.  Over 20 years ago.  After they shut down, and several periods of extended inactivity on my part (for different reasons and I am trying make sure does not happen again),  I am picking it up again here, anyone else can join in if they want to.  It has been mostly 2 of us playing this over the years, but others can join and have participated.  You've probably seen it on the active club list recently.



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Well i certainly recall yahoo groups... was i think circa '01 or '02. But  as far as I recalled i only ever just sota lurked in the more steamy chat rooms might of been another instant messenger based chat room system but i think it was yahoo)

However the first RP i can  recall- and that i cosider to be my first .  was 2007so i was... lets see 18 at the time if my math is correct. Yes i was way late to the party but then again i spent  preteen/teen years reading lemons, looking at doujins... and of course dealing with dial up. ut yeah  07 , was on a digimon fan site (withthewill)  was pretty fun... made af ew friends thanks to that cause the GM went did thier own forum just for digimon RPs  which led to meeting other digimon fans. Then i discovered ERP stuff in i tihnk 2016 or so ... so i've only been enjoying this flavor of fun for like 6 years. I cant quite recall my first ERP so it must no of been all that impressive must of been one of the many that died a few replies in.

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How old am i when i use FB again? 10...12...i think when i'm 13 at the time? Wait, i think around 15 years old on FB.

Yeah i know, you probably think i RPing on the instant messenger but nope, we RPing on the status wall...as you can tell, it end up into a pile of long mess before we decide to get it together in group message. Since we talk about FB, some NSFW media isn't allowed or else we're banned. So we kind of play it semi-gentle...if there's such term between nudging porn and ToS at the same time.

But eh, it didn't take long for me to experience it as the admin of the group screwed themselves silly and lock the group and quit in hissy fit for taking things personally so there's that. 

What is the first RP i had in there? Your basic student daily life in high school. See? Very basic. That's why i never flaunt others about my RP experience because it was piss poor compared to others. But hey, at least i got something to talk about for a pep talk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hm , these certainly are interesting experiences. Mine's quite bland by comparison ... I started ERP just last year , around March. I never even knew it was called that , but the person I was talking to on this weird app called Simlr  just wrote a line and though i thought the sentence was a bit odd , i understood they were somehow , acting in the words , so I followed their lead and grew more sure with time. 

Apart from there I've also done  a lot of ERP on this game pimd , there's a lot of ERP there. I started to want to find a place where I could meet people who are more seriously  into RP so i did a Google Search and found this site.

I don't have much experience with non-lewd RP , though I am trying to get into it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I started where a lot of role players started. 

Gaiaonline. 🤮🤮🤮

I remember the cringey role plays, the excessive vampires and werewolves, the terrible writing, the even more terrible storytelling and me just trying to blossom as a budding writer who wanted more out of the people I played with, even though I wasn't an expert j became familiar with what Mary Sue and Gary Stu meant very quickly.

I tried going back to it now that I'm experienced after leaving it for a long time, and happily. It's just as toxic a space as it ever was, the wannabe elitist weebs are fucking pathetic lmfao.

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While I don't remember how old I was at the time (at the very least, it was still when I was very active in the MKW community, so I was probably in high school at the very least), I do know that I started on a Pokemon forum that has long died, which had a section for RPs.  If memory serves, it was something to do with Cipher from Colosseum and XD experimenting on humans and giving them Pokemon DNA in order to use like heartless weapons or something.  I can't remember the details, but I know for sure that was the first RP I had constructed.

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These memories are super fuzzy to me, because no lie, I was RPing back when I was >10 years old. Juno, AOL. Most of it until I got older - until I was like 15, 16, was wild horse RPs on forum sites made with angelfire and geocities.

Honestly I think my writing has gotten worse over the years. Yes, I said it. I think I wrote better as a child!

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