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Warning: This Side Story will contain scenes of a graphic nature. This includes, but is not limited to, Heterosexual sex, First time. If you find either of these themes distasteful, then please do not read.

18 hours ago, Aura said:

This was him. The man Natia had waited her entire life to meet. At first, she had her reservations. She expected an Aequu. Another tribe whom she could share with her people, where all of her friends could meet new husbands and wives and share their children. She thought he would just show up one day and it would be the happiest day of her life. She had no idea it would happen immediately after the greatest tragedy she'd ever experienced. Yet here she was in his arms, kissing the love of her life whom she'd only known for a day. Their lips pressed firmly together, her whole body hot and flaring up, as if she were just getting started. Cera had answered her prayers. Not in any of the ways she'd expected, but in so many more beautiful ways. She'd learned so much more than she'd ever thought. Rowan's hands exploring her body only helped her to understand her purpose here more. Rowan needed her as much as she need him. Though she couldn't fully understand what for, she knew he needed her. Perhaps he had been lonely or isolated... whatever the case, she was never going to leave his side from this day forward. 

Her breath was bated as their lips pulled apart. she slowly pieced together the words she wanted to say.  "Then I am yours..." Her face cradled in his hands, she knew that couldn't be anything short of the truth. She didn't want to ruin the moment by speaking to much, but it was clear from the feelings coursing through her body, the feelings Cera had given her that she only felt from the lewdest of fantasies... She bit her lip again and looked up at Rowan in silence, her head cocked slightly and her silver hair draped over her shoulder. She couldn't at all think of how exactly she could word such an embarrassing request. She could tell, though, that the same thing had been on Rowan's mind for a while, even if she had been ignorant of it before. It was just a feeling in the air. 

"I'm your girl, Rowan. Please... show me what that means to you... Show me exactly what you want from me. There's no shame anymore. You've proven you deserve it. I will do everything I can to make your wishes come true!"

Participants: Rowan and Natia
Description: After rescuing Natia from Rosayia Forest, Rowan and Natia have begun to grow closer to each other as a love has started to blossom between the two, and the tension between them has reached breaking point. The two have stopped in a small clearing where they have made a frank admission to their feelings for one another and they have become more intimate with one another in their desire to give each other everything.


Rowan watched as Natia bit her lip, causing him to shiver slightly as a stab of desire shot through him. It was such a small, endearing gesture that struck a chord deep inside of him. He found it absolutely adorable, and he had to restrain himself from kissing her face off. He stilled as he listened to her words, her silent offer to give him everything. His will could not deny her such a request. She had managed to neatly wrap him around her little finger and she hadn’t even realised it. He smiled at her in return, “Then I will show you just what you mean to me.” He told her in a soft whisper, his lips brushing against hers for a moment before he began to kiss her again. The pressure was light, the kiss almost chaste as his hands moved, lightly tracing down her pale neck before moving down her sides in light, teasing touches. As his hands settled on her pale thighs, he started to deepen the kiss, pressing his tongue into her mouth as the kiss became more passionate and heated. He wasn’t that surprised to find that she tasted like wild fruits, a taste that suited her and a taste that he found addicting. 

As he distracted her with his mouth, his fingers moved up underneath the tunic that she was wearing. He delighted in the feeling of her soft flesh under his fingertips, both soft and warm at the same time. It made him desire more of her. Already his own cock was reacting, but he ignored it in favour of putting his entire focus on Natia. His hands slipped up further, causing the tunic to hitch up as he ran his hands up her sides as he explored her small, slim body. He marvelled at how delicate she felt, and yet he couldn’t help but to want more. His hands moved around her back, before pulling her closer to him so that their bodies were pressed against each other, sharing their warmth with one another. A groan almost made its way out of his throat, because of how perfectly her body molded to him, as if she belonged there. He just wanted to clutch her to him, and never let her go.

As his lungs started to protest the lack of air, Rowan pulled back, panting softly. He couldn’t help but to give her sweet lips one more kiss before pulling backwards slightly. He looked at her, an amused twinkle in his eyes before he suddenly pulled the tunic up and off of her. Instead of throwing it aside though, he put it down in front of him so that he could use it to make Natia more comfortable, so that the sticks wouldn’t be poking up into her painfully. Considering what she was like, and how her people lived, it seemed fitting that her first time would be outside in the wilderness like this. But now that she was naked, he pulled back to roam his eyes over her body as he drank in the sight of her flesh on full display, “Beautiful…” He murmured softly before looking up into her eyes once again before leaning forwards and capturing her lips for another searing kiss. He was having trouble controlling his lustful desire for her, but he was managed to keep a leash on himself. His desire to make her feel good, to give her mind-blowing pleasure far outweighed his desire to just fuck her. She was too precious to him to simply use to get his rocks off. His hands moved once again, moving up her sides before lightly gripping her shoulders. With his grip on her, he shifted them, moving them so that Natia was now lying down on the tunic that he had stripped from her. He pulled back from the kiss, gazing down into her eyes to see her reaction.

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Natia could feel Rowan's soft lips against her own as he spoke. He was so tantalizingly close, all she could think about was closing the gap. She hardly understood what he had just said before she felt those same lips pressing firmly against hers. It was a somewhat familiar feeling but, like before, there was something different here. Almost like an underlying sense of hunger. Like there was something the both of them had been starving for this whole time. Yet it was still refined. Rowan was taking his time, his kiss was so light that their lips were barely touching. He wasn't just stuffing his face like some animal. He was taking his time, enjoying every step of the way. Teasing her, playing with her. Perhaps he wanted her to kiss him the way she had previously. Yet, at the same time it felt like he had something planned, like he was leading up to something. She couldn't just interrupt him and ruin whatever it was. She could feel his fingertips lightly grazing over her tunic down her sides. The moment she felt his fingers make contact with her skin, her whole body shuddered with excitement again. By the time Rowan had slipped his tongue into her mouth, Natia's breath was heavy and her whole body was so hot that she was beginning to sweat underneath the clothes. She could feel his tongue exploring her mouth. She was no stranger to this feeling, but it meant something completely new now. She wasn't just getting more comfortable with him. She was his. That was the single message this kiss gave her, and that thought did nothing but make her melt into his arms. His tongue was masculine and dominant, a bit forceful, yet it still carried his same charismatic grace, making sure she was aware she could back out at any time. But it was also confident enough to know that she would be crazy to back out now. 

She was so focused on the feeling of Rowan's tongue exploring her mouth that she had almost forgotten about his hands, which were slowly creeping their way up her tunic. Rowan had given it to her, it was only natural he could take it off of her whenever he felt. Yet, Rowan continued to demonstrate his patience further. She wasn't embarrassed in the slightest as her tunic had been hiked up enough to show off a portion of her ass. After all, the only one who could see it was him. He then curled his arm around her and pulled her whole body against his. She let out a quiet moan. They hadn't ever gotten quite this close before. Sure, he's held her tight against him, but never so... tenderly. 

When Rowan pulled away from the kiss, Natia found her own lips following after his once again. She opened her eyes with an embarrassed blush before she felt another kiss being planted in its place. When he pulled back again, she could do nothing but smile up at him before she felt her tunic being removed as she had expected to happen much earlier. She quickly brought her arms up to cover her nipples in embarrassment but was surprised to see that Rowan didn't just toss her tunic to the side. Sure, it was his tunic, so it made sense why he would take extra care with it, but what the gentleman did for her next truly took her by surprise. He laid the tunic gently on the ground for her so that she wouldn't be disturbed by the twigs and coarse dirt. It was such a small and insiginficant detail that she never would have even considered it herself, but it was such a simple action that made her fall in love all over again. She leaned back onto the tunic as Rowan pulled back to observe her. She blushed a brighter pink, which only deepened as he commented on how beautiful she was. She let out her embarrassed giggle, a soft smile painted across her lips as she slowly lowered her hands away from her small breasts, exposing her perky nipples. She rested her hands together on her legs as she smiled up at Rowan, finding eye contact somewhat difficult to maintain under the circumstances. It truly was embarrassing to be naked, even in front of someone like Rowan, and even in as private of a location as this. She then felt his lips lock against hers yet again. By the time he had lifted her and carefully placed her back onto the tunic, she caught herself drooling from the corner of her mouth while sucking on his tongue. 

There was a moment of silence where he'd pulled back. The two lovers just stared into each others' eyes, her pounding heart was the only sound she could hear. She could barely even hear her own words as she spoke softly to Rowan. "Take me, Rowan... make me yours. I-I'm ready... to become a woman...!"

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Rowan’s lips twitched up into a smile when she spoke softly. He leaned down, kissing her lower lip gently before he whispered back, “Patience, my love.” He gently licked her lip before he pulled his mouth away from hers. He moved down slightly, his lips brushing against the pale skin of her jaw, leaving behind soft butterfly kisses as he went. He moved down until he was greeted by the collar around her neck. The sight of it made him feel sad, because he knew its purpose. He imagined that she felt incomplete without her abilities, and he sympathised with that. He would feel lost and confused without his own abilities, even though his were not of the same category as her own. Despite that, he still wouldn’t like it if his abilities had been stolen from him like that. He kissed the skin just above the collar before he trailed his warm tongue over her flesh as he moved to the side of her neck. With a slight smirk he latched his mouth onto her neck where he began to suck gently, sinking his teeth lightly into her skin to cause pressure but not hard enough to hurt her. He continued for several moments before he pulled away and observed the love bite that he had left behind.

“Perfect.” He murmured softly before leaning down and licking at the small mark before placing a light kiss on it. He had left the mark as a fulfillment of her wish. To mark her as his, and he felt that she looked absolutely stunning with it. He moved down lower, going down past the collar as he kissed along her collarbone, delighting in the slightly salty taste of her skin which acted almost like a delicate seasoning to the real feast of her body. Even Gavrilovich’s cooking paled in comparison to this. He smiled slightly at that thought as he moved down until he came to her beautiful, perky nipples. He glanced up at her, a slightly mischievous look in his golden eyes before he leaned down and ran his tongue over the left hardening nub before gently bringing it into his mouth and sucking on it gently. His fingers moved up across her stomach, stroking the pale skin before his right hand moved further up to brush his slender fingers across the neglected nipple, swiping his thumb across it. 

His tongue swirled around the nipple in his mouth, before flicking it from side to side to stimulate the sensitive nub. His right hand gently took the nipple between this thumb and forefinger, where he applied light pressure, as he knew that women tended to get more pleasure from pressure with their nipples. He gently rolled the nub between his fingers, tweaking it gently. He was going slowly on purpose, so that he could enjoy her reactions to every touch that he brought down upon her. He wanted to see how she reacted to what he did, and to find all the sweet, sensitive spots so that he could bring her mind-blowing pleasure. He wanted to make her first time memorable so that she would never forget it, even if the two of them did part. He didn’t like that thought, but there was always the possibility. Not only that, but he was taking his time to make sure that she was properly relaxed before they got to the real fun part. He wasn’t sure if her people had a hymen like humans or some Keza’s did but he had enough experience to know that it hurt when the hymen broke. He wanted to avert that as much as possible for Natia, and to do that he needed to make her not only relaxed, but as aroused as possible. His own cock, throbbing with need, was ignored. He was solely focused on Natia, and the waiting would only make it that much sweeter in the end.

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"P-patience..." Natia repeated after feeling Rowan's gentle kiss. After he'd said that, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed that she'd been so forward about her desires. Then again, this was already an incredibly embarrassing situation in the first place. She was offering her body to a man to make love. It was something she'd only ever dreamed about before, something she'd always assumed would be forbidden for her forever. Yet here she was, her body in the arms of her lover who was now kissing down her delicate, slender neck. She was taken by surprise when she suddenly felt Rowan's teeth sink slightly into her flesh. She gasped at first only to let out a succulent moan. "A-aah~" This alone was practically enough to drive her crazy. It was almost cruel how hot he'd made her whole body without having even touched her most intimate parts yet. And juding by his words earlier, it would seem he had every intention to take his time tormenting her like this.

And yet, she would ask for it no other way. Rowan knew what he was doing. He was going to show her the greatest pleasure she'd ever felt, and he was already succeeding. Her fingers clenched for a brief moment before relaxing again, the palms of her hands resting against the soft fabric of the tunic, her lips still curled into a smile as she arched her neck to give Rowan easier access. She had no idea about the mark Rowan had left on her neck, and couldn't see it herself either, so she had no clue what his 'perfect' comment referred to. She could only assume he was talking about her taste or the smoothness of her skin. Whatever the case, she was flattered and more than happy that Rowan was pleased with her. Even if she knew about the mark, she likely wouldn't complain. It was something Rowan wanted on her, so it was something she would want him to see. 

Soon, Rowan lowered his head to her chest. She had been slightly embarrassed about her breasts. She knew many outsiders enjoyed women with larger breasts yet, even among the Aequu, her own breasts were particularly small, practically nonexistant. However, that certainly was no secret. Rowan had already seen her naked, though he had never gotten a good look before and the tunic wasn't exactly form-fitting. She was worried for a bit that he might be disappointed in their size, but he didn't seem to hesitate in the slightest to flick his tongue over her erect nipple, causing yet another spark of pleasure to shoot through her body. Her nipples were already incredibly sensitive, even the lightest touch could set her off, and Rowan was pushing her very close to her limit. If things went on like this, she would cum right there without her pussy even being touched. But Rowan only continued to push the boundaries. It was like a game to him. She felt his lips close around her nipple and begin to suck, followed by his hands beginning to toy with her other nipple as well. Natia began to cry out loud with incoherent noises. Some part of her was worried that so much noise would attract monsters or even other travelers, yet no other part of her cared. All she could focus on was Rowan and the intense pleasure he was delivering to her.

"P-patience... patience..." She began to chant quietly to herself between outbursts of moans. She had no idea she was even speaking aloud, but her voice was quiet and subtle. Rowan would have to listen closely to hear it, or just read her lips. Her breath was hot and heavy, her face was redder than it had ever been before and she was already edging closer and closer to her first orgasm with a man. 

"R-Rowan... I-I can't last much longer... Please..." She was practically whimpering at this point. "P-please fuck me!!" To say it so bluntly like that was especially embarrassing, yet she was far beyond the point of humility. She didn't care what would happen, who might see her, she just wanted Rowan to be the man to break her hymen and claim her as his lover.

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Rowan paused when Natia begged him him to fuck her. The blunt spoken, dirty words that she used sent an excited thrill down his spine. He almost couldn’t resist her, but firmly kept himself in line. He wanted to take his time enjoying this feast. Her words only told him that, thus far, he was doing everything right. Making her so needy that her nervousness was forgotten about. His lips curved in a smile as he pulled away from the nipple that he had been torturing, “In good time, my Natia.” He purred at her before he switched his mouth to the other nipple. He wrapped his lips around it, twirling his tongue against the rock hard nub. He sucked on it gently, pressing his lips down onto it to cause pressure as his tongue began to flick back and forth to stimulate her. He watched her flushed face, enjoying the look of wanton lust in her beautiful purple eyes that had captivated him upon first seeing her. Eyes that had begun as full of fear and wariness towards him, only to melt into loving affection. It made him happy that he was the one that put that loving affection there, a sight that no one else would be able to see from her.

Rowan pulled away from her nipple, giving it one last flick of his tongue before he smirked at her before he began to move downwards once again towards his goal. As he moved further down, he pressed his lips against her taunt, flat stomach to kiss the soft flesh lovingly. He continued moving down until his face was hovering over her most intimate parts, and he couldn’t help the smirk that curved on his lips. The smell of her arousal was thick on the air, smelling sweet and compelling, urging him to keep going and to never stop. His slender fingers gripped her thighs, pushing them up slightly and spreading her legs. With what he was about to do, he didn’t particularly fancy having her thighs try and squeeze his head off. He had experienced that before with some women who weren’t able to control themselves in the throws of passion. He couldn’t blame them, but he always made the precaution to have a hold of their thighs to fight against their natural urge to close their legs. 

With her pussy completely exposed, Rowan leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on her engorged clit. He could already feel how wet she was, which told him that he was doing a good job of preparing her for what was to come. His warm tongue then pressed against her clit, applying pressure to it before his tongue slid down further her soaking wet slit to taste more of her juices. They tasted incredible. So sweet and addicting. He couldn’t seem to get enough of it. His tongue travelled further down, brushing against her swollen pussy lips before he came to where the entrance to her pussy was. He allowed his tongue to probe gently, not being forceful and not pushing too deep. He could feel resistance against his tongue and knew that she had a hymen that would be broken when he finally took her. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive entrance, almost moaning at how amazing her virgin juices tasted. He then moved his mouth back up, making sure that his tongue licked up her entire slit, pasting her virgin lips. He then wrapped his lips around her swollen clit and sucked on it gently before pressing his tongue against it before swirling it around in circles, making sure not to slip up underneath the clitoral hood. He pressed his mouth harder against her as he continued stimulating her clit with his tongue, watching her closely to see her reaction. 

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The brief pause was enough to make Natia realize the words she'd just shouted so loudly. If her face wasn't as bright red as it could get, it certainly was now! Yet when Rowan pulled back and stared into his eyes as he purred his lovely words, she melted again into his arms. Feeling his lips around her other nipple and his tongue toying with it the same way it was with the other practically made her swoon. It almost didn't seem fair. He clearly had experience with women and he knew exactly where to focus. She had absolutely no idea how to bring him anywhere near this much pleasure. She could only hope he would walk her through it soon. Previously, she'd only assumed that the stimulation from sex came from the penetration alone. She had no idea just how sensitive the rest of her body really was. It was like a whole other layer of herself that she'd never explored in her life. 

As he continued to suck and tease, Natia's soft moans only continued to sing aloud. He then began to kiss down her body. She bit her lip again in anticipation, knowing exactly where he was going, but with his mouth? Natia knew her own smell and felt slightly humiliated that Rowan's face was so close to her dripping muff. No doubt he could smell her heated odors. As his fingers so delicately guided her, she adjusted her thighs and slowly but surely her legs began to spread wider for easier access. Natia didn't even consider resisting. She wanted to feel every ounce of pleasure Rowan would deliver her. Unknown to her, through her bit lip, a stream of drool was beginning to dribble out of both corners of her mouth as she was salivating with anticipation. She had no idea how much of a mess her face was in the moment. 

In a fraction of a second after Rowan kissed her clit, Natia already let out a gasp of pleasure. The area was extremely sensitive, just like her nipples, but there was something even dirtier about this one... She cried out with intense pleasure as his tongue began to trace it and move on to explore the rest of her cunt. Her fists clenched the fabric of the tunic she was sitting on and she could feel her legs tensing up. She felt so exposed... so... vulnerable... instinctively, as Rowan predicted, her legs began trying to close, but, for the first time the entire encounter, she felt force from the man. He didn't have to exert much. She was still quite small and delicate, yet it was just enough to demonstrate that he was in control even of the parts of her body she had no control of herself. Quite frankly, if it made her feel this good, she wouldn't mind losing control completely....

"R-Rowan... I-I'm gonna..." She began to whimper. She could feel her orgasm building up. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass herself by cumming all over Rowan's face, and she could tell from the way she felt that she was going to squirt a lot.  "W-wait, sl-slow down... S-something's gonna come out...!" She could feel her legs trying to tighten more, but again, Rowan just held them in place. She was totally at his mercy and she was going to be happy with anything her man wanted from her. 

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At the sound of her plea, Rowan pulled back slightly and looked up her body and into her eyes, “Relax.” He told her softly, “Just let yourself go.” He purred softly before once again pressing his tongue down onto her clit and pressing against it. He wanted to taste her sweet juices and to have her cum hard from his ministrations. It would ensure that she was wet enough for them to proceed to the next stage. His tongue moved down between her slick lips to gently press against the entrance to her pussy, rotating his tongue to stimulate the sensitive nerves around the entrance but not pressing too deep as to cause pain by pressing against her unbroken hymen. He had to admit to himself that one of the reasons he was licking her out like this, was because he wanted to hear her sweet moans as she reached a climax. Her whimpers, and that sweet cry she let out were already driving him crazy. Her voice was so sweet and expressive, and he absolutely loved making her let out sounds of pleasure. He wanted more, and thus he was more than willing to take his time to enjoy this as much as possible. For him, sex was a very good way to relax and to clear one's head, especially with someone as sweet as Natia.

Rowan moved his tongue back up, licking away at the juices that had built up before he once again pressed his strong tongue against her swollen clit. He wrapped his lips around it once again before he began to flick his tongue back and forth against the bundle of nerves, before rotating his tongue against it while being careful not to lip up under the clitoral hood. He picked up the pace of his tongue movements to try and force the orgasm from her so that she could no longer fight against it. His eyes were glued to her face, watching it closely so that he could see her face at the moment of orgasm. His hands kept a firm grip on her thighs, keeping her legs spread so that she was completely vulnerable to his attacking mouth as he licked at her most intimate area. He could feel her thighs trembling and straining against him slightly as she was trying to close her legs. He couldn’t help but to smirk slightly, loving the fact that she was so exposed and vulnerable to him like this. He knew that this was the first time she had ever experienced something like this, and it made him happy that he was the one teaching her about it. He wasn’t going to stop his torturous attack until he had gotten what he had wanted.

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"Ahhh~" Natia moaned aloud, her hands reaching down instinctively to cover her crotch and protect her innocence. After all, she had been raised her whole life to never let another man or woman touch such an intimate part of her body. Yet as her hands reached down toward Rowan, her fingers curled up in resistance to her own instinct as a conflicted look of pleasure, worry, and shame spread across her red-washed face. Her mouth was in some odd state between horror and ecstasy. From some angles, it might look like she was having the time of her life, while from others it might look like she was terrified for her future. She was putting a lot on the line, here. She still had no idea if what she was doing was even okay. Yet she felt so good, so much pleasure that she couldn't bring herself to ask Rowan to stop. His tongue... oooh, his tongue...

"B-but... I-It's embarrassing..."  She whimpered again, her hands still hovering around her crotch as if there were some barrier preventing her from actually stopping him. They soon retracted from that position and found their way up to her mouth, clasping over it as she felt an overwhelming sense of shame. She could feel it coming. Closer and closer. Yet her eyes never left Rowan's. She was trapped in them. As though he had her in some sort of imaginary bondage. She couldn't resist his desires. She couldn't break that eye contact. She was his. 

All of this happened in only a matter of seconds, but with how much Rowan was covering and how carefully his tongue gracefully danced across all of her most sensitive areas, it felt like hours as Natia's shame desperately battled with her lewd desires, but as Rowan's tongue began to speed up again, it was clear who the winner would be. Slowly, her hands fell away from her mouth and laid on the cloth beneath her once again, clenching them as her lewd smile spread across her face. "I-I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." She gasped between her heavy moans. "OOooooh..." She couldn't fight the moans any longer and the moment Rowan's tongue pressed so firmly against her clitoris, as if it were a button, a gush of white liquid spewed from her body as an intense wave of pleasure shot through her whole body, making every inch of her body feel as if it were floating. She had no idea what an orgasm even was, much less how pleasurable it could be. As soon as she recognized what had happened however, her eyes widened and she let out a gasp, covering her rosy face completely with her hands.  "O-oh gosh, I'm sorry! I-I-I spilled all over you, didn't I?" She cried out in humility and embarrassment, her voice muffled by her cupped hands.

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Rowan watched as her lips curved into a smile he had never seen on her face before, and yet he wanted her to smile like that more often especially if it was due to what he was doing to her. He continued his furious speed, knowing from the rapid pace of her breathing and the trembling in her limbs that she was close. Then she uttered the words that she was going to, before gasping in heavy moans. He increased the pressure of his tongue, before he then felt the liquid splashing against his tongue. His tongue worked overtime to lick up every drop of that sweet nectar, his mouth latching onto her virgin pussy as he drank every drop. He couldn’t get enough of that sweet liquid that seemed to call him, urging him to force more from her so that he could have more. He then pulled away, his tongue licking at what had splashed against his face. He straightened so that he was kneeling between her open legs before he smiled down at her, “You did, yes. But that was what I was aiming for, Natia.” He said, his smile widening when he saw that she had covered her red face with her hands. She was so adorable when she was embarrassed like this. He then decided that it was perhaps time that he was as naked as she was. He pulled off his shirt, revealing a well muscled torso due to his life as a thief and spy that required him to be athletic which gave him a well muscled, yet lithe body build with muscles across his chest and arms, and a well defined six pack. 

He carelessly threw the article of clothing aside before shifting as he pulled down his trousers and wiggled out of them so that he was left completely naked. His cock was not like a human’s cock. It was purple in colour and for the most part it was completely smooth with a more pointed tip instead of a mushroom head. He also had small nubs around the base of his cock which would stimulate the entrance to the pussy. It was also fifteen inches long and was rock hard. It was one of the ways that people could tell the difference between a Keza and a Neko, despite their other physical similarities. The Keza’s cocks were a lot different in shape, form and even function. No Neko had anything like it, unless they were part Keza themselves, proving that the two were completely different species. 

Rowan shifted, moving up her body until he was looking down at her covered face as he smiled. He pressed one hand beside her head to hold his weight up while he used the other to gently pull her hands away from her face so that he could smile at her, “You look so beautiful when you blush like that.” He leaned down, pressing his mouth against hers as he gave her a soft and tender kiss, hoping that it would distract her from her embarrassment. His free hand moved down, stroking down her shoulder before brushing over her rock hard nipple. He then pulled away from the kiss, looking back up into her eyes, “Are you ready?” He asked. He lowered his hips slightly, pressing the hard length of his cock against her clit, rubbing against it slightly to stimulate the small bundle of nerves. Her body certainly felt as if it was ready. She was soaking wet, and it would easily slide into her depths where his cock was aching to be right now. But he would only do that upon her signal. Luckily, due to the shape of his cock, he would be able to easily penetrate her and bury himself inside of her. His cock throbbed against her clit in anticipation.

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Natia panted and gasped in pleasure as Rowan began to clean up the mess she'd made. With the orgasm out of the way, she was at least able to relax slightly and enjoy the simple pleasure of his tongue exploring her pussy, though she was still embarrassed over spraying all over his face. It wasn't until Rowan sat up and stared down at her that she was able to relax totally. She poked her eyes out from between her fingers before slowly unfolding her hands from her face, a soft smile of relief curling across her soft lips. Her face had just begun to return to its normal color before she saw Rowan remove his shirt, causing her to hide her face as it reddened yet again. Natia had never been so close to a man without a shirt in her life. It was highly frowned upon to be so close to another within her tribe. She poked her eyes out again only to see Rowan's massive purple cock. "Eep!" She caught herself screaming at the sight of the thing, quickly hiding her face again, but the image of the his member was burned into her eyes. It was so huge and so... different from the rest of his body, it was actually quite scary. He was going to fit that whole thing inside of her!? Would that even be possible...? Natia had never seen a penis before, much less one from a Keza. Was this just what a penis looked like? She could only imagine how terrifying it would be to have something like this being forced inside of her against her will. Perhaps she should be much more grateful that he hadn't simply raped her on sight like she'd initially expected.

She put up little resistance as Rowan pulled her hands to the side, forcing her to come back into reality. Her eyes met with his golden gaze. She was reassured once again that he wasn't going to hurt her, and he certainly wasn't going to do anything she wasn't comfortable with. If she wanted this to happen, she truly had to want it. As he kissed her, she felt her heart skip in the same way that it had every other time their lips touched, but like last time, things were so much different with this one. Yet he pulled away too soon. She wanted to feel that tongue of his exploring her mouth again, but instead, she was left longing for more. She could feel the tip of Rowan's cock poking at her clit, pulling soft gasps from her lips as she heard Rowan's question. This was it, she had to make her decision. Was she really okay with this?

But, the more she stared into Rowan's eyes, the more she began to realize that there really was no decision here. She could fight it all she wanted, but that her own desires would overcome in the end, and Rowan would make sure that was what happened. It was like he owned her. Like she was obligated to surrender herself to his desires, to repay him with servitude. Yet, she didn't feel threatened at all by these thoughts. Strangely enough, she found them quite comforting. In hindsight, it really wasn't all that much different from her relationship with her father and the rest of the tribe. She slowly nodded. "I'm... ready... I'm all yours...!" Her voice was shaky and uncertain, yet there was a hint of determination, too. The more she thought about the situation, the more she realized just how much she owed this man. She was in no position to turn him down. It would be rude of her, inconsiderate. He could have forced her into slavery the same as those other men but he actively chose against that. He granted her the right to make her own life choices, yet at the end of the day, this was the only choice that felt right. "I'm yours! Do anything and everything you've ever wanted to do to me. My body is your reward!"

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Rowan’s lips curved in a smile at her words, his golden eyes sparkling in happiness. He leaned down, giving her a chaste kiss, “Good. And in return… I’ll make you feel pleasure you’ve never felt before and yet want over, and over again.” He said, befores pressing his lips harder against hers, preventing her from answering. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, kissing her passionately. He placed his weight down on one of his hands which was leaning down above her head, keeping her somewhat enclosed in his embrace almost as if he was holding her protectively. His other hand continued to rub and toy with her nipple, using the stimulation along with the kiss to distract her. He shifted his hips, allowing the head of his cock to slide down her pussy lips until it came to rest at the entrance of her pussy. He paused a moment before pressing himself against her. He felt resistance at first, stopping him from being able to gain entrance. He paused for a moment before pushing harder against her. The pressure against the head of his cock increased for a moment before it suddenly vanished as her hymen snapped and his cock sank several inches into her deflowered cunt. 

He pulled away from the kiss with a soft gasp, his eyes closing for a few moments. She felt so tight, and hot around him. It was almost as if her pussy was squeezing the life out of his cock. It was so tight it was actually painful. He was so glad that she was so wet, otherwise this would have been even more painful for the both of them. He made the right decision in preparing her properly. He let out a soft grunt, “Fuck, Natia… You’re so damn tight…” He said with a soft pant. His hips moved of their own accord, pulling back slightly before pushing back into her as he began setting up a gentle rhythm. He didn’t want to slam all the way inside of her, because that would only cause a huge amount of pain for her. Instead, he patiently allowed his cock to glide in and out, slowly allowing her body to adjust to the intrusion and to slowly open up further to allow more of his cock inside of her. Rowan kissed her again, this time softly and tenderly as he hoped that it would comfort her through any pain that she was experiencing. His hand moved up from her nipple to stroke her soft cheek before it returned to the nipple, toying with it lazily to keep at least some amount of pleasure for the young woman as he watched her carefully in concern, hoping that he wasn’t making her too uncomfortable. 

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Rowan's words filled Natia with an unexplained thrill that she just couldn't put into words. Perhaps it was for the best that, immediately after saying them, he'd sealed her lips with a stronger kiss. As his tongue made its way into her mouth to meet with hers, the two interwove, as though tying a knot with their tongues. Rowan clearly had much more experience, however, yet it was also clear that he wasn't intending to overwhelm her. He was simply holding back so that she could keep up as their tongues danced rhythmically in swirlds inside their mouths. By this point, her moans were uncontained. She was just releasing them left and right like a wild animal in heat. What was the worst that could happen. Would she really care if she were seen or heard? She had Rowan to protect her, to keep her safe. Yes, there was no doubt about it. This was love. 

As he toyed with her nipple, sparks flew again throughout her body, though her reluctance and shame had mostly faded away. There was still a hint of uncertainty in her face, but she knew that, even if she was uncertain, Rowan would never do a thing to her that he knew she wouldn't want. It was why he was so careful. Why he didn't just take her the moment she gave consent. No man had ever treated her this way. Her spine was tingling. She was so distracted by this light, high feeling she was experiencing, that she hadn't even noticed Rowan's cock getting into position. 

That would soon change, however, when she could feel Rowan begin to press against the entrance to her pussy. "A-Ahh...! Th-that hurts...!" She gasped slightly. She wasn't expecting it to hurt at all. Wasn't it supposed to be pure bliss? This was natural, right? Was he doing it correctly? Perhaps it's his strange cock? She glanced down to look at Rowan's face which only seemed to register amusement and adoration. He soon paused, causing her to grow concerned. "I-Is it too big? I-I don't know if it's going to-"  She began, but before she was even able to finish that second sentence, she felt something in her body give in, and suddenly, she felt a sharp pain before feeling Rowan's cock sliding deep inside her. "Kyaahh!!" She cried out in pain. She had no idea what had just happened, but blood had started to seep from her pussy where her hymen had been torn. Was this where it was supposed to start feeling good? She genuinely had no idea, but hearing Rowan's moans and excitement, she couldn't help but join in. Her heart was racing faster and faster. This was how it felt to lose your virginity. She could only imagine how terrifying it would have been to lose it to a slaver. She couldn't have been happier to have gifted it to Rowan. 

As Rowan commented on her tightness, she blushed again. "I-I'm tight? Is-Is that good or bad...?" She asked with a genuine concern that could not be faked. As Rowan began to rock his hips back and forth gently, sliding his cock deeper, bit by bit, Natia found herself drooling. He was doing it, but there was more... there had to be more. Yet, she was also starting to feel much more relaxed in his embrace. She couldn't explain it, it wasn't this other world of intense pleasure that she had been expecting. No, there weren't any fireworks going off inside her and yet, it still just felt right. This was what her body was built for. When his lips met hers again, she let out a soft moan into his mouth. This time, her tongue breached his lips, reaching for his tongue once again, the drool escaping her mouth and now running down her chin. It made her look sloppy, but she didn't care. Rowan loved her. She had no reason to be insecure over something so silly.

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Rowan couldn’t help but to smile as Natia took the initiative and deepened the kiss. He allowed her control for a few moments, her tongue exploring his mouth before he took dominance. He pushed his tongue against hers, pushing it back into her mouth and taking complete control of the kiss. His hips continued to press against hers, gently driving his cock deeper into her inch by inch. He could feel her pussy slowly opening up to him, welcoming him into the most intimate part of her body. Where no other person had even been before. Rowan felt genuinely honoured that she would allow him to do this to her, to share a connected with her that she had not given to anyone. She was so tiny, and perfect in his eyes. He wouldn’t want to be with anyone else in this moment. In this moment, it was just the two of them in their own private world. Natia was his, and he was Natia’s.

His hand moved down from playing with her nipple to stroke along her waist, marvelling in how soft and supple her skin was. He was enjoying the close contact that they were sharing in this intimate moment, and hoped that it wouldn’t end too soon. He was actually somewhat glad that she was so tight it hurt, because otherwise he would have already cum from how good her pussy muscles felt around him. The silky, wet muscles gripping his cock each time he pressed into her. It was enough to make his head spin and he had to control himself from moaning out loud. He then felt something different as her pussy lips were not pressing against the nubs that surrounded the base of his cock, causing him to instinctually push further forwards, pushing the remaining inch of his cock into her, joining them together at the hip. He was now balls deep inside of her, and it felt incredible. He could feel a pinching at the tip of his dick, meaning that every inch of her pussy was filled with his cock, even up to the cervical barrier. 

Rowan pulled away from the kiss, unable to keep down a soft moan, “Oh, fuck…” He groaned, his eyes closing for a moment before he opened them and gazed down into Natia’s stunning amethyst eyes. At that moment, he answered her earlier question, “For you… tight is definitely good. Fuck, it feels amazing…” He said, panting softly against her lips. He rolled his hips, grinding his cock out slightly before pushing back inside of her. He was unable to stop himself, his hips moving of their own accord as he began to gently fuck her. It was all he could do to hold himself in check, to not just start fucking her furiously. He wanted to move faster, or harder at her signal, and not before. Her pleasure was important to him, and he wanted to make sure that she felt good. He reached up with his free hand, stroking her cheek before running his hand through her soft hair, “Oh, fuck, Natia…” He panted softly as he pushed into her again, feeling as if he was experiencing a piece of heaven as he could feel her muscles constricting around his cock.

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The deeper his cock reached, the more Natia was convinced it had been created specifically for her. It hurt a lot. In fact, it felt like it was tearing her apart. And yet, he had somehow managed to fit the thing's entire girth inside her. It was so huge it felt like her pussy was being molded to its shape as he explored deeper inside the walls of her virgin cunt. Her pussy was still leaking cum from her previous orgasm, so perhaps that played a part in how he had managed to penetrate her so deeply. However, it wasn't long before the next complication would arise. His cock was long, as well. And his lips were still pressed firmly against hers. She couldn't protest. Not like she needed to, though. She trusted Rowan enough to believe that he would know when to stop. Still, being completely powerless to stop him was quite nerve-wracking regardless. 

Of course, those nerves also played into the excitement. It almost felt like she was his little toy. His property that he was claiming. That thought should have bothered her, but she found it quite endearing. Seeing Rowan so happy only made her heart flutter with joy. She was doing right. She had to be. It made her feel proud, accomplished that she could bring so much pleasure to the man who'd saved her life. Her hero. She was his prize. 

As Rowan continued to push his cock deeper into her body, her pussy practically sucked the massive object in deeper on its own. Her cunt wasn't about to let go anytime soon. She couldn't tell if it was just the way it naturally shaped itself around his cock or if there was some part of her intentionally tightening the muscles in her pussy to contract so much around his shaft, but it felt incredible having not a single empty space inside her crotch. By some miracle, Rowan had managed to fit all 15 inches inside her, and at the feeling of the nubs on the other end of his cock, and his balls slapping firmly against her crotch, she was wholly convinced that this was meant to be. Her body was made to fit this monster cock. She shouldn't be able to take something so huge without getting torn apart. His cock was over a quarter of her whole height and the entire thing had been crammed inside her crotch! It hurt like hell, it felt like she was being impaled, and yet it was okay. She couldn't have been happier to accept the pain because it was all for the pleasure that would soon follow. And sure enough, the pain slowly began to subside and Rowan began to roll his hips as he spoke to her in his sexy tone that just made her swoon underneath him.

"Yes... yes...!"  She moaned out aloud as her lips were finally freed and she listened to Rowan's words. "H-harder! F-fuck me harder!" The dirty, lewd things she was saying didn't even phase her at this point. She was far too focused on her own personal sexual desires. "I-I can take it! I know you're holding back! Give me everything! I-I want to be your lover, Rowan! I-I want to have your child!!"

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Rowan couldn’t help but to twitch slightly at her words as they sent a stab of arousal through him. He loved it when a women begged him to fuck her, especially if it involved getting them pregnant. He wasn’t someone that could easily pull himself out, and he was honest enough with himself to know that he didn’t like doing that anyway. It never felt satisfying if it wasn’t raw skin upon skin contact. His thumb rubbed across the soft skin of her cheek, feeling the heat of her flushed face. He had thought of her as beautiful before, but with her face flushed and the look of pleasure on her delicate features, she was stunning. He let out a gentle chuckle, his lips brushing against hers in a light, almost chaste kiss, “Don’t worry, Natia. I’ll give you everything that you want. Patience, my little Natia.” He told her, teasing her as he continued to gently rock his hips against her. His cock slid out a few inches before pushing back inside, as he enjoyed the moment to listen to her musical moans as they filled the clearing.

He moved the arm that was supporting his weight, wrapping it around Natia and hugging her close to him. Their bodies were flush against one another, and he enjoyed the heat of her body against his own. It was almost as divine as the feeling of her body wrapped around his cock. His cock began to ache a little, protesting his slow and teasing movements. Reacting to this, his hips began to move faster, drawing more of his cock from her body before pushing back inside of her. Each time he pulled out, he could feel the cool air brushing against the slick, heated skin of his cock. Only for that chill to be banished a moment later when he was buried deep inside of her. It felt so good that he wished he could never leave. He dipped his head down, once again latching onto her neck and biting into the skin slightly. He was resisting all urges not to sink his canine teeth into her, because he knew that she was not a Keza and thus he wasn’t sure how her body would react to their bonding process, should he choose to bond to her as a mate. Although at this point he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to control himself when he reached the peak of his orgasm.

To distract himself from those thoughts, he concentrated on the movement of his hips. His thrusts became harder, as the heat of her pussy was driving him forwards. He drew his hips back before pushing them forwards, hard, to drive his cock deep down into her pussy. Each time he sank into her body, he could feel the head of his cock pushing against her cervical barrier. The thought that when he came, he would be doing so right at the entrance of her womb only made him twitch and for the pace of his hips to hasten. The sound of his hips slapping against hers began to fill the clearing to mingle with her moans, creating a song of pleasure that Rowan could never tire of listening to. Her moans were like Natia; pure and sweet. He loved hearing them and he doubted he was going to be able to stop fucking her anytime soon. 

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If she could see or hear herself, Natia would be nothing short of ashamed of how lewdly she was behaving. Perhaps thankfully for her, she didn't have to. All she had to do was ride it out. Her mother would probably be disappointed in her, her father infuriated with her and probably ready to kill him for stealing his daughter's virginity and, in his eyes, potentially ruining her life by upsetting her balance with the fluids of an outsider. Her people would shun her, she was tainted and they would believe she would taint them, too. The best part? None of that even mattered. This was between her and Rowan. Even Goddess Cera couldn't stop her from experiencing the pure bliss she felt at this very moment. It felt as though she were free; free from all of her worries and fears. Like a burden that she never knew even existed had been lifted off of her shoulders. 

Every subtle movement of Rowan's cock. Every point of contact their naked bodies made with each other. Every brush of his lips, every stroke of her cheek, every nibble on her neck. It all drove her crazy! Perhaps that was why she said what she did. She was crazy. She didn't even know if she could have a child with Rowan. And getting pregnant at a time like this would probably be nothing but an inconvenience for the both of them. And yet, there she was, asking for him to give her a baby to carry, as though they'd already been sworn to each other. She just wanted a lover's touch. She wanted to feel the epitome of love, the feeling of his fluids filling her up and granting her the gift of motherhood. 

Yet, anytime her mind tried to focus on what having a child would be like, Rowan would roll his hips again and snap her right back to reality with a gasp followed by a pant and moan of euphoria. It still hurt, but the pain was slowly subsiding and making way for the incredible sensations of Rowan's pulsating cock inside of her. Their limbs were tangled together and his dick was completely inside of her, pounding back and forth while slowly picking up speed and getting rougher and more forceful. It was as if he knew exactly what pace her body was adapting. Even if she wanted to get away, it would be impossible. She was Rowan's prey, and the sharp bite on her neck suddenly reminded her of that. Perhaps it was rougher than he intended. She didn't mind, though. Being the prey only excited her more. She felt cute and desirable, like a pretty white bunny. 

"Yes!! B-bite me! Bite me harder!!" She heard herself shout, almost as if her heart had blurted it out without her mind even processing what she'd said.

At some point, her moans had turned into screams. She had no idea when she'd started screaming, or if it was pain or joy that caused her to do so. But his pace only hastened along with her heart. Oblivious to the two lovers, time continued to flow. The air was starting to chill as afternoon slowly began to transition to evening. A cool wind was beginning to blow across their exposed bodies and yet she didn't feel cold at all in Rowan's embrace. She just wrapped herself tighter around his body and began to roll her own hips in synch with his. "I love you, Rowan! I love you so much!"

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Her shout to bite her harder, made Rowan’s jaw twitch in desire and his canine teeth itch and ache with the desire to sink into her flesh and draw blood from her. He had to pulled his head back slightly to stop himself from drowning into the urge, even as his upper lip curled slightly as is preparing to latch onto her neck. He was completely oblivious to his surroundings, not noticing that the air had become cooled against his skin, heated as it was from his desire and need for Natia. The only thing he did notice was the fact that he wasn’t sweating as he might normally be, doing such a vigorous activity in the afternoon heat. But that did not matter to him. Right now, his entire world was Natia and she was all that mattered. He felt Natia’s limbs cling onto him tighter as she rolled her hips against his, increasing the heat and the friction between them, almost causing him to let out a low groan. His ears twitched slightly at her proclamation and his lips automatically sought hers and he kissed her deeply and passionately, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth in the dominating kiss. When his lungs burnt for air, he pulled back slightly, his lips still ghosting against hers as he panted deeply, “F-fuck, Natia… I love you, too… God, you’re so perfect…” He groaned against her lips. 

The moments those words left his lips, the urge became too much for him to resist. His lips pulled away from hers before they pressed against the smooth, unblemished skin of her neck. He tried to lessen the urge by kissing the exposed skin, but the contact sent a wave of sharp, fiery desire through him, coiling in his stomach and burning in his brain like a wildfire. It blanked out all thought, and he moved by complete instinct. His lips pressed against her pale skin, before his mouth opened wider and his sharp canine teeth pressed against her flesh. There was a moment where he could feel the resistance of her skin before it suddenly disappeared and his teeth sank into the flesh of her neck. Immediately, his mouth was filled with her blood and he automatically swallowed it down. The blood was so hot, and despite the strong metallic taste, it was also sweet which rather matched her disposition, a fact that surprised him. It was the sweetest blood he had ever tasted and he couldn’t help but to hungrily drink another mouthful before pulling away. His tongue pressed against the puncture holes, licking them as blood continued to ooze out of the wounds. He doubted she knew what he had just done, but at the moment he didn’t care. He was swept up in the heat of the moment and what he had done felt right. 

With his face buried against her neck, his hips began moving even faster, picking up pace. He could feel that her pussy had slowly loosened out around him, making it feel less choking around his cock but she was still incredibly tight. The tightest pussy he had ever had the pleasure of fucking. His knees were planted firmly, not allowing him to shift around on top of her. This allowed him to put more power behind his almost frantic thrusts as he slammed his hips against hers. He could no longer restrain himself as he started fucking her hard into the tunic below them, not caring if her screams attracted the entire population of the forest. All he cared about was giving her mind blowing pleasure. He could feel the beginnings of his own release coiling, ready to strike like a snake. This only caused him to pick up even more speed, fucking Natia as hard and as fast as he possibly could, aiming to bring her to orgasm just before he could so he could enjoy the feeling of her pussy milking every drop of his cum from his cock. He kissed his way up her neck and along her jawline before he pressed his lips against hers once again, unable to help himself as he craved such intimacy from her. 

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Natia offered no resistance at all in Rowan's kiss. At least in the moment, he owned her. He was to use her mouth and tongue however he pleased. She loved the feeling of his tongue encapsulating hers. Taking control of it. Trapping it, pinning it, swirling it around. Neither of them cared about the sloppy mess they were making on each other's faces as drool escaped the corners of their mouths. They were starved for each other. Starved for love. And neither of them were about to let up any time soon. The heat, the passion, the feeling of Rowan's cock still pounding deep inside of her body, tearing her apart while somehow still remaining with a sense of gentleness to his movements. She found herself growing lightheaded from the lack of air as they kissed, but he soon pulled back, perhaps he had started to run out of air as well. The both of them panted in unison as they stared into each other's eyes with the stupidest grin on Natia's face as she listened to his praise. 

"Don't stop~"  Natia insisted in response. "Take me as far as you want. Make me yours." She whispered. Almost as soon as those words left her delicate lips, she felt a sharp, stinging pain in her neck as Rowan bit down so harshly. She let out an audible cry of pain, but her grip on Rowan only tightened and she only began to bounce on his cock harder and faster, with her moans amplified by the newfound pain in her neck. She wasn't aware of just want the wound looked like, but she could certainly feel her own hot blood running down her neck, and lots of it. She could also feel Rowan's tongue licking it all up to keep her perfectly clean. Just like his cock, his tongue was the perfect balance of rough and gentle. It was really soft to the touch yet he licked with a certain force that clearly showed Natia her place in the pecking order. She was no equal to this man. She was beneath him and, at the moment, she felt there was no reason for that to be any other way. 

Perhaps he had somehow sensed her ultimate submission by this point, as his pace suddenly began to pick up without a word being spoken. He began to fuck her much more aggressively, more like a wild animal as he continued to hold her head in place with his arm and the force of his licking. Being pounded so hard actually hurt quite a lot. It elicited more cries of agony from her throat, yet she could only feel her own pussy growing hotter and wetter with each thrust. Her own pace doubled or maybe even tripled. She had no idea at this point as her mind was fading to complete mush. Her eyes were beginning to roll back while she drooled stupidly. She tried to speak, but all that came out was garbled gibberish as her tongue completely failed to shape her words. Without realizing it, she had at some point begun digging her nails into Rowan's bare back as she tried to keep herself conscious. Perhaps she had lost more blood than she realized and was growing lightheaded from the blood loss?

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Rowan let a small growl slip from his throat as he felt nails digging hard into his back. The points burnt with pain, and yet despite not being a masochist, the pain sent a sharp stab of pain-induced lust through him. He could feel her pussy getting wetter, allowing his cock to glide in and out of her body effortlessly, his cock now completely welcomed by her pussy, as if his cock belonged there, giving her mind-blowing pleasure. Rowan cupped her cheek, watching mesmerised at the expression of ecstasy that twisted on her face. He could see the pleasure and the lust that glazed her eyes, and felt proud that he was able to reduce her to the point where she wasn’t able to even formulate any coherent words. He always loved reducing his partners to this state, and it only spurred his hips on faster, slamming into hers and joining them in the most intimate of ways. 

A soft growl escaped his throat as he could feel his orgasm beginning to push against him and he tried as best as he could to hold it back. He wanted to enjoy the feeling of her deflowered pussy for as long as he could before claiming her fully and allowing himself the pleasure of tainting her pussy with his cum. That line of thought didn’t help him and his cock drove deep into her cunt, fucking every inch of her cavern. Her pussy had become so wet, that he could hear the squelching of her pussy mingling with the slap of their hips and the moans of her pleasure. It created a beautiful symphony of sounds that he could listen to, for eternity. He could never tire of it. Rowan pressed his lips to her throat, kissing her soft skin. He could taste her salty sweat, and couldn’t help himself from pressing his tongue against her skin to lap it up, finding the taste intoxicating. 

He then gritted his teeth as his hips buckled for a moment, as he felt his orgasm threatening to burst like a dam. He brought his lips to her ear, letting out a soft, lust-filled growl as he whispered, “I’m going to cum, Natia. I’m going to fill you with everything I have.” He then let out another growl as he could no longer hold back. His hips slammed against hers several times as he tried to control himself, but it was all for nothing. His hips pushed against hers, pressing as hard as he could against her and burying his cock as deep in her body as it was possible. He could feel the pinch of her cervical wall against the head of his cock, her delicious cunt gripping tightly around his cock. There seemed to be a pause that was both quick and yet seemed to last an eternity, before Rowan let out a soft groan of pleasure down Natia’s ear as he started cumming hard. His cum fired out the tip of his cock, spewing into the deepest part of her pussy and flooding her womb with his cum.

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Natia's vision was blurred by this point. She couldn't see or think at all. The only sensations her senses could detect were the scent of her own sweat and blood, the feeling of her cunt being ravaged by Rowan's massive dick, and the taste of her own drool mixed with Rowans; a solution that still flooded her mouth. She didn't even dare trying to swallow it knowing she would only choke if she tried while getting fucked so brutally. Instead, most of the slobber only rolled off her hanging tongue. With her tongue drooping over her chin, she was the very image of a dog in heat, collar and all, laying on her back on her master's orders.

Rowan's growls were quite intimidating. The deeper they got, the harder she could feel her own heart beat. If it didn't feel like she was getting fucked by an animal before, ti certainly did now! This man could rip her head off with his teeth if he wanted to. Admittedly, that thought made her nervous, yet there was no backing down and she knew that, too. But all those nerves were gone when she felt one more growl in her ear followed by Rowan's familiar voice in a much more commanding tone that made the small girl blush all over. 

'Cum?' She thought to herself. She could feel every inch of his cock as it pulsated and throbbed. 'It's called cumming... he's gonna cum inside me...' Before she could even process the words, they had escaped her mouth as though she were possessed. "Yes! C-cum! Cum with me, Rowan!!" It was a word she'd never used before, she had no idea if she was even using it right. But it felt so natural to say. She loved the way it sounded. It had a bit of a harsh sound to it, but it still had a pleasant ring. Short, easy to say, easy to repeat. The perfect word for one in her position. 

Each thrust of Rowan's felt deeper than the last, filling her with more and more ecstasy before she could finally feel his semen travelling from the base of his cock all the way up through his shaft. With how tightly her cunt squeezed the neck of his dick, she could feel every inch of the load as it travelled toward her body. This was it. There was no turning back. She had no idea what the consequences of this were going to be, but she was committed. Her womb was filled. She gasped for air and her whole body went still. A distant look glazed over her eyes as she remained on his dick, panting while bits of Rowan's cum began to spill out of the bottom and top of her cunt. Was it fear? Was she speechless? Maybe she had just gotten too excited and her body just shut down. Almost immediately, however, her body had reached a second orgasm. This time it only felt natural, like her body was returning the favor. Both of their cum spilled onto the tunic beneath them. 

After a few moments, Natia's eyes locked with Rowan's once again with a conflicted smile on her face. She felt so much pleasure, but she was also afraid of just what the implications of her actions were.  "Rowan... d-does this mean I'm..." She stopped herself there. She had no idea how she was even going to finish that sentence. Does this mean she's what? His lover? His wife? Pregnant? Could she be doomed to never have her gift returned? Yet somehow, the longer she stared into Rowan's eyes from within his embrace, she knew none of those concerns mattered. Everything would be okay. He would protect her. He would keep her safe. She could feel the tears building up in her eyes and quickly pulled herself tighter against him. "I'm yours, Rowan. I'm all yours." She finally spoke again with a cheery tone. She didn't know what types of commitments Rowan's people had. She knew there were a variety of cultures throughout the world that all had different views on love and reproduction. She was going to be more than happy to immerse herself in whatever cultural responsibilities she would hold in Rowan's world. 

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The feeling of Natia cumming around Rowan made his head spin. Her already tight cunt tightened even further around him. He could feel every minute shift in her pussy muscles as they convulsed around him, aiming to milk him of every drop of his cum. Every drop that he was more than willing to give to her. He kept himself planted firmly inside of her, feeling their combined cum squirting out of her tight cunt and onto the tunic below. When his orgasm had died down, he was left panting slightly as he tried to focus himself. His head was spinning still, and every nerve tingled pleasantly from the aftershocks of his intense orgasm. His cock remained lodged inside of her, as he was reluctant to leave just yet. He closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating on his breathing and calming it down slightly as his racing hearts began to slow down to a more regular pace. His mind was still feeling slightly scrambled and he doubted that he could make a coherent sentence right about now. 

He pulled himself back slightly and looked down into Natia’s face, his golden gaze searching her bewitching purple eyes. His eyes then moved down to her lips, a little concerned that he saw a conflicted smile there. It made him worry that she had regretted it, this pleasure that they had shared together. That thought made his stomach churn, as he didn’t want her to regret it. He had certainly enjoyed this experience that they had shared. It was one that he was never going to forget, despite the amount of intimate encounters that he had, had in his life. His hand raised itself unconsciously, stroking his thumb against her cheek in a gentle, caressing motion. He heard her broken sentence, and stilled slightly as he searched her face, wondering what she was thinking. A part of him was afraid that she would push him away, demand to give back what he had taken from her. When he saw tears building up in her eyes, he felt his heart sink as he was now worried that he had upset her. However her next action dispelled that fear, as she pulled them closer and said that she was all his. He allowed a smile to curve on his lips as he pulled her even closer. 

Rowan leaned down, gently kissing along the bite mark that he had left, “Good.” He said softly into her ear, “Because I’ve already marked you as my mate.” He said, before he realised that she could have no clue to what he really meant there. So he decided to explain it to her, “It’s why I bit you. I’m sorry if it hurt, but it’s an instinctual urge we Keza’s have when we find a mate compatible with us. A mate that we want to spend our time, and life with. I tried to hold back, because I know you’re not a Keza and thus not bound by our rules, but the urge became too much and I wasn’t able to stop myself. So that wasn’t just a bite… that was me bonding to you as a mate.” He shifted slightly, feeling that his cock was still rock hard inside of her. As a healthy Keza male, he knew he could just keep on going, but he doubted Natia could. Not with it being so soon after losing her virginity. She would no doubt be sore, and he would respect her if she wanted to stop. However he still kissed her on the cheek and asked, “Are you up for more? I’m still able to go for another round. If you’re not up to it, then I can understand and respect that.” 

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Natia was exhausted. She felt weak as she laid underneath Rowan's body with his cock still filling her body and their cum leaking out. It was an incredible feeling unlike anything she'd ever felt. It was no wonder outsiders and sinners could get addicted to these feelings so easily. She still felt a little guilty of her sin just now, but, at Rowan's words, she was reminded of a way to make things right.

"M-mate...? I'm your..." Natia blushed at the mere mention of the word. It was somewhat foreign to her and yet, she had a vague understanding of what it meant. "L-like a wife? G-gosh, I don't know what to say, Rowan..." She spoke softly, but her eyes met with his again and her smile grew wider. "Yes, I'll be your mate, Rowan." Perhaps she was moving too quickly, but just as she felt with the kiss and then the sex, she felt about this. He genuinely loved her and she could feel it. She was confident she would never find another man like Rowan again in her life. It didn't matter that they'd only known each other for such a short amount of time. Without him, she wouldn't have had that time at all. Hell, by this point in time she might have been in some stranger's dungeon being mercilessly raped just so the pervert could get off with her body. 

"But are you okay with that?" She then asked with a slight hint of concern. "I am not a Keza, we may not be able to even have children, and if we do manage, the offspring might not turn out healthy... don't you want healthy children?" 

When asked finally if she could go for more, Natia was quite surprised. She'd noticed that Rowan had yet to pull his cock out of her, but she was totally exhausted. Still...

"As I said, I'm all yours."  She spoke with a warm smile as their eyes met once again. Rowan wouldn't push her too hard. She wasn't so exhausted that she couldn't take any more. Things would probably hurt a bit more, this time, but the pleasure and love was more than worth it. "I won't be satisfied until you are...!"

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Rowan found himself chuckling slightly at her willingness to please him. He could see the exhaustion in her eyes, but she was still willing to go for more. He would go for another round, and completely wear her out. At least that night she was going to sleep very well, and they had Baellator to keep an eye out for them, so they could both get some much needed rest after the excitement of the last few days and that wasn’t even including the sex. He kissed her on the forehead gently before he pulled back to address her concerns. He reached up, stroking her soft cheek in a gentle caress. He could never tire of touching her skin. It was so soft and warm to the touch. He gave her a smile, “Of course I want healthy children, but it’s likely that we wouldn’t be able to have any. Not all species are compatible… still, though, Keza’s have been known to produce children with a number of other species and they’ve always turned out healthy. But as long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy. Children or not.” He told her.

Rowan pulled back slightly, looking deeply into her eyes before he kissed the tip of her nose lovingly, “I honestly don’t think we have anything to worry about, love. We’re mates now, and I’ll take care of you.” He said. He realised that he would need to take her back home with him, and she was certainly going to find out the truth about him. That he wasn’t just a traveller like he said he was. He had not technically lied, merely kept some of the truth hidden. He didn’t want her to simply see his rank, or status so he decided that he was going to keep quiet on the matter a little longer. Let her get to know the real him before he revealed the truth, so that she could see past the title and position. It wasn’t as if he was next in line to his father’s throne. He was the Royal Spy, the man who found information for his Father. He shook those thoughts from his mind before he straightened and pulled out his cock. He smiled down at her and told her, “Get on your hands and knees, Natia. I’ve made love to you, now I’m going to fuck your brains out.” He then grinned at her.

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Rowan's hand on her cheek and his reassurance eased Natia into a sense of security once again. Everything was going to turn out fine one way or another. Rowan would take care of it. He would take care of everything. She didn't quite understand it, but it seemed he was more than okay with shouldering every single one of her own burdens. Her heart only melted for the man further. "You're right. I have nothing to worry about." She spoke with much more confidence in her voice. "Thank you, sir." She added in response to his comment about him taking care of her. She hadn't even noticed the extra sir she'd added out of habit. It was just the way she respectfully spoke to those who took care of her. It seemed quite fitting as her newfound submissive attitude seemed to pull a trigger in Rowan, which only made her own heart race faster when she suddenly heard his demand. She had expected Rowan to act with reluctance after recognizing how tired she was, but on the contrary, he seemed far more adamant than before. Perhaps this was a part of being his mate, one of her new responsibilities. 

Natia slowly obeyed, flipping her body around and placing her hands against the cum-and-drool-soaked tunic along with her knees. Her ass was lifted in such a way that gave Rowan a clear view of both her pussy and her asshole. She wasn't just nervous, a part of her was legitimately frightened. She didn't know what to expect, especially after Rowan claimed he was going to fuck her brains out. This was clearly going to be something much different from the loving, gentle touch she'd felt before. She was going to be shown a whole new world that she never thought she'd enjoy. 

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Rowan took several moments to enjoy the view of Natia’s gaping cunt as his cum slowly leaked from the orifice into the tunic below. It was a beautiful sight, one he just couldn’t look away from for several long moments. He then reached forwards and gave her right arse cheek a light spank that caused the beautiful white skin to redden slightly, but it was not hard enough to cause any kind of discomfort. At this point Rowan wasn’t sure what boundaries Natia had when it came to being in pain. Perhaps that was something they could explore later, since Rowan knew that sometimes he could be a little rough and thus he wanted to know what she could, and couldn’t handle. Right now, though, he just wanted to fuck her to the point where she will have a very good night's sleep. 

Rowan used the hand that he had spanked her with to grip onto his still rock hard cock. He then pushed the tip against the entrance of her pussy. He could feel the hot juices against the flesh of his cock which had cooled in the evening air. Thus it felt like heaven when he pushed back inside of her tight body, his cock becoming wrapped by her velvety walls that caressed the length of his dick lovingly as the heat of her body warmed his cock up. He paused for several moments, his cock balls deep inside of her, to appreciate the feeling of her body. Her pussy was one of the best he had ever had the pleasure of fucking. He leaned over her, her body so small that he was able to easily press his face into her neck where he nipped at her pale skin before he pulled his hips back and pushed them back into her. He did several thrusts, almost fully pulling his cock out before pushing it back inside of her. Each time, his thrusts became harder, using his strong muscles to slam his cock into her.

After a few minutes, Rowan straightened as he took a grip of her slim hips. He used his grip on her to hold her in place as he began to pick up the pace, slamming his hips against hers. He looked down, enjoying the sight of his cock sinking deep into her body before being pulled out again only to repeat the action. Filling her body repeatedly with his cock hard, throbbing cock. It felt incredible, and he allowed his self control to slip. His hips continued speeding up, as he began to slam his hips against hers as hard as he could, pulling her back into him as he began to fuck her hard, once again allowing himself to drown in his lust. He was hoping to fuck her to the point where she wasn’t going to be walking straight the next day.

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