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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

"Ooh. Wait. Nine hundred years?!"

She'd figured that he'd been around with Maed and had simply been revived by her into a familiar. To be fair Maed was quite old so it wasn't quite a stretch! This was far more interesting however. Raeghan had essentially been nobility! Very famous nobility at that. Luna didn't know too much about history, but she knew enough to know that Raeghan's position was quite high up! Also he'd hung out with the first king. That was impressive in its own right. It was also nice to know that he'd lived a good life. He even had relatives that were still around!

"That's really neat!"

Her ears focused in more tightly upon the former raven as he started to speak about the spiritual realm. It would be good to know everything she possibly could about it. Learning how another witch managed to meet and acquire her familiar was very important considering Luna was considering doing the same in the near future! Even more interesting was hearing things from a familiar's point of view.

Just like that huh? Strike up a conversation. I can totally do that!

Slowly the bunny's head nodded, ears drooping just a bit near the tips as the explanation came to an end. "That doesn't sound as scary as I thought it might be. I should be able to do that, right? Oh! Have you ever thought about visiting you relatives? Especially now that you can go in a body."

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Raeghan smiled a little at Luna, “I doubt it will be that scary for you. Not only are you pretty brave, but you’ve got me to look after you and guide you. Maed didn’t have that luxury. She did it completely by herself.” His smile turned into a grin, “I don’t anticipate any trouble. At least if I haven’t just jinxed it.” He chuckled a little at that. He didn’t particularly believe in that sort of thing, and said it more as a joke. Maed sometimes chewed him out for doing that, at sometimes when he said it, trouble was just around the corner. But, quite stubbornly, he had always insisted that correlation does not equate to causation. Especially as it was only true some of the time. In his mind, it was quite irrational, but then Maed had always been quite eccentric, much like Luna here. 

At the second question, Raeghan shook his head slightly, “No, I haven’t given it any thought. Even if I did, I don’t think I would tell them the actual truth because they’re unlikely to believe me. They’re more likely to have me thrown into a mad house and those… those are not pleasant places.” He winced a little, as he once had a cousin that had been taken into one. The conditions were shockingly horrific, but no one said or did a thing about it. With a sigh he continued, “Not to mention the aversion to magic and witchcraft. They would accuse me of attempting to deceive them by taking the identity of one of their treasured ancestors. I might quickly find myself with my head on the chopping block.” He then shook his head, “No… it is best to leave it be. If I were to meet up with them, it would pretending to be a stranger.” He paused for a moment before asking, “May I ask… how did you get into magic?”

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

The little bunny's head nodded a few times. She trusted in his guidance! And he did have a point: if Maed could do it without guidance then surely Luna could do it with such a thing! Especially the assistance of a familiar. It really should just be a walk in the park for them, right?


"Oh. I suppose that's, uh, probably what might happen. Yeah."

That was a shame. Honestly if someone came back to life claiming to be her parents Luna would be ecstatic! Of course such a thing would surely be a ruse, but the poor naive rabbit would more than likely believe them without a second thought. It was just the way she was. That and, well, emotions certainly wouldn't help. But then she doubted they'd have the ability to do such things. After all neither of them were witches.

"Uh. Well. I happened to find my tome in a shop! A book seller in one of the cities. It was just sitting on a shelf collecting dust and I was looking for alchemy books. Actually the pages I turned to were about plants so I assumed it was also an alchemy book, or perhaps botany. Anyways, the owner didn't seem to know what it was either and they sold it to me. When I really started reading into it, well, it didn't take long to figure out what it was. So I just sorta used it as a study guide and, well, here I am! I hadn't thought anything about being a witch before then but after reading it I was totally into it."

With a smile she relaxed back into her seat, pulling her legs up against her chest. Of course this meant quite a bit more of her pale skin was exposed, even nearly her crotch! However her feet were held close together in front of her that they blocked any sight, although only just. "Kinda silly, huh?"

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Raeghan shook his head when Luna asked if it was silly. He was trying to keep his eyes fixed on her face, attempting to ignore her shifting around out of politeness. Despite his request for that night, he was still a gentleman, his manners drilled into him when he was a young human lad. Besides, he was going to be able to take his leisure studying her closely later, and he would certainly wouldn’t want anything spoilt before then, “I don’t think it’s silly in the slightest. Besides, I think you’ve learnt very well.” He commented, glancing around the wagon before he returned his gaze back to the bunny girl, “There are many different ways people get into magic. Maed, for example, got into it from her Aunt. She had seen her aunt cast a spell that made the flowers that Maed was trying to tend, bloom.” He grinned a little at Luna.

“But no, I don’t think it’s silly. It’s obvious that pretty much as soon as you started looking into it, you were hooked. And you’re clearly a natural at it. Maed would have loved to have you as a student…” He squinted a little, trying to gauge her age although, as a witch, that was not always easy as there were numerous spells and potions that allowed a witch to greatly extend their lifespan. And due to the differing talent levels between different witches, the spells and potions had different effects. He certainly wasn’t going to come out and ask Luna’s age, as he felt that was extremely rude. Whatever her age, if Maed had known about her, she would have chased Luna around Craethiel, badgering her to become a student of hers.

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Luna's smile grew wider and her tail wiggled gleefully behind her. "Thank you." It was quite the compliment coming from such an established magical entity! Okay, perhaps Raeghan wasn't able to use magic like a witch, but he was around it all the time. He'd also been very close to a witch who as far as Luna was concerned had been quite gifted! She did enjoy the story about how Maed got into magic. It was really cute!

"I wish I could have met her. She sounds amazing!"

Indeed, it would have been nice to have such a talented teacher. But more than that she sounded like a nice person. Heck, they probably would have gotten along quite well! If things had been different then perhaps she might have been able to travel alongside both Maed, Raeghan, and Rayvenne. What an adventure that might have been!

"If only there were a way to contact her. Or something. I mean I'm sure there is but I'm not really well versed in that sort of magic."

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

“She was…” Raeghan couldn’t help but to agree when Luna said that Maed sounded amazing. She was certainly a unique individual. A little similar to Luna in some respects with her curiousity and kind nature. Maed was a little less trusting and naive, though. She had a sharp wit, though, and wasn’t afraid of much. She would even look a King in the eyes and not flinch. She was aware of her own power and was comfortable with it, without flaunting it in peoples faces. She knew when she could show her hand, and when to be discreet. In front of normal people, she wouldn’t show herself as a witch however in front of people like Rayvenne, she was pretty open from the start. But then, Maed was pretty good at being able to judge someone’s character and reading people. It was why she had managed to out-cheat so many people during her visits to various towns and villagers where someone would attempt to undercut her during a tavern game, only for her to turn around and beat them at it.

He was brought from his thoughts with what Luna said next. He frowned a little before slowly shaking his head, “I’ve already tried to contact her and I haven’t had any luck, whatsoever. I’ve searched high and low in the spectral realm, but her soul has already moved on it seems. Either she has made peace and moved onto another host to be reborn again, or someone has already taken her soul and used it.” He said, hating himself for those last words. He didn’t like the thought of someone using his old mistress for their own selfish gains. He knew that there were magic users out there, that would use souls and spirits with little regard for any damage they might do. And Maed would have certainly been an enticing one. With how old she was, and her close association with magic, her soul would have been potent. Not as potent as one he had seen in the Spectral Realm, but that was one he had only fleeting glimpses of. He made sure to keep well away from that one, unsure if it was hostile or not. He certainly hoped it wasn’t.

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Perhaps someday Luna might be able to become even half the witch that Maed was! But then that'd mean some major growing up on her part. Also she'd need plenty more knowledge and power. Then again Maed had hundreds of years on her. If Luna had the same amount of time perhaps it might be possible!

"O-oh. Sorry."

The bunny's ears flopped near their centers. That took a disappointing turn! But, ever the optimist she was, Luna's ears rose straight back up with a thought!

"That doesn't necessarily mean she's gone for good! If someone did use her soul then maybe it's around in some form? Perhaps even one that could be recovered or, at the very least, set free! And if she made peace then that just means she's, well, at peace. I'll try looking into it."

With a nod she flashed Raeghan both a smile and a thumbs up! As long as even a sliver of hope remained she wouldn't give up! And, in this case, one certainly remained! After all they didn't know for certain what her fate had been. Heck, maybe there was even something in her tome! Or Maed's tome! Maed's was much more likely, especially given her apparent specialty in necromancy. But she wasn't going to go asking to search through the exalted witch's book of shadows. Maybe she could ask Rayvenne to do it? That'd probably put her more at ease.

"I'll ask Rayvenne to look in Maed's tome later. I'll search mine. Who knows! Maybe we'll find something! Or maybe the dragon will know" the bunny remarked, rubbing a hand against her chin. if the dragon she sought out turned out to be intelligent then perhaps it might be able to help! Or perhaps it might have more ancient knowledge stowed within its horde. Dragons had hordes, right? Maybe? Rayvenne would probably know.

I mean I could ask for it if it does have one. Or trade for it. Or maybe it'll just let me take a peek and copy stuff down! How nasty could something like that really be?

Edited by Chiyako
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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Raeghan smiled a little when Luna toyed with the idea of freeing Maed is her soul was being used, or enslaved. She made it sound so easy, but Raeghan knew that it was far easier said than done. As he had been unsuccessful in locating any trace of her within the Spectral Realm, they would have no idea where she ended up unless they found some trail in the material realm and then from there, track it down. And that wasn’t counting any dead ends or false trails. They would certainly need Rayvenne’s help for that. She was an expert tracker, and her ways of finding out information. If anyone could find a trace, it would be her unless Luna had some means to track souls being used for magical purposes. Or, if a spell like that existed in the tome that Maed had left behind, Luna could learn and implement it. 

He then tilted his head a little when Luna thought that perhaps the dragon might know something. He shrugged one shoulder slightly before replying, “I kind of doubt it. I mean… there are intelligent dragons out there, but the only ones that I know that use magic are the Eldyrannth… and they’re not exactly pure dragons since they have a form much like this one. Although one might describe them more like elves than humans. However those that do magic are exceptionally powerful. But, they also aren’t known for sharing their magic with others, either. So that might be a bit of a dead-end, unless you’re able to convince them to give you some pointers. They do let traders into their City from time to time. Rayvenne and I went there, once...” He shook his head slightly, not even sure he could find the words to describe it, “It’s certainly is unlike anywhere else in the Kingdom and I think convincing them might be a little difficult.”

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory


She'd never heard of them! Nor did she have any idea where she might find them. But if they were a possible lead then why not go their way? Apparently Raeghan and Rayvenne had been there before too! Of course she was never one to give up hope. There was always at least a slim chance of things going well. "Maybe we can check that place out after we finish looking for Dragons in the mountains!" She had made up her mind already. The next goal for her was to assist with making certain that their witch friend was free!

I mean I'm a trader! And I'm sure that maybe they'll be nice enough to let us in if we really ask them! Right?

One of the bunny's legs slowly pushed straight out, lifting just a slight bit while she stretched it. "Whats it like anyways?" she asked, pulling the slim limb back in only to extend the other in order to do the same! Each movement came dangerously close to exposing what was hidden beneath her gown, but thankfully the fabric was just long enough to prevent this. With her legs stretched out Luna sat up onto her knees, pushing both arms overhead. Her back arched slightly, pressing her tiny pert breasts out against the thin fabric of her gown. Even her ears perked straight upwards in their own little stretching session!

As her stretching came to an end Luna relaxed right back into her plush chair once more, hanging her legs off the side. Idly they gently kicked back and forth, hanging off the floor. Now she considered whether she was thirsty enough to get up and get herself something to drink! Though it did bring a question to mind.

"Oh! Uh. Are you thirsty at all? Or hungry? I can get you something if there is anything you'd like."

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

As Luna started stretching herself out, Raeghan had to resolutely turn his head away a little just in case she flashed anything. It would have been rude to just sit there and stare at her, after all, especially when he had plenty of chances to do that later. He would rather not spoil anything now. When he had heard that she had stopped her movements, he turned his face towards her again now that she had settled herself comfortably. At her question, he shook his head, “I’m good thanks. I’m still full from the stew earlier, and I think I’ve had enough to drink for now.” He gave her a rather lopsided, slightly drunk looking grin. 

He tapped the ends of his forefingers together in thought for a few moments as he considered her question earlier, “As for what it’s like… well…” He waved his hand in a northerly direction, “The city itself is hidden in the Therarr Mountainrange. Quite deep into it. There’s only way to actually get there, short of being able to fly like they can. The road itself is somewhat treacherous but relatively well travelled. There’s a town called Dragon’s Eye that sits about half way travel from the city. But when you head to the city… you travel along a winding mountain path, and then just as you move over a rise in the path, you can see the city laid out before you. The buildings are larger than anything made by the hands of other species. More graceful too, I would say. There are also a number of waterfalls, of the clearest water you’ve ever seen. All in all, it’s a tall and impressive city.” He paused for a moment, before grinning slightly, “I know that you’re not going to believe me here, but that city… Vorserend it’s called, has stood for millions of years. It’s the oldest city in the world.” He tilted his head slightly, a sudden mischievous twinkle in his eyes, “And of course… being a raven, I can move around and see things other visitors might not.”

He paused for a moment before continuing, “Such as their burial grounds. Visitors aren’t allowed anywhere near them, and they guard them quite zealously. I can hardly blame them. I’m not exactly sure how they do this… perhaps some kind of magic but it seems that their bodies turn to some kind of crystal that actually grows into a tree. And the leaves turn into the colour that was their eyes. Their burial ground is a forest of these trees. One of the most breathtaking sights I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t even find the words to describe it.” He shook his head before giving a helpless shrug, “I think you would like it. They even have a massive library filled with thousands upon thousands of books… Of course, you’d need to learn how to read Eldyrannthian. Not many outsiders can actually speak or read it.” 

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

A slight giggle left the girl's lips. Raeghan's little drunken smirk said it all. To be honest she wasn't really hungry either, just a little thirsty. But when the man started to speak about this strange new place Luna forgot all about her minor dehydration. After all this was much more important, important enough in fact that her ears tilted in his direction!

Hidden city? The largest buildings on the planet?! Clear waterfalls and crystal forests?!? And of course a massive library filled with magical tomes in a language she knew nothing about! The poor girl's eyes were wide with excitement, sparkling like multi-colored fireworks all while her tail twitched repeatedly behind her.

"Woah" came her hushed response. "Okay now I totally need to go there! And study! Learn the language! Read all the books! If anywhere might have answers for helping Miss Maed then that would surely be the place! We're totally going there after our trip in the mountains is done!"

She started to bounce in her seat, legs squeezing together in absolute glee! This was going to plague her mind for quite some time! But that would only make the ultimate arrival all the greater. It didn't matter that getting there would be difficult, or getting in, or even learning to read their ancient language. It'd just be one big adventure to her! Of course as she thought about all this another thing came to mind.

"You know I never did ask if you or Rayvenne would like to go anywhere in particular. Is there anywhere either of you would like to venture to? Or anything you'd wish to do in general? I mean I know she's kind of working for me and everything but once that's all said and done I'd love to help you both out! Or even during the course of this arrangement if at all possible too!"

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Raeghan chuckled a little at Luna’s enthusiasm. He didn’t know if the Eldyrannth would indeed allow her access to their library to be able to look at the books. He also wasn’t sure if any of them would spend the time to teach her how to read and speak their language. Despite their willingness to trade with others, they were still quite withdrawn from the rest of the Kingdom. They weren’t on friendly terms with many people. They were like the quiet child that was nice, but kept to themselves all the time and thus was rarely invited to play with the others. He wondered how they would react to someone such as Luna. Because she was certainly unique, that was for sure.

At her next question, Raeghan thought for several moments before he then shrugged. He had to be careful how he worded this, as he had no doubt that Rayvenne would be unhappy if he gave Luna clues as to how old she really was, “Well, we’ve been in Craethiel for a while now, and we’ve managed to travel from one end of the Kingdom to the other. We’ve even met the King.” He grinned a little at that before shaking his head before pausing as a thought came to him. He looked back up and said, “Although, Rayvenne may want to go to Selil after we’ve helped you find your dragon. Her silver sword needs repairing, and there’s only one blacksmith with the skill to do it and he lives in Selil. While his services can be a bit pricy, he is the best blacksmith in Craethiel. It’s been some time since we’ve seen him, and her sword is beginning to lose its edge. You’re more than welcome to join us.” 

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Location: North-east of Kalath en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Despite Luna's life as a traveling merchant she had yet to venture to many parts of the known world. Raeghan and Rayvenne on the other hand seemed to have traveled all over! And they'd even met the King! That was pretty neat! She did wonder though how long it'd take to make such a journey. But then they'd also been among a very long lived witch, so it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that these two were older than she knew. Still, she wouldn't bug them about such things. If they were to tell her someday then they would do so.

"I dunno if I've been there before. Sure! We can head there next then!"

Luna did enjoy going to new places! And of course if Rayvenne needed to repair her weapons then it would be of the utmost priority! Nothing said they couldn't go to the super neat Dragon place afterwards, right? Or perhaps it might even be on the way! She didn't know!

"Do you think he could make me a stave? That could be kind of neat! They're really good for channeling magic. I dunno what the best materials might be for it though either."

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

At Luna’s question, Raeghan frowned a little in thought. He honestly didn’t know the answer to that question. He reached up and ran his hand through his raven coloured hair before he shrugged his shoulders with a little chuckle, “I honestly don’t know, Luna. That might have to be something you ask him. I know he does swords specialised in monster hunting. I have no idea if he does anything specialising in magic.” He tilted his head a little as he looked at the small woman, “But if he does, I imagine it’s something he does in secret. If people thought he was supporting witches, then he’s likely to get dragged to the stake to be burnt alive.” He grimaced at that thought. He couldn’t imagine it was the most pleasant way to go, and he had witnessed a few burnings in his lifetime. It had always bothered him, but he had never been in the position to actually do anything.

“As for materials…” He said, before smiling a little, “I think it’s like the case with familiars. The best material is based on what kind of magic you’re using it for. But I think Mithril is a good material for a basic stave, able to do all kinds of magic… It just can’t do the more powerful magic that a specialised stave can do. Like a wooden stave for nature magic, Kraerhil for ice magic or Mangenarr which is perfect for fire magic. He might know more, though. I make no promises on that. The subject has never come up when talking to him. All Rayvenne likes to talk about is swords, what kinds she wants, and what kinds are good for taking care of the monsters that she deals with.” He gave Luna a slightly crooked smile, “But she’s a good friend of Daedrin’s. Getting in to see him would be no problem.” He assured the excitable bunny girl.

He then rubbed his hand across his mouth for a moment before he grimaced, “The only problem is, is that Enutpen’s Glory is pretty much between Selil and Vorserend. It might be best if we go to Selil first, before heading to Vorserend. As I said, the mountain path can be treacherous, and it’s a good idea for monsters to lie in wait. Rayvenne may very well insist on it, if she’s inclined to go to Vorserend with you… I honestly can’t see her objecting, though. She was heading in that direction anyway, looking for work, when she ran into you.”

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Location: North-east of Kalath en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

"Mythril? Hmm."

One hand cupped against the bunny's chin, fingers rubbing against it. That was certain to be expensive! And while it might make a good all-rounder staff it apparently couldn't match those materials specifically designed for certain schools of magic. Wood did seem to best fit her needs. Perhaps she should look into that? Or, better still, just wait and see what the smith's opinion was!

"Well I fully trust both of your judgement. I will follow wherever you two think we should go."

After all that had been the reason she'd originally hired Rayvenne! She knew the way and, well, she was an expert in the creature she was seeking out. It'd be quite foolish if Luna decided not to follow their lead on these things! With a nod she'd lower her hand back to join the other in her lap. She was admittedly running out of things to ask about! Well, except for certain things related with the night's planned activities. In response a faint red covered her cheeks. They were still questions so she might as well ask, right?

"So, uh, you were married before. Whats it like? U-uh, being with another person. I m-mean I've done some things before but, like, you know, it wasn't exactly stuff I wanted to do. But not like the main event! Y-you know? Just some stuff."

Main event. Smooth.

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Raeghan grinned a little at her rather awkward wording, finding it quite endearing that she started to stutter a little. It was clear that she was nervous, but if she didn’t want to do it, he wasn’t going to force her into it. That was not something he wanted to do. He would merely look for someone when they were next in town. His grin melted into a reassuring smile as he said, “I think it’s one of the most wonderful things in life. To make love, especially with an eager partner. I mean…” He paused for a moment, shrugged a little before he continued, “While I was in the Kings army, I had my share of concubines. But fucking them was always different to making love to my wife. It’s a little hard to explain, actually. It’s something you won’t understand unless you go through it yourself.”

He squinted his eyes at her slightly before saying, “I’m not going to pressure you into doing something you’re not comfortable with, Luna. It’s clear you’re nervous, so if you don’t want to do it, then I’m completely fine with that. I can find some whore when we’re next in town.” He privately doubted that it would be as nice, than as being with Luna. He already liked her, and it was better doing something like this with a friend whom he knew he could trust. But he couldn’t help the nagging feeling that he might be taking advantage of her kind and selfless nature, which had prompted him to give her one last chance to back out before she did something she would later regret. The last thing he wanted was to make things awkward between them. But if she did decide to continue, then he would make sure it was the most intense learning experience for her.

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Location: North-east of Kalath en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Her head nodded a couple of times. She agreed! In fact her parents had said the same thing about the act: it was one of the best things ever and it was great for spreading love around to others! It was honestly probably the reason she was most excited about trying it out, after all she was all for spreading love around the world. And she was eager! She really was! Just, well, she'd never gone into a situation before where she'd been planning on actually going all the way.

As Raeghan spoke of fucking concubines Luna's cheeks lit up a bright red. It was very much the sort of crass language that she typically avoided, mostly because it often came off as disrespectful and offensive to others. But she also understood that its meaning was correctly used in this circumstance. It was just a little shocking to her. Making love or having sex just sounded more romantic and, somehow, gentler. Fucking was associated with something rough.

Would we make love? Or fuck? Eek! Wait, no, it's just my thoughts. I can say it here!

"I s-see."

At the mention of pressuring Luna's ears perked straight up! She hadn't been trying to give him the impression that he was doing anything of that sort! Of course it was possible that, at some subconscious level, that's what was happening. But then she wouldnt've noticed! Besides, she had said that she'd help him out in this way! She wasn't someone to go back on their word! And it wasn't as though Raeghan was the only one anticipating this sort of thing, especially with the little potion she had on hand! They could go at it like rabbits and not even worry about the consequence of children!

So as a show that all was fine Luna scooted forth and out of her seat. The little bunny moved closer, resting both of her hands forward to clasp around one of the man's. With cheeks red and ears flopping at their centers she spoke up, voice somewhat timid. "I really don't mind. I-in fact I took precautions too! You aren't pressuring me. I just haven't really, um, w-well like I said I haven't done much of this."

Then came the hushed though rapid fire rambling! Being this close to such a new intimate encounter was only pushing the poor girl to become more flustered by the second! "Just some men before made me touch them and they touched me and they used my mouth. And my feet. That was weird. B-but I trust you. A-also the same goes for you too! I know this is your first day back as a Human. We don't have to do everything. O-or we can. I dunno! This is all very new to me and, uh, I just don't know what to do or how to do this or a-any of this. You know? Do we kiss or is that too far? Do people get naked first? O-or do we just lay down and see where it goes?"

One could almost see steam escaping from the poor rabbit's ears.

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Location: North-east of Kalath, en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

Raeghan frowned a little when she mentioned that some men before had made her do things. He didn’t like the sound of that. One thing that really made his blood boil was bad treatment of women, and forcing themselves onto woman that weren’t interested. He had always treated the women he had been with, with the utmost respect. He tilted his head slightly when Luna began asking questions, making it very clear just how inexperienced she was when it came to the subject of sex. He then gave her a reassuring smile, wanting to put her nerves at ease. He reached up, gently cupping her cheek as he brushed his thumb over the soft skin,

“Well, it depends, honestly. Not only on the people involved, but their mood at the time. Sometimes, people like to just get down and on with it. Others like to prolong the experience, to take their time to enjoy it. To give, and receive pleasure and exploring to find out what feels the best. And with you… I think that it the method I would prefer to go with.” He said, giving her a charming grin before he leaned forwards and pressed his lips against Luna’s. It was a light kiss, neither forceful nor demanding. He didn’t deepen the kiss, and pulled away after a moment and said, “I personally don’t think kissing is too far.” His grin widened once again as amusement made his blood red eyes twinkle in mirth, “As for the naked thing… we’re both pretty much naked already.” He said.

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Location: North-east of Kalath en-route to Enutpen’s Glory

As Raeghan's palm cupped against the girl's cheek her rambling instantly came to a stop! She calmed down, although her face remained as bright as it had been. Still, a smile spread across her lips, head leaning just enough to press herself into the reassuring hand. It was still evident though just how excited she was as her tail continued to wiggle around behind her!

"That sounds ni-"

Suddenly she was kissed! Luna's eyes sparkled with rainbow glee, widening as big as they possibly could! But her shock soon faded away. Instead she closed her eyes, leaning up and into it, squishing her soft lips against the man's. This was her first desired kiss! She was going to savor it as much as she could! And savor it she did. Her heart raced within her chest, hands gripped and fumbled with the thin fabric of her gown. While it only lasted a few seconds it felt as though it'd gone on for at least a full minute.

Luna couldn't help but to let slip a nervous though clearly excited giggle. It wasn't just the comment. No, her anticipation was simply mounting to new heights! Although his comment was also very much true and, at the moment, quite funny to her.

"True! Um. S-so, uh, what do we do now?"

Clearly Raeghan was going to take the lead, right? He knew what to do!

(Continued at: 


Edited by Chiyako
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  • Senior Staff
On 7/20/2019 at 1:56 AM, Neptune said:

Location: Village of Ryn’tur.

“Names are a good way to categorise things. They can be quite informative, actually. Most things, flowers and animals especially, have a common name and a scientific name.” Rowan said, thinking back to his lessons in latin, “Although this is further useful, because there are normal several variations of flowers and animals that, while similar in many ways, are different from one another. Like the tea you’re drinking, it could either be from the Matricaria chamomilla, or Chamaemelum nobile. Both variations of the same flowers.”

“I have absolutely no idea.” Glenda said, looking mildly confused, causing Rowan to smile slightly at her and say, “It’s not something that everyone knows. Most people don’t have the time for such… superfluous lessons.” As he spoke, he watched Natia as the girl sipped the tea and put on a wide smile. However Rowan was used to reading the body language of others, and he had sharp enough eyes to know when someone was dissembling. He knew Glenda didn’t notice it, since Natia was better at it than he would have thought her capable of. He decided to keep his mouth shut, as he knew that Glenda had meant nothing but well for Natia.

At the question directed at him, he took a moment to look Natia up and down before he gave a slow nod, “That you most certainly did. You looked absolutely stunning in it.” He then smiled at her. Glenda mumbled to herself, looking thoughtful as she looked at Natia. She then asked, “How about trying the corset that I pulled out earlier?” She turned around, looking for the item of clothing before spotting it within one of the open cupboards. She picked up the black and purple corset, along with a matching pair of very skimpy panties. She put them on top of the cupboard before she moved to another one, humming to herself as she pulled out stockings and a garter belt. She then offered the clothes to Natia, “You think you can try these on?” She asked.

A soft blush painted Natia's face as she was reminded of the corset she had set to the side earlier. She looked the lingerie up and down and felt that same giddy feeling rising up inside her body again. She knew Rowan would love to see her dressed in something so daring... 

"Yeah... I think I'll try it on now! But Rowan," a mischievous smile spread across her little face as she looked up at him. "I want you to look away! No peeking~" Perhaps it was a bit out of the blue to suddenly request something like this now, but she wanted him to be surprised by how she looked. A part of her also knew that, upon such a sight, it would probably be quite difficult for the man to contain himself. He had dignity and grace, but when he is too turned on, he just might pounce on her like a wild animal. The thought of the dress alone driving him that crazy was entertaining, and in all honestly she wouldn't mind such an attack in such a daring location from the man she loved, but such an encounter would probably be quite uncomfortable for Glenda. 

Natia gently set the tea on a nearby countertop so that her hands would be free before walking up to Rowan and planting a gentle kiss on his lips. "I want to surprise my hero~" she giggled with another, deeper kiss before playfully pulling away and pushing him, not with enough force to actually move him, but enough to show a desire for him to turn around. Once that was done, she turned to Glenda with the same giddy smile. "Would you help me try all this on as well?"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Auxiliary Staff

Location: Village of Ryn’tur.

Rowan was glad that Natia’s mood had taken a turn for the better. He hated seeing her so upset after the slaver had been there. It had made his fingers itch towards his daggers; anything to get rid of the cause of her distress. While Natia wasn’t commanding, or even demanding, Rowan almost felt as if she had quite skillfully wrapped him around her little finger. They had barely known each other for a few days, and already he was willing to put his time into helping her try and find her friend despite the fact that he was supposed to be doing a mission for his father. But he figured that there was no reason why he couldn’t help her, seeing as it was on the way to his destination regardless. He was brought from his thoughts by the sound of her sweet voice carrying on the air. An unconscious smile caused his lips to twitch as he looked back down at her when she told him to look away. He chuckled a little, giving her a tender smile, “I’ll try.” He said, with only a hint of a promise to tease her.

He was a little surprised when she put down her tea and approached him, initiating a sweet and gentle kiss before she declared that she wanted to surprise her hero. His golden eyes noticeably softened as he gazed at her, his gaze warm with love as he returned the second, deeper kiss. He relished the sweet taste of her, and the silken softness of her lips against his. If he could, he would kiss her forever. Despite the difference in their sex, size and strength, he made no resistance as she pushed him around. He gave a theoretical sigh, exaggerated beyond what was really needed, “Oh, alright then. I promise not to turn around unless you tell me.” He said, a hint of laughter in his voice. He felt that it was sweet that she thought of him as her hero. He had not honestly thought that he was, but he could see how she did. He, a dashingly handsome man had saved her from several threats and was now treating her like a Princess. It was definitely a heroes story if ever he heard one. Maybe it was something they could tell any future children, if there were any. A deep part of him wished there was.

When Natia turned around to her, Glenda seemed to snap out of a daze before she nodded and then gushed, “You two are just so sweet!” She giggled, her cheeks turning bright red, “You remind me so much of my husband and I when he was courting me years ago.” She giggled again before ushering Natia behind the screen with the clothing. Since Natia knew how to put on a pair of panties, Glenda handed them over before she said in a quiet, almost conspiratorial, “Right, child. Lift up your arms, and I will slip it on.” When the small girl had done as she asked, she slipped the corset over Natia’s head. She then settled it into place before saying softly, “I’m sorry if this gets a little tight, but it’s the main purpose of these things.” She then took hold of the black lace string and began to tug on it, tightening it up around the top. She moved down the back of the corset, carefully pulling the laces through the holes until it was almost like a second skin on Natia, but she was careful not to make it so tight that the young girl couldn’t breath. When she had finished tightening it, she tied the laces up in a neat little bow at the bottom, “There you go, dear.” She said softly, “You look beautiful.” She then assured her.

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The pretty blush returned to Natia's soft face as Glenda mentioned that they reminded her of her husband. "Your... husband..." She couldn't help but smile faintly as she glanced back at Rowan, whom she'd convinced to turn away and not peek. That beautiful man... was going to be her husband. That thought alone caused her heart to burst with excitement over what she had planned. The idea of being a servant to his every need didn't bother her in the slightest. She truly felt like the luckiest girl in the world. 

It wasn't long, of course, before Glenda snapped the young princess back to reality. She slipped on a pair of silky panties and seemed to fit firmly over her soft ass and then proceeded to lift her arms as per her dresser's instructions. The clothes Natia typically wore were usually very loose-fitting. The tightness of the corset around her hips came as a surprise. It almost felt like something you would put a prisoner in to keep them restrained... It certainly wasn't an outfit she would wear on her own, but this was what Glenda suggested and she had faith that Rowan would like it. She looked down and traced the intricate, black flower-designed lace that decorated the red fabric. Looking at it closer, it really seemed to fit her surprisingly well. Whoever designed this top must have been very proud of their work. Even creating clothing with magic, she could never have created clothing with such intricate detailing!

As Natia stood in front of the mirror, she looked herself up and down. The corset seemed to highlight every curve, and squeezed her hips to make them more pronounced and her breasts were pushed together, exaggerating her breast size and calling far more attention to her cleavage. It made her look much less like a child and much more like a mature woman. She genuinely looked like the spitting image of what she understood a housewife to be. It was a look she'd never considered on herself before, perhaps even something she would be shamed for back home... Then again, almost everything she'd done up to this point was something she'd be shamed for. Wearing this top did restrict her movement... it felt as though if she'd move around too much, the fabric would tear into pieces... even still, Rowan would be gentle with her. And when it started to get in the way--Natia blushed at the thought--it would just come off in the end. 

Staring her reflection in the eyes for several seconds, she looked up at Glenda with a smile of excitement. "I-... I love it, ma'am..." She spoke softly with a somewhat lust-driven smile. "And I know he will too!" She glanced back at Rowan to make sure he wasn't taking a peek before giggling. "Okay! Now help me get it off before he can't resist~"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Auxiliary Staff

Location: Village of Ryn’tur.

“Oh, I think it will drive him crazy. It might be best to take it off before he tears it trying to rip it off. Providing he even bothers to do so.” Glenda assured Natia with a conspiratorial smile before she giggled with a blush at her insinuation. She had seen many men like Rowan, and knew that this young lady could drive the man crazy with lust. She chuckled to herself as she gently loosened the lace at the back of the corset. Once the entire garment loosened, she gently pulled it up and off of her. She then carefully folded it and put it aside, “There we go, child.” She paused as she looked at the corset, trying to think of ways that could improve the outfit. They already had the garter that she had suggested, but there was surely a way to make it even better.

She then smiled when a thought came to her, “Stay here a moment, child.” She said before leaving the screened area. She glanced at Rowan’s back, as he was still impatiently waiting for permission to turn back around. Glenda then opened a wardrobe and rummaged through it for a few moments before pulling out what she had been looking for. A pair of black stockings that looked like it would go up to the top of Natia’s thigh. Normally, they would be just above the knee, but as Natia was smaller than most of her customers, they were likely to be a little different. She came back around the screen and showed Natia before whispering in a quiet voice, as she didn’t want Rowan to hear her with his sensitive ears, “These might got very nicely with the outfit. I think it would complete the drop dead, sexy look.” She smiled almost wickedly.

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If Natia had a tail, it would be wagging with excitement. Her heart wasn't just racing, it felt like it was still on horseback! The pretty girl's mind was totally focused on Rowan's inevitable reaction to her looking her best and every new article of clothing Glenda brought her only made it seem that much more unreal. Rowan already could barely contain himself as is with her, there was no doubt he would be all over her in seconds flat if the things Glenda was saying were true...

She couldn't get that image of herself out of her head. The image of that out-of-place forest girl standing in the mirror and trying on a new dress... She looked like a totally different person and yet she had never felt so beautiful in her life, even with the dresses she'd created out of magic. Glenda really had a talent like she'd never known... Perhaps once she'd removed her collar, she could come back to lend her magic to Glenda's shop. There's no telling what kinds of incredible designs she could make through those means!

No doubt, of course, that this new style would certainly influence the way she dressed herself going forward... but she had to remember this was for Rowan's eyes only. The way Glenda was speaking and the way that creepy man reacted made that very clear... men... don't hold themselves back once they reach a certain point... If she were to be seen in public like this, she'd end up in chains again within seconds. Only Rowan was to see her in this outfit. This is his outfit for her. As long as it was just him, she didn't mind servicing however she was requested. Her hero deserved the best she could offer.

"Thank you..." Natia finally responded, her face still pink from her vivid imagination. "Rowan will love it, I'm certain! Can we put it in a bag so that Rowan doesn't see his surprise?" She giggled anxiously with an impish grin across her mug. "And this is our secret... only you, Rowan, and I know about this, right? I don't want anyone else to see me in this..." 

Natia took a deep breath and, perhaps without a second thought, she wrapped her little arms around Glenda's hips and pulled herself in for a hug. It felt just like hugging her mother and surprisingly didn't seem strange at all to her. She felt safe and happy. "...Thank you, M-" She had to cut herself off from accidentally calling Glenda her mother. "...Mrs. Glenda." She finished with her flushed cheeks.

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Location: Village of Ryn’tur.

A soft laugh escaped Glenda as Natia wrapped her arms around her ample hips. She hugged the girl back, petting the top of her head, “You’re very welcome, child.” She said in a gentle voice before adding, “And don’t worry, child. This will be our little secret. You wouldn’t believe the kinds of secrets I keep in this little shop of mine. Yours will be just as safe. I will put your new outfit in a nice secure bag.” She hugged Natia a little tighter before she gently pushed the small girl back. She then winked down at Natia before she left behind the screen again.

She went to a corner cupboard, pulling out a plain fibre bag. She had cottoned on very quickly that customers that came back for the more risky clothes, always wanted to keep them hidden from the public eye. So she made sure to keep a supply of bags back here so that even within her shop, their secrets were safe. She came back around the screen and very carefully put the clothes in the bag. Once they were safe, she put the bag down on the stool again, “Now, was there anything else you wanted, child?” She asked. She knew that the sweet little semi-transparent dress was likely ruined for her on account of the interrupted earlier. But perhaps there was something else that might have caught her eye that she might want.  

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