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On 5/29/2018 at 6:58 AM, Neptune said:

Location: Lydia’s home
Time: 22:21

Lydia felt her mouth go dry when he suggested that they go up to the bedroom to talk more in private. Her stomach fluttered in nervousness, her gut twisting itself into a knot. She was glad that she had, had some shots of vodka, as she would no doubt be even more nervous if she hadn’t. She swallowed several times, trying to wet her mouth before she let out a shaky breath, “I… I guess we could.” She said in a soft voice, surprising herself with even accepting the invitation. But then his hand felt so good wrapped around hers. His flesh was warm against hers, in a comforting sense and his grip felt secure. It made her wonder if she would feel like that when wrapped in his arms and felt her cheeks heat up at the thought. She stole a glance at him before gulping again before saying, “W-well, my bedroom is upstairs…” She said softly.

Using the fact that he was holding onto her hand, she lead him out of the kitchen and back into the hallway and towards the set of stairs by the dining room which she started to ascend. The stairs curved in on themselves as they went up to the landing. On the right side of the hallway, there were two doors that were closed, hiding the contents from view. At the far end of the hallway was a bathroom, which they could just about see due to the fact that the door was partially open. There was a single door on the left, quite close to them. It was to this one that Lydia lead him to, opening it up to reveal the well sized bedroom. She glanced at him,

“Well. This is my bedroom…” She said, for lack of anything better to say. It was as if her brain had suddenly stopped working. She reluctantly pulled her hand from his grip and moved over to the windows where she drew the curtains shut before she reached over to the bedside table and pressed a button on the small pad that was embedded in her bedside table, which turned both of the bedside table lamps on. That way she didn’t need to turn the main light on.

Location:  Lydia’s Home

Time: 22:25

Luck chuckles softly at seeing Lydia quite nervous which was a new side to her usual calm composure and he quite like this new side of her. He follow her lead into her own room as he began to memorize her household since he need to if he was going to live with her in peace and smile as he reach her sleeping chamber. It was quite a nice bedroom but it looks so lonely to him and nod knowing he could spark this houses to be alive again with his presence. He glance at the nervous Lydia knowing she was feeling nervous from her gesture and decide to take it slow due to his deep trust on her and not wanting to hurt her

”Lydia, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. If you need time to think about, I can wait.” Luck smile, reassuring.

His body move in instinct toward her as his hand rub her soft cheek and moving any unwanted hair bothering her vision while smiling at her. Lydia’s gentle skin felt smooth to the simple touch which could be nice if he could hold her close and feel her warmth with his body but he remain a gentleman to her. After all, she was precious to him and accepting his power which was a huge relief to him knowing such kind person exist in this new world.

”I don’t want to hurt you, Lydia. I....” Luck stop, lips quivering but remain confident. “I love you.” Luck finish. 

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On 6/3/2018 at 6:40 AM, Neptune said:

Location: Random night club

Aelius kept one arm wrapped around his prey as he followed his lover out of the club. Once they had stepped out past the bouncer, they were hit with a cold blast of air. This made the bartender shiver and press himself closer to Aelius, seeking his heat. Unfortunately for him, Aelius wasn’t exactly hot, from having been so long without feeding. However he tightened his grip so that the man wouldn’t move off. Because he had been enthralled with Aelius even before the hypnotism, he was more than willing to stick like glue to the Hagorath as they headed back towards the car. 

When the man spotted Linus putting the unconscious woman into their car, he asked, “Is… she okay?”

“Perfect,” Aelius said in a smooth voice, “She’s just had too much to drink. My brother will look after her.” He took the man to the other back passenger door, opening it up before he looked the bartender deeply in the eyes to lock him in place before pressing his fingers against the pressure point on his neck, causing him to slump into Aelius’ arms. Then, like Linus had with the stripper, he bundled the unconscious figure into the car and did up the seatbelt so that he wouldn’t flop all over the place. He then looked at Linus, “Let’s go.” He said, before opening up the front passenger door and getting inside. He settled himself comfortably in the seat, doing up his seat belt before closing the door as he waited for Linus to get into the car and for them to get going. He peered out of the windows, his sharp eyes looking for anyone watching them and, to his relief, saw no one immediately obvious.

Linus smiles as he watches Aelius follow in his actions of knocking his prey out cold. He climbs into the driver's seat before turning in the car and listening to the engine purrs before slowly beginning to drive out of the parking lot. The sounds of small rocks separated from the asphalt cause Linus to chuckle softly as it sounds like the bones being turned to gravel from many people that he had killed with his strength in the war.

"So, how should we go about this run, Aelius? We can't have the same thing each and every time... Maybe toy around with them a bit, get some of the other pets to help out? We'll have to reward them, of course~"

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On 02/06/2018 at 23:44, Shuya "Cheshire" Hideaki said:

Shuya simply chuckled as he was told that he could t handle himself. The male Kitsune shakes his head and smiles before looking at her badge

"Sorry, love... But that's where you're wrong. I can more than take care of myself, in fact, I could easily help you guys out with no casualties."

Shuya's tail begins to slowly wave back and forth in a fluid motion before he took a few steps beck and then ran full force towards the line of cars. At the last second, he jumped, quickly transforming into a large white fox, which managed to startle some of the police officers that hadn't seen him just a moment ago. He looks over at the female who had approached him before giving her the best grin he could in that form. He smiles and sends a telepathic thought towards the woman

<<Still think I can't handle myself? Are you coming or not?>>

*Alleyne rolled her eyes at the Kitsune's actions as she put away her badge, getting the distinct feeling that today was definitely not going to end well. She looked at the overenthusiastic fox boy and hoped that she would not have to babysit if things got heavy. As the Kitsune transformed into a giant fox and jumped in ahead of the police line, Alleyne couldn't help but shout, "Are you trying to get yourself killed? Get back here!" 

The fox boy however didn't seem to want to listen though Alleyne knew if he got himself hurt or killed, they were going to get blamed. Fuck, this is bullshi... she thought to herself before something totally unexpected happened. Suddenly, an large explosion went off inside the walls of the bank and the heavy front doors of the bank were blown clear off. This was followed by the sounds of rather loud gunfire. Alleyne and the police were instantly on high alert and drew their weapons. Looks like whoever was holding up the bank was not planning on a peaceful exit. As they prepared to move in, Alleyne felt something was off, really really off. Why did the felons who were in the building just set off some sort of explosive (assuming it was an explosive) with them still inside. Were they not worried about their hostages/bargaining chips being killed? Something did not add up and unfortunately for everyone here, they were about to find out why. As the police and Alleyne moved in closer to the bank, things became a lot clearer. As they moved in, they saw that the hostages that the were so carefully gathered...were all dead and so were the felons that were guarding them. Alleyne now had a really bad feeling as the police entered the bank with their weapons drawn. 

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  • Auxiliary Staff

Location: Lydia’s home
Time: 22:26

Lydia stiffened a little in surprise when Luck stepped closer to him before rubbing his hand against her cheek. The gesture surprised her, but she soon relaxed as it felt comforting. She even leaned her cheek against his touch with a soft sigh. She then paused again when he just came out and told her that he loved her. She blinked a little in surprise, feeling a little confused. The two of them barely knew each other. Could people really fall in love that quickly? She wasn’t sure. She had assumed that the whole ‘love at first sight’ was nothing more than a story plot used in books and movies. She wasn’t even sure if what she was feeling was love, but then it was something she had never truly experienced before. Her stomach was certainly fluttering in nervousness, and her cheeks heated up when she looked up at him. She knew that she had the urge to press herself closer to him, to let him hold her. Was that love? She wasn’t sure, and she didn’t want to simply state it in response to him because she wasn’t sure.

“I… I’ve never been in love before.” She admitted, preferring to give him the truth, rather than just parroting him. After all, if this was the start of something, she would prefer to be honest and truthful with him. She would hate herself if she ended up leading him along with sweet promises before just tossing him aside. It seemed cruel, especially as he didn’t seem to want to actually harm anyone. Not anymore. He certainly seemed very upset when he had frightened her. She looked at him, afraid that she had upset him with the truth, but she didn’t want to lie out of her teeth. Being honest with him was more important in her eyes.

Location: Linus’ car

Aelius turned his head away from the window, pulling himself from the sight of the city moving by the car, to look at his lover. His lip curved in a slight smirk, “I like the idea of playing around with them.” His smirk turned contemptuous before he added, “I know my old birth mother told me never to play with my food but…” He let out a soft chuckle, “But I’ve not listened to her for a very long time.” He said, before turning his eyes to look back out of the window after glancing behind him to make sure that their prey was fast asleep. As he turned his eyes back to the scenery, he couldn’t help but to feel excited at the thought of taking his little human home and enjoying his life blood. He was so hungry, especially after sleeping for so long. His life energy levels were quite low, and he had no doubt that Linus’ were as well. 

Well, if these two were not enough to satisfy them, they will no doubt go out again to get their hands on even more prey. It wasn’t as if it was particularly hard to make a human swoon under their spell. Foolish creatures. It was a small wonder he was so contemptuous towards them. They didn’t deserve his respect. If they weren’t so easy to hunt, he wouldn’t think so lowly of them. Even back in the past they were far more way by then. But then, this world had surrendered itself to ‘science’ and it was the age of apparent skeptics who ignored the warnings and the stories, dismissing them as nothing more than the supernatural. Unfortunately for them, there was usually a truth behind the stories. And that was their own undoing

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2 hours ago, Neptune said:

Location: Lydia’s home
Time: 22:26

Lydia stiffened a little in surprise when Luck stepped closer to him before rubbing his hand against her cheek. The gesture surprised her, but she soon relaxed as it felt comforting. She even leaned her cheek against his touch with a soft sigh. She then paused again when he just came out and told her that he loved her. She blinked a little in surprise, feeling a little confused. The two of them barely knew each other. Could people really fall in love that quickly? She wasn’t sure. She had assumed that the whole ‘love at first sight’ was nothing more than a story plot used in books and movies. She wasn’t even sure if what she was feeling was love, but then it was something she had never truly experienced before. Her stomach was certainly fluttering in nervousness, and her cheeks heated up when she looked up at him. She knew that she had the urge to press herself closer to him, to let him hold her. Was that love? She wasn’t sure, and she didn’t want to simply state it in response to him because she wasn’t sure.

“I… I’ve never been in love before.” She admitted, preferring to give him the truth, rather than just parroting him. After all, if this was the start of something, she would prefer to be honest and truthful with him. She would hate herself if she ended up leading him along with sweet promises before just tossing him aside. It seemed cruel, especially as he didn’t seem to want to actually harm anyone. Not anymore. He certainly seemed very upset when he had frightened her. She looked at him, afraid that she had upset him with the truth, but she didn’t want to lie out of her teeth. Being honest with him was more important in her eyes.

Luck smile softly as she felt her head rubbing against his hand caressing her cheek and hearing her answer which was plain obvious after hearing her out. After all, Lydia did spend her life alone and solely depending on herself all her life but her expressions could be a good sign of their relationship to grow into that soon. His hand slowly move away from soft red cheek as he remain happy with her answer and grabbing hold of her hand this time.

”Then we will take our time and get to know each other before we move into a serious relationship. I already told you my honest feelings and I won’t change but don’t wait too long.” Luck explain, as he wink at the last sentence.

Even with their relationship in a slow halt, he did look up to Lydia quite a lot to accept him and giving him a home to stay. Of course, Lydia was a beautiful woman and maturity to boot which only made Luck’s heart beat fast knowing more about her. As he wanted to spend more time with Lydia, he noticed the time and a bit nervous for her knowing that Lydia was a hard working teacher that shouldn’t stay all night for his sake.

”If you like, you can sleep for work tomorrow if you have it since I don’t want to keep you up and I think that little drink fest is making you a bit red.” Luck comment.

He smile at her since she was rather cute blushing from his bold advance and giving him a bit of purity when it come to love. 

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On 03/06/2018 at 02:57, Aurafox1 said:

Mr. Enron's nonchalance about the whole ordeal only frustrated Alez more, but she tried to suppress her emotions. Otherwise, she would become stuck in this physical form for a while. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. "You are very much aware of what you're doing." She glanced back at Sam before turning her attention back to Mr. Enron. "Fine. There must be some other way we can settle her debt, right? Even you must know that such absurd numbers are impossible to meet." She wasn't quite sure what she was getting herself into, but with any luck, she would be able to help Sam with some odd jobs to repay her debt. As a celestial, she wasn't quite cunning enough to negotiate nor to pull any trickery to pull the wool over his eyes. She was quite nervous about what kind of job this man would suggest. Knowing his practices, he would probably aggrandize some shady task to convince the two to agree to something dangerous, but with her powers, she was sure she could keep Sam safe at the very least. She could only hope she wouldn't be stuck having to do something clearly illegal.

*Mr Enron looked at Alez as she offered to help Samantha with paying off her debt as one  would look at someone that was offering free food at a buffet. Certainly, he couldn't be more pleased as he knew he was needing to spread the products he was given quite rapidly though he obviously did not have his excitement obvious. Though he really doubted Alez would agree to sell his products once she knew what they were, he had other options for her if necessary.*

"Alez, please don't..." Samantha began to say, not wanting to drag Alez what she assumed to be a trap. 

"If Alez is willing to help you for free, I don't see why you're so against it." Mr Enron said. "Anyway, I do have a few things you COULD do before I will consider Sam's debt paid."

*It was then that Mr Enron explained to Alez quite thoroughly what Mr Enron needed doing. The first option was helping sell some products Mr Enron needed sold over the phone, not financial products ironically enough but actual physical products. From his description, it sounded like Alez would be selling a good phone along with a plan for data and calls. Surprisingly, the phone it came with was actually a nice phone though the plan itself could be considered a bit dodgy due to its terms. The second option was helping Mr Enron sell some sort of health supplement products at certain locations. However, from what Alez would be able to surmise, this wouldn't exactly help Sam as quickly as she might like.*

"Of course, if you want to help her quickly, there is one proposal that I might have." Mr Enron said, leaving what that might entail open.

"Oh god, no!" Samantha said, seemingly understanding what that might mean. "You can't mean selling herself THAT way?!"

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  • Auxiliary Staff
On 08/06/2018 at 21:13, lVergill said:

Luck smile softly as she felt her head rubbing against his hand caressing her cheek and hearing her answer which was plain obvious after hearing her out. After all, Lydia did spend her life alone and solely depending on herself all her life but her expressions could be a good sign of their relationship to grow into that soon. His hand slowly move away from soft red cheek as he remain happy with her answer and grabbing hold of her hand this time.

”Then we will take our time and get to know each other before we move into a serious relationship. I already told you my honest feelings and I won’t change but don’t wait too long.” Luck explain, as he wink at the last sentence.

Even with their relationship in a slow halt, he did look up to Lydia quite a lot to accept him and giving him a home to stay. Of course, Lydia was a beautiful woman and maturity to boot which only made Luck’s heart beat fast knowing more about her. As he wanted to spend more time with Lydia, he noticed the time and a bit nervous for her knowing that Lydia was a hard working teacher that shouldn’t stay all night for his sake.

”If you like, you can sleep for work tomorrow if you have it since I don’t want to keep you up and I think that little drink fest is making you a bit red.” Luck comment.

He smile at her since she was rather cute blushing from his bold advance and giving him a bit of purity when it come to love. 

Location: Lydia’s home
Time: 22:26

Lydia gave him a nervous smile at his first comment, not entirely sure how to respond to it. Normally she was such a confident person, however she had been reduced to the point where she felt like a giddy little schoolgirl which made her feel unsure and uncertain. She had no idea what to even do or how to act. She was completely at a loss. He clearly knew more about this kind of thing then she did and as such, she was too nervous to make the first move. A part of her wanted him to just scoop her up in his arms and kiss her but her good sense told her that perhaps that might not be the best idea especially with someone she had only just met. It was a conflict that made her freeze, and hesitate. At his offer, she gave a slightly jerky nod as she looked at the clock on the bedside table and noticing the time. She had to be up at five in the morning, so she should perhaps go to bed soon. Lydia looked back at Luck and said,

“I… I should go to sleep. I have work tomorrow… but I’m off the day after…” Her voice trailed off, wondering if she was even going to concentrate on her work tomorrow. So much had happened without these last few hours, it made her head spin. The alcohol didn’t particularly help, as it did cloud her thinking somewhat. But at the very least it might allow her to sleep tonight, as she was going to need to aid with so much running through her mind. She hoped that some sleep might be able to clear her mind; at least just enough for her to be able to get through the work day without any distractions. At least she hoped. 

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50 minutes ago, Neptune said:

Location: Lydia’s home
Time: 22:26

Lydia gave him a nervous smile at his first comment, not entirely sure how to respond to it. Normally she was such a confident person, however she had been reduced to the point where she felt like a giddy little schoolgirl which made her feel unsure and uncertain. She had no idea what to even do or how to act. She was completely at a loss. He clearly knew more about this kind of thing then she did and as such, she was too nervous to make the first move. A part of her wanted him to just scoop her up in his arms and kiss her but her good sense told her that perhaps that might not be the best idea especially with someone she had only just met. It was a conflict that made her freeze, and hesitate. At his offer, she gave a slightly jerky nod as she looked at the clock on the bedside table and noticing the time. She had to be up at five in the morning, so she should perhaps go to bed soon. Lydia looked back at Luck and said,

“I… I should go to sleep. I have work tomorrow… but I’m off the day after…” Her voice trailed off, wondering if she was even going to concentrate on her work tomorrow. So much had happened without these last few hours, it made her head spin. The alcohol didn’t particularly help, as it did cloud her thinking somewhat. But at the very least it might allow her to sleep tonight, as she was going to need to aid with so much running through her mind. She hoped that some sleep might be able to clear her mind; at least just enough for her to be able to get through the work day without any distractions. At least she hoped. 


Luck sigh to hear Lydia finally agree to his plan to sleep since it is a bit late for her to stay up and she must keep a good record of staying on schedule but seeing her like this made him having second thoughts about it. She looks so vulnerable at the moment from the drink and her blushing face clearly visible as she craves for something that she was unable to act at the moment as if waiting for something to happen to spark her confidence. It is true that they first meet each other for a while know and barely know each other in history but his hear was telling him otherwise since he really loves Lydia from the bottom of his heart due to her kind and mature nature of her personality. His hand slowly tightly grab her cheek to pull her close as he watches Lydia's blush face coming closer and closer while his face became the same expression as her. His body was acting on its own as he felt her soft lips as he pant and continue to kiss this wonderful woman that he love with kindness as each muffled breath was filled with desire for her. His hand began to move around her hips to embrace her gentle body of her and feeling her breasts press on his chest as he enjoys this moment with her. It was a soft beginning since Luck knew Lydia was a bit nervous so he took his time and slowly give her a good pleasure so she could understand his true feeling about her since he told her with words but now, he will use his body to give her a straight answer. After a while of passionate, deep kiss, Luck slowly removes his lips from her as he inhales air sharply from the lack of breathing but still smiles at his woman with joy for pulling such bold stun in order to get her attention through her. 

"There...." Luck blush, "That's what I truly feel for you Lydia and I do really love you, I am sorry if I force you to do such thing but my body sort of...react to your beauty.." Luck explain. 

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On 6/8/2018 at 8:56 AM, Manni said:

*Alleyne rolled her eyes at the Kitsune's actions as she put away her badge, getting the distinct feeling that today was definitely not going to end well. She looked at the overenthusiastic fox boy and hoped that she would not have to babysit if things got heavy. As the Kitsune transformed into a giant fox and jumped in ahead of the police line, Alleyne couldn't help but shout, "Are you trying to get yourself killed? Get back here!" 

The fox boy however didn't seem to want to listen though Alleyne knew if he got himself hurt or killed, they were going to get blamed. Fuck, this is bullshi... she thought to herself before something totally unexpected happened. Suddenly, an large explosion went off inside the walls of the bank and the heavy front doors of the bank were blown clear off. This was followed by the sounds of rather loud gunfire. Alleyne and the police were instantly on high alert and drew their weapons. Looks like whoever was holding up the bank was not planning on a peaceful exit. As they prepared to move in, Alleyne felt something was off, really really off. Why did the felons who were in the building just set off some sort of explosive (assuming it was an explosive) with them still inside. Were they not worried about their hostages/bargaining chips being killed? Something did not add up and unfortunately for everyone here, they were about to find out why. As the police and Alleyne moved in closer to the bank, things became a lot clearer. As they moved in, they saw that the hostages that the were so carefully gathered...were all dead and so were the felons that were guarding them. Alleyne now had a really bad feeling as the police entered the bank with their weapons drawn. 

Shuya turns towards the bank as the explosion is set off, blowing the doors off the hinges and out into the open. He slowly but cautiously moves forward with Alleyne, his large tail swishing side to side in a curious manner as his head peeks into the room, the smell if burning flesh filling his sensitive snout

He gives a gentle growl as the hair on the back of his neck rises, a bad feeling striking him as he looks around through the smoke and dust at the lifeless corpses

<<Hey, something isn't right about this...>

On 6/8/2018 at 11:56 AM, Neptune said:

Location: Linus’ car

Aelius turned his head away from the window, pulling himself from the sight of the city moving by the car, to look at his lover. His lip curved in a slight smirk, “I like the idea of playing around with them.” His smirk turned contemptuous before he added, “I know my old birth mother told me never to play with my food but…” He let out a soft chuckle, “But I’ve not listened to her for a very long time.” He said, before turning his eyes to look back out of the window after glancing behind him to make sure that their prey was fast asleep. As he turned his eyes back to the scenery, he couldn’t help but to feel excited at the thought of taking his little human home and enjoying his life blood. He was so hungry, especially after sleeping for so long. His life energy levels were quite low, and he had no doubt that Linus’ were as well. 

Well, if these two were not enough to satisfy them, they will no doubt go out again to get their hands on even more prey. It wasn’t as if it was particularly hard to make a human swoon under their spell. Foolish creatures. It was a small wonder he was so contemptuous towards them. They didn’t deserve his respect. If they weren’t so easy to hunt, he wouldn’t think so lowly of them. Even back in the past they were far more way by then. But then, this world had surrendered itself to ‘science’ and it was the age of apparent skeptics who ignored the warnings and the stories, dismissing them as nothing more than the supernatural. Unfortunately for them, there was usually a truth behind the stories. And that was their own undoing

Location: Linus' Car/Linus & Aelius' House

Linus' stomach growled softly as his nostrils were filled by the sweet scent of their two victims, one willing to come and the other taken by force. He smiles over at Aelius as he receives his answer, glad that his younger lover thought so as well. He smiles and decides to sit back and enjoy the sense of excitement that kidnapping their prey brought. As always, they would never be seen again.

It isn't long before Linus pulls into the driveway of their cozy abode, turning off the car and stepping back out into the crisp night air. He smiles up at the moon for a moment before walking to the back door to collect his pretty, leaving Aelius to collect his.

"Come, Aelius~ It's time to feed~"

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18 hours ago, Manni said:

*Mr Enron looked at Alez as she offered to help Samantha with paying off her debt as one  would look at someone that was offering free food at a buffet. Certainly, he couldn't be more pleased as he knew he was needing to spread the products he was given quite rapidly though he obviously did not have his excitement obvious. Though he really doubted Alez would agree to sell his products once she knew what they were, he had other options for her if necessary.*

 "Alez, please don't..." Samantha began to say, not wanting to drag Alez what she assumed to be a trap

"If Alez is willing to help you for free, I don't see why you're so against it." Mr Enron said. "Anyway, I do have a few things you COULD do before I will consider Sam's debt paid."

*It was then that Mr Enron explained to Alez quite thoroughly what Mr Enron needed doing. The first option was helping sell some products Mr Enron needed sold over the phone, not financial products ironically enough but actual physical products. From his description, it sounded like Alez would be selling a good phone along with a plan for data and calls. Surprisingly, the phone it came with was actually a nice phone though the plan itself could be considered a bit dodgy due to its terms. The second option was helping Mr Enron sell some sort of health supplement products at certain locations. However, from what Alez would be able to surmise, this wouldn't exactly help Sam as quickly as she might like.*

"Of course, if you want to help her quickly, there is one proposal that I might have." Mr Enron said, leaving what that might entail open.

"Oh god, no!" Samantha said, seemingly understanding what that might mean. "You can't mean selling herself THAT way?!"

Judging from Mr. Enron's character, Alez could tell both of these options he offered wouldn't be the cleanliest of jobs. There were bound to be important details hidden within them that would make them seem far less innocent. Of course, when dealing with such a disgusting example of corporate greed, she would have to ignore the first few suggestions he offered. Besides, the way he worded them, it would seem that they would take a very long time to make up for Sam's debt. This final option, however, caught her interest for only a brief moment before she heard Sam's immediate response of disgust. Clearly, whatever this man had in mind wasn't going to be worth it. 

It was clear to her at this point that if she was going to outsmart this man, she would have to play by his rules, but outside his realm of understanding. She took a moment to think about what she had that could divert the man's attention and fool him into thinking he had won their little encounter. From what she had observed, there didn't seem to be anything this man enjoyed more than making a profit, so she immediately came up with an idea that would most certainly change his mind.

"Forget about whatever disgusting ideas you have in mind." Alez reached up and removed the pendant from her neck. Under most circumstances, this would be extremely dangerous. She always wore the pendant around her neck because it was her only way of returning to Coelis. Without it, she would have no way to return and would essentially starve due to how a Celestial's body functioned. However, if everything went according to plan, she would settle Sam's debt right here and now and have this pendant right back around her neck by the end of the day. 

She carefully dangled the glistening silver and gold pendant across from Mr. Enron's face. "Take a look at this, pure, solid gold and silver. This pendant is a priceless family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It's an important memento to me, but by selling this with your dirty schemes, I'm sure you'll more than make up what you would get from Samantha, tenfold. Go ahead and have it appraised, you'll find this is no lie. This pendant is genuinely solid, pure gold and silver. All I ask is that you relieve Samantha of her debt and you can have this pendant, absolutely free. You would be a fool to turn down this offer."

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On 10/06/2018 at 19:21, lVergill said:

Luck sigh to hear Lydia finally agree to his plan to sleep since it is a bit late for her to stay up and she must keep a good record of staying on schedule but seeing her like this made him having second thoughts about it. She looks so vulnerable at the moment from the drink and her blushing face clearly visible as she craves for something that she was unable to act at the moment as if waiting for something to happen to spark her confidence. It is true that they first meet each other for a while know and barely know each other in history but his hear was telling him otherwise since he really loves Lydia from the bottom of his heart due to her kind and mature nature of her personality. His hand slowly tightly grab her cheek to pull her close as he watches Lydia's blush face coming closer and closer while his face became the same expression as her. His body was acting on its own as he felt her soft lips as he pant and continue to kiss this wonderful woman that he love with kindness as each muffled breath was filled with desire for her. His hand began to move around her hips to embrace her gentle body of her and feeling her breasts press on his chest as he enjoys this moment with her. It was a soft beginning since Luck knew Lydia was a bit nervous so he took his time and slowly give her a good pleasure so she could understand his true feeling about her since he told her with words but now, he will use his body to give her a straight answer. After a while of passionate, deep kiss, Luck slowly removes his lips from her as he inhales air sharply from the lack of breathing but still smiles at his woman with joy for pulling such bold stun in order to get her attention through her. 

"There...." Luck blush, "That's what I truly feel for you Lydia and I do really love you, I am sorry if I force you to do such thing but my body sort of...react to your beauty.." Luck explain. 

Location: Lydia’s home
Time: 22:28

When Lydia felt Luck’s hand gripping her cheek, she started to ask, “Luck what are you-” Her words were interrupted when his lips locked themselves to her own, preventing her from being able to speak. Her mind completely froze up as his arms wrapped around her, holding her in a tight and secure embrace that made her feel safe. It seemed as if she fit perfectly within his arms, as if she was made to be there. At first, she didn’t react because she wasn’t sure what to do but she couldn’t push him away either. She… liked it too much. But she had frozen up too much in surprise at the sudden display of affection. Before her brain could fully process it, Luck pulled away leaving her feeling strangely empty and craving for more. She refocused her eyes on him, slowly blinking her green eyes. She heard what he said, her mind slowly processing the words. Her face then flushed a deep red colour, and her mouth opened to try and say something but the words stuck in her throat.

She stared at him for several moments, before her body then seemed to act on its own, her mind not protesting in the slightest. So, without thinking, she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as she kissed him back, swept away in a wave of passion that he had seemed to unlock. Right now, she didn’t care that she should really be getting to bed and to sleep. All she cared about was this moment right now, and the person she was with.

On 10/06/2018 at 20:29, Shuya "Cheshire" Hideaki said:

Shuya turns towards the bank as the explosion is set off, blowing the doors off the hinges and out into the open. He slowly but cautiously moves forward with Alleyne, his large tail swishing side to side in a curious manner as his head peeks into the room, the smell if burning flesh filling his sensitive snout

He gives a gentle growl as the hair on the back of his neck rises, a bad feeling striking him as he looks around through the smoke and dust at the lifeless corpses

<<Hey, something isn't right about this...>

Location: Linus' Car/Linus & Aelius' House

Linus' stomach growled softly as his nostrils were filled by the sweet scent of their two victims, one willing to come and the other taken by force. He smiles over at Aelius as he receives his answer, glad that his younger lover thought so as well. He smiles and decides to sit back and enjoy the sense of excitement that kidnapping their prey brought. As always, they would never be seen again.

It isn't long before Linus pulls into the driveway of their cozy abode, turning off the car and stepping back out into the crisp night air. He smiles up at the moon for a moment before walking to the back door to collect his pretty, leaving Aelius to collect his.

"Come, Aelius~ It's time to feed~"

Location: Linus’ car and home.

As they pulled into the driveway of their home, Aelius looked closely out of the window to make sure that no one was watching them. That was one of the problems with bringing their prey back to their home. If any of the neighbours were peering out of their window, then they would see the two Hagorath carrying unconscious humans into their home and call the authorities. The one thing about humans that irked him were the small number that were commonly referred to as ‘nosey neighbours’. Always trying to stick their nose into other peoples business, where it didn’t belong. He undid his seatbelt, and got out of the car back into the freezing cold air. He took a deep breath as he closed the car door before he moved to the back door, glad that there was no ice on the driveway which would cause troubles walking. 

He glanced up at his lover with his golden eyes before murmuring softly, “Of course, my love.” He opened the back car door and undid the seatbelt on the handsome young man before he pulled him out of the car. He threw one of his arms around his shoulders, making it look like he was helping a drunk friend. He closed the car door before moving up the pavement towards their home. Before he even got close to the door, it opened to reveal Chloe, their sweet white haired maid. He smiled at her, “Ah, Chloe my sweet… as you can see we have a couple of special guests… be a dear and prepare for them.” He said. Her blue eyes sparkled slightly as she bowed, “Yes, Master.” She said before turning and moving off as Aelius turned to look back at Linus.

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4 hours ago, Neptune said:

Location: Lydia’s home
Time: 22:28

When Lydia felt Luck’s hand gripping her cheek, she started to ask, “Luck what are you-” Her words were interrupted when his lips locked themselves to her own, preventing her from being able to speak. Her mind completely froze up as his arms wrapped around her, holding her in a tight and secure embrace that made her feel safe. It seemed as if she fit perfectly within his arms, as if she was made to be there. At first, she didn’t react because she wasn’t sure what to do but she couldn’t push him away either. She… liked it too much. But she had frozen up too much in surprise at the sudden display of affection. Before her brain could fully process it, Luck pulled away leaving her feeling strangely empty and craving for more. She refocused her eyes on him, slowly blinking her green eyes. She heard what he said, her mind slowly processing the words. Her face then flushed a deep red colour, and her mouth opened to try and say something but the words stuck in her throat.

She stared at him for several moments, before her body then seemed to act on its own, her mind not protesting in the slightest. So, without thinking, she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as she kissed him back, swept away in a wave of passion that he had seemed to unlock. Right now, she didn’t care that she should really be getting to bed and to sleep. All she cared about was this moment right now, and the person she was with.


Location: Lydia’s home
Time: 10:30 PM (22:30)

Luck became a bit nervous as Lydia remain silent as if time has stopped and this silent was really painful for him since he was holding his breath to hear some kind of answer from his future lover but soon, it came. Her body moves close to him as he flinches at her reaction until he felt her soft hand wrap around his neck and feeling that sweet feeling of her lips pressed against him which made him shocked. He slowly shoves his tongue inside of her wet mouth that craves for some love and his hand follows her lead to embrace her so humanly close to keep this moment going. As Luck kiss without a care in the world, their body fell into Lydia's bed with the same care of not wanting to stop their kiss which slowly turns steamy and wet since he wants her so badly that his body was reacting with joy. He was at the bottom while Lydia remains on top of his body, drooling his tongue began exploring her mouth and wrapping around her tongue to motivate her to do the same of tasting each other saliva. 

This kind of lewd air filling her room made Luck do some rather risky play as his hand began to fondle her breast that are hiding inside of her clothes and feeling her nipple through them still as he teased to make her feel good. This moment is enjoyable and the happiest moment of his life as he is making love with his future girl that he admires since day one of this travel in this new world and he was more than happy to settle down just to make her happy. Luck could hear their muffled moan and sharp breathing as he drools all over this beautiful teacher giving him a "special" lesson and smiling happily knowing Lydia has complete trust on him which quickly made his doubt disappear from his mind. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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On 11/06/2018 at 15:43, Aurafox1 said:

Judging from Mr. Enron's character, Alez could tell both of these options he offered wouldn't be the cleanliest of jobs. There were bound to be important details hidden within them that would make them seem far less innocent. Of course, when dealing with such a disgusting example of corporate greed, she would have to ignore the first few suggestions he offered. Besides, the way he worded them, it would seem that they would take a very long time to make up for Sam's debt. This final option, however, caught her interest for only a brief moment before she heard Sam's immediate response of disgust. Clearly, whatever this man had in mind wasn't going to be worth it. 

It was clear to her at this point that if she was going to outsmart this man, she would have to play by his rules, but outside his realm of understanding. She took a moment to think about what she had that could divert the man's attention and fool him into thinking he had won their little encounter. From what she had observed, there didn't seem to be anything this man enjoyed more than making a profit, so she immediately came up with an idea that would most certainly change his mind.

"Forget about whatever disgusting ideas you have in mind." Alez reached up and removed the pendant from her neck. Under most circumstances, this would be extremely dangerous. She always wore the pendant around her neck because it was her only way of returning to Coelis. Without it, she would have no way to return and would essentially starve due to how a Celestial's body functioned. However, if everything went according to plan, she would settle Sam's debt right here and now and have this pendant right back around her neck by the end of the day. 

She carefully dangled the glistening silver and gold pendant across from Mr. Enron's face. "Take a look at this, pure, solid gold and silver. This pendant is a priceless family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It's an important memento to me, but by selling this with your dirty schemes, I'm sure you'll more than make up what you would get from Samantha, tenfold. Go ahead and have it appraised, you'll find this is no lie. This pendant is genuinely solid, pure gold and silver. All I ask is that you relieve Samantha of her debt and you can have this pendant, absolutely free. You would be a fool to turn down this offer."

Now things were getting a bit more interesting, as Alez revealed to Mr Enron what she had hidden away down her shirt. It appeared to be a pendant made of pure gold and silver, quite heavy and valuable stuff. Mr Enron was no jeweller but he knew pure gold and silver where he saw it and this stuff looked exactly like pure good and silver. This would certainly fetch a lot of money on the market and more aside. Mr Enron was about to jump all over it when he wondered why exactly this girl was selling something so valuable to her. If it was indeed a priceless family heirloom, it certainly wouldn't be easy to sell. Especially for some one else unrelated to themselves. 

"Hmm, this is a rather interesting little trinket you have there. Though, I'm wondering why you sell something so valuable to me for someone like her, who is unrelated to you?" Mr Enron asked, "Her problems are her own and seem to not have any bearing on your life, so I am curious as to why sell it? Though, if you are THAT willing to sell something so valuable, I have no issue taking the debt away from Samantha."

Mr Enron typed on the keyboard of his computer on his desk and brought up Samantha's file, which had a large debt on it. He typed in that the debt had now been paid by third party in kind and now the file was closed. He saved the details to the file and then asked one of the guards to go get Samantha's valuables as he had no reason to hold onto them. As this was happening, Samantha just looked totally stunned at what was happening. 



Location: At Naughty Cow Dairy, CEO's Office.

Well, that was certainly an interesting interview... David thought to himself as he pulled out of Silvina, having just had sex with her, in her office, over her own desk. Goodness, he could barely look at her now without flashbacks of that going through his head. Damn it, now how was he going to explain all this to his friends?  Perhaps he really shouldn't and he should keep this to himself. He shook his head as he tried to get a handle on the situation...which was fairly hard as he kept staring at the beautiful naked body of Silvina, his employer. It was getting rather distracting and he did not want to know if he could go more. No, that was out of the question! Though he had no idea how this all started, with Silvina seducing him and all that. He was starting to suspect perhaps this was all her plan...but that made very little sense to him. Why would anyone want to do this in a job interview? It didn't matter now though, what was done was done. Back to the real world now, he noticed that this nice dress pants was all wet, covered in both their juices. This would be hard to explain to Alleyne when he picked him up. He hoped that somewhere here had a washing machine or something he could wash his clothes. While he would ask, he really didn't know what to say now...and the words weren't coming out. 



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On 6/23/2018 at 7:20 AM, Manni said:

Now things were getting a bit more interesting, as Alez revealed to Mr Enron what she had hidden away down her shirt. It appeared to be a pendant made of pure gold and silver, quite heavy and valuable stuff. Mr Enron was no jeweller but he knew pure gold and silver where he saw it and this stuff looked exactly like pure good and silver. This would certainly fetch a lot of money on the market and more aside. Mr Enron was about to jump all over it when he wondered why exactly this girl was selling something so valuable to her. If it was indeed a priceless family heirloom, it certainly wouldn't be easy to sell. Especially for some one else unrelated to themselves. 

"Hmm, this is a rather interesting little trinket you have there. Though, I'm wondering why you sell something so valuable to me for someone like her, who is unrelated to you?" Mr Enron asked, "Her problems are her own and seem to not have any bearing on your life, so I am curious as to why sell it? Though, if you are THAT willing to sell something so valuable, I have no issue taking the debt away from Samantha."

Mr Enron typed on the keyboard of his computer on his desk and brought up Samantha's file, which had a large debt on it. He typed in that the debt had now been paid by third party in kind and now the file was closed. He saved the details to the file and then asked one of the guards to go get Samantha's valuables as he had no reason to hold onto them. As this was happening, Samantha just looked totally stunned at what was happening. 

"I'm selling this because quite frankly I can't stand you and I refuse to let you take advantage of someone like Samantha any longer. You're foul, disgusting, and you should be absolutely ashamed of your revolting business practices. But don't think this is the end. I will make sure this whole business crumbles, you mark my words." She set the pendant down on the desk. It was quite bothersome to separate herself from it, as she really did need it to return home. But if everything went according to plan, she would have it back by the end of the day. She knew what she was doing was wrong, and no doubt lady Caelisia would reprimand her for her behavior. She wasn't supposed to get involved in the ordeals of mortals, but this was just something she could not sit idly by and watch. Besides, she was quite certain there was more to this man than just greed. That aura of darkness doesn't come from just the normal, everyday sin of humankind. 

"Now then, do you want the pendant or not?" 

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On 23/06/2018 at 13:20, Manni said:

Location: At Naughty Cow Dairy, CEO's Office.

Well, that was certainly an interesting interview... David thought to himself as he pulled out of Silvina, having just had sex with her, in her office, over her own desk. Goodness, he could barely look at her now without flashbacks of that going through his head. Damn it, now how was he going to explain all this to his friends?  Perhaps he really shouldn't and he should keep this to himself. He shook his head as he tried to get a handle on the situation...which was fairly hard as he kept staring at the beautiful naked body of Silvina, his employer. It was getting rather distracting and he did not want to know if he could go more. No, that was out of the question! Though he had no idea how this all started, with Silvina seducing him and all that. He was starting to suspect perhaps this was all her plan...but that made very little sense to him. Why would anyone want to do this in a job interview? It didn't matter now though, what was done was done. Back to the real world now, he noticed that this nice dress pants was all wet, covered in both their juices. This would be hard to explain to Alleyne when he picked him up. He hoped that somewhere here had a washing machine or something he could wash his clothes. While he would ask, he really didn't know what to say now...and the words weren't coming out. 

Location: CEO Office, Naughty Cow Dairy

When the two had parted from one another, Silvina leaned against her desk as she watched David through half-lidded eyes. She ran her tongue over her lips before lightly biting her lower lip before she gave him a seductive smile. He looked so cute when he appeared bewildered, as if he couldn’t quite believe what had happened, and yet there was definite proof of it from her cum filled pussy, and the wet patch over his trousers. She liked David, although it was clear that he had a lot to learn. Things she was more than willing to teach him. To turn him from this shy young man, to a good stud lover. Her smiled widened as she put her hands on the desk on either side of her hips before leaning forwards and saying,

“You’re definitely hired, young man. I want you to start as soon as you can. Does tomorrow morning sound good?” Silvina asked, more as a rhetorical question, before leaning back and asking, “Are there any questions that you wish to ask me? Most of your staff training will happen when you start the job, so questions like ‘do I have a uniform’ and ‘what exactly am I going to be doing’ will be answered tomorrow.” She then smiled sweetly at him.

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21 hours ago, Aurafox1 said:

"I'm selling this because quite frankly I can't stand you and I refuse to let you take advantage of someone like Samantha any longer. You're foul, disgusting, and you should be absolutely ashamed of your revolting business practices. But don't think this is the end. I will make sure this whole business crumbles, you mark my words." She set the pendant down on the desk. It was quite bothersome to separate herself from it, as she really did need it to return home. But if everything went according to plan, she would have it back by the end of the day. She knew what she was doing was wrong, and no doubt lady Caelisia would reprimand her for her behavior. She wasn't supposed to get involved in the ordeals of mortals, but this was just something she could not sit idly by and watch. Besides, she was quite certain there was more to this man than just greed. That aura of darkness doesn't come from just the normal, everyday sin of humankind. 

"Now then, do you want the pendant or not?" 

"I will take it." Mr Enron told Alez calmly as the guard that he sent away to  get Samantha's stuff came back into the room carrying a lockbox which had Samantha's stuff in it. It wasn't a fancy looking box and it was sturdy and not easy to open without the key which was the main thing, Mr Enron then opened a drawer on this desk and took out a key, which was probably for the lockbox. He then used the key to unlock the box and then motioned Samantha to take out  the contents. 

"Well, there you go Samantha. Here are your valuables including the key to your flat." he said, as Samantha approached the desk nervously. She was not sure what was going on and not sure why Alez was doing all this just for her. She looked in the box and then proceeded to take her stuff out including her phone, which was conveniently fully charged. She looked back at Alez with a rather apologetic and sad look in her eyes. It seemed she felt rather guilty that Alez was seemingly giving up something so valuable to save her.

"Well then Alez, please put the pendant in the lockbox so we can finish this transaction."

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44 minutes ago, Manni said:

"I will take it." Mr Enron told Alez calmly as the guard that he sent away to  get Samantha's stuff came back into the room carrying a lockbox which had Samantha's stuff in it. It wasn't a fancy looking box and it was sturdy and not easy to open without the key which was the main thing, Mr Enron then opened a drawer on this desk and took out a key, which was probably for the lockbox. He then used the key to unlock the box and then motioned Samantha to take out  the contents. 

"Well, there you go Samantha. Here are your valuables including the key to your flat." he said, as Samantha approached the desk nervously. She was not sure what was going on and not sure why Alez was doing all this just for her. She looked in the box and then proceeded to take her stuff out including her phone, which was conveniently fully charged. She looked back at Alez with a rather apologetic and sad look in her eyes. It seemed she felt rather guilty that Alez was seemingly giving up something so valuable to save her.

"Well then Alez, please put the pendant in the lockbox so we can finish this transaction."

Alez nodded and reached forward to place the pendant inside the lockbox. It took quite a lot of effort not to smirk as Mr. Enron seemed to walk right into her little scheme. It was going to feel so good to pull the wool over this man's eyes. After dropping the pendant, she did feel a bit vulnerable, however. She could feel a sense of unease, as if this plan seemed to be pulled off a bit too easily. Could it be possible that she was being lured into some sort of trap? What if something happened that made it impossible to retrieve the pendant? She made sure to take note of exactly what the lockbox looked like as she lowered the pendant inside and turned to Samantha. Noticing the guilty look on her face, she just smiled. "There you go, it's all sorted out. Now make sure to live your life to the fullest now that you don't have this man weighing down on you!"

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Staff


Location: Mr Enron's Office,  in the Slums of Blackberry City.

As Alez put her pendant into the lockbox, Mr Enron used his key to lock the lockbox and gave the lockbox to the guard whom had bought it into the room earlier. The guard then nodded and walked out of the room with the lockbox, probably to put it in the secure storage where all the valuables were kept. Mr Enron then turned to face both Alez and Samantha and told them. "And that concludes that article of business. I have already added the transaction into the records, so you are now debt free. Now, do you have any other business with me? If you do not have any other business with me at this present time, then please make your way out the same way you came in. I am a busy man and I do other business I must attend to today."

Mr Enron then signalled the other guard to let both Alez and Samantha leave the room via the door they came in and that the other guard had left the room from with the lockbox. The other guard opened the door for the two of them and indicated that they were free to leave. Samantha looked uneasily at Alez, wondering what was going to happen next. Was she just trading one debtor for another? 


Location: CEO Office, Naughty Cow Dairy

"Umm, is there a washing machine somewhere close that I can use?" David asked timidly, obviously embarrassed about what he was asking because of what had occurred. "I need to....umm...clean up." That much was obvious as there was quite a visible stain on his pants and his shirt was a bit damp with sweat. He was not wanting to have to answer rather awkward questions from Alleyne if he did not 'dispose of the evidence'. It took him a minute though to realise that his new boss, Silvina, had just confirmed that he had been hired. Mostly because he was so focused on trying to figure out what the hell was going on today. "Wait...I'm hired?!"

If the fact that he just had his first sexual experience wasn't major enough for him, having employment was something more...like icing on the cake. He looked rather shocked...and was quite overcome with emotion. The stuff that just occured between him and his new boss didn't help things and to his mind seemed to make things more complicated.

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Location: Mr Enron's Office,  in the Slums of Blackberry City.

As Alez put her pendant into the lockbox, Mr Enron used his key to lock the lockbox and gave the lockbox to the guard whom had bought it into the room earlier. The guard then nodded and walked out of the room with the lockbox, probably to put it in the secure storage where all the valuables were kept. Mr Enron then turned to face both Alez and Samantha and told them. "And that concludes that article of business. I have already added the transaction into the records, so you are now debt free. Now, do you have any other business with me? If you do not have any other business with me at this present time, then please make your way out the same way you came in. I am a busy man and I do other business I must attend to today."

Mr Enron then signalled the other guard to let both Alez and Samantha leave the room via the door they came in and that the other guard had left the room from with the lockbox. The other guard opened the door for the two of them and indicated that they were free to leave. Samantha looked uneasily at Alez, wondering what was going to happen next. Was she just trading one debtor for another? 


"Good riddance."  Alez spoke curtly before walking out the door with Sam. She made sure to take note of where the guard went with the lockbox that held her pendant. It was going to be important to finish her little plan. After stepping out of the office, a slight smile spread across her lips. "Well, there you go, you're free from your debt, and you have your phone back! So, now that you don't have that debt looming over your head, I guess your life is going to return to a pretty normal one, right? I'm excited for you!" She then noticed the concerned look on Sam's face hadn't yet disappeared. "Look, don't worry about me..." she leaned over to whisper into her ear. "I have a plan, but we can't exactly do it in here." With that, she led the girl toward the front door of the building. Still, although she was proud of herself for overcoming this obstacle in Sam's life, she was slightly disheartened by the fact that Mr. Enron's business was still very much in tact. Surely stealing back her pendant would only put a dip in his profits but would hardly affect his company as a whole. She would have to do something more drastic to stop him. Perhaps once she saw what was inside that storage area, she would be able to do a little something extra. 

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  • Senior Staff
On 11/06/2018 at 05:29, Shuya "Cheshire" Hideaki said:

Shuya turns towards the bank as the explosion is set off, blowing the doors off the hinges and out into the open. He slowly but cautiously moves forward with Alleyne, his large tail swishing side to side in a curious manner as his head peeks into the room, the smell if burning flesh filling his sensitive snout

He gives a gentle growl as the hair on the back of his neck rises, a bad feeling striking him as he looks around through the smoke and dust at the lifeless corpses

<<Hey, something isn't right about this...>

"That much is obvious." Alleyne replied back quietly as she and her team, from behind cover in front of the bank, searched for a way forward. From where they were standing, it seemed as if the people inside the bank, including the criminals that held up the bank had been killed in the mysterious explosions. From what Alleyne can make of the chaos, it looked like SOMEONE or SOMETHING had killed everyone in the building but for what end? Obviously, it couldn't have been any of those now dead. So, there were now an unknown presence in the building somewhere who had killed everyone including the hostages. This didn't make any sense though, most bank robbers would be loathe to kill ALL their hostages lest they lose precious bargaining chips with the police and if they did get captured, they'd be in a heck of a lot LESS trouble if they killed less or got less people killed. Now, this was something unusual. From the burn marks and damage on the walls and in the floor, which looked a lot like the damage high powered projectiles would do, this wasn't something a normal person would do. What the hell were they dealing with now?! 

Suddenly, before any of the police and Alleyne could blink, something emerged from deep inside the bank. Well, three shadowy figures emerged from the destruction. They looked...human and very strangely calm given what just happened inside the bank. Two of them Alleyne and the police with her automatically recognised as career criminals who were wanted for a LONG list of robberies in Blackberry Falls. The other one, behind the two career criminals, they did not know. 

"Looks like the 'police' have arrived, bro!"

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  • Auxiliary Staff
On 11/07/2018 at 14:40, Manni said:

Location: CEO Office, Naughty Cow Dairy

"Umm, is there a washing machine somewhere close that I can use?" David asked timidly, obviously embarrassed about what he was asking because of what had occurred. "I need to....umm...clean up." That much was obvious as there was quite a visible stain on his pants and his shirt was a bit damp with sweat. He was not wanting to have to answer rather awkward questions from Alleyne if he did not 'dispose of the evidence'. It took him a minute though to realise that his new boss, Silvina, had just confirmed that he had been hired. Mostly because he was so focused on trying to figure out what the hell was going on today. "Wait...I'm hired?!"

If the fact that he just had his first sexual experience wasn't major enough for him, having employment was something more...like icing on the cake. He looked rather shocked...and was quite overcome with emotion. The stuff that just occured between him and his new boss didn't help things and to his mind seemed to make things more complicated.

Location: CEO Office, Naughty Cow Dairy

Silvina let out a soft chuckle, finding his surprised reaction to being hired rather endearing. She leaned forwards and said, “Yes, dear, hired. You have the best tasting palate that I’ve ever encountered. I need someone with that kind of talent to make sure that what we produce is of the highest quality. We’re very eager to ensure that the quality does not slip, otherwise we lose our customer base.” She leaned back again, giving him a kind look as she smiled at him, “But, you do have some things to learn. But that is what the training will cover. I have a feeling that you’re going to be perfect for the roll, and my gut feelings are rarely wrong.”

She took her hands off of the desk as she stood up straight, moving away from David and around the desk again as she put a hand on the back of her chair, “As for your clothes… we have some washers and dryers on site. Talk to Alvina when you leave the office. She can take care of that for you. We did make quite the mess but… I’m not going to apologise for it.” She said, giving him a slight smirk, as her eyes took on a smoldering look. She knew that he was very shy right now, but she was going to work on bringing him out of his shell to make him into a confident young man. Silvina had a lot of experience when it came to sex, and she could impart her knowledge onto him so that she could turn him into a stud lover. She had a lot of cows that needed satisfying as well, and that was going to be part of David’s job if he was willing. Her young daughter would also be someone that he could ‘practise’ with to try out what he had learnt. She was new to sex, and had yet to sleep with a man, so she would have a more honest reaction. 

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On 11/07/2018 at 23:56, Aura said:

"Good riddance."  Alez spoke curtly before walking out the door with Sam. She made sure to take note of where the guard went with the lockbox that held her pendant. It was going to be important to finish her little plan. After stepping out of the office, a slight smile spread across her lips. "Well, there you go, you're free from your debt, and you have your phone back! So, now that you don't have that debt looming over your head, I guess your life is going to return to a pretty normal one, right? I'm excited for you!" She then noticed the concerned look on Sam's face hadn't yet disappeared. "Look, don't worry about me..." she leaned over to whisper into her ear. "I have a plan, but we can't exactly do it in here." With that, she led the girl toward the front door of the building. Still, although she was proud of herself for overcoming this obstacle in Sam's life, she was slightly disheartened by the fact that Mr. Enron's business was still very much in tact. Surely stealing back her pendant would only put a dip in his profits but would hardly affect his company as a whole. She would have to do something more drastic to stop him. Perhaps once she saw what was inside that storage area, she would be able to do a little something extra. 

Now Samantha had no idea what Alez was referring to when she said she had a plan. She just hoped it didn't involve something dangerous because after all, it was HER FAULT that Alez got into this mess and now was without out her precious family heirloom. Though, it seemed really odd to Samantha that despite it being a priceless family heirloom, she was not so torn up about not having it. This didn't seem to make much sense to her at the moment. She was beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that there was something Alez was not telling her about this whole situation. From what she could figure out,. either she was lying to Mr Enron about the value of the item (which was unlikely that this girl seemed to be a girl scout of sorts and that Mr Enron knew his valuables) or she was going to steal it back somehow (which was possible though dangerous). This got her even more concerned, though she had to give the girl credit as stealing her stuff back from Mr Enron took some balls. Anyway, as they left the building, Samantha was really curious as to what was going on now. What exactly did this girl have planned?

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  • Senior Staff
2 hours ago, Manni said:

Now Samantha had no idea what Alez was referring to when she said she had a plan. She just hoped it didn't involve something dangerous because after all, it was HER FAULT that Alez got into this mess and now was without out her precious family heirloom. Though, it seemed really odd to Samantha that despite it being a priceless family heirloom, she was not so torn up about not having it. This didn't seem to make much sense to her at the moment. She was beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that there was something Alez was not telling her about this whole situation. From what she could figure out,. either she was lying to Mr Enron about the value of the item (which was unlikely that this girl seemed to be a girl scout of sorts and that Mr Enron knew his valuables) or she was going to steal it back somehow (which was possible though dangerous). This got her even more concerned, though she had to give the girl credit as stealing her stuff back from Mr Enron took some balls. Anyway, as they left the building, Samantha was really curious as to what was going on now. What exactly did this girl have planned?

Location: Just outside Mr. Enron's Office, in the Slums

As the two girls left the building, Alez grinned eagerly. "Alright, I think I've done all I need for you, right? You're free from your debt, so now you can focus on making money in an honest way and living your life free from Mr. Enron's troubles. So, why don't you go on back home and I'll focus on my plan." Alez wasn't really sure what to do about Sam, but one thing she knew was that she couldn't be seen changing forms right in front of her. Once she could transform into her ethereal form, Sam would be unable to see her unless she decided to allow her to. All she would have to do is get out of Sam's sight for just a few minutes and hope the girl didn't try anything drastic. She could tell by the look on Sam's face that she was quite concerned. "I'm gonna need you to trust me, okay? If you want, I can come to visit you somewhere tonight so that you know I'm okay, alright?" She spoke confidently and assuredly. Getting the pendant back would be simple. All she'd have to do is phase through a few walls and grab it, perhaps even other valuables to return them to their rightful owners. She didn't have any care for money at all, but she did need to end Mr. Enron's cruel business somehow.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Staff
On 21/07/2018 at 03:51, Aura said:

Location: Just outside Mr. Enron's Office, in the Slums

As the two girls left the building, Alez grinned eagerly. "Alright, I think I've done all I need for you, right? You're free from your debt, so now you can focus on making money in an honest way and living your life free from Mr. Enron's troubles. So, why don't you go on back home and I'll focus on my plan." Alez wasn't really sure what to do about Sam, but one thing she knew was that she couldn't be seen changing forms right in front of her. Once she could transform into her ethereal form, Sam would be unable to see her unless she decided to allow her to. All she would have to do is get out of Sam's sight for just a few minutes and hope the girl didn't try anything drastic. She could tell by the look on Sam's face that she was quite concerned. "I'm gonna need you to trust me, okay? If you want, I can come to visit you somewhere tonight so that you know I'm okay, alright?" She spoke confidently and assuredly. Getting the pendant back would be simple. All she'd have to do is phase through a few walls and grab it, perhaps even other valuables to return them to their rightful owners. She didn't have any care for money at all, but she did need to end Mr. Enron's cruel business somehow.

*Samantha was definitely not sure what the girl was planning but it seemed like it involved stealing her stuff back from Mr Enron. She had to admit, that was rather surprising and something she did not expect out of this girl, giving that she had been acting like the classic girl scout/honour student type all this time. Well, that she could give the girl credit for...for having balls. How on earth she was planning on doing it, she had no idea. There didn't seem to be anyway for her to get it back without getting caught. But she seemed so confident and self assured. Was this really the best thing to do? Unfortunately for Samantha, she had no other alternative but to trust this strange girl. "Okay, looks like I have no choice but too." Samantha said, looking rather stressed out. "You better not do anything stupid, you hear?"  

Before Samantha left Alez to go home, she decided to tell her the address of her flat so that they could meet up later...if there was a later.


Location: CEO Office, Naughty Cow Dairy

*Now David had no idea what Silvina meant by 'talent' since he hadn't really shown anything today...well, apart from that. Still, David had no idea what was going to happen the next day and it looked like Silvina was not going to give him the answers right now. What exactly was he going to be doing? He hoped it was something he could pick up easily. Anyway, back to disposing of evidence. He was relieved that Silvina had washer and dryers on site...but didn't look keen on the idea of revealing himself to Alvina in his current condition. She didn't seem like the sort to miss something like that so how was she going to react to...this? It was not like he could just walk out there and tell her that her mother was good and ask if she's like that or something so outrageous like that. "Umm...you sure that's a good idea? I mean, we just had...sex and your daughter is right outside."

Yes, he was stating the obvious and to him that was enough to make anyone aghast. How could anyone think this was normal?

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Location: CEO Office, Naughty Cow Dairy

Silvina flicked her fingers in a slightly dismissive gesture, before she said, “She’s a good child. She won’t judge for it. Besides, she’s had sex before… with me.” She smirked slightly as she revealed that small piece of information to him, before adding, “So she won’t be surprised in the slightest.” She didn’t add that Alvina would have expected it, since she knew very well what the effects of the milk were. She would have been far more surprised if Silvina and David didn’t have sex. Her smirk shifted into a warm smile before she told him gently, “Don’t worry, dear. It will be completely fine. She will be discreet if you ask her to. And she’s a sweet child, I think you would like her.”

To stop David from further fussing, Silvina picked up her phone and pressed the quick dial to ring the reception. She lifted the receiver to her ear and when Alvina picked up, she said, “Come to the office, dear. David needs some clothes washing, and I need you to show him the way.” She put the phone down, and a moment later the door opened and the small elf girl entered. Alvina could smell the scent of sex instantly, and she blushed slightly but otherwise didn’t say anything. She looked at David and smiled at him, “Come on, I’ll help get your clothes washed and cleaned before you leave, sir.” She said, giving him a slight bow which helped hide her blushing cheeks. She was a little embarrassed because she was so new to all of this, but she didn’t outwardly make a comment because she could see that David looked similarly uncomfortable. She didn’t want to make him anymore uncomfortable. She straightened before giving him a sweet smile which she hoped would help him relax.

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