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Welcome to the Blackberry Café


The Blackberry Café is a place for roleplayers to gather and talk about the Blackberry Falls roleplay. Here we can discuss our characters, and plots that we may want to make or currently have going. If you are new to roleplaying in Blackberry Falls, then this is the perfect place to come and meet your fellow roleplayers and get to know them. You're also welcome to advertise a character that you would wish to roleplay with, but currently have no roleplaying partner for. Just please remember that anything discussed here in the Café cannot be known by your characters inside of the roleplay however, if you with to interact with other roleplayers in a roleplaying formet (Such as RPing yourself in first person), feel free to. Come in, sit down, order a drink as you natter away. Also please note that double posting is allowed here.
Please enjoy your stay here in the Café

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  • Senior Staff

Hi! I'd love to join this roleplay, but I'm not quite sure where I'm supposed to post my character ID? Well, more specifically, I want to look at other characters' ID's to make sure I'm formatting mine correctly. The instructions say to fill out the template in the description of the image, but I don't see anyone else's descriptions when I click on their characters' pictures on the ID page. Perhaps I'm just not looking in the right places for them? I'm new to the site, so I'm still feeling around. Help would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Nevermind, I was really stupid with this whole thing. For some reason I thought I was looking at blank templates ^^;

Edited by Aurafox1
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  • Senior Staff

Ugh, well, I went ahead and uploaded a WIP of my character. I wasn't planning to, but it's way too late and I'm exhausted, so I just keep writing in circles. I had an idea that I really liked, but I kept running into logic issues and I just need to sleep so I can think straight again >.< I'll try to finish the ID tomorrow! It might involve completely reworking what I have.

Edited by Aurafox1
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  • Auxiliary Staff

I can understand that; I have to completely rework one of my characters. Diomedes, because there's been a lot of changes to him. I should really get on with doing that. But what you have for your character thus far was a very interesting read, even if you are going to rework her xP

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  • Senior Staff

Thank you! The biggest thing I'm stuck on is keeping her from being contradictory. Like, she has this horrible tragic backstory that leads to her wanting to treasure her virginity, but I also want her to have a lot of sex, and her tragic backstory is supposed to lead into how she moves to Blackberry Falls as a refugee. The original idea was that she gets kidnapped with her family and shipped together with her sister to live as sex slaves and she escapes with her sister only to find that her sister is ill, so she tries to take her to Blackberry to save her sister, initially trying to go to UFF, knowing it has the number 1 hostpital in the world, but failing to meet the immigration requirements.

The ultimate idea is that I want her to have a tragic story that causes her to hate herself, but I also don't want that story to completely dictate her personality. I want her to be able to enjoy herself, but occasionally be reminded of her own insecurities. I definitely want her to be a virgin while in Blackberry Falls in the beginning as that's supposed to be the only thing keeping her from just being a prostitute, which is something I want her to consider with a lot of humility. I'd also like her to lose that virginity either through rape or being played.

Edit: Well, the finished ID is up! So, do I have to wait for the character to be accepted or can I just jump write in?

Edited by Aurafox1
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  • Auxiliary Staff

The character is definitely acceptable. That bio was really detailed and quite fun to read so yes, jump straight in. I look forward to how Sophia develops as a character.

The only character I have that would do that to someone, would be Diomedes but it would take a lot to draw him out of his basement lol

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  • Auxiliary Staff

Nice opening post, @Aurafox1. As I mentioned before, Diomedes could be a good candidate for your desire in regards to her virginity but as I also stated it would take something big to draw him out of hiding. One good way of getting his attention is shit like demon activity lol I need to modify his profile to reflect changes to the character and to add things in that I missed, such as that he's a smashing singer xD He's quite a complicated fellow, but he's hard to get the attention of. But, I think if Kaylaen and Sophia were to interact, they might become good friends since Kaylaen is quite laid back and he treats everyone equally. I've not actually introduced him to the RP yet since he's quite a new character.

Also just a small announcement; I'm making a small modification to the Character ID to have it that you can have Date of Birth, instead of Age. So you could use one, or the other. Or both lol

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  • Senior Staff

@Neptune I'll have to check out Diomedes's and Kaylaen's ID's then! If Diomedes is a great singer, then he might definitely be a perfect candidate for stealing her virginity away. It would be quite fitting for Sophia to be dominated by someone who, in her eyes, can do her job better than her, and it would fit in well with her current dilemma. 

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  • Auxiliary Staff

Well, in fairness, I've had the character Diomedes for a fair number of years now. I've had a lot of time to really expand him and develop him as an individual. He started out pretty... well, on dimensional. But he's grown into one of my favourite all time characters. Kaylaen is relatively knew, but I was thinking and developing him for a while before I wrote up the profile. And it took me a few weeks to do it since I was being a bit lazy at the time lol

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  • Senior Staff

Lol I can definitely understand the lazy bit. I almost always get that way when it comes to creating new characters in roleplays. I'm honestly not much of a fan of the formalities of filling out profiles for each character you want to use, but I understand why it's important. Any time I try to improvise a new character in action, I usually end up contradicting myself later, so it's good to have a process to make sure you know all the ins and outs of the character ahead of time. But it can still be a pretty big hurdle.

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  • Senior Staff

I do think that the ID requirements for this board are a little excessive... for the most part, it seems like the entire family category should be optional. I can't imagine a lot of characters have family members actually being directly relevant to their character, and even more so for grandparents, and especially considering their race and nationality is described separately. Any of that information seems like it would be covered in the biography, along with friends and relationships, wouldn't it? 

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